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Sumb Road, Arazi, Samba : Past Events
S.No Event Name Event Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
1 Radio Kisan Diwas 2/15/2025 To 2/15/2025
2 Field day on Mustard Crop 2/14/2025 To 2/14/2025
3 Management of Cabbage butterflies in Knolkhol 2/14/2025 To 2/14/2025
4 Farm Mechanization and Automation 2/13/2025 To 2/13/2025
5 Safe Use of Pesticides 2/11/2025 To 2/11/2025
6 Management of Aphid 2/10/2025 To 2/10/2025
7 Impact of Climate Change on Soil Health 2/10/2025 To 2/10/2025
8 Agro forestry for sustainable development 2/7/2025 To 2/7/2025
9 Field Day on Mustard crop 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
10 Field Day on Mustard crop 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
11 Diagnostic visit for monotoring of wheat sowing by Super seeder machine 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
12 Diagnostic visit for Dragon fruit based forestry system 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
13 Diagnostic visit for monitoring of Hybrid Napier 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
14 Valua addition of Amla 1/29/2025 To 1/29/2025
15 Awareness programme on Flower Cultivation 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
16 Straw Management for Residue Management 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
17 Straw Reaper for Residue Management 1/23/2025 To 1/23/2025
18 Management of live hedges in the periphery of agricultural fields 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
19 Management of live hedges in the periphery of agricultural fields 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
20 Management of live hedges in the periphery of agricultural fields 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
21 Cultivation techniques of Shisham 1/20/2025 To 1/20/2025
22 Cultivation techniques of shisham 1/20/2025 To 1/20/2025
23 Cultivation techniques of Shisham 1/20/2025 To 1/20/2025
24 Organic farming in vegetables through different sources 1/16/2025 To 1/16/2025
25 Safe Use of Tractor 1/3/2025 To 1/3/2025
26 Rejuvenation of old and senile orchard 1/1/2025 To 1/1/2025
27 Inservice training programme on BeeKeeping 12/24/2024 To 12/24/2024
28 Getting information about medicinal plants 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
29 Agroforestry and Climate Change 12/20/2024 To 12/20/2024
30 Kisan Goshthi 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
31 Getting informations about Power tiller and improved agricultural machines 12/17/2024 To 12/17/2024
32 Regarding Tractor operated Zero tillage and Super Seeder machine 12/16/2024 To 12/16/2024
33 Dona and Pattal Making 12/16/2024 To 12/19/2024
34 Getting informations regarding Trator and tractor operated Zero tillage 12/16/2024 To 1/16/2025
35 Getting informations about the Kitchen Garden and value addition of Amla 12/13/2024 To 12/13/2024
36 Promotion of agroforestry based systems for income generation 12/13/2024 To 12/13/2024
37 Diagnostic Visit for Vegetables field 12/13/2024 To 12/13/2024
38 IPM package for winter vegetables 12/12/2024 To 12/12/2024
39 Awareness programme on dragon fruit cultivation in agroforestry system 12/11/2024 To 12/11/2024
40 Seed production of vegetable crops 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
41 Diagnostic visit of Mushroom unit 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
42 Effect of mulching in conserving soil moisture and weed management 12/6/2024 To 12/6/2024
43 Celebration of World Soil Day 12/5/2024 To 12/5/2024
44 Agrotechnology of hybrid napier 12/4/2024 To 12/4/2024
45 Value addition of Amla 12/4/2024 To 12/7/2024
46 Low cost protected cultivation for vegetable crops 12/3/2024 To 12/3/2024
47 Diagnosis Visit of wheat crop sown by Super seeder machine 12/3/2024 To 12/3/2024
48 Farmer-Scientist Interaction 12/3/2024 To 12/3/2024
49 Cultivation of Wheat under SC-SP 12/2/2024 To 12/2/2024
50 Getting informations about Mushroom Cultivation 12/2/2024 To 12/2/2024
51 Bamboo Craft Making 12/2/2024 To 12/5/2024
52 Importance of Kitchen Garden and its layout 11/30/2024 To 11/30/2024
53 Importance of kitchen garden and its layout 11/30/2024 To 11/30/2024
54 Bee- Keeping for livelihood security 11/29/2024 To 11/29/2024
55 Skill Training programme on Bee- Keeping 11/26/2024 To 11/28/2024
56 Agroforestry plants and grasses distribution day 11/8/2024 To 11/8/2024
57 Value addition of Amla 11/8/2024 To 11/13/2024
58 Promotion of pulse based agro- forestry system in Samba Kandi 11/6/2024 To 11/6/2024
59 Production Technology of Oil seed under CFLD 11/6/2024 To 11/6/2024
60 Production Technology of Oil seed under CFLD 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
61 Monthly officers workshop 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
62 Importance of Natural Farming in vegetable production 11/4/2024 To 11/4/2024
63 Krishi - Vaniki Sammelan 11/4/2024 To 11/4/2024
64 Production Technology of oil seed under CFLD 11/2/2024 To 11/2/2024
65 Soil sampling Technique and its importance in improving soil and crop health 11/2/2024 To 11/2/2024
66 Floriculture as an enterprise for doubling farmer income of Samba district 10/23/2024 To 10/23/2024
67 Value addition of Karonda 10/23/2024 To 10/28/2024
68 Value addition of Karonda 10/23/2024 To 10/28/2024
69 Value addition of Karonda 10/23/2024 To 10/28/2024
70 Importance of natural farming in vegetable cultivation 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
71 Application of bio fertilizers in improving soil fertility 10/18/2024 To 10/18/2024
72 Field day on Til 10/17/2024 To 10/17/2024
73 National Farm Women Day 10/15/2024 To 10/15/2024
74 Field day on Paddy crop 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
75 Paddy Residue Management 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
76 Field day on Paddy 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
77 Open field cultivation of vegetables 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
78 Field day on Paddy crops 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
79 Beekeeping for Enterprenuer 10/14/2024 To 10/16/2024
80 Bee Keeping for enterpreneur 10/14/2024 To 10/16/2024
81 Benefits of using organic manures for improving soil health 10/11/2024 To 10/11/2024
82 Field day on Soybean 10/10/2024 To 10/10/2024
83 Insect pest of oil seed crops and their management 10/9/2024 To 10/9/2024
84 Different nursery raising technique for summer and winter season vegetables 10/8/2024 To 10/8/2024
85 Seed Treatment Campaign 10/8/2024 To 10/8/2024
86 Field day on Maize crop 10/8/2024 To 10/8/2024
87 Field day on Urdbean 10/7/2024 To 10/7/2024
88 Functioning of Multi Crop Thresher and Maize Sheller 10/7/2024 To 10/7/2024
89 Hybrid Napier Day 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
90 Farmers and Farm women training 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
91 Role of natural farming in vegetable cultivation 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
92 Hybrid Napier Day 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
93 Natural Farming to agroforestry 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
94 Natural Farming 9/26/2024 To 9/27/2024
95 Organic farming through agroforestry 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
96 Super seeder for wheat sowing 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
97 Diesel Engine and Pump set 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
98 Ek Ped Maa ke Naam 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
99 Value addition of Karonda (Locally available fruit in Kandi area) 9/12/2024 To 9/12/2024
100 Field day on Maize crop 9/10/2024 To 9/10/2024
101 Field day on Maize crop 9/10/2024 To 10/10/2024
102 Major Insect Pests of Oilseed crops and their Management 9/9/2024 To 9/9/2024
103 Plantation of Medicinal Trees/ Plants 9/9/2024 To 9/9/2024
104 Mushroom Cultivation 9/9/2024 To 9/13/2024
105 Plantation of Medical Trees/ Plantation 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
106 Ek Ped Maa Naam (Vana Mahotsava) 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
107 Plantation of Medical trees 9/4/2024 To 9/4/2024
108 Plantation of Medicinal trees 9/4/2024 To 9/4/2024
109 Nitrogen Scheduling through use of Leaf Colour 9/2/2024 To 9/2/2024
110 Maintenance of tractor and its attachment 9/2/2024 To 9/7/2024
111 Awareness programme on management of fallarmy worm 8/28/2024 To 8/28/2024
112 Awareness programme on Management of Fall Army worm 8/27/2024 To 8/27/2024
113 Beekeeping for enterprenuership and Mushroom cultivation for doubling farmers income 8/22/2024 To 8/22/2024
114 Parthenium awareness programme 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
115 Care and Management of Kharif sown vegetable crops 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
116 Underutilized fruits and their importance in increasing farmer income of Kandi area 8/20/2024 To 8/20/2024
117 Kissan Goshthi 8/14/2024 To 8/14/2024
118 Vegetable cultivation techniques with organic sources. 8/14/2024 To 9/14/2024
119 High Density plantation of subtropical fruits with its care and Management 8/8/2024 To 8/8/2024
120 Techniques in sericulture 8/8/2024 To 8/14/2024
121 Multipurpose trees and their planting 8/6/2024 To 8/6/2024
122 IPM practices in Kharif Crops 8/5/2024 To 8/5/2024
123 Post harvest management of locally available fruits 8/1/2024 To 8/7/2024
124 Awareness on Jal Shakti Abhiyan - Catch the Rain 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
125 Improved Tillage Implement 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
126 Role of Organic manures in improving soil health 7/26/2024 To 7/26/2024
127 Plantation of common agroforestry trees 7/18/2024 To 7/18/2024
128 Management of Insects,Pest and Diseases in Fruit Crops 7/8/2024 To 7/8/2024
129 Integrated Pest Management in Kharif crops 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
130 Safe use of Pesticides 7/3/2024 To 7/3/2024
131 Scientific cultivation of Okra under rain fed cultivation 7/2/2024 To 7/2/2024
132 Scientific cultivation of Soyabean under CFLD 7/1/2024 To 7/1/2024
133 AgroTechnology of important aromatic plants for Samba Kandi 6/28/2024 To 6/28/2024
134 Agroforestry models for sustainable land use 6/26/2024 To 6/26/2024
135 Scientific cultivation of Soyabean under CFLD 6/25/2024 To 6/25/2024
136 Sciencetific cultivation of mash under FLD 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
137 Scientific cultivation under CFLD. 6/19/2024 To 6/19/2024
138 Scientific cultivation of turmeric under FLD 6/14/2024 To 6/14/2024
139 Scientific Cultivation of Okra 6/13/2024 To 6/13/2024
140 Scientific Cultivation of Okra 6/13/2024 To 6/13/2024
141 agro technology of pearl millet 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
142 World Environment Day 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
143 One day capacity building exposure visit/training programme under Param Paragat Krishi Vikas Yojana (CSS) PKVY 5/29/2024 To 5/29/2024
144 Improved production technologies of maize crops 5/29/2024 To 5/29/2024
145 Promotion of low cost ration for dairy animals 5/28/2024 To 5/28/2024
146 Weed management in Kharif crops 5/22/2024 To 5/22/2024
147 Seed treatment campaign 5/22/2024 To 5/22/2024
148 World Bee Day 5/20/2024 To 5/20/2024
149 Bamboo Cultivation and its utilization 5/20/2024 To 5/20/2024
150 Unit attachment in KVK Samba w.e.f. 15th-20th May, 2024 5/15/2024 To 5/20/2024
151 Conservation of soil and water through agroforestry 5/13/2024 To 5/13/2024
152 Farmer exposure visit and farmer scientist interaction 5/13/2024 To 5/13/2024
153 Safe storage of grains 5/6/2024 To 5/6/2024
154 Extension and transfer of technology activities 5/1/2024 To 5/2/2024
155 Cultivation of mango and guava with their production problems 4/18/2024 To 4/18/2024
156 Improved production technology of summer pulses 4/15/2024 To 4/15/2024
157 Field day on Mustard 4/15/2024 To 4/15/2024
158 Agrotechnologies of fodder grasses 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
159 Field day on chickpea 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
160 Exposure visit cum Farmer's Scientists Interaction 3/28/2024 To 3/28/2024
161 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/28/2024 To 3/29/2024
162 Production problem of guava 3/27/2024 To 3/27/2024
163 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/26/2024 To 3/27/2024
164 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/22/2024 To 3/23/2024
165 07 days training on Skill development and entrepreneurship in apiculture 3/22/2024 To 3/29/2024
166 Vegetable cultivation for kitchen garden 3/20/2024 To 3/20/2024
167 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/20/2024 To 3/21/2024
168 Agroforestry based natural farming 3/18/2024 To 3/18/2024
169 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/18/2024 To 3/19/2024
170 Commercial Hatchery Management 3/15/2024 To 3/15/2024
171 Regional workshop on Mushroom 3/14/2024 To 3/14/2024
172 Training programme on Quality seed production in agricultural crops in collaboration with KVK Samba 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
173 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/13/2024 To 3/14/2024
174 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/11/2024 To 3/12/2024
175 Beekeeping for livelihood security 3/7/2024 To 3/7/2024
176 Promotion of agroforestry in Samba Kandi for livelihood security 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
177 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/6/2024 To 3/7/2024
178 Awareness cum training programme on Enhancing livestock productivity through forage technologies 3/5/2024 To 3/5/2024
179 02 days training programme on Natural Farming 3/4/2024 To 3/5/2024
180 Agroforestry for sustainable Development 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
181 15 days certificate course on Integrated Nutrient Management for input dealers 2/28/2024 To 3/20/2024
182 03 days training for credit linked beneficiaries under PMFME Scheme 2/26/2024 To 2/28/2024
183 PM-Live in programme on Viksit Bharat 2/20/2024 To 2/20/2024
184 Rabi Kissan Mela 2/17/2024 To 2/17/2024
185 Farmers’-scientist interaction 2/7/2024 To 2/7/2024
186 Value addition of milk by making Kaladi and Paneer 1/24/2024 To 1/25/2024
187 Seed distribution programme and interactive workshop on production and crop management of marigold sponsored by CSIR-IIIM 1/23/2024 To 1/23/2024
188 Training programme on Forestry technologies for sustainable development sponsored by ICFRE-HFRI, Shimla 1/22/2024 To 1/22/2024
189 Care and management of newly planted fruit trees during winter season 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
190 Safe use of Pesticides 1/3/2024 To 1/3/2024
191 Vegetable farming through organic sources 12/29/2023 To 12/29/2023
192 Doubling of farmer income through horticulture as intervention 12/28/2023 To 12/28/2023
193 Safe use of tractors 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
194 Kissan Diwas 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
195 Promotion of low cost ration for dairy animals 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
196 Insect Pests of oilseed crops and their management 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
197 Multicrop thresher and maize sheller 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
198 Vegetable cultivation under protected cultivation 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
199 IPM packages for winter vegetables 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
200 Dairy farming as an enterprise 12/18/2023 To 12/22/2023
201 Safe use of pesticides 12/14/2023 To 12/14/2023
202 Management practices in backyard poultry 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
203 Management of insect pest and diseases of fruits crops 12/12/2023 To 12/12/2023
204 Low cost protected cultivation 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
205 Production technology for Rabi Pulses 12/6/2023 To 12/6/2023
206 World soil day and water- A source of life 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
207 Different prunning techniques of common fodder trees 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
208 Zero seed cum fertilizer drill for wheat sowing 12/2/2023 To 12/2/2023
209 Rejuvenation of old and senile orchard 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
210 IPM package for winter vegetables 11/30/2023 To 11/30/2023
211 Farmer's Scientist Interaction 11/29/2023 To 11/29/2023
212 Vegetable cultivation through organic sources 11/28/2023 To 11/28/2023
213 Farmer's Scientist Interaction 11/24/2023 To 11/24/2023
214 Management of commercial broiler production 11/23/2023 To 11/23/2023
215 Training programme on Nutrition garden 11/22/2023 To 11/22/2023
216 Training programme on mustard cultivation 11/21/2023 To 11/21/2023
217 Awareness on Nutrition garden 11/21/2023 To 11/21/2023
218 Training programme on chickpea cultivation 11/20/2023 To 11/20/2023
219 Farmer's Scientist Interaction 11/17/2023 To 11/17/2023
220 Training on wheat cultivation for SC farmers 11/17/2023 To 11/17/2023
221 Supplementation of dairy animals with Multi-nutrient feed blocks 11/16/2023 To 11/16/2023
222 PM Kissan flagship scheme of the government of India 11/15/2023 To 11/15/2023
223 Insect Pests of oilseed crops and their management 11/13/2023 To 11/13/2023
224 Training Programme on importance of Nutrigarden 11/10/2023 To 11/10/2023
225 5th Back to village programme 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
226 Cultivation of wheat crop 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
227 Promotion of horticulture based agroforestry in kandi region of Samba 11/6/2023 To 11/6/2023
228 Beekeeping for livelihood security 11/6/2023 To 11/10/2023
229 Role of agroforestry in climate change mitigation 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
230 Farmer Scientist interaction 11/1/2023 To 11/1/2023
231 Importance of nutrition garden for safe vegetables 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
232 Field day on Paddy 10/18/2023 To 10/18/2023
233 Seed treatment campaign 10/17/2023 To 10/17/2023
234 Organic farming in vegetables through different sources 10/16/2023 To 10/16/2023
235 Major insects pests of oil seed crops and their management 10/13/2023 To 10/13/2023
236 Farmer's Scientist Interaction 10/12/2023 To 10/12/2023
237 Poultry farming as an enterprise 10/9/2023 To 10/11/2023
238 Farmer's Scientist Interaction 10/6/2023 To 10/6/2023
239 Field Day on Urdbean 10/5/2023 To 10/5/2023
240 Importance of various nutrients in field crops. 10/5/2023 To 10/5/2023
241 Officer’s Workshop 10/5/2023 To 10/5/2023
242 Plant/Animal health/soil health camp 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
243 Field Day on Pearlmillet 10/3/2023 To 10/3/2023
244 Field day of Okra 10/3/2023 To 10/3/2023
245 Activity on Swachta Hi Seva (SHS) campaign 3.0 w.e.f. 02.10.2023 to 31.10.2023 10/2/2023 To 10/31/2023
246 Nursery raising techniques of winter season vegetables 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
247 Scientific feeding practices for the livestock 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
248 Field Day on Maize 9/25/2023 To 9/25/2023
249 Floriculture as an emerging enterprise for doubling farmer's income 9/21/2023 To 9/21/2023
250 Farmer's Scientists interaction 9/21/2023 To 9/21/2023
251 Beekeping for livelihood security 9/20/2023 To 9/26/2023
252 Beekeping for livelihood security 9/20/2023 To 9/26/2023
253 Silage making for scarcity period 9/19/2023 To 9/19/2023
254 Farmer's Scientists interaction 9/19/2023 To 9/19/2023
255 Training cum demonstration on Nitrogen scheduling through use of leaf color chart leaf (LCC) 9/15/2023 To 9/15/2023
256 Nitrogen scheduling through use of leaf colour chart (LCC) 9/15/2023 To 9/15/2023
257 One day seminar to celebrate India's G-20 Presidency in collaboration with Akashvani Jammu & KVK Samba 9/14/2023 To 9/14/2023
258 Mushroom cultivation as profitable enterprise 9/11/2023 To 9/15/2023
259 Farmer's Scientists interaction 9/6/2023 To 9/6/2023
260 Insect Pests of Paddy and their management 9/6/2023 To 9/6/2023
261 Farmer's Scientists interaction 9/5/2023 To 9/5/2023
262 Cultivation of Aromatic Plants 9/5/2023 To 9/5/2023
263 Farmer's Scientists interaction 9/1/2023 To 9/1/2023
264 Role of mulching in conserving soil moisture and weed management 8/31/2023 To 8/31/2023
265 Farmer's Scientist Interaction 8/30/2023 To 8/30/2023
266 Agrotechnology of important grasses for Samba kandi 8/25/2023 To 8/25/2023
267 Scientific Cultivation of Citrus Fruits 8/24/2023 To 8/24/2023
268 Micro rain water harvesting and enhancing water productivity 8/24/2023 To 8/24/2023
269 Farmer's Scientist Interaction 8/23/2023 To 8/23/2023
270 IPM strategies for Kharif crops 8/23/2023 To 8/23/2023
271 Farmer's Scientist Interaction 8/22/2023 To 8/22/2023
272 Artificial Insemination in Animal 8/22/2023 To 8/22/2023
273 Underutilized Fruits and their importance in increasing farmer income of Kandi area 8/17/2023 To 8/17/2023
274 Parthenium Awareness Week 8/17/2023 To 8/17/2023
275 77th Independence Day Celebrations at KVK Samba 8/15/2023 To 8/15/2023
276 Diesel Engine and Pump 8/11/2023 To 8/11/2023
277 Role of Organic Manures In Improving Soil Health. 8/9/2023 To 8/9/2023
278 Celebration of Van Mahotsav (Clean Samba Green Samba) 8/9/2023 To 8/9/2023
279 Value addition of summer season fruits and vegetables 8/7/2023 To 8/9/2023
280 Home Scale Preparation of complimentary food for Infants 8/3/2023 To 8/3/2023
281 Calibration of Multicrop seed drill for different seed 8/2/2023 To 8/4/2023
282 IPM Practices in Kharif Crops 8/1/2023 To 8/1/2023
283 Care and management of summer season vegetables 7/28/2023 To 7/28/2023
284 Webcast on PM Kisan 14th installment release to farmer’s under PM KIssan scheme 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
285 Webcast on PM Kisan 14th installment release to farmer’s under PM KIssan scheme 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
286 Orchard establishment with its care and maintenance 7/25/2023 To 7/25/2023
287 Improved tillage implements 7/19/2023 To 7/19/2023
288 Promotion of low cost balanced ration for dairy animals 7/18/2023 To 7/18/2023
289 Management of `insects, pest and diseases in fruit crops 7/17/2023 To 7/17/2023
290 Plantation of common agroforestry trees 7/17/2023 To 7/17/2023
291 Farmer's scientist interaction 7/17/2023 To 7/17/2023
292 Farmer's scientist interaction during celebration of 95th ICAR Foundation and Technology Day 7/16/2023 To 7/16/2023
293 ICAR Foundation Day Celebrations & Technology Day 7/16/2023 To 7/18/2023
294 IPM practices in Kharif crops 7/13/2023 To 7/13/2023
295 Weed management in Kharif crops 6/23/2023 To 6/23/2023
296 One day regional seminar on promotion of millets in association with AIIMS Jammu 6/20/2023 To 6/20/2023
297 Agrotechnology of Moong bean 6/16/2023 To 6/16/2023
298 Water Conservation Techniques through various agroforestry measures 6/15/2023 To 6/15/2023
299 Cultivation of millet (grain) under agroforestry system 6/14/2023 To 6/14/2023
300 Krishi Vaniki Sammellan 6/14/2023 To 6/14/2023
301 Cultivation of cowpea for better income 6/13/2023 To 6/13/2023
302 Agrotechnology of Maize 6/12/2023 To 6/12/2023
303 Agrotechnology of pearl millet (grain) 6/7/2023 To 6/7/2023
304 Agrotechnology of pearl millet (fodder) 6/7/2023 To 6/7/2023
305 Promotion of hydroponics in Samba 6/6/2023 To 6/6/2023
306 World Environment Day 6/5/2023 To 6/5/2023
307 Agrotechnology of pearl millet (fodder) 6/5/2023 To 6/5/2023
308 Agrotechnology of pearl millet (grain) 6/5/2023 To 6/5/2023
309 Sheep and goat feeding and breeding management 6/2/2023 To 6/2/2023
310 Safe use of pesticides 6/1/2023 To 6/1/2023
311 Resource conservation machinery 5/31/2023 To 5/31/2023
312 Soil sampling techniques and its importance in improving the soil and crop health 5/30/2023 To 5/30/2023
313 Tree Plantation drive 5/29/2023 To 5/29/2023
314 Training programme on live demonstration of Jeevamrit under Mission Life 5/23/2023 To 5/23/2023
315 Training programme on live demonstration of Jeevamrit under Mission Life 5/22/2023 To 5/22/2023
316 World Bee Day 5/20/2023 To 5/20/2023
317 Seed treatment Campaign 5/19/2023 To 5/19/2023
318 Safe storage of Grains 5/18/2023 To 5/18/2023
319 Nutritional Management in dairy animals 5/16/2023 To 5/16/2023
320 Krishi Vaniki Sammelan 5/12/2023 To 5/12/2023
321 Bamboo Propagation and utilization 5/12/2023 To 5/12/2023
322 One day regional seminar on promotion of millets 4/25/2023 To 4/25/2023
323 Scientific cultivation of guava with its production problem 4/20/2023 To 4/20/2023
324 Machinery for direct seeding of rice 4/19/2023 To 4/19/2023
325 Commercial Hatchery Management 4/17/2023 To 4/17/2023
326 Entrepreneurship opportunities in agroforestry 4/17/2023 To 4/20/2023
327 Agroforestry Nursery Management 4/3/2023 To 4/3/2023
328 Entrepreneurship development in aromatic plants cultivation 4/1/2023 To 4/4/2023
329 Value addition of flowers 3/27/2023 To 3/28/2023
330 Training programme for farmers and farm women on Importance of Millets 3/18/2023 To 3/18/2023
331 Krishi Vaniki Sammelan 3/9/2023 To 3/9/2023
332 International Women's Day 3/8/2023 To 3/8/2023
333 Field day on Mustard 3/2/2023 To 3/2/2023
334 Supplementation of dairy animals with UMMB blocks 2/27/2023 To 2/27/2023
335 Promotion of grasses for forage purposes 2/8/2023 To 2/8/2023
336 Safe use of pesticides 2/6/2023 To 2/6/2023
337 Celebration of 74th Republic Day 1/26/2023 To 1/26/2023
338 Farmer Scientist Interaction 1/22/2023 To 1/22/2023
339 Scientific Feeding practices for the livestock 1/11/2023 To 1/11/2023
340 15 days certificate course on Integrated Nutrient Management for Input dealers 1/10/2023 To 1/31/2023
341 Cultivation techniques of important medicinal plants 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
342 Different nursery raising techniques for summer and winter season vegetables 12/26/2022 To 12/26/2022
343 Value addition of Amla 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
344 Management practices in backyard poultry 12/20/2022 To 12/20/2022
345 Agrotechnology of important grasses for Samba Kandi 12/19/2022 To 12/19/2022
346 Management of Insects, pests and diseases in fruit crops 12/16/2022 To 12/16/2022
347 Calibration and adjustment of zero seed cum fertiliser drill 12/16/2022 To 12/16/2022
348 IPM/IDM package for major Rabi crops 12/15/2022 To 12/15/2022
349 Utilisation of waste lands through medicinal plants 12/14/2022 To 12/14/2022
350 Weed Management of major field crops 12/13/2022 To 12/13/2022
351 Rejuvenation of old and senile orchards 12/13/2022 To 12/13/2022
352 INM in Vegetable Crops 12/12/2022 To 12/12/2022
353 IPM package for winter vegetables 12/9/2022 To 12/9/2022
354 Celebration of World Soil Day 12/5/2022 To 12/5/2022
355 Early vegetable cultivation in protected conditions 11/26/2022 To 11/26/2022
356 Cultivation of Mustard 11/23/2022 To 11/23/2022
357 Cultivation of Chickpea 11/16/2022 To 11/16/2022
358 Role of agroforestry in climate change mitigation 11/15/2022 To 11/15/2022
359 Wheat cultivation under SCSP 11/14/2022 To 11/14/2022
360 IPM package for winter vegetables 11/7/2022 To 11/7/2022
361 Seed drill and maize planter for line sowing 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
362 Insect pests of oilseed and their management 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
363 Importance of various nutrients in field crops 11/2/2022 To 11/2/2022
364 Jan Abhiyaan on Mushroom and its value addition 10/31/2022 To 10/31/2022
365 Major insects of oil seed crops and their Management 10/31/2022 To 10/31/2022
366 Jan Abhiyaan on Poultry 10/29/2022 To 10/29/2022
367 Jan Abhiyaan on Centrally Sponsored Schemes 10/29/2022 To 10/29/2022
368 Jan Abhiyaan on Judicious use of Pesticides 10/29/2022 To 10/29/2022
369 Organic farming in vegetables through different sources 10/29/2022 To 10/29/2022
370 Jan Abhiyaan on Fisheries 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
371 Jan Abhiyaan on Fodder Production 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
372 Feeding and Breeding of Sheep and Goat 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
373 Jan Abhiyaan on Natural Farming 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
374 Jan Abhiyaan on Beekeeping 10/27/2022 To 10/27/2022
375 Role of Organic Manures in improving Soil Health 10/27/2022 To 10/27/2022
376 Jan Abhiyaan on Diversification 10/26/2022 To 10/26/2022
377 Zero tillage and super seederfor wheat sowing 10/25/2022 To 10/25/2022
378 Animal Health Camp 10/25/2022 To 10/25/2022
379 Importance of nutritional garden for safe vegetable production 10/21/2022 To 10/21/2022
380 Field day on Paddy crop 10/20/2022 To 10/20/2022
381 Seed treatment campaign 10/19/2022 To 10/19/2022
382 Live Programme on PM Kissan Samman Sammelan 10/17/2022 To 10/17/2022
383 Exposure visit of farmers to IARI, New Delhi 10/16/2022 To 10/18/2022
384 Rural women day 10/15/2022 To 10/15/2022
385 Floriculture as an emerging enterprise for doubling the farmer income of samba district 10/12/2022 To 10/12/2022
386 Nutritional campaign on Poshan Abhiyan and tree plantation in association with IFFCO 9/17/2022 To 9/17/2022
387 Awareness programme on Layout of kitchen garden for nutritional security 9/15/2022 To 9/15/2022
388 Different Nursery raising techniques for summer and winter season vegetables 9/15/2022 To 9/15/2022
389 Awareness programme on Nutrition management and its importance in human life 9/14/2022 To 9/14/2022
390 Diesel Engine and pump 9/9/2022 To 9/9/2022
391 Awareness on Lumpy skin disease 9/9/2022 To 9/9/2022
392 Home scale preparation of complimentary food for infants 9/8/2022 To 9/8/2022
393 Awareness on Lumpy skin disease 9/7/2022 To 9/7/2022
394 Nitrogen scheduling through use of leaf colour chart 8/30/2022 To 8/30/2022
395 Awareness on Lumpy skin disease 8/30/2022 To 8/30/2022
396 Artificial Insemination in animals 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
397 Role of Mulching in conserving soil moisture and weed management 8/23/2022 To 8/23/2022
398 IPM practices in kharif crops 8/22/2022 To 8/22/2022
399 Nutrient management in field crops 8/17/2022 To 8/17/2022
400 Independence Day Celebrations 8/15/2022 To 8/15/2022
401 Plantation of trees 8/13/2022 To 8/13/2022
402 Underutilized fruits and their importance in increasing farmer's income 8/12/2022 To 8/12/2022
403 Scientific cultivation of citrus fruits 8/8/2022 To 8/8/2022
404 Management of Commercial broiler production 8/4/2022 To 8/4/2022
405 Management of Insects Pests & Diseases in Fruit Crops 8/3/2022 To 8/3/2022
406 Awareness on Plantation of fruit trees 8/2/2022 To 8/2/2022
407 IPM Practices in Kharif crops 7/28/2022 To 7/28/2022
408 Silage Making for Scarcity period 7/27/2022 To 7/27/2022
409 Plantation of Common Agroforestry trees 7/26/2022 To 7/26/2022
410 Agrotechnology of Urdbean 7/26/2022 To 7/26/2022
411 Van Mahotsava 7/25/2022 To 7/25/2022
412 Demonstration on Preparation of organic Panch-gavya 7/18/2022 To 7/18/2022
413 ICAR Foundation Day 7/16/2022 To 7/16/2022
414 Orchard Establishment with its care and maintenance 7/15/2022 To 7/15/2022
415 Organic Vegetable Farming 7/13/2022 To 7/13/2022
416 IPM Practices in Mash under FLD 7/12/2022 To 7/12/2022
417 Improved Tillage Implement 7/7/2022 To 7/7/2022
418 Cultivation of Urdbean 7/5/2022 To 7/5/2022
419 Agrotechnology of Bajra Fodder 7/4/2022 To 7/4/2022
420 Scientific Cultivation of Guava with its production problem 6/27/2022 To 6/27/2022
421 IPM Practices in Paddy 6/23/2022 To 6/23/2022
422 Production Technology for Kharif pulses 6/21/2022 To 6/21/2022
423 Awareness on Region Specific Agroforestry 6/21/2022 To 6/21/2022
424 Feeding and Breeding Management of Sheep and Goat 6/20/2022 To 6/20/2022
425 Bamboo Propagation and Utilisation 6/20/2022 To 6/20/2022
426 Agroforestry Nursery Management 6/18/2022 To 6/18/2022
427 Safe use of pesticides 6/16/2022 To 6/16/2022
428 Kaladi Making Value addition of milk 6/9/2022 To 6/9/2022
429 Soil Sampling Technique and its importance in improving soil and crop health 6/7/2022 To 6/7/2022
430 Celebration of World Environment Day 6/5/2022 To 6/5/2022
431 Seed Treatment Campaign 6/2/2022 To 6/2/2022
432 Pit Digging Techniques for plantation 5/30/2022 To 5/30/2022
433 Production Technology of paddy under FLD 5/20/2022 To 5/20/2022
434 Safe Storage of Grains 5/19/2022 To 5/19/2022
435 Advantage of Direct Seeded Rice 5/13/2022 To 5/13/2022
436 Kisan Mela under Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
437 Field Day on Chickpea 4/8/2022 To 4/8/2022
438 Field Day on Berseem 4/7/2022 To 4/7/2022
439 Field Day on Wheat 4/6/2022 To 4/6/2022
440 Field Day on Mustard 4/5/2022 To 4/5/2022
441 District Level Event on Commercial Floriculture under MIDH 3/24/2022 To 3/24/2022
442 Awareness programme on Petroleum Conservation 3/22/2022 To 3/22/2022
443 Vocational Training on Bamboo Craft 3/22/2022 To 3/31/2022
444 Adjustment and Maintenance of Agriculture Machinery and Tractor 3/21/2022 To 3/23/2022
445 Awareness programme on Livestock and Fodder Technologies for Sustainable Livelihood 3/19/2022 To 3/19/2022
446 Promotion of horti based agroforestry 3/17/2022 To 3/17/2022
447 Value addition of fish 3/16/2022 To 3/16/2022
448 Role of Agroforestry in Climate Change Mitigation 3/15/2022 To 3/15/2022
449 Value addition of Milk, Meat and their products 3/15/2022 To 3/17/2022
450 Commercial Hatchery Management 3/14/2022 To 3/14/2022
451 Machinery for direct seeding of rice 3/4/2022 To 3/4/2022
452 Resource Conservation Machine 3/2/2022 To 3/2/2022
453 ORGANIC VEGETABLE PRODUCTION 2/25/2022 To 2/25/2022
454 In-service training programme on Quality Seed Production of Field Crops 2/23/2022 To 2/23/2022
455 03 days vocational training programme on Feed Resource Development and Preparation of Silage. 2/23/2022 To 2/25/2022
456 Awareness programme on Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) 2/22/2022 To 2/22/2022
458 In-service training programme on Production and Management of Commercial layers 2/18/2022 To 2/18/2022
459 03 days vocational training programme on value addition of Amla 2/18/2022 To 2/21/2022
460 03 days vocational training programme on value addition of flowers 2/14/2022 To 2/14/2022
462 WORLD PULSES DAY 2/10/2022 To 2/10/2022
463 03 days vocational training programme on Scientific Goat rearing and its role in the subsdiary occupation generation 2/9/2022 To 2/11/2022
466 03 days vocational training programme on Post Harvest Management of Harar, Bahera and Desi Amla 2/7/2022 To 2/9/2022
467 VALUE ADDITION OF AONLA 2/4/2022 To 2/4/2022
468 Formation of FPOs 2/3/2022 To 2/3/2022
469 Centrally sponsored Schemes in Agriculture, Forestry, Agroforestry and allied sectors 2/2/2022 To 2/2/2022
470 In-service training programme on Production and Management of Commercial Broiler 2/1/2022 To 2/1/2022
471 05 days vocational training programme on Beekeeping for livelihood security 2/1/2022 To 2/7/2022
472 Cultivation Techniques of Important Medicinal Plants 1/31/2022 To 1/31/2022
473 Awareness programme in association with KVIC under Gramodyog vikas yojna 1/27/2022 To 1/27/2022
474 Nutritional Management in Dairy Animals 1/25/2022 To 1/25/2022
475 Post Harvest Management and Value addition of Fish 1/25/2022 To 1/27/2022
476 Safe use of pesticides 1/24/2022 To 1/24/2022
477 Vocational Training programme on Computation and Preparation of balanced ration for different livestock 1/19/2022 To 1/21/2022
478 vocational training programme on Beekeeping for livelihood security 1/17/2022 To 1/21/2022
479 Low Cost Protected Cultivation for Vegetable Crops 1/14/2022 To 1/14/2022
480 vocational training programme on Beekeeping for livelihood security 1/12/2022 To 1/16/2022
481 Tractor and improved tillage implements 1/4/2022 To 1/4/2022
482 Live programme of Hon'ble PM on Kisan Samman Nidhi Fund Yojana 1/1/2022 To 1/1/2022
483 IPM Package for winter vegetables 12/31/2021 To 12/31/2021
484 Kisan Ghoshti during the celebration of Kisan Diwas 12/25/2021 To 12/25/2021
485 Celebration of Kisan Diwas with theme “Unat Kheti Unnat Kisan under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav 12/24/2021 To 12/24/2021
486 National campaign on Jai Jawan Jai Kissan under Azadi Ka amrit mahotsav 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
487 Inservice Training on Calibration and adjustment of zero seed cum fertilizer drill 12/21/2021 To 12/21/2021
488 Promotion of bio fences in Samba Kandi 12/20/2021 To 12/20/2021
489 Repair and Maintenance of tractor and attached implements 12/17/2021 To 12/17/2021
490 Programme of Hon'ble Prime Minister on Natural Farming Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
491 Inservice Training on Modern Nursery Techniques and production of quality planting stock 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
492 10 days training programme on Processing and value addition of fruits and vegetables 12/15/2021 To 12/25/2021
493 Inservice Training on Role of resource conservation tillage 12/14/2021 To 12/14/2021
494 Inservice Training on Promotion of Agroforestry in Samba district 12/13/2021 To 12/13/2021
495 Backyard poultry Farming 12/13/2021 To 12/15/2021
496 Inservice Training on Agroforestry models for sustainable land use and development 12/9/2021 To 12/9/2021
497 Management Practices in Backyard Poultry 12/9/2021 To 12/9/2021
498 Inservice Training on Market Intelligence 12/8/2021 To 12/8/2021
499 Inservice Training on IPM Package for major insect pests of vegetables and fruit crops 12/7/2021 To 12/7/2021
500 InserviceTraining on IPM/IDM Package for major Rabi crops 12/7/2021 To 12/7/2021
501 Celebration of world soil day 12/5/2021 To 12/5/2021
502 Celebration of world soil day 12/5/2021 To 12/5/2021
503 Different Nursery Raising Techniques 12/3/2021 To 12/3/2021
504 Managment of Insect/pest an diseases in fruit crops 12/2/2021 To 12/2/2021
505 Managment of Insect/pest an diseases in fruit crops 12/2/2021 To 12/2/2021
506 Farmers Training on organic farming in vegetables through different sources 11/25/2021 To 11/25/2021
507 Farmer Scientist Interaction 11/25/2021 To 11/25/2021
508 Farmers Training on Importance of Nutrition Gardern to meet the need of nutrients 11/25/2021 To 11/25/2021
509 Vocational Training on Value Addition of Milk (Kalari Making). 11/24/2021 To 11/26/2021
510 Farmers Training on Multi Crop Planter and Zero Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill 11/21/2021 To 11/21/2021
511 Farmers Training on IPM Package for winter Vegetables 11/16/2021 To 11/16/2021
512 Farmers Training on Agrotechnology of Berseem 11/8/2021 To 11/8/2021
513 Farmers Training on Formation of FPOs 11/5/2021 To 11/5/2021
514 Farmers Training on Multi Crop Thresher and Maize Sheller 11/3/2021 To 11/3/2021
515 Filed Day on Paddy 11/3/2021 To 11/3/2021
516 Farmers Training on Major Insect Pests of Oilseed Crops and their Management 11/2/2021 To 11/2/2021
517 Farmers Training on Silage Making 11/1/2021 To 11/1/2021
518 Farmers Training on Major Insect Pest of Oilseed Crops 10/20/2021 To 10/20/2021
519 Farmers Training on Zero Seed cum Fertilizer Drill and Multi Crop Plants 10/18/2021 To 10/18/2021
520 World Food Day 10/16/2021 To 10/16/2021
521 Mahila Kissan Diwas 10/15/2021 To 10/15/2021
522 Seed Treatment Campaign 10/13/2021 To 10/13/2021
523 Farmers Training on Cultivation of Aromatic Plants 10/13/2021 To 10/13/2021
524 Farmers Training on Cultivation of Aromatic Plants 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
525 Field Day on Mash (urdbean). 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
526 Farmers Training on Production Technology for Rabi Season oilseed crops 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
527 Farmers Training on Importance of various nutrients in field crops 9/24/2021 To 9/24/2021
528 Training on weed management of major field crops 9/23/2021 To 9/23/2021
529 In-service Training on Utilization of waste lands through medicinal plants 9/23/2021 To 9/23/2021
530 Farmers Training on Feeding Management of Sheep & Goat 9/21/2021 To 9/21/2021
531 Awareness programme on Terrace gardening in Samba district for growing vegetables 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
532 Programme Schedule on Vriksharopan Evam Poshan Abhiyan 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
533 Farmers Training on Different Nursery Raising Technique for winter vegetable 9/16/2021 To 9/16/2021
534 In-service Training on Watershed Development, Rainwater Harvesting and enhancing water production 9/13/2021 To 9/13/2021
535 In-service Training on Integrated Nutrient Management in Vegetable crops 9/13/2021 To 9/13/2021
536 Farmers Training on Floriculture as an emerging enterprise for doubling the farmer income. 9/10/2021 To 9/10/2021
537 Farmers Training on Nitrogen Scheduling through use of Leaf Colour Chart 9/9/2021 To 9/9/2021
538 Farmers Training on IPM practices in Kharif Crop 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
539 In-service Training on Agro Technology of important grasses for Samba Kandi 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
540 Farmers Training on Importance of nutrition garden for safe vegetable production 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
541 Farmers Training on Artificial Insemination Problems Faced & Way-out 9/3/2021 To 9/3/2021
542 In-service Training on IPM Strategies for Kharif Crops 9/2/2021 To 9/2/2021
543 In-service Training on IPM Strategies for Kharif Crops 9/2/2021 To 9/2/2021
544 In-service Training on Conservation vegetable farming through efficient use of resources to sustain livelihood of dry land 9/1/2021 To 9/1/2021
545 Farmers Training on Role of mulching in conserving soil moisture and weed management 8/27/2021 To 8/27/2021
546 Farmers Training on Home Scale Preparation of complimentary food for infants 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
547 Repair and maintenance of Diesel Engine and Pump 8/25/2021 To 8/25/2021
548 Farmers Training on Underutilized fruits and their importance in increasing farmer income 8/24/2021 To 8/24/2021
549 Promotion of horse gram through FPOs 8/23/2021 To 8/23/2021
550 Planting of multi-purpose trees in Kandi belt 8/20/2021 To 8/20/2021
551 IPM Practices in Pulses Crops 7/19/2021 To 7/19/2021
552 IPM practices in pulse crops 7/19/2021 To 7/19/2021
553 Farmers Training on IPM Practices in Kharif Crops 7/14/2021 To 7/14/2021
554 Production Technology of Pulse crops 7/12/2021 To 7/12/2021
555 Production Technology of Pulses Crop 7/12/2021 To 7/12/2021
556 Farmers Training on Plantation Techniques of Common Agroforestry Trees 7/9/2021 To 7/9/2021
557 Farmers Training on Cultivation of Mash Crop under Agroforestry Systems 7/8/2021 To 7/8/2021
558 Farmers Training on Importance of Organic Vegetable Production 7/7/2021 To 7/7/2021
559 Farmers Training on Role of Organic Manures in improving Soil Health 7/7/2021 To 7/7/2021
560 Farmers Training on Importance of Organic Vegetable Production 7/6/2021 To 7/6/2021
561 Farmers Training on Production Technology for Kharif Pulses 7/5/2021 To 7/5/2021
562 Formation of FPOs 7/2/2021 To 7/2/2021
563 Formation of FPOs 7/2/2021 To 7/2/2021
564 Farmers visit to KVK 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
565 Benefits of Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) 6/27/2021 To 6/27/2021
566 Safe use of Pesticides 6/26/2021 To 6/26/2021
567 Scientific cultivation of Guava with its production problem 6/25/2021 To 6/25/2021
568 Bamboo propagation and utilization 6/24/2021 To 6/24/2021
569 Water conservation techniques through various agroforestry measures 6/23/2021 To 6/23/2021
570 Safe storage of grains 6/22/2021 To 6/22/2021
571 Fertilizer Awareness Programme 6/18/2021 To 6/18/2021
572 Soil sampling techniques and its importance in soil and crop health 6/15/2021 To 6/15/2021
573 Agrotechnology of fodder crops (hybrid bajra k-35) under Agroforestry 6/11/2021 To 6/11/2021
574 Agroforestry nursery management 6/10/2021 To 6/10/2021
575 World Environment Day 6/5/2021 To 6/5/2021
576 World Milk Day 6/1/2021 To 6/1/2021
577 Farmers Visit to KVK 6/1/2021 To 6/30/2021
578 Field day on Barseem 5/23/2021 To 5/23/2021
579 World Honey Day 5/20/2021 To 5/20/2021
580 Resource Conservation Technology through DSR 5/6/2021 To 5/6/2021
581 Production Technology of DSR 5/4/2021 To 5/4/2021
582 farmers visit to KVK Samba 5/1/2021 To 5/31/2021
583 Field Day on Barseem 4/23/2021 To 4/23/2021
584 Field Day on Wheat 4/20/2021 To 4/20/2021
585 Field Day on Chick Pea 4/18/2021 To 4/18/2021
586 Field Day on Mustard 4/7/2021 To 4/7/2021
587 Farmers visit to KVK 4/1/2021 To 4/30/2021
588 World water day 3/22/2021 To 3/22/2021
589 International Women Day 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
590 Role of bio-fertilizer in vegetable production 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
591 Calibration and adjustment of zero seed cum fertilizer drill 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
592 Medicinal Plants and cultivators/ grower 3/5/2021 To 3/29/2021
593 Production and Management of commercial layer 3/4/2021 To 3/4/2021
594 Waste land development through cultivation of maps 3/4/2021 To 3/4/2021
595 Watershed management for sustainable development 3/4/2021 To 3/4/2021
596 Production and Management of commercial broiler 3/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
597 Supplementation of dairy animals with UMMB 3/2/2021 To 3/2/2021
598 Farmers visit to KVK Samba 3/1/2021 To 3/31/2021
599 inter-space utilization in the existing orchards 2/19/2021 To 2/19/2021
600 Promotion of agroforestry in Samba district 2/19/2021 To 2/19/2021
601 Time and stress management 2/18/2021 To 2/18/2021
602 Prunning of fodder tree 2/18/2021 To 2/18/2021
603 Multi crop Thresher and Maize sheller 2/17/2021 To 2/17/2021
604 Safe use of pesticide 2/16/2021 To 2/16/2021
605 Training programmme on quality seed production and storage in field crops 2/12/2021 To 2/12/2021
606 Value addition of tomato 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
607 Role of vegetables in Human nutrition 2/9/2021 To 2/9/2021
608 rejuvenation of old and senile orchard 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
609 Seed production technique of marigold 2/2/2021 To 2/4/2021
610 Farmers visit to KVK Samba 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
611 Low cost protected cultivation for Vegetable crops 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
612 Village visit and revisit programme 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
613 Vale addition of amla 1/28/2021 To 1/28/2021
614 Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 1/25/2021 To 1/25/2021
615 Nutritional Management in dairy Animals 1/22/2021 To 1/22/2021
616 Management of Backyard Farming 1/20/2021 To 1/20/2021
617 Management of Backyard Farming 1/20/2021 To 2/20/2021
618 Formation of FPO 1/19/2021 To 1/19/2021
619 World Soil Day 12/5/2020 To 12/5/2020
620 Leadership development among youth farmer 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
621 Celebration of Mahila Divas 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
622 Establishment of nutri garden, its role and importance 9/18/2020 To 9/18/2020
623 Capacity development of Anganwadi workers and farm women 9/17/2020 To 9/17/2020
624 Nutrition diet for human health 9/16/2020 To 9/16/2020
625 Awareness programme on importance of balanced diet under Poshan Maah 9/14/2020 To 9/14/2020
626 Holistic development and adequate nutrition for pregnant women, mother and children through balanced diet 9/12/2020 To 9/12/2020
627 Important of Nutrition garden under POSHAN MAHA 9/11/2020 To 9/11/2020
628 Improved Tillage Implement 9/2/2020 To 9/2/2020
629 Backyard poultry farming with Kadaknath birds 8/31/2020 To 8/31/2020
630 Awareness programme on Mushroom viz. formation of FPOS 8/27/2020 To 8/27/2020