Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan
to be implemented in
Aspirational Districts
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare,
Government of India
Duration / Time Frame
Implementation period- 01st June, 2018 to 31st July, 2018
25 Villages with more then 1000 population each in Aspirational Districts
In districts where number of villages (with more than 1000 population) is less than
Action Plan / Implementation Strategy
Saturation Mode:-
Distribution of Soil Health Cards to all farmers
100% coverage of bovine vaccination for Foot and Mouth
Disease (FMD) in each village
100% coverage of Sheep and Goat for eradication of Peste des Petits ruminants (PPR )
Action Plan / Implementation Strategy
Distribution of free Mini Kits of pulses and oilseeds to farmers
Distribution of Horticulture/Agro Forestry/Bamboo plant @ 5 per family (location appropriate) to 100 families per village
Making 20 Nadep Pits in each village
Distribution of 10 to 20 agri. Implements per village
Artificial Insemination upto 100per. Village
Training programmes in each of the villages by ICAR/KVKs in these three areas:
Bee Keeping Mushroom cultivation
Kitchen garden (preferably of women) Other relevant income generating activity
In addition, demonstration programme on the following will take place:
Micro Irrigation &
Integrated Cropping Practice
Implementing Agency
•To be implemented by KVKs under guidance and support of District Administration/ATMA, District officials related to Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Horticulture etc.
•Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) to be nodal implementer
•Officers deputed as
•Districts allocated to Joint Secretary Level Officers of MoAC&FW for close monitoring
•Central Parbhari Officers and other officers
deputed in Gram Swaraj Abhiyan
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