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Village+PO-Amas,Dist-Gaya : Past Events
S.No Event Name Event Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
1 Scientist visit farmers field 2/25/2025 To 2/25/2025
2 integrated disease and pest management in wheat 2/25/2025 To 2/25/2025
3 Field Day on Musturd 2/25/2025 To 2/25/2025
4 Integrated diseases and pest management in wheat 2/25/2025 To 2/25/2025
5 Kisan gosthi and exhibition on PM Kisan programme 2/24/2025 To 2/24/2025
6 Major Diseases & pest of pea and chick pea and their control 2/20/2025 To 2/20/2025
7 Scientist visit 2/19/2025 To 2/19/2025
8 Production of summer vegetables and income generation 2/19/2025 To 2/19/2025
9 Major diseases of wheat and their control 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
10 Scientist visit 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
11 Advosory service 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
12 farmers visited to concern SMS at KVK 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
13 farmers visited kvk 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
14 farmers visited kvk 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
15 Advisory services 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
16 Mobile helpline 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
17 Scientific cultivation of Mustard 1/31/2025 To 1/31/2025
18 Scientific cultivation of Mustard 1/30/2025 To 1/30/2025
19 Livelihood generation through Sewing machine 1/30/2025 To 1/31/2025
20 Scientific cultivation of Mustard 1/29/2025 To 1/29/2025
21 Scientific cultivation of Mustard 1/28/2025 To 1/28/2025
22 Field day on kitchen garden vegetables 1/22/2025 To 1/22/2025
23 Entreneurship development in Poultry farming and income generation 1/20/2025 To 1/21/2025
24 Major diseases&pest mangement in kitchen garden 1/17/2025 To 1/17/2025
25 Major diseases & pest mangement in mustard 1/14/2025 To 1/14/2025
26 Production techniques of seasonal vegetables 1/13/2025 To 1/13/2025
27 Major diseases,insect &pest mangement of wheat 1/8/2025 To 1/9/2025
28 Nutritive value of ravi vegetables in kitchen garden 1/7/2025 To 1/7/2025
29 Nutrient and Water management of Mustard 1/7/2025 To 1/8/2025
30 Income generation by early vegetable production 1/3/2025 To 1/3/2025
31 Scientist visit to farmers field 1/1/2025 To 1/29/2025
32 Mobile Advisory service 1/1/2025 To 1/29/2025
33 Farmers visit to concern SMS at KVK 1/1/2025 To 1/29/2025
34 ADVISORY SERVICE MOBILE 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
35 farmers meet to concern SMS 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
36 SCIENTIST VISIT 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
37 Visit the farmers field 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
38 Advisory service 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
39 Farmers visit to kvk for their problem related to diseases and pest and mushroom production 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
40 Diagnostic visit by concern SMS 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
41 Farmers Interest group and it's Utility 12/28/2024 To 12/28/2024
42 Field day on Mushroom 12/27/2024 To 12/27/2024
43 Awareness programme on Income generation activities in agriculture 12/26/2024 To 12/26/2024
44 Nutrient and water management of Wheat and Potato 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
45 Kisan Diwas Programme 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
46 Major disease, insect and pest management in Gram 12/11/2024 To 12/11/2024
47 Welfare of people by agriculture & livelihood 12/10/2024 To 12/10/2024
48 Disease, Insect and Pest mangementin Vegetables 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
49 Nutrient and Water management of Rabi Crop 12/9/2024 To 12/10/2024
50 Mushroom production and Food security 12/2/2024 To 12/3/2024
51 Mushroom Production Technique 12/2/2024 To 12/6/2024
52 Scientist visit tom farmer field 12/2/2024 To 12/31/2024
53 Diagnostic visit by concern SMS 12/2/2024 To 12/31/2024
54 Farmer visit to concern SMS at KVK Farm 12/2/2024 To 12/31/2024
55 Farmer visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK 12/2/2024 To 12/31/2024
56 Farmers visit to KVK Farm 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
57 Scientific visit to farmers field 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
58 Mobile Helpline 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
59 Rabi mahabhiyan 11/20/2024 To 11/20/2024
60 Block Level Rabi Programme 11/20/2024 To 11/20/2024
61 Awareness Programme of Natural farming 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
62 Block leve rabi programme 11/15/2024 To 11/15/2024
63 Scientific cultivation of Rabi crops & Income generation 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
64 Scientific Cultivation of Rabi Crop & Income generation 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
65 Importance of seed production of Rabi Crop 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
66 Early blight and late blight disease mangement in potato 11/13/2024 To 11/14/2024
67 Major diseases and pest management in potato 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
68 Diseases, Insect and pest management in mustard and gram 11/4/2024 To 11/4/2024
69 Nutrient & Water management of oilseed crops 11/4/2024 To 11/5/2024
70 Nutritive Value and Major diseases of Rabi vegetables 11/2/2024 To 11/2/2024
71 Scientist visit to farmer field 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
72 Farmers visit to concern SMS ar KVK 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
73 Mobile help line 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
74 Mushroom Production and Cultivation of Rabi Crops 10/23/2024 To 10/23/2024
75 Majaor disease, insect and pest management of Mustard Crop 10/23/2024 To 10/24/2024
76 Awareness programme of effect of climate change and minimize its effect on Rabi crops 10/21/2024 To 10/22/2024
77 Entrepreneurship development in Rural craft 10/17/2024 To 10/18/2024
78 Judecious and balance use of chemical fertilizer on Rabi crops 10/7/2024 To 10/8/2024
79 PM Samman Nidhi Yojna 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
80 PM Samman Nidhi Yojna 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
81 Integrated disease management of Rabi crops 10/4/2024 To 10/5/2024
82 Importance of Crop Diversification of Rabi Crop 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
83 Importance of seed treatment of Rabi crops 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
84 Scientific visit to farmer field 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
85 Mobile help line 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
86 Farmers visited to KVK 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
87 advisory service through mobile 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
88 Farmers visited to kvk 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
89 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
90 Financial & Goverment support 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
91 Allied agriculture 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
92 Agri business & value addition 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
93 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/25/2024 To 9/26/2024
94 Crop diversification & best practies 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
95 Agri practices for livelihood enhancement 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
96 Vermicompost production technique 9/23/2024 To 9/27/2024
97 Importance of soil & water testing 9/17/2024 To 9/19/2024
98 Mushroom production techniques 9/17/2024 To 9/21/2024
99 Swachhata Hi Sewa 9/15/2024 To 9/30/2024
100 Importance of nutrition 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
101 Action plan for marketing and commercialization of FPO 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
102 Advisory services 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
103 Farmers visit to KVK 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
104 scientisit visit to farmers field 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
105 Advisory services 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
106 Farmers visit to KVK 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
107 Water management in paddy 8/23/2024 To 8/23/2024
108 Parthenium Awarness Programme 8/17/2024 To 8/19/2024
109 Animal health camp 8/16/2024 To 8/16/2024
110 Live telecast programme of Hon'ble Agriculture Minister 8/15/2024 To 8/15/2024
111 Diseases insect and pest management in Kharif crops 8/14/2024 To 8/16/2024
112 Formation of self help group 8/14/2024 To 8/16/2024
113 PM releasing 109 new variety 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
114 ZREAC Meeting 8/9/2024 To 8/9/2024
115 Major diseases insect and pest management in paddy 8/8/2024 To 8/8/2024
116 Entrepreneurial development in goat farming 8/7/2024 To 8/13/2024
117 Importance of weed management in Kharif 8/1/2024 To 8/2/2024
118 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
119 Consultancy through mobile 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
120 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
121 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
122 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
123 Consultancy through mobile 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
124 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
125 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
126 Consultancy through mobile 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
127 Inter croping & crop management 7/30/2024 To 7/31/2024
128 Major disease insect and pest management kharif maize 7/22/2024 To 7/22/2024
129 Malnutrition eradication program 7/20/2024 To 7/20/2024
130 Kisan Goshthi 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
131 Kharif crop and backyard poltry 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
132 Disease and insect pest management in paddy 7/18/2024 To 7/19/2024
133 Institutional attachment with IFFCO & KVK 7/16/2024 To 7/16/2024
134 Production technology of DSR paddy 7/9/2024 To 7/10/2024
135 Scientific cultivation of DSR paddy 7/9/2024 To 7/10/2024
136 Group formation for imperel agriculture 7/2/2024 To 7/3/2024
137 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
138 consulted with farmer in kvk 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
139 Consultncy through mobile 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
140 Consultancy through mobile 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
141 Consulted with farmer in KVK 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
142 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
143 consultancy through mobile 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
144 Consultedwith farmer n KVK 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
145 scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
146 Production technology of paddy 6/26/2024 To 6/26/2024
147 Cultivation of paddy 6/26/2024 To 6/26/2024
148 Major disease & pest management in paddy 6/26/2024 To 6/26/2024
149 Panchayat level kisan chaupal 6/25/2024 To 6/25/2024
150 Panchayat level kisan chaupal 6/25/2024 To 6/25/2024
151 Panchayat level kisan chaupal 6/24/2024 To 6/24/2024
152 World yoga day 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
153 Used of improved technology in agriculture 6/19/2024 To 6/20/2024
154 PM Kisan Samman program live telecast 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
155 Block level Kharif karyasala 6/12/2024 To 6/12/2024
156 Preperation of kharif crops & capacity building 6/12/2024 To 6/12/2024
157 Block level kharif karamshala 6/11/2024 To 6/11/2024
158 Diseases, insect & pest management in Maize 6/10/2024 To 6/11/2024
159 Eradication of Malnutrition nutritional garden 6/7/2024 To 6/7/2024
160 Edraication of malnutrition and nutrigarfen 6/7/2024 To 6/7/2024
161 Block level kharif karyasala 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
162 Scientist visit to farmers field 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
163 Consulted with farmer in KVK 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
164 Consulted with farmer in KVK 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
165 Consultancy through mobile 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
166 Scientist visit to farmers field 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
167 Consultancy through mobile 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
168 Production technology of Millets & Maize 5/21/2024 To 5/21/2024
169 Aweraness program of millets 5/20/2024 To 5/20/2024
170 Aweraness program of millets 5/18/2024 To 5/18/2024
171 Production technology of Millets & Maize 5/18/2024 To 5/18/2024
172 Production of summer crops and entrepenurship development 5/9/2024 To 5/9/2024
173 Awarness programme on millet 5/6/2024 To 5/6/2024
174 Intergrated disease management of moong 5/6/2024 To 5/6/2024
175 Consulted with farmer in KVK 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
176 Scientist visit to farmer field 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
177 Scientist Visit to farmers field 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
178 Consultancy through mobile 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
179 Consultancy through mobile 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
180 Consulted with farmer in KVK 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
181 Consultancy through mobile 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
182 Consulted with farmer in KVK 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
183 Scientist visit to farmers field 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
184 Cultivation of green gram and disease, pest management 4/24/2024 To 4/25/2024
185 Cultivation of green gram and disease, pest management 4/24/2024 To 4/25/2024
186 Cultivation of vegetables in kitchen garden and its disease and pest mangement 4/22/2024 To 4/22/2024
187 Cultivation of vegetable in Kitchen gardening and its disease and pest management 4/22/2024 To 4/22/2024
188 Production of Summer Vegetables & Green gram 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
189 Income generation by Papaya Farming 4/4/2024 To 4/5/2024
190 Consulted visit to Farmer in KVK 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
191 Scientist visited farmers field 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
192 Consultancy through mobile 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
193 Farmers visit to KVK Farm 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
194 consulted with farmer in KVK 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
195 Mobile Helpline 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
196 Consultancy through mobile 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
197 Scientific visit to farmer field 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
198 To identify major problem of farmer field 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
199 Vegetable cultivation 3/30/2024 To 3/31/2024
200 Vegetable cultivation and pest & disease management 3/30/2024 To 3/31/2024
201 Production of Moong and Summer Vegetables 3/28/2024 To 3/29/2024
202 Mushroom production techniques 3/21/2024 To 3/22/2024
203 Entrepreneurship development in Dairy Farming 3/18/2024 To 3/22/2024
204 Kisan Mela cum Exhibition 3/14/2024 To 3/15/2024
205 Income generation in Agriculture 3/12/2024 To 3/13/2024
206 consulted with farmers at kvk 3/6/2024 To 3/31/2024
207 scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
208 mobile consultancy 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
209 consult with farmers in kvk 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
210 Farmers visited KVK Farm 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
211 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
212 Consultancy through Mobile 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
213 Training programme of Potato growers 2/29/2024 To 2/29/2024
214 Live telecast of PM Kisan Programme 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
215 Kisan Mela 2024 2/17/2024 To 2/17/2024
216 Diseases and their management in potato 2/15/2024 To 2/15/2024
217 Production of summer vegetables 2/12/2024 To 2/12/2024
218 Natural farming of lentil & Gram 2/7/2024 To 2/7/2024
219 Techneque of vermicompost production 2/6/2024 To 2/6/2024
220 Natural farming techniques 2/5/2024 To 2/5/2024
221 Natural farming of wheat crop 2/5/2024 To 2/5/2024
222 Mushroom production technique 2/5/2024 To 2/7/2024
223 Techenique of varmicompost production 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
224 vermicompost production technique 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
225 Seed production by group formation 2/1/2024 To 2/1/2024
226 Seed production technique of mustard seed 2/1/2024 To 2/1/2024
227 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
228 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
229 Consultancy through mobile 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
230 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
231 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
232 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
233 Consultancy through mobile 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
234 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
235 Consultancy through mobile 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
236 Insect pest & Disease Management in Rabi crops 1/30/2024 To 1/30/2024
237 Income generation by new technique 1/29/2024 To 1/29/2024
238 Disease & Pest control in wheat crops 1/23/2024 To 1/23/2024
239 Entrepreneurship development in Dairy farming 1/22/2024 To 1/25/2024
240 Field Day on Mushroom 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
241 Management control of of Potato 1/16/2024 To 1/16/2024
242 Group formation and income generation 1/16/2024 To 1/16/2024
243 Weed management in wheat crops 1/15/2024 To 1/15/2024
244 Weed management in wheat crops 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
245 Entrepreneurship development in Goat farming 1/8/2024 To 1/12/2024
246 Cultivation technique of Onion 1/5/2024 To 1/5/2024
247 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
248 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 1/3/2024 To 1/3/2024
249 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
250 Consultancy through mobile 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
251 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
252 Consultancy through mobile 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
253 Scientist visit to farmers field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
254 Scientist visit to farmers field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
255 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
256 Scientist visit to farmer field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
257 Consultancy through mobile 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
258 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
259 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/31/2023 To 12/31/2023
260 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/30/2023 To 12/30/2023
261 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/29/2023 To 12/29/2023
262 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/28/2023 To 12/28/2023
263 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
264 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/26/2023 To 12/26/2023
265 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/25/2023 To 12/25/2023
266 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/24/2023 To 12/24/2023
267 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
268 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
269 Orientation programme on FPO 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
270 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
271 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
272 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
273 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/17/2023 To 12/17/2023
274 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/15/2023 To 12/15/2023
275 Mushroom Production techniques 12/15/2023 To 12/16/2023
276 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/14/2023 To 12/14/2023
277 Disease & Insect pest management in Lentil 12/14/2023 To 12/14/2023
278 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
279 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/12/2023 To 12/12/2023
280 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/11/2023 To 12/11/2023
281 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/10/2023 To 12/10/2023
282 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/9/2023 To 12/9/2023
283 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
284 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
285 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/6/2023 To 12/6/2023
286 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
287 Kisan Gosthi on World Soil Day and Soil Health Card 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
288 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
289 Scientific cultivation of Wheat 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
290 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/3/2023 To 12/3/2023
291 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/2/2023 To 12/2/2023
292 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
293 Mobile Helpline 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
294 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
295 Consultancy through mobile 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
296 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
297 Farmers visited KVK Farm 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
298 Consulted with farmers in KVK 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
299 Mushroom production technique 11/27/2023 To 11/29/2023
300 Scientific cultivation of sugarcane crops 11/24/2023 To 11/24/2023
301 Different livelihood means in agriculture 11/23/2023 To 11/24/2023
302 Scientific cultivation of wheat 11/22/2023 To 11/22/2023
303 Increase in income by agriculture 11/17/2023 To 11/17/2023
304 Scientific cultivation of lentil 11/8/2023 To 11/8/2023
305 Different activities through self help group 11/7/2023 To 11/7/2023
306 Block level Rabi Mahotsav 11/4/2023 To 11/4/2023
307 Seed production technology of lentil 11/2/2023 To 11/2/2023
308 Consulted with farmer in KVK 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
309 Consultancy through mobile 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
310 Consultancy through mobile 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
311 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
312 Scientist visit to farmer field 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
313 Consulted with farmer in kvk 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
314 Rabi 2023 Karmshala 10/31/2023 To 10/31/2023
315 Rabi Mahotsav 10/28/2023 To 10/28/2023
316 Ravi Mahotsav 10/26/2023 To 10/26/2023
317 Scientific cultivation of Wheat, Pulses 10/26/2023 To 10/26/2023
318 Swachhara Awerness program 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
319 Income generation through Agri 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
320 Scientific cultivation of Mustard 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
321 Cleaning of premisses at KVK 10/18/2023 To 10/18/2023
322 Production of Rabi crops 10/16/2023 To 10/16/2023
323 Seed production technique of mustard 10/16/2023 To 10/17/2023
324 Scientific cultivation of Mustard 10/13/2023 To 10/13/2023
325 Management in paddy & vegetable crops 10/12/2023 To 10/12/2023
326 Management & central of disease in pady 10/10/2023 To 10/10/2023
327 Different disease in pady & their management 10/6/2023 To 10/6/2023
328 Consulted with farmer in KVK 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
329 Consultancy through mobile 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
330 Consultancy through mobile 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
331 Consulted with farmer in KVK 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
332 Consulted with farmer in KVK 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
333 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
334 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
335 Processing of Millets and its different products 9/30/2023 To 9/30/2023
336 Swachhata Awerness Programme 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
337 Natural farming SRI Paddy 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
338 Swachhata Awarness Programme 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
339 Enterpreneurship development in goat farming 9/25/2023 To 9/30/2023
340 Integrated pest management in paddy 9/22/2023 To 9/22/2023
341 Integrated pest management in paddy 9/20/2023 To 9/20/2023
342 Insect pest and disease management in paddy 9/16/2023 To 9/16/2023
343 Technology of vermicompost production 9/13/2023 To 9/14/2023
344 Production of Rabi crops and group formation 9/12/2023 To 9/12/2023
345 seed production of certification of paddy crops 9/12/2023 To 9/12/2023
346 Seed production & certification 9/10/2023 To 9/10/2023
347 Consultancy through mobile 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
348 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
349 Consultancy through mobile 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
350 Scientist visit to farmer field 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
351 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
352 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
353 Crop production of coarse cerals & their recipe context 8/28/2023 To 8/28/2023
354 SAC meeting 8/24/2023 To 8/24/2023
355 Parthenium awareness programme 8/21/2023 To 8/21/2023
356 Group formation for better livelihood 8/16/2023 To 8/16/2023
357 Crop production of Arhar, Maize & Urd crop on contingent crop 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
358 Contingent crop plan 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
359 ZREAC meeting 8/11/2023 To 8/11/2023
360 Income generation through vegetable production 8/10/2023 To 8/10/2023
361 Vegetable production in Nutrigarden 8/10/2023 To 8/10/2023
362 Nutrional garden production 8/8/2023 To 8/9/2023
363 Vegetable production in Nutrient garden 8/8/2023 To 8/9/2023
364 Consultancy through mobile 8/1/2023 To 8/3/2023
365 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
366 Scientist visit ti farmers field 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
367 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
368 Consultancy through mobile 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
369 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
370 Unnat kheti, oils sampling technique of seed production technique of paddy 7/30/2023 To 7/30/2023
371 Scientific cultivation of paddy, nutritaion security and soil sampling method 7/28/2023 To 7/29/2023
372 PM Kisan programme & Kisan Gosthi 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
373 Income generation by crop and vegetable 7/18/2023 To 7/18/2023
374 Vegetable production technique 7/17/2023 To 7/17/2023
375 Income generation through kitchen garden 7/16/2023 To 7/16/2023
376 Scientific cultivation of Arhar & judicious use of glyphosate 7/14/2023 To 7/15/2023
377 Scientific cultivation of Arhar & judicious use of glyphosate 7/12/2023 To 7/13/2023
378 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
379 Consulted with farmer in KVK 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
380 Consulted with farmer in KVK 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
381 Consultancy through mobile 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
382 Scientist visit to farmers filed 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
383 Consultancy through mobile 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
384 Scientific cultivation if Ragi crops (mahua) 6/23/2023 To 6/23/2023
385 Field day on Green Gram 6/23/2023 To 6/23/2023
386 International Yoga Day 6/21/2023 To 6/21/2023
387 Different methods of Nursing graudly of paddy 6/20/2023 To 6/20/2023
388 Block level Kharif Mahotsav 6/15/2023 To 6/15/2023
389 Scientific cultivation if Ragi crops (mahua) 6/15/2023 To 6/15/2023
390 Kharif Mahotsav 2023 6/14/2023 To 6/14/2023
391 Kharif Mahotsav 2023 6/12/2023 To 6/12/2023
392 Production Technology of Paddy Crop 6/12/2023 To 6/12/2023
393 Technique of seed production of Kharif maize 6/9/2023 To 6/9/2023
394 Group formation for better livehood 6/9/2023 To 6/9/2023
395 Kisan Gosthi on Malnutrition eradication program 6/8/2023 To 6/8/2023
396 Kharif Mahotsav 2023 6/6/2023 To 6/6/2023
397 World Enviromment Day 6/5/2023 To 6/5/2023
398 Kharif Mahotsav 2023 6/3/2023 To 6/3/2023
399 Scientist visit to farmers field 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
400 Consulted with farmer in KVK 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
401 Consultancy through mobile 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
402 Consultancy through mobile 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
403 Scientist visit to farmers field 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
404 Consulted with farmer in KVK 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
405 Nutrition security through kitchen garden 5/30/2023 To 5/30/2023
406 Production technology of Kharif crops 5/29/2023 To 5/29/2023
407 Awareness program-cum- Kisan Gosthi in LIFE campeign 5/27/2023 To 5/27/2023
408 Environment and water conservation 5/26/2023 To 5/26/2023
409 Awareness program-cum- Kisan Gosthi in LIFE campeign 5/25/2023 To 5/25/2023
410 Awareness program in LIFE campeign 5/24/2023 To 5/24/2023
411 Awareness program-cum- Kisan Gosthi in LIFE campeign 5/23/2023 To 5/23/2023
412 Kitchen garden for nutritional supplements 5/22/2023 To 5/22/2023
413 Crop production techniques of Ragi 5/20/2023 To 5/20/2023
414 Field day on Green gram 5/19/2023 To 5/19/2023
415 Coarse cereal production and entrepreneurship development 5/10/2023 To 5/10/2023
416 Scientific cultivation of Finger millet 5/10/2023 To 5/10/2023
417 Vegetable production of Garma vegetables 5/3/2023 To 5/3/2023
418 Consultancy through mobile 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
419 Scientist visit to farmers field 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
420 Mobile helpline 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
421 Consulted with farmers in KVK 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
422 Scientist visited Farmers field 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
423 Farmers visited KVK Farm 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
424 PM Live telecast of Mann ki Baat & Awareness program on Millets 4/30/2023 To 4/30/2023
425 Seed production tech of Ragi 4/24/2023 To 4/24/2023
426 Seed production technology of Coarse cereal crop 4/19/2023 To 4/20/2023
427 Production technology of Millet crops 4/19/2023 To 4/20/2023
428 Seed production techniques of Moong 4/15/2023 To 4/15/2023
429 Economic development by capacity building 4/4/2023 To 4/4/2023
430 Consulted in KVK with farmers 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
431 Consultancy through mobile/ telephone 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
432 Advisory through mobile 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
433 Scientist visit 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
434 Consulted with farmers in KVK 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
435 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
436 Field day on Chick pea 3/22/2023 To 3/22/2023
437 Awareness program on World Water Day 3/22/2023 To 3/22/2023
438 Entrepreneurship development in Goat farming 3/21/2023 To 3/22/2023
439 Seed production techniques of garma Maize 3/20/2023 To 3/20/2023
440 Celebration of International Millet Day 3/18/2023 To 3/18/2023
441 Field day on Wheat 3/17/2023 To 3/17/2023
442 Field day on Wheat 3/16/2023 To 3/16/2023
443 Crop production techniques of green gram 3/15/2023 To 3/15/2023
444 Seed production techniques of Green gram 3/15/2023 To 3/15/2023
445 Field day on Lentil 3/10/2023 To 3/10/2023
446 Millet production and Natural farming 3/6/2023 To 3/6/2023
447 Field day on Linseed 3/4/2023 To 3/4/2023
448 Scientist visit to farmer field 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
449 Mobile Helpline 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
450 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
451 Consultancy through mobile 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
452 Consulted with farmers at KVK 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
453 Farmers visit KVK Farm 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
454 Awareness program on International Millet year 2/28/2023 To 2/28/2023
455 Kisan Samman Nidhi program and Live telecast of Hon'ble PM speech 2/27/2023 To 2/27/2023
456 Exposure visit of farmers in Kisan mela at BAU, Sabour 2/23/2023 To 2/23/2023
457 Insect pest management in Wheat and Gram 2/21/2023 To 2/21/2023
458 Field day on CFLD Mustard 2/20/2023 To 2/20/2023
459 Group formation and Income generation 2/15/2023 To 2/16/2023
460 Group formation & Income generation 2/15/2023 To 2/16/2023
461 Production of Oilseed crops 2/14/2023 To 2/14/2023
462 Income generation by field crops 2/13/2023 To 2/13/2023
463 Insect pest management in Chickpea 2/13/2023 To 2/14/2023
464 Field visit under CFLD Program 2/11/2023 To 2/11/2023
465 Disease and Insect pest management of Wheat 2/10/2023 To 2/10/2023
466 Insect pest management 2/10/2023 To 2/10/2023
467 Insect pest management in Chickpea 2/6/2023 To 2/6/2023
468 Scientific cultivation of sugarcane 2/2/2023 To 2/2/2023
469 Mobile helpline 2/2/2023 To 2/28/2023
470 Scientist visit to Farmers field 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
471 Consultancy through Mobile 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
472 Scientist visit at farmers field 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
473 Consulted with farmers at KVK 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
474 Consulted with farmers in KVK 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
475 Field day on mushroom 1/31/2023 To 1/31/2023
476 Seed production technique of wheat 1/27/2023 To 1/27/2023
477 Entrepreneurship development in Mushroom production 1/19/2023 To 1/21/2023
478 Seed production technique of different crops 1/18/2023 To 1/21/2023
479 Mushroom production technique and seed production 1/10/2023 To 1/13/2023
480 Entrepreneurship development in Mushroom production 1/10/2023 To 1/13/2023
481 Income generation by self help group 1/6/2023 To 1/6/2023
482 Consultancy through mobile 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
483 Scientist visit to farmers field 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
484 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
485 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
486 Consultancy through mobile 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
487 Scientist visit to farmers field 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
488 Kisan Samman Diwas 12/23/2022 To 12/23/2022
489 Awareness program 12/23/2022 To 12/23/2022
490 Crop production of Wheat, Nutritional Security and value addition of Agricultural produce 12/21/2022 To 12/21/2022
491 Awareness program 12/21/2022 To 12/21/2022
492 Awareness Program 12/16/2022 To 12/16/2022
493 Mushroom Production Technology 12/16/2022 To 12/16/2022
494 Mushroom production 12/8/2022 To 12/8/2022
495 Wheat Production 12/8/2022 To 12/8/2022
496 Food Security and Wheat Production 12/7/2022 To 12/7/2022
497 World Soil Day 12/5/2022 To 12/5/2022
498 Seed Production technique of Wheat crop 12/4/2022 To 12/4/2022
499 Technique of vermicompost production & management and practices of Wheat crop 12/3/2022 To 12/3/2022
500 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
501 Consultancy through mobile 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
502 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
503 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
504 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
505 Consultancy through mobile 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
506 Wheat production techniques and food security 11/21/2022 To 11/21/2022
507 Seed production technique of Chickpea 11/17/2022 To 11/17/2022
508 Seed production technique of Wheat 11/14/2022 To 11/14/2022
509 Block level Rabi Mahaabhiyan 11/12/2022 To 11/12/2022
510 Block level Rabi Karmshala 11/11/2022 To 11/11/2022
511 Block level Rabi Karamshala 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
512 Sponsored program of FPO 11/9/2022 To 11/9/2022
513 Training program about scientific cultivation of Lentil 11/9/2022 To 11/9/2022
514 Scientific cultivation of Rabi crops 11/9/2022 To 11/9/2022
515 Production system of Mustard & Linseed crop 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
516 Production system of oilseed crop 11/7/2022 To 11/7/2022
517 Production system of pulse crop 11/6/2022 To 11/6/2022
518 Production technology of oilseed crops 11/5/2022 To 11/5/2022
519 Scientific cultivation of Rabi crops 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
520 Block level Ravi Karamsala 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
521 Production system of Pulse crops 11/3/2022 To 11/3/2022
522 Training program about scientific cultivation of Mustard 11/3/2022 To 11/3/2022
523 Consultancy through mobile 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
524 Consulted with farmer in KVK 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
525 Consultancy through mobile 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
526 Consulted with farmer in KVK 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
527 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
528 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
529 Seed production techniques of Gram 10/29/2022 To 10/29/2022
530 Seed production techniques of Rabi crops 10/27/2022 To 10/27/2022
531 Scientific cultivation of Potato 10/26/2022 To 10/26/2022
532 Preparation of Rabi crops and insect pest management in Paddy 10/26/2022 To 10/26/2022
533 Block level Rabi Karamshala 10/26/2022 To 10/26/2022
534 District level Rabi Mahabhiyan 10/22/2022 To 10/22/2022
535 Seed production techniques of Lentil 10/20/2022 To 10/20/2022
536 Jal Shakti Abhiyan Mela 10/18/2022 To 10/18/2022
537 PM Kisan Samman Program 10/17/2022 To 10/17/2022
538 Swachhata abhiyan and Natural farming 10/7/2022 To 10/7/2022
539 Farmers visited KVK Farm 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
540 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
541 Consulted with farmers in KVK 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
542 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
543 Consultancy through mobile 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
544 Mobile Helpline 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
545 Seed production technique of mustard 9/30/2022 To 9/30/2022
546 Crop residue management and Jal Shakti Abhiyan 9/30/2022 To 9/30/2022
547 Production of vermicompost of their management 9/24/2022 To 9/24/2022
548 Seed production technique of tori 9/23/2022 To 9/23/2022
549 Income generation by Mushroom production 9/23/2022 To 9/23/2022
550 kisan gosthi on contingent crops 9/22/2022 To 9/22/2022
551 Kisan gosthi on contingent crop 9/21/2022 To 9/21/2022
552 Kisan Gosthi in contingent plan 9/21/2022 To 9/21/2022
553 Kisan Gosthi on contingent plan 9/20/2022 To 9/20/2022
554 Kisan gosthi on contingent crop 9/20/2022 To 9/20/2022
555 Kisan gosthi on contingent crops 9/19/2022 To 9/19/2022
556 Kisan Gosthi on contingent plan 9/19/2022 To 9/19/2022
557 Posan mahaabhiyan and tree plantation sweetha aviyan of planing of Rabi crops 9/17/2022 To 9/17/2022
558 Poshan Mahaabhiyan & Plantation drive 9/17/2022 To 9/17/2022
559 Contingent crop plan 9/10/2022 To 9/10/2022
560 Cultivation of Maize and pigeon pea crop 9/9/2022 To 9/9/2022
561 Natural farming, contingent crop plan 9/7/2022 To 9/7/2022
562 Contingent crop program and training 9/7/2022 To 9/7/2022
563 Contingent crop plan 9/6/2022 To 9/6/2022
564 Cultivation of contingent crops like Maize, Kulthi, Arhar 9/2/2022 To 9/2/2022
565 Cultivation of contingent crops 9/2/2022 To 9/2/2022
566 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
567 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
568 Consultancy through mobile 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
569 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
570 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
571 Consultancy through mobile 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
572 Preparation of Rabi crops 8/29/2022 To 8/29/2022
573 Seed production of contingent crop 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
574 Awareness Program/Mela 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
575 Income generation by Mushroom Production 8/24/2022 To 8/24/2022
576 Natural farming and mushroom production 8/24/2022 To 8/24/2022
577 Package & practices of Betel vine production 8/22/2022 To 8/22/2022
578 Role of FPO in Entrepreneurship Development 8/22/2022 To 8/22/2022
579 Natural farming & Seed production technique of Rapeseed & Mustard 8/20/2022 To 8/20/2022
580 Income generation by group formation 8/19/2022 To 8/19/2022
581 Seed production of Mustard 8/19/2022 To 8/19/2022
582 Different Aspects of Organic Farming 8/18/2022 To 8/18/2022
583 SAC Meeting 8/16/2022 To 8/16/2022
584 Disease and insect management in paddy 8/11/2022 To 8/12/2022
585 Seed production and certification 8/10/2022 To 8/10/2022
586 Scientist visited to farmer's field 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
587 Consultancy through mobile 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
588 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
589 Farmers visited KVK farm 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
590 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
591 Natural Farming 7/28/2022 To 7/29/2022
592 Entrepreneurship Development in Bee-keeping 7/25/2022 To 7/25/2022
593 Concepts of Natural Farming 7/22/2022 To 7/22/2022
594 Income generation by modern technologies 7/21/2022 To 7/21/2022
595 Seed production technology of paddy 7/20/2022 To 7/20/2022
596 Production of Kharif crops 7/19/2022 To 7/19/2022
597 Natural Farming of paddy & Maize 7/16/2022 To 7/16/2022
598 Natural Farming of paddy 7/7/2022 To 7/7/2022
599 Training in Natural Farming 7/5/2022 To 7/7/2022
600 Use of ICT in Agriculture 7/1/2022 To 7/1/2022
601 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
602 Consulted with farmer in KVK 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
603 Consulted with farmer in KVK 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
604 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
605 Consultancy through mobile 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
606 Consultancy through mobile 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
607 Finance & Management in Goat farming 6/30/2022 To 6/30/2022
608 Seed production technique of paddy 6/29/2022 To 6/29/2022
609 Kheti use Jivikoparjan & Kharif faslo ki kheti 6/22/2022 To 6/22/2022
610 International Yoga Day & Training program 6/21/2022 To 6/21/2022
611 National Seminar on Nutrient Management 6/18/2022 To 6/19/2022
612 Income generation by Group formation 6/16/2022 To 6/16/2022
613 Seed Production technique of paddy 6/13/2022 To 6/13/2022
614 disease management in paddy 6/9/2022 To 6/9/2022
615 Weed management in maize 6/8/2022 To 6/8/2022
616 Seed production of maize 6/7/2022 To 6/7/2022
617 Seed Production technique of Kharif Maize 6/6/2022 To 6/6/2022
618 Seed production of paddy 6/3/2022 To 6/3/2022
619 Consultancy through mobile 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
620 Consultancy through mobile 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
621 Scientist visit to farmers field 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
622 Consulted with farmer in KVK 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
623 Scientist visit to farmers field 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
624 Consulted with farmer in KVK 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
625 Live telecast of PM on the EVE of Bharat ka Amrit Mahostav 5/31/2022 To 5/31/2022
626 Training of Extension personal about kharif crop 5/27/2022 To 5/27/2022
627 Capacity building program training 5/26/2022 To 5/28/2022
628 Jal Shakti Abhiyan 5/25/2022 To 5/25/2022
629 Organic farming & crop residue management 5/20/2022 To 5/20/2022
630 National Farming and Animal Farming 5/19/2022 To 5/19/2022
631 Vegetable crop production in summer session 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
632 Management of honey bee during summer period 5/13/2022 To 5/13/2022
633 Diseases Management in zaid vegetable 5/10/2022 To 5/10/2022
634 Vegetable production zaid session 5/7/2022 To 5/7/2022
635 Organic Farming and National Farming 5/6/2022 To 5/6/2022
636 Scientist visit to farmers field 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
637 scientist visit to farmers field 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
638 Consultancy through mobile 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
639 consultancy through mobile 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
640 Consulted with farmer in KVK 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
641 Consulted with farmer in KVK 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
642 Kisano ki bhagidari prathmikta hamari program 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
643 Kisan Mela -cum- Exhibition 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
644 Importance of Land levelling 4/25/2022 To 4/25/2022
645 Cultivation of Garma crops 4/8/2022 To 4/8/2022
646 Weed management in Moong crop 4/8/2022 To 4/8/2022
647 Scientific cultivation of Moong 4/6/2022 To 4/6/2022
648 Scientific cultivation of Moong 4/5/2022 To 4/5/2022
649 Seed production technology of Urd 4/1/2022 To 4/1/2022
650 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
651 Consultancy through Mobile/Telephone 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
652 Farmers visit in KVK 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
653 Consulted with farmers in KVK 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
654 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
655 Consultancy through mobile 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
656 Exposure visit of Farmers at Kisan Mela-2022 3/29/2022 To 3/30/2022
657 Production of uses of vermicompost 3/24/2022 To 3/24/2022
658 income generation in agriculture 3/24/2022 To 3/25/2022
659 Disease Management of Moong 3/23/2022 To 3/23/2022
660 Bihar Entrepreneur Summit 3/21/2022 To 3/21/2022
661 Incretion income & prosperity by local 3/16/2022 To 3/16/2022
662 Fodder production in goatry management 3/14/2022 To 3/16/2022
663 Income generation by SHG 3/10/2022 To 3/10/2022
664 International woman days 3/8/2022 To 3/8/2022
665 Scientist cultivation of maize crops for fodder production 3/8/2022 To 3/11/2022
666 CFLD Zonal Workshop at Deoghar, Jharkhand 3/7/2022 To 3/8/2022
667 Seed production technology of Moong 3/4/2022 To 3/4/2022
668 Consulted with farmer in KVK 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
669 Consultancy through mobile 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
670 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
671 Consultancy through mobile 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
672 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
673 Consulted with farmer in KVK 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
674 Consultancy through mobile 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
675 Entrepreneurship Development 2/23/2022 To 2/25/2022
676 Field Day on Lentil 2/22/2022 To 2/22/2022
677 Field Day on Linseed 2/21/2022 To 2/21/2022
678 Training program on seed production of wheat in Beej Gram 2/18/2022 To 2/18/2022
679 Field Day on Mustard 2/17/2022 To 2/17/2022
680 Field Day on Mushroom 2/14/2022 To 2/14/2022
681 Training program on seed production of wheat in Beej Gram 2/14/2022 To 2/14/2022
682 World Pulse Day 2/10/2022 To 2/10/2022
683 Entrepreneurship Development 2/9/2022 To 2/11/2022
684 Different method of plant protection measures 2/8/2022 To 2/8/2022
685 Field Day on Mustard 2/8/2022 To 2/8/2022
686 Different method of Livelihood 2/3/2022 To 2/4/2022
687 Disease management in Potato 2/1/2022 To 2/1/2022
688 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
689 Consulted with farmers in KVK 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
690 Consultancy through mobile 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
691 Consultancy through mobile 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
692 Science visit to farmers field 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
693 Scientific cultivation of Moong 1/29/2022 To 1/29/2022
694 Concepts of Natural farming 1/17/2022 To 1/17/2022
695 Weed control in Wheat 1/14/2022 To 1/14/2022
696 Socio-Economic development of farmers 1/12/2022 To 1/12/2022
697 Scientific cultivation of Onion 1/5/2022 To 1/5/2022
698 Scientist visit to farmers field 1/3/2022 To 1/31/2022
699 Consulted with farmers at KVK 1/3/2022 To 1/31/2022
700 Mobile helpline 1/3/2022 To 1/31/2022
701 Modern techniques in Agriculture 1/1/2022 To 1/1/2022
702 PM Live telecast on PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 1/1/2022 To 1/1/2022
703 Scientist visit to farmers field 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
704 Consulted with Farmers in KVK 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
705 Consultancy through mobile 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
706 Mushroom Production through SHG 12/31/2021 To 12/31/2021
707 Swachhata Pakhwada 12/28/2021 To 12/28/2021
708 Entrepreneurship development in Mushroom cultivation 12/28/2021 To 12/29/2021
709 Scientific cultivation entrepreneurship development in mushroom 12/28/2021 To 12/29/2021
710 Jai Jawan Jai Kisan program 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
711 Organic cultivation of crops mushroom cultivation & seed production of wheat crops 12/22/2021 To 12/22/2021
712 Different aspects of integrated post management 12/21/2021 To 12/21/2021
713 Intergraded pest management 12/21/2021 To 12/21/2021
714 Mushroom cultivation 12/20/2021 To 12/20/2021
715 Income generation through self help group 12/17/2021 To 12/17/2021
716 Swachhata pakhwada & parali management 12/17/2021 To 12/17/2021
717 Swachhata Pakhwada 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
718 Seminar on Natural farming 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
719 Income generation through papaya cultivation 12/14/2021 To 12/14/2021
720 Sponsored programme papaya cultivation 12/14/2021 To 12/14/2021
721 Scientific cultivation of wheat 12/13/2021 To 12/13/2021
722 Swachhata Pakhwada & Organic cultivation 12/10/2021 To 12/10/2021
723 Seed production technology of biofortified zinc wheat 12/6/2021 To 12/6/2021
724 World soil day 12/5/2021 To 12/5/2021
725 World soil day cultivation 12/5/2021 To 12/5/2021
726 Insect pest management in mustard 12/4/2021 To 12/4/2021
727 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
728 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
729 Consultancy through mobile 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
730 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
731 Consultancy through mobile 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
732 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
733 National Milk Day 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
734 Gosthi on National Milk Day 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
735 Scientific Dairy Farming 11/24/2021 To 11/26/2021
736 scientific management if dairy production 11/24/2021 To 11/26/2021
737 Seed production technique of wheat 11/20/2021 To 11/20/2021
738 Scientific cultivation of Rabi pulses 11/17/2021 To 11/17/2021
739 Entrepreneurship development in agriculture 11/12/2021 To 11/12/2021
740 Scientific Cultivation of Rabi crops 11/8/2021 To 11/8/2021
741 Scientific Cultivation of Rabi crops 11/8/2021 To 11/8/2021
742 Crop residue management 11/1/2021 To 11/1/2021
743 Scientist visit to farmers filed 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
744 Consulted with farmer in KVK 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
745 Consultancy through mobile 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
746 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
747 Consultancy through mobile 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
748 Consulted with farmer in KVK 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
749 Participate in Kisan Goshthi 10/31/2021 To 10/31/2021
750 Rabi Mahotsav 10/30/2021 To 10/30/2021
751 Vigilence awarness week 10/29/2021 To 10/29/2021
752 Swachata Abhiyan + Awarness program 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
753 Formation & working of self help group 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
754 Participate delivering training on swachta abhiyan 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
755 Disease management & management of husk in paddy crops 10/27/2021 To 10/27/2021
756 Rabi Mahotsav 10/27/2021 To 10/27/2021
757 Ravi Mahostav 10/26/2021 To 10/26/2021
758 Participate & Delivering training in Ravi Mahotsav & Kisan Ghosti 10/26/2021 To 10/26/2021
759 Income generation activities in agriculture 10/26/2021 To 10/26/2021
760 Participate in Rabi Mahaabhiyan 10/21/2021 To 10/21/2021
761 District level Rabi mahotsav 10/21/2021 To 10/21/2021
762 Participate in Farmers scientist meet & delivering training 10/7/2021 To 10/7/2021
763 Participate delivering training on Swacchta Mahaabhiyan 10/6/2021 To 10/6/2021
764 Seed production technology of Rabi crops 10/5/2021 To 10/5/2021
765 Swachhta Abhiyan & Awareness program 10/2/2021 To 10/2/2021
766 Participate & Delivering training in swachta mahaabhiyan on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti 10/2/2021 To 10/2/2021
767 Consulted with farmer in KVK 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
768 Consultancy through mobile 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
769 Consulted with farmer in KVK 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
770 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
771 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
772 Consultancy through mobile 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
773 Krishak Vaigyanik samagam & live telecast of PM program 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
774 Krishak Vaigyanik Samagam & Live Telecast of PM program 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
775 Erup produc of Rabi crops, vermicompost production and programme 9/24/2021 To 9/24/2021
776 Management of production of honey Bee 9/20/2021 To 9/23/2021
777 Entrepreneurship development in Bee keeping 9/20/2021 To 9/23/2021
778 Agriculture production + Management in animal 9/18/2021 To 9/18/2021
779 Nutritional supplements of poshan vatika 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
780 Poshan Vatika Maha Abhiyan 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
781 Poshan Mahaabhiyan and plantation drive 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
782 Nutritional supplements and Poshan Vatika 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
783 Posan vatika mahaabhiyan & plantation of tree program 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
784 Income Generation by modern agriculture technologies 9/15/2021 To 9/15/2021
785 Integrated Nutrient Management 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
786 Insect pest straw management on paddy 9/4/2021 To 9/4/2021
787 Consultancy through mobile 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
788 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
789 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
790 consultancy through movile 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
791 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
792 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
793 National Campaign on food and nutrition 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
794 Participate in online material campaign on "food and nutrition on for farmers" Bharat Ka Amrit Mahotsav 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
795 Package and practices of paddy crops 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
796 Mushroom production technology 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
797 Entrepreneurship development and income generation 8/25/2021 To 8/25/2021
798 Weed management in paddy 8/25/2021 To 8/25/2021
799 Participate in online training on integrated parthenium management 8/19/2021 To 8/19/2021
800 Kisan Sarathi Program 8/12/2021 To 8/12/2021
801 Seed production technology of kharif maize 8/2/2021 To 8/2/2021
802 Formation and working of self help group 8/2/2021 To 8/2/2021
803 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
804 Consultancy through mobile 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
805 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
806 Consultancy through mobile 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
807 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
808 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
809 Field Day on Sesame 7/29/2021 To 7/29/2021
810 Water management and rainfed agriculture 7/23/2021 To 7/23/2021
811 Different method of paddy showing 7/17/2021 To 7/17/2021
812 Formation and working of SHG 7/17/2021 To 7/17/2021
813 Income Generation activities in Agriculture 7/16/2021 To 7/16/2021
814 4th Zonal workshop 7/14/2021 To 7/15/2021
815 National fish farmers day 7/10/2021 To 7/10/2021
816 seed production techniques of Paddy 7/8/2021 To 7/9/2021
817 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
818 Consulted with farmer in KVK 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
819 Consultancy through mobile 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
820 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
821 Consulted with farmer in KVK 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
822 Consultancy through mobile 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
823 Water management in Kharif crops 6/29/2021 To 6/29/2021
824 Mobile Helpline 6/28/2021 To 6/30/2021
825 Weed management in Paddy 6/18/2021 To 6/18/2021
826 Methods of Paddy Seedling raising 6/10/2021 To 6/10/2021
827 Consulted with farmers in KVK 6/1/2021 To 6/30/2021
828 Scientist visit to farmer's field 6/1/2021 To 6/30/2021
829 Consultancy through Mobile 6/1/2021 To 6/30/2021
830 Vishwa Madhumakhi Diwas 5/20/2021 To 5/20/2021
831 Consultancy through Mobile 5/11/2021 To 5/31/2021
832 seed production techniques of Paddy 5/3/2021 To 5/3/2021
833 Mobile Helpline 5/1/2021 To 5/31/2021
834 formation of FPO 4/16/2021 To 4/16/2021
835 Cultivation of Summer vegetables 4/16/2021 To 4/16/2021
836 Formation of Self Help Group 4/9/2021 To 4/9/2021
837 Seed production of Zaid maize 4/9/2021 To 4/9/2021
838 cultivation of moong crops 4/6/2021 To 4/6/2021
839 Entrepreneurship development 4/6/2021 To 4/6/2021
840 Advisory through mobile to farmers 4/1/2021 To 4/17/2021
841 Consulted with farmers in KVK 4/1/2021 To 4/17/2021
842 Scientist visited farmers field for diagnostic services 4/1/2021 To 4/17/2021
843 Consultancy through Mobile 4/1/2021 To 4/30/2021
844 Scientist visited farmers field 4/1/2021 To 4/30/2021
845 Consulted with farmers in KVK 4/1/2021 To 4/30/2021
846 Seed Production 3/26/2021 To 3/26/2021
847 Seed production technology 3/26/2021 To 3/26/2021
848 Farmers Scientist Interaction 3/24/2021 To 3/24/2021
849 Awareness program on World Water Day 3/22/2021 To 3/22/2021
850 Seed Production of Moong 3/18/2021 To 3/18/2021
851 Entrepreneurship Development 3/18/2021 To 3/18/2021
852 Crop Management of Til 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
853 Income generation 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
854 G.B.Meeting of ATMA Gaya 3/15/2021 To 3/15/2021
855 Marketing strategy for vermicompost producer 3/15/2021 To 3/15/2021
856 Consultancy though mobile 3/12/2021 To 3/31/2021
857 Consulted with farmers in KVK 3/12/2021 To 3/31/2021
858 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/12/2021 To 3/31/2021
859 Field day 3/9/2021 To 3/9/2021
860 International Women Day 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
861 Vermicompost production 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
862 Integrated Pest Management of Mustard 3/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
863 Kisan Gosthi 3/2/2021 To 3/2/2021
864 Farmers visited KVK Farm 3/1/2021 To 3/31/2021
865 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2021 To 3/31/2021
866 Mobile Helpline 3/1/2021 To 3/31/2021
867 Skill training of vermicompost producer 2/25/2021 To 2/25/2021
868 Exposure visit at BAU,Sabour Kisan Mela 2/20/2021 To 2/21/2021
869 Platform skills for vermicompost producer training 2/17/2021 To 2/19/2021
870 Kisan Goshthi in Barachatti 2/12/2021 To 2/12/2021
871 Field Day 2/12/2021 To 2/12/2021
872 Insect-pest management of Chickpea 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
873 Insect-pest management of Chickpea 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
874 Disease management in pulse crops 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
875 Self employment by group formation 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
876 Seed production techniques of Moong 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
877 Field day on Mustard in CFLD 2/1/2021 To 2/1/2021
878 Kisan gosthi in Bankebazar 2/1/2021 To 2/1/2021
879 Diagnostic visit by kvk scientist 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
880 consulted with farmers in KVK 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
881 Mobile helpline 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
882 Field visit of KVK Scientist 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
883 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
884 Farmers visited KVK Farm 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
885 SREP meeting at ATMA Gaya 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
886 Income Generation Activities 1/28/2021 To 1/28/2021
887 Water management in wheat crop 1/28/2021 To 1/28/2021
888 Formation and working of SHG 1/22/2021 To 1/22/2021
889 Seed production techniques of Mustard 1/22/2021 To 1/22/2021
890 Group formation and mushroom production 1/11/2021 To 1/11/2021
891 weed control in wheat crop 1/11/2021 To 1/11/2021
892 Entrepreneurship Development 1/5/2021 To 1/8/2021
893 Consultancy through Mobile/telephone 1/1/2021 To 1/31/2021
894 Farmers visited to KVK for different reasons like advisory, diagnostic services,etc 1/1/2021 To 1/31/2021
895 Farmers advisory service to farmers who visited kvk farm 1/1/2021 To 1/31/2021
896 Scientist visit to farmers field for advisory and diagnostic service 1/1/2021 To 1/31/2021
897 mobile helpline service 1/1/2021 To 1/31/2021
898 Visited for diagnostic service to farmers 1/1/2021 To 1/31/2021
899 Mushroom production technology seed production 1/1/1900 To 1/1/1900