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KVK Hamirpur at Bara : Facilities
Dairy unit of improved buffalo breed , Murrah is demonstrated at KVK Hamirpur.

Contact details: Dr Vishal Dogra , Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9418112698
KVK Hamirpur has the facility for staying of farmers for attending on-campus training. The farmers visiting KVK on exposure visits stay comfortably at farmers' hostel. There is facility of 30 beds to accommodate the farmers.

Contact details: Dr Vishal Dogra , Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9418112698
KVK Hamirpur has a farm for crop production including cereal crops, pulses, oilseed and vegetable cultivation. S. No. Item Area (ha) 1. Under Crops 6.00 ha 2. Orchard/Agro-forestry 1.08 ha

Contact details: Dr Vishal Dogra , Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9418112698
Soil testing laboratory is functional at KVK Hamirpur for analysis of soil samples

Contact details: Dr Vishal Dogra , Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9418112698
KVK Hamirpur has three polyhouses of 250 sq. mt, 105 sq. mt and 40 sq. mt. sizes. thses polyhouses are used for raising vegetable nursery and production of high value crops throughout the year.

Contact details: Dr Vishal Dogra , Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9418112698
Hording of Soil Health Card Scheme is fixd at KVK campus

Contact details: Dr Vishal Dogra , Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9418112698