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DYPES, KVK Kolhapur - I : Facilities
Recycling of organic waste on the farm is important aspect in integrated farming. Use of earthworms for decomposition of organic waste is a need based sustainable technology as per farming situation. Considering need to promote this technology, a demonstration cum production unit of vermicompost is made available on KVK farm. The good quality vermicompost produced is applied to the crops on KVK farm. The crop demonstrations and impact of vermicompost application is also visualised by farmers, rural youth and especially farm women from different villages in the Kolhapur district. Rural youth from nearby villages have also opted opportunity of technology demonstration and training on the KVK farm.

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220
This well equipped laboratory analyses soil, water, samples at reasonable rates. Every soil sample is analyzed for eight parameters such as pH, Electric Conductivity, Organic Carbon, available Nitrogen, available Phosphorus, & available Potassium, Exchangeable Sodium, Calcium & Magnesium content.

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220
Dairy Farm of KVK Kolhapur

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220
KVK Kolhapur- Farmers Guest House

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has very well developed administrative building having , audio visual seminar hall, meeting hall, training halls, soil & water analysis laboratory, computer room and other essential amenities

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220
The basic objective of horticultural nursery unit of KVK is to provide good quality seedlings of recommended and locally suited varieties of different horticultural crops to the farmers in the district. The another objective of horticultural nursery is to develop rural entrepreneurship for self employment of rural youth. Considering the concept of 'learning by doing' the rural youth are trained at KVK horticultural nursery. The additional facility of booking of seedlings in advance is also available with KVK. Number of farmers have taken opportunity of this facility by booking seedlings in advance as per their farming needs. At present following seedlings of vegetables, ornamentals and flower crops are available at KVK horticultural nursery unit.

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220
A crop cafeteria of various kharif agronomical crops with different recommended and pipeline varieties of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth and also locally suited sustainable varieties is at KVK farm. Considering 'seeing is believing', an overall face to face view along with KVK experts for getting technical know how for practicing farmer, rural youth and farm women with special reference to extension functionaries crop cafeteria is available for the purpose of horizontal spread of technologies.

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220
Kolhapur is the predominant Sugarcane growing district. The farmers are always thirsty about new technologies in Sugarcane cultivation. Availabity of best quality seedlings is one of the very important Critical inputs for enhancing yield. Therefore hi – tech Sugarcane seedling propagation unit is started in the technology park of KVK, Kolhapur.

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220
The medicinal plant unit is established in technology park of KVK farm for the purpose of awareness and demonstration for practicing farmers, rural youth and especially farm women in the district.

Contact details: Mr JayawantBJagtap, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9890717220