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Date : 29-Mar-2025 02:37 AM
No. of KVKs uploaded information on "Krishi Unnati Mela 2018"​: 601
The search includes 'Krishi Unnnati Mela' keyword in event description as well as the caption for images.
* The information has been uploaded by KVKs

Krishi Unnati Mela 2018

The three-day Annual Krishi Unnati Mela was organised between March 16 and March 18, 2018, at Mela ground, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi. In this occasion, Hon’ble Prime Minister addressed farmers, inaugurated the Jaivik Kheti portal and laid the foundation stone of 25 KVKs and inaugurated Biennial National Conference on KVK, addressing 681 KVKs through live telecast on March 17, 2018. Krishi Vigyan Kendra Krishi Karman Award and Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhaya Krishi Vigyan Protsahan Puruskar awards were conferred by the Prime Minister.
Major highlights of the mela: More than 800 stalls displaying of latest Agri and allied sector technologies, Live Demonstrations on Micro- Irrigation, Waste Water Utilization, Animal Husbandry (Pashudhan) and Fisheries, Seminars and Conferences etc.​
