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KVK Pathankot,VPO-Gho : Past Events
S.No Event Name Event Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
1 National Conference on "Reimagining Agriculture in India: The Role of Oilseeds and Pulses in Economic Growth 2/25/2025 To 2/25/2025
2 Leaf Sampling in Litchi Orchards 2/21/2025 To 2/21/2025
3 lecture on Women empowerment throught livestock farming entrprenurship development in the Pathankot district. 2/19/2025 To 2/19/2025
4 LECTURE ON Mineral mixture supplementation in the ration of the dairy animals 2/19/2025 To 2/19/2025
5 awareness camp on Role of KVK in agricultural development of district. 2/19/2025 To 2/19/2025
6 Visited wheat fields for insect pest attack 2/18/2025 To 2/18/2025
7 Visited wheat fields for insect pest attack 2/18/2025 To 2/18/2025
8 To attend dairy and poultry farmers query 2/18/2025 To 2/18/2025
9 Regarding field layout and transplanting of cucumber 2/18/2025 To 2/18/2025
10 exhibition on SAC meeting 2/17/2025 To 2/17/2025
11 KVK Pathankot Scientific Advisiory Committe (SAC) Meting 2/17/2025 To 2/17/2025
12 Monitoring of protected structure and orchard, nursery, overhead sprinkler system. 2/14/2025 To 2/14/2025
13 Visited Front line demonstration on Mustard 2/14/2025 To 2/14/2025
14 Visited Front line demonstration on Mustard 2/14/2025 To 2/14/2025
15 Monitoring of protected structure and orchard, nursery, overhead sprinkler system 2/14/2025 To 2/14/2025
16 Regarding monitoring of Front Line Demonstration on Mustard Intercropping in Litchi Orchards 2/14/2025 To 2/14/2025
17 Method of bio-fertilizer application in sugarcane crop 2/13/2025 To 2/13/2025
18 Leaf Sampling in Litchi Orchards 2/13/2025 To 2/13/2025
19 Rooftop Kitchen Garden structure 2/13/2025 To 2/13/2025
20 Cultivation of Summer Pulses for Crop Diversification 2/11/2025 To 2/11/2025
21 Regarding monitoring of On Farm Trial and Front-Line Demonstration in Poplar 2/11/2025 To 2/11/2025
22 Monitoring of Horticultiural OFT and vermi compost grading machinery working 2/11/2025 To 2/11/2025
23 Monitoring of Horticultiural OFT and vermi compost grading machinery working 2/11/2025 To 2/11/2025
24 To attend dairy farmers query 2/10/2025 To 2/10/2025
25 Solar Pump operation 2/10/2025 To 2/10/2025
26 Monitoring of CRM wheat sown fields 2/7/2025 To 2/7/2025
27 Monitoring of CRM wheat sown fields 2/7/2025 To 2/7/2025
28 Regarding monitoring of Front Line Demonstration in Kitchen garden 2/7/2025 To 2/7/2025
29 Silage making for dairy animals during lean period 2/6/2025 To 2/6/2025
30 Insect pest and disease management in gobhi sarson 2/6/2025 To 2/6/2025
31 Leaf Sampling in Litchi Orchards 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
32 Micro irrigation techniques application in orchards 2/4/2025 To 2/4/2025
33 Method of soil sampling 2/4/2025 To 2/4/2025
34 Value addition of Turmeric 2/4/2025 To 2/4/2025
35 Regarding management of cucumber nursery 2/4/2025 To 2/4/2025
36 Preparation of vermicompost, FYMFYM and importance of green manuring. 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
37 Ground truth verification of soil conditions and feedback from progressive farmer regarding their farming Practices. 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
38 Exposure visit to the Poultry Farm 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
39 Method of Preparing Turmeric Pickle 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
40 Ground truth verification of soil conditions and feedback from progressive farmer regarding their farming Practices. 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
41 Lecture on Orchard operations for February month 1/31/2025 To 1/31/2025
42 short duration training on Insect pest and disease management in gobhi sarson 1/31/2025 To 1/31/2025
43 Lecture on Planning and Layout of Nutrition Garden 1/30/2025 To 1/30/2025
44 short duration training insect pest and disease management in gobhi sarson 1/29/2025 To 1/29/2025
45 Lecture on Method and preparation of vermicomposting 1/28/2025 To 1/28/2025
46 Lecture on Processing of Poultry and its Nutritional and Health Benefits. 1/28/2025 To 1/28/2025
47 Lecture on KVK machinery bank and benefits of CHC in generating farmers’ income 1/28/2025 To 1/28/2025
48 vocational training on Poultry Farming 1/27/2025 To 1/31/2025
49 Lecture on Formation of Self Help Groups and Skill Development and Capacity Building by Home Science Trainings conducted by KVK, Pathankot. 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
50 Lecture on Agricultural Processing machinery 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
51 Exposure visit of farmers to onion nursery and strawberry farm 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
52 Lecture on Orchard operations for February month 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
53 National Girl Child Day 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
54 Lecture on Improved cultivation practices on oilseed crops 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
55 Exposure Visit of the farmers from the District Samba, UT, Jammu & Kashmir 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
56 Lecture on Scientific Goat farming under intensive system of goat rearing 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
57 CRM survey 1/24/2025 To 1/30/2025
58 METHOD DEMO ON CRM machinery 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
59 Lecutre on Scientific way of backyard poultry farming for increasing farmers income 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
60 Lecture on Integrated nutrient management in vegetable crops 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
61 Bee keeping trainees’ farmers under vocational training (20-24jan25) 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
62 in - service training on Nutritional recommendations for Young Children and Pregnant/ Lactating Women 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
63 In service training on Nutritional recommendations for Young Children and Pregnant/ Lactating Women 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
64 Lecture on Agricultural Processing machinery 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
65 Lecture on Nutritional Benefits of Consuming Honey. 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
66 Method of Scientific Brooding 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
67 Food Safety and Hygiene 1/22/2025 To 1/22/2025
68 Lecture on De worming and vaccination schedule of the farm animals 1/22/2025 To 1/22/2025
69 Lecture on Packaging and labelling material and machinery for food items 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
70 Lecture on Method and preparation of vermicompost 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
71 Lecture on Training and Pruning techniques in fruit crops 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
72 Lecture on Processing of Fruits and Vegetables at Household Level. 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
73 vocational training on Cultivation Techniques for Summer Season Vegetable Crops 1/20/2025 To 1/24/2025
74 vocational training on Bee - Keeping 1/20/2025 To 1/24/2025
75 Lecture on Improved cultivation practices of summer pulses 1/17/2025 To 1/17/2025
76 Lecture on Cultivation Techniques of Cucurbits 1/17/2025 To 1/17/2025
77 Grafting Techniques for fruit plant propagation 1/16/2025 To 1/16/2025
78 METHOD DEMO ON Use Bacteriological Water Testing Kit to test household water. 1/15/2025 To 1/15/2025
79 Lecture on Insect pest disease management in Gobhi sarson crop 1/15/2025 To 1/15/2025
80 Lecture on Marigold Cultivation 1/15/2025 To 1/15/2025
81 short duration training Method of preparation of vermicompost 1/14/2025 To 1/14/2025
82 Soilless Vegetable Nursery raising 1/14/2025 To 1/14/2025
83 Nursery Raising & Production Techniques for Agro-forestry Crops 1/10/2025 To 1/10/2025
84 Lecture on Improved cultivation practices of summer pulses 1/10/2025 To 1/10/2025
85 Nursery Raising & Production Techniques for Agro-forestry Crops 1/10/2025 To 1/10/2025
86 Pruning of Apple, Peach and Plum 1/8/2025 To 1/8/2025
87 SURVEY ON Survey of yellow rust in wheat 1/8/2025 To 1/9/2025
88 Herbicide spray technologies in wheat crop 1/7/2025 To 1/7/2025
89 short duration training Care Maintenance and Efficient Use of Milking and Milk Storing Utensils or Machinery 1/7/2025 To 1/7/2025
90 Method of soil sampling in orchards 1/2/2025 To 1/2/2025
91 Crop Residue Management 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
92 METHOD DEMO CRM machinery 12/31/2024 To 12/31/2024
93 ONE DAY TRAINING 12/30/2024 To 12/30/2024
94 AWARENESS CAMP (promotion of Oil seeds and Pulses) 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
95 one day training on Availability of green fodder for the dairy animals throughout the year. 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
96 LECTURE on Agricultural Processing Machinery 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
97 EXPOSURE VISIT 12/20/2024 To 12/20/2024
98 LECTURE 12/20/2024 To 12/20/2024
99 EXPOSURE VISIT on Award of Progressive farmers in CRM by Clean air Punjab and Assar foundation 12/20/2024 To 12/20/2024
100 LECTURE 12/19/2024 To 12/19/2024
101 LECTURE 12/19/2024 To 12/19/2024
102 LECTURE 12/19/2024 To 12/19/2024
103 LECTURE 12/19/2024 To 12/19/2024
104 LECTURE 12/19/2024 To 12/19/2024
105 lecture 12/19/2024 To 12/19/2024
106 lecture 12/19/2024 To 12/19/2024
107 METHOD DEMO 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
108 LECTURE 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
109 LECTURE 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
110 AWARENESS CAMP 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
111 LECTURE 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
112 lecture 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
113 LECTURE 12/17/2024 To 12/17/2024
114 METHOD DEMO 12/17/2024 To 12/17/2024
115 LECTURE 12/16/2024 To 12/16/2024
116 ONE DAY TRAINING 12/16/2024 To 12/16/2024
117 LECTURE 12/16/2024 To 12/16/2024
118 lecture 12/16/2024 To 12/16/2024
119 VOCATIONAL TRAINING 12/16/2024 To 12/20/2024
120 ONE DAY TRAINING 12/12/2024 To 12/12/2024
121 ONE DAY TRAINING 12/12/2024 To 12/12/2024
122 one day training 12/11/2024 To 12/11/2024
123 one day training 12/5/2024 To 12/5/2024
124 AWARENESS CAMPAIGN 12/1/2024 To 1/31/2025
125 SHORT DURATION TARINING 11/29/2024 To 11/29/2024
126 FIELD VISIT 11/29/2024 To 11/29/2024
127 SHORT DURATION TRAINING 11/28/2024 To 11/28/2024
128 METHOD DEMO 11/27/2024 To 11/27/2024
129 FIELD VISIT 11/22/2024 To 11/22/2024
130 METHOD DEMO 11/20/2024 To 11/20/2024
131 Lecture 11/20/2024 To 11/20/2024
132 EXHIBITION ON PAU TECHNOLOGIES 11/20/2024 To 11/23/2024
133 Lecture 11/19/2024 To 11/19/2024
134 Lcture 11/19/2024 To 11/19/2024
135 Lecture 11/19/2024 To 11/19/2024
136 SHORT DURATION TRAINING 11/18/2024 To 11/18/2024
137 Lecture 11/18/2024 To 11/18/2024
138 Lecture 11/18/2024 To 11/18/2024
139 Lecture 11/18/2024 To 11/18/2024
140 Lecture 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
141 Lecture 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
142 METHOD DEMO 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
143 SHORT DURATION 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
144 Lecture 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
145 Lecture 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
146 Lecture 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
147 FIELD VISIT 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
148 Lecture 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
149 METHOD DEMO 11/11/2024 To 11/11/2024
150 Lecture 11/11/2024 To 11/11/2024
151 Lecture 11/8/2024 To 11/8/2024
152 Lecture 11/8/2024 To 11/8/2024
153 Lecture 11/8/2024 To 11/8/2024
154 Lecture 11/8/2024 To 11/8/2024
155 EXHIBITION 11/8/2024 To 11/8/2024
156 Lecture 11/7/2024 To 11/7/2024
157 Lecture 11/6/2024 To 11/6/2024
158 Lecture 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
159 SHORT DURATION TRAINING 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
160 SHORT DURATION TARINING 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
161 LONG DURATION TRAINING 11/4/2024 To 11/8/2024
162 SHORT DURATION TRAINING 11/1/2024 To 11/1/2024
163 FIELD VISIT 10/30/2024 To 10/30/2024
164 FIELD VISIT 10/30/2024 To 10/30/2024
165 Lecture 10/28/2024 To 10/28/2024
166 Lecture 10/28/2024 To 10/28/2024
167 KISAN GOSHTI 10/25/2024 To 10/25/2024
168 Lecture 10/25/2024 To 10/25/2024
169 FIELD VISIT 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
170 FIELD VISIT 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
171 FIELD VISIT 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
172 Lecture 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
173 AWRENESS CAMP 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
174 Lecture 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
175 Lecture 10/23/2024 To 10/23/2024
176 Lecture 10/23/2024 To 10/23/2024
177 lecture 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
178 Lecture 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
179 Lecture 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
180 Lecture 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
181 Lecture 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
182 field visit 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
183 FIELD VISIT 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
184 VOCATIONAL TRAINING 10/21/2024 To 10/25/2024
185 voactional training 10/21/2024 To 10/25/2024
186 Lecture 10/18/2024 To 10/18/2024
187 Lecture on Improved cultivation practices of rapeseed-mustard crop 10/18/2024 To 10/18/2024
188 Lecture 10/18/2024 To 10/18/2024
189 SHORT DURATION TRAINING 10/16/2024 To 10/16/2024
190 lecture 10/16/2024 To 10/16/2024
191 short duration training 10/16/2024 To 10/16/2024
192 Lecture 10/15/2024 To 10/15/2024
193 field visit 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
194 FIELD VISIT 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
195 METHOD DEMO 10/10/2024 To 10/11/2024
196 FIELD VISIT 10/9/2024 To 10/9/2024
197 SHORT DURATION TRAINING 10/9/2024 To 10/9/2024
198 field visit 10/8/2024 To 10/8/2024
199 FIELD VISIT 10/7/2024 To 10/7/2024
200 METHOD DEMO 10/7/2024 To 10/7/2024
201 FIELD VISIT 10/4/2024 To 10/4/2024
202 METHOD DEMO 10/4/2024 To 10/4/2024
203 short duration taining 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
204 short duration training 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
205 AWARENESS CAMP 10/1/2024 To 10/30/2024
206 AWRENESS CAMP 10/1/2024 To 10/30/2024
207 LECTURE 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
208 Lecture 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
209 KISAN GOSHTI 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
210 Lecture 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
211 FIELD VISIT 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
212 Lecture 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
213 FIELD VISIT 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
214 FIELD VISIT 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
215 METHOD DEMO 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
216 SHORT TRAINING 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
217 FIELD VISIT 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
218 FIELD VISIT 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
219 SHORT TRAINING 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
220 Lecture 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
221 SHORT TRAINING 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
222 SHORT TRAINING 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
223 LECTURE 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
224 Lecture 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
225 LECTURE 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
226 LECTURE 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
227 Lecture 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
228 AWRENESS CAMP 9/19/2024 To 10/19/2024
229 EXHIBITION 9/18/2024 To 9/18/2024
230 lecture 9/18/2024 To 9/18/2024
231 LECTURE 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
232 Lecture 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
233 Field day Sesame 9/16/2024 To 9/16/2024
234 FIELD DAY 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
235 KISAN MELA PARTICIPATED 9/13/2024 To 9/14/2024
236 FIELD VISIT 9/12/2024 To 9/12/2024
237 METHOD DEMO 9/12/2024 To 9/12/2024
238 FIELD VISIT 9/11/2024 To 9/11/2024
239 METHOD DEMO 9/11/2024 To 9/11/2024
240 FIELD VISIT 9/10/2024 To 9/10/2024
241 SHORT TRAINING 9/9/2024 To 9/9/2024
242 LECTURE 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
243 LECTURE 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
244 EXPOSURE VISIT 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
245 SHORT TRAINING 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
246 SHORT TRAINING 9/4/2024 To 9/4/2024
247 METHOD DEMO 9/4/2024 To 10/4/2024
248 LECTURE 9/3/2024 To 9/3/2024
249 SHORT TRAINING 9/2/2024 To 9/2/2024
250 LECTURE 9/2/2024 To 9/2/2024
251 VOCATIONAL TRAINING 9/2/2024 To 9/6/2024
252 VOCATIONAL TRAINING 9/2/2024 To 9/6/2024
253 AWARENESS CAMP 9/1/2024 To 9/2/2024
254 NUTRITION WEEK 9/1/2024 To 9/7/2024
255 AWARENESS CAMPAIGN 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
256 exhibition 8/31/2024 To 8/31/2024
257 short duration tarining 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
258 short duration tarining 8/28/2024 To 8/28/2024
259 method demonstration 8/20/2024 To 8/20/2024
260 special week 8/16/2024 To 8/22/2024
261 method demonstration 8/14/2024 To 8/14/2024
262 method demonstration 8/13/2024 To 8/13/2024
263 short duration training 8/12/2024 To 8/12/2024
264 special event 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
265 EXPOSURE VISIT 8/9/2024 To 8/9/2024
266 short duration training 8/6/2024 To 8/7/2024
267 method demonstration 8/5/2024 To 8/5/2024
268 vocational training 8/5/2024 To 8/9/2024
269 short duration training 8/2/2024 To 8/2/2024
270 method demonstration 8/1/2024 To 8/1/2024
271 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
272 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
273 IN-SERVICE TRAINING 7/25/2024 To 7/25/2024
274 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/24/2024 To 7/24/2024
275 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/23/2024 To 7/23/2024
276 VOCATIONAL TRAINING 7/22/2024 To 7/26/2024
277 short duration training 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
278 short duration training 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
279 short duration training 7/18/2024 To 7/18/2024
280 7/17/2024 To 7/17/2024
281 short duration training 7/17/2024 To 7/17/2024
282 short duration training 7/15/2024 To 7/15/2024
283 PLANTATION WEEK 7/15/2024 To 7/19/2024
284 EXHIBITION 7/14/2024 To 7/14/2024
285 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/12/2024 To 7/12/2024
286 short duration training 7/12/2024 To 8/12/2024
287 short duration training 7/11/2024 To 7/11/2024
288 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/9/2024 To 7/9/2024
289 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/7/2024 To 7/9/2024
290 method demonstration 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
291 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
292 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
293 short duration training 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
294 short duration training 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
295 method demonstration 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
296 short duration tarining 7/3/2024 To 7/3/2024
297 short duration training 7/3/2024 To 7/3/2024
298 METHOD DEMONSTRATION 7/2/2024 To 7/2/2024
299 short duration training 7/1/2024 To 7/1/2024
300 training on Integrated weed management in Kharif crops 6/30/2024 To 6/30/2024
301 training on Value Addition of Mango & Litchi 6/19/2024 To 6/19/2024
302 PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
303 swachhta campaign on Water Purification for the coming Rainy Season. 6/16/2024 To 7/31/2024
304 training on Custom Hiring in Use of Agricultural Machinery 6/12/2024 To 6/12/2024
305 training on Feeding and Management of dairy animals during rainy season 6/12/2024 To 6/12/2024
306 training on Soil Sampling technique in bearing litchi orchards 6/11/2024 To 6/11/2024
307 training on Cultivation of Millets and its Benefits 6/11/2024 To 6/11/2024
308 vocational training on Processing of Fruits and Vegetables 6/11/2024 To 6/18/2024
309 training on Clean and hygienic milk production from the dairy animals. 6/7/2024 To 7/7/2024
310 Method Demonstration on Soil Sampling technique in bearing litchi orchards 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
311 Method Demo Seed treatment in basmati 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
312 Method Demo on Procedure of soil sampling for field crops and orchards 6/4/2024 To 6/4/2024
313 method demo on Preparation of Mango Leather 6/4/2024 To 6/4/2024
314 method demo on Procedure of soil sampling for field crops and orchards 6/4/2024 To 6/4/2024
315 TRAINING 5/30/2024 To 5/30/2024
316 KISAN GOSHTI 5/27/2024 To 5/27/2024
317 training 5/27/2024 To 6/27/2024
318 GOLDEN JUBLEE CELBRATION 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
319 TRAINING 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
320 TRAINING 5/16/2024 To 5/16/2024
321 TRAIN ING 5/15/2024 To 5/15/2024
322 TRAINING 5/13/2024 To 5/13/2024
323 TRAINING 5/7/2024 To 5/7/2024
324 EX- TRAINEE SAMMELAN 5/6/2024 To 5/6/2024
325 TRAINING 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
326 TRAINING 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
327 VOCATIONAL TRAINING 4/29/2024 To 5/6/2024
328 ONE DAY TRAINING 4/26/2024 To 4/26/2024
329 ONE DAY TRAINING 4/24/2024 To 4/24/2024
330 Short Duration 4/23/2024 To 4/23/2024
331 KISAN GOSHTI 4/23/2024 To 4/23/2024
332 KISAN MELA 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
333 EXHIBITION 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
334 METHOD DEMONSTATION 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
335 ONE DAY TRAINING 4/4/2024 To 5/4/2024
336 ONE DAY TRAINING 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
337 Field Day on Gobhi Sarson 3/26/2024 To 4/26/2024
338 Food Safety and Hygiene 3/21/2024 To 3/21/2024
339 RRS, Gurdaspur Kisan Mela 3/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
340 Safe use of harvesting machinery and prevention of farm accidents. 3/19/2024 To 3/19/2024
341 Method of preparation vermicompost 3/15/2024 To 3/15/2024
342 PAU Kisan Mela 3/14/2024 To 3/15/2024
343 CRM Field day 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
344 Nutrient Management in Litchi 3/12/2024 To 3/12/2024
345 Silage making for dairy animals during lean period 3/12/2024 To 3/12/2024
346 Exposure visit to bee keeping unit 3/8/2024 To 3/8/2024
347 Awareness and use of mineral mixture in dairy ration. 3/7/2024 To 3/7/2024
348 Bee Keeping 3/4/2024 To 3/8/2024
349 Weed Management Practices in Orchard 3/1/2024 To 3/1/2024
350 Biofertilizer application in sugarcane 2/29/2024 To 2/29/2024
351 Method Demonstration on Drying of Seasonal Vegetables using Solar Dryer. 2/27/2024 To 2/27/2024
352 Nutrition Garden 2/27/2024 To 2/27/2024
353 Improved Cultivation Technologies of Horticultural Crops 2/22/2024 To 2/22/2024
354 Awareness and Use regarding Solar Dryer 2/20/2024 To 2/20/2024
355 Preparation of vermicompost, FYM and importance of green manuring. 2/20/2024 To 2/20/2024
356 Pruning in roses 2/20/2024 To 2/20/2024
357 KISAN MELA 2/20/2024 To 3/20/2024
358 Cultivation of summer pulses for crop diversification 2/16/2024 To 2/16/2024
359 Field day on gobhi sarson 2/5/2024 To 2/5/2024
360 Clean and hygienic milk production 2/5/2024 To 2/5/2024
361 Cultivation of summer pulses for crop diversification 2/2/2024 To 2/2/2024
362 Cultivation of summer pulses for crop diversification 2/2/2024 To 2/2/2024
363 Soil Sampling for orchards 2/2/2024 To 2/2/2024
364 Soil Sampling for orchards 2/2/2024 To 2/2/2024
365 Method demonstration on use of ICT Apps 2/1/2024 To 2/1/2024
366 VISIT 1/31/2024 To 1/31/2024
367 Yellowing of wheat 1/30/2024 To 1/30/2024
368 EXPOSURE VISIT 1/24/2024 To 1/24/2024
369 Income Generation Activities for Women 1/23/2024 To 1/23/2024
370 Awareness Against Drug Abuse 1/23/2024 To 1/23/2024
371 training 1/23/2024 To 2/23/2024
372 VOCATIONAL TRAINING 1/22/2024 To 1/26/2024
373 VISKIT BHARAT SANKALP YATRA 1/21/2024 To 1/21/2024
374 Formation of Self Help Groups 1/21/2024 To 1/21/2024
375 Agriculture Extension activities by KVK in district Pathankot 1/19/2024 To 1/19/2024
376 Entrepreneurship Development among Rural Women 1/19/2024 To 1/19/2024
377 Nursery Raising and Production Techniques for Agro-forestry crops 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
378 Income Generation Activities for Women 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
379 EXHIBITION 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
380 Techniques of Drying Vegetables using Solar Dryer 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
381 Tie and Dye of Cotton Clothes 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
382 METHOD DEMO 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
383 Tie and Dye of Cotton Clothes 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
384 Formation of Self Help Groups 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
385 Value Addition of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
386 Training Program 1/10/2024 To 1/10/2024
387 Food Safety and Hygiene 1/10/2024 To 1/10/2024
388 Entrepreneurship Development among Rural Women 1/9/2024 To 1/9/2024
389 Agriculture Extension activities by KVK in district Pathankot 1/9/2024 To 1/9/2024
390 KISAN GOSHTI 1/8/2024 To 1/8/2024
391 Vocational Training 1/8/2024 To 1/12/2024
392 METHOD DEMO 1/5/2024 To 1/5/2024
393 VISIT 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
394 Awareness against Female Foeticide 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
395 Awareness Against Drug Abuse 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
396 METHOD DEMO 1/3/2024 To 1/3/2024
397 KISAN GOSHTI 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
398 METHOD DEMO 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
399 TRAINING 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
400 GROUP MEETING 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
401 Income Generation Activities for Women 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
402 Value Addition of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
403 Formation of Self Help Groups 1/1/2024 To 1/1/2024
404 Entrepreneurship Development among Rural Women 1/1/2024 To 1/1/2024
405 TRAINING 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
406 TRAINING 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
407 TRAINING 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
408 TRAINING 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
409 method demo 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
410 method demonstration 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
411 method demonstration 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
412 Nutrient Management in orchards 12/15/2023 To 12/15/2023
413 TRAINING 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
414 vocational training 12/11/2023 To 12/15/2023
415 vocational training 12/6/2023 To 1/12/2024
416 WORLD SOIL DAY 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
417 World soil day 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
418 training 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
419 TRAINING 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
420 Housing and feeding management of farm animals in winter. 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
421 TRAINING 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
422 training 12/2/2023 To 12/2/2023
423 TRAINING 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
424 awareness camp 11/24/2023 To 11/24/2023
425 Vocational Training 11/20/2023 To 11/24/2023
426 Efficient Use of Solar Dryer at Home. 11/11/2023 To 12/11/2023
427 CRM WARENESS CAMP 10/18/2023 To 10/18/2023
428 exhibition 10/8/2023 To 10/8/2023
429 training 10/5/2023 To 10/5/2023
431 Diet for combating Nutritional Anemia 9/20/2023 To 9/20/2023
432 Nutritious Recipes for School Tiffin 9/19/2023 To 9/19/2023
433 Nutritious Recipes using Millets 9/18/2023 To 9/18/2023
434 One day training on Seed processing and storage of Kharif crops. 9/6/2023 To 9/6/2023
435 NATIONAL NUTRITION WEEK 9/1/2023 To 9/7/2023
436 NUTRITION MONTH 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
437 Value Addition of Cereals and Pulses 8/21/2023 To 8/25/2023
438 Meri Matti Mera Desh 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
439 BREAST FEEDING WEEK 8/1/2023 To 10/7/2023
440 PM KISAN 14th Instalment to farmers 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
441 Dietary Managment of Lifestyle Diseases 7/17/2023 To 7/17/2023
443 95th ICAR Foundation Day 7/17/2023 To 7/18/2023
444 ICAR FOUNDATION DAY 7/17/2023 To 7/18/2023
445 PLANTATION DRIVE 7/6/2023 To 7/6/2023
446 Value Addition of Mango and litchi 6/20/2023 To 6/20/2023
447 KISAN MELA AT CSKHPKV PALAMPUR (HP) 6/12/2023 To 6/14/2023
448 WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 6/5/2023 To 6/5/2023
451 VALUE ADDITION OF MANGO 5/9/2023 To 5/9/2023
453 EFFICIENT USE OF SOLAR COOKER AT HOME 4/10/2023 To 4/10/2023
459 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 3/8/2023 To 3/8/2023
461 AWARENEES CAMP 2/7/2023 To 2/7/2023
462 Techniques of Drying Green Leafy Vegetables 1/18/2023 To 1/18/2023
463 Method of Drying vegetables in Solar Dryer 1/15/2023 To 1/15/2023
464 SWACHHTA AWARENESS CAMP 1/13/2023 To 1/13/2023
465 SAC MEETING 1/10/2023 To 1/10/2023
466 Birthday day of the honurable PM, Mr. Narender Modi 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
467 Prevention and control of enterotoxemia in goats 9/12/2021 To 9/12/2021
468 prepration of decorative articles 9/6/2021 To 10/10/2021
469 Prevention and control of disease in fish cum poultry IFs farm 9/2/2021 To 9/2/2021
470 Natonal Nutrition week 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
471 Method of clean and hygienic milking in dairy animals 8/28/2021 To 8/28/2021
472 Ration balancing in dairy animals 8/27/2021 To 8/27/2021
473 Mushroom Production 8/24/2021 To 8/25/2021
474 Embellishment of Fabrics 8/24/2021 To 8/31/2021
475 Mushroom Production 8/23/2021 To 8/27/2021
476 Poultry Farming 8/16/2021 To 8/20/2021
477 Use of Urea treated Paddy straw as a source of fodder for dairy animals 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
478 Different methods of medication in goats 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
479 Nutrition Garden 8/5/2021 To 8/6/2021
480 Care and maintenance of Home Appliances. 8/3/2021 To 8/3/2021
481 Management of farm animals during rainy season 6/29/2021 To 6/29/2021
482 Nutrional Gardening 6/28/2021 To 6/28/2021
483 Silage making-conservation of fodder for lean period 6/26/2021 To 6/26/2021
484 Diagnosis and managements of nutrient deficiency in Kharif crops 6/23/2021 To 6/23/2021
485 Integrated Nutrients Managemenst in Kharif crops. 6/18/2021 To 6/18/2021
486 Field day ON DSR 6/16/2021 To 7/21/2021
487 Field day on Mash 6/11/2021 To 6/11/2021
488 Post harvest management of mango and Litchi 6/3/2021 To 6/3/2021
489 Value addition of Tomato 6/1/2021 To 6/1/2021
490 Farmers visit to KVK for purchase of Maize seed 6/1/2021 To 6/30/2021
491 Method of castration in pigs 5/23/2021 To 5/23/2021
492 Crop Residue Management 5/3/2021 To 5/28/2021
493 Field Visit 5/1/2021 To 5/31/2021
494 Diagnosis and management of nutrient deficiency in fruit crops 4/28/2021 To 5/28/2021
495 Prevention and control of mastitis in dairy animals 4/6/2021 To 5/6/2021
496 Identification of physiological and nutrient deficiency disorders in fruit and vegetable crops 4/5/2021 To 4/5/2021
497 Method of collecting soil and water samples 4/4/2021 To 4/4/2021
498 Use of Solar Energy Gadgets. 4/4/2021 To 4/4/2021
499 Method of detecting mastitis in dairy animals 4/1/2021 To 4/1/2021
500 Women Day celebration at KVK Pathankot 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
501 Seasonal flower production 2/23/2021 To 2/23/2021
502 Techniques to check food adulteration 2/19/2021 To 2/19/2021
503 Dairy farming 2/15/2021 To 2/26/2021
504 Vocational training on Dairy Farming 2/15/2021 To 2/26/2021
505 Feeding and managements of goats reared under semi intensive systems 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
506 Backyard poultry farming as a means of livelihood 2/1/2021 To 2/1/2021
507 Preparation of Cleaning agents 2/10/2020 To 2/14/2020
508 Pig Farm survey 1/20/2020 To 1/20/2020
509 Value Addition of Fruit and Vegetable 1/20/2020 To 1/24/2020
510 Integrated insect pest and disease management in oil seed 1/6/2020 To 1/6/2020
511 Demonstration on mulcher for incorporation of sugarcane straw 1/6/2020 To 1/21/2020
512 Vocational Training on "Poultry Farming" 12/30/2019 To 1/3/2020
513 Préparation of bakery and confectionary products 12/16/2019 To 12/23/2019
514 KVK Pathankot Scientific Advisory Committee meeting 11/28/2019 To 11/28/2019
515 Value addition of fruits and vegetable. 11/4/2019 To 11/8/2019
516 Pig Farming 10/21/2019 To 10/25/2019
517 Organize Waste collection drives in households and common or shared spaces 10/17/2019 To 10/17/2019
518 Management of insect pest and diseases in the rabi crops. 10/15/2019 To 10/15/2019
519 Vocational training on Bee Farming 10/14/2019 To 10/18/2019
520 In situ Crop Residue Management 10/11/2019 To 10/11/2019
521 Debates,discussions,awareness programmes,poster competitions etc 10/2/2019 To 10/2/2019
522 Organize awareness campaigns around better sanitation practices like using a toilet, handwashing,health and hygiene awareness,etc 9/26/2019 To 9/26/2019
523 Organize awareness campaigns around better sanitation practices like using a toilet, handwashing,health and hygiene awareness,etc 9/23/2019 To 9/25/2019
524 Litchi show cum seminar 6/20/2019 To 6/21/2019
525 PM-KISAN 2/24/2019 To 2/24/2019
526 Vocational Training 12/26/2018 To 12/30/2018
527 Dairy Farming 10/1/2018 To 10/12/2018
528 vocational training on mushroom production 9/10/2018 To 9/14/2018