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Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ujwa, Delhi : Facilities
In spite of major role of beekeeping in crop productivity improvement and income generation, beekeeping enterprise was not accepted as commercial source of income by the farmers in rural areas of Delhi. After establishment of KVK in February 1995, KVK started a special drive for boasting beekeeping in rural areas. During the period 2005-2016 kvk has organized 12 more trainings and benefited 317 farmers. As a result of which about 36 farmers adopted this at commercial scale. In the year 2007-08 under State Horticulture Mission Society of National Horticulture Mission, KVK supported them in getting financial support for beekeeping and 7 beekeepers got financial support.

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705
KVK regularly conducts vocational training on vermi compost production as source of income as well as improving the soil fertility. From the year 2010- 2016 KVK has conducted 6 training in vermicompost production and benefitted 150 rural youths and farmers. From these beneficaries 4 have started their own unit

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705
KVK has setup mini soil testing facility (mrida parishak kit) from the year 2015-16 and testing the soil samples come from farmers of the area and from state agriculture department as well. Through this kit different important soil parameters like pH, EC, OC (organic carbon), N (nitrogen),P (phophorus),K (potassium),S (sulphur), Zn (zinc), B (boron) & Fe (iron) are tested to check the soil status. Till date 350 soil samplles are tested and soil health cards are distributed.

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705
Farmers of rural Delhi face genuine problem in getting quality agriculture inputs Hence KVK, Delhi gave high priority to production of quality seeds at its demonstration farm. The irrigation source at the farm is under-ground water. The KVK prodcuced quality seeds of wheat, mustard, palak etc and supply to farmers at nominal cost.

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705
The shade net is established at KVK farm during the year 2016 in 100 square mt. of area and is used for production of vegetable seedlings and are sold to small & marginal farmers and local residents at nominal cost.

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705
A small mushroom production unit of 40 sq mt has been established at KVK for showcasing the technlogy of mushroom producition to the trainees/visitors etc.

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705
Among various vocational training programmes organized by the KVK the training programme on Food processing has emerged as boon for the rural community. Till date the Home science unit of KVK has conducted 21 vocational training programmes on food processing and trained 773 trainees. As a result 65% of the trainees have adopted these practices at domestic level and 17 trainees have adopted it at commercial level.

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705
Dairy farming has a very good scope in NCT Delhi keeping this in mind KVK, Ujwa regularly conducts vocational training on scientific dairy farming. Till date KVK has conducted 9 voactional training in dairy farming befiting 228 rural youths/farmers. As a result 26 small dairy unit comprising of 3-4 animal are running sucessfully with a annual profit or Rs.80000-90000/- per unit and 8 big units comprising of 8-15animals with annaul profit of 1.60- 2 lakh per unit

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705
One of the major problems faced by the rural youth in India is unemployment and related problems. One of the most important activities of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra is to organize vocational training programmes for rural youths. Among various programmes organized by the KVK the 6 month gardeners training programme has emerged as boon for the rural youth. This programme is being presently sponsored by National Horticulture Mission, KVK so far has conducted 10 gardeners training programme and benefited 219 rural youths. The training programme imparts and inculcates skills of nursery management, lawn management, vegetable production & orchard management etc. It has resulted in employment of about 24 % of trainees which has made it very popular among rural youth. Recently KVK has started this training under Agriculture Skill council of India (Min. of Skill Development) with a batch of 20 rural youths including 3 female for 300 hrs.

Contact details: Dr D.K. Rana, Head KVK, Email Id:, Contact No.: +91-9310904705