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Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rampur, Una : Facilities
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Una having one no. of farmers hostel equipped with two no of VIP sets and 2 no of dormatries to accomodate 16 no. of farmers at a time. Having well maintained dining hall with attached kitchen.

Contact details: Dr Yogita Sharma, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9816029600
one vermicompost unit. Mostly using leftover crop straw and weeds for proper recycliing and decompostion in the vermicompost unit. The produced vermicompost is utilizing for vegetable demonstration unit and zero budget cultivation.

Contact details: Dr Yogita Sharma, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9816029600
Krishi Vigyan Kendra having one well equipped soil testing lab facilities. Here mostly all major and some minor elements are being analysed . District farmers are availing this facility frequently.

Contact details: Dr Yogita Sharma, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9816029600
Zero Budget Natural Farming

Contact details: Dr Yogita Sharma, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9816029600
A view of the Instructional Farm of KVK, Una

Contact details: Dr Yogita Sharma, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9816029600
KVK Una has well established dairy farm with 3 buffalos (Murrah), 1 cow (mixed breed) and 2 heifers.

Contact details: Dr Yogita Sharma, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9816029600