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Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Itaha : Past Events
S.No Event Name Event Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
1 Exposure visits by concern SMS 2/28/2025 To 2/28/2025
2 Welcome & Orientation 2/28/2025 To 2/28/2025
3 Exposure visits by concern SMS 2/27/2025 To 2/27/2025
4 Meeting with advisory lectures to 35 SC participants victim of human trafficking organised by TRINITY Trust. 2/25/2025 To 2/25/2025
5 Exhibition 2/24/2025 To 2/24/2025
6 PM Kisan Nidhi telecast from Bhagalpur 2/24/2025 To 2/24/2025
7 Oyster mushroom production tech. 2/24/2025 To 2/25/2025
8 Kisan Mela, DAO, Araria 2/21/2025 To 2/25/2025
9 IPM in Mango 2/20/2025 To 2/21/2025
10 Oyster mushroom production tech. 2/20/2025 To 2/21/2025
11 Oyster mushroom production tech. 2/18/2025 To 2/19/2025
12 Virtually participated in CRA financial review meeting 2/11/2025 To 2/11/2025
13 Oyster mushroom production tech. 2/10/2025 To 2/10/2025
14 Participated Task Force at district level 2/10/2025 To 2/10/2025
15 Attended and participated in meeting on mango geo-tagging at BAU 2/7/2025 To 2/7/2025
16 Exposure visits by concern SMS 2/6/2025 To 2/6/2025
17 Oyster mushroom production tech. 2/1/2025 To 2/2/2025
18 Mushroom cultivation technology 2/1/2025 To 2/12/2025
19 OFT 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
20 Farmers Visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK (PP) 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
21 OFT (Assessement the efficacy of nutrient management in mango) 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
22 Front Line Demonstration 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
23 OFT (Evalution of marigold varieties for higher productivitty) 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
24 Through Mobile Call 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
25 Farmers visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK (Hort.) 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
26 Facilitation in the Assessment of AESP Trainee 1/30/2025 To 1/30/2025
27 Assessment and evaluation of RAWE Student 1/27/2025 To 1/27/2025
28 IPM in Rabi Maize 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
29 Weed management in rabi crops 1/17/2025 To 1/18/2025
30 IPM in Potato 1/16/2025 To 1/16/2025
31 Radio talk on Tilhani faslon me samsamyik dekhbhal 1/14/2025 To 1/14/2025
32 Oyster Mushroom cultivation and its demonstration under CRA 1/14/2025 To 1/15/2025
33 News Coverage on Management of Fall Army Worm and maydis leaf blight in Maize in Dainik Bhaskar 1/13/2025 To 1/13/2025
34 Scientific visit to farmers field (Fall Army Worm and Maydis leaf blight in Maize ) 1/11/2025 To 1/11/2025
35 Weed management in rabi crops 1/10/2025 To 1/11/2025
36 Oyster Mushroom cultivation and its demonstration under CRA 1/7/2025 To 1/8/2025
37 Oyster Mushroom cultivation and its demonstration under CRA 1/2/2025 To 1/3/2025
38 3 Lecture delivered in on campus Training on Mushroom Production 1/1/2025 To 1/3/2025
39 Farmers Visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
40 Popular articles on Rabi faslon me fasal suraxa for Krishak Sandesh 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
41 Front Line Demonstration on makhana Crop under CRA village 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
42 Advisory Services through mobile call 1/1/2025 To 1/31/2025
43 Button Mushroom cultivation and its demonstration under CRA 12/31/2024 To 1/1/2025
44 Participated in inauguration of 12 days training on mushroom under SC-SP programme at KVK Araria campus 12/29/2024 To 12/29/2024
45 Farmers visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK 12/28/2024 To 12/28/2024
46 Attended and participated in mushroom training under SC-SP programme at KVK Araria campus 12/28/2024 To 12/28/2024
47 Kisan Mela 12/27/2024 To 12/28/2024
48 Button Mushroom cultivation and its demonstration under CRA 12/27/2024 To 12/28/2024
49 Knowledge, utility & operation of latest Agril. Equipment 12/26/2024 To 12/27/2024
50 Newspaper coverage 12/25/2024 To 12/25/2024
51 Participated and lecture delivered under CRA training programme on the topic of button mushroom production and demonstration 12/25/2024 To 12/26/2024
52 Participated and lecture delivered under CRA training programme on the topic of button mushroom production and demonstration 12/25/2024 To 12/26/2024
53 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on different weeding tools used for Rabi crops 12/24/2024 To 12/24/2024
54 Kisan Ghosthi 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
55 Participated as resource person in RPL training conducted 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
56 Kisan day celebarated by KVK, 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
57 Participated and lecture delivered under CRA training programme on the topic of button mushroom production and demonstration 12/23/2024 To 12/24/2024
58 button Mushroom cultivation and its demonstration under CRA 12/23/2024 To 12/24/2024
59 Agriculture Extension Service Provider 12/23/2024 To 12/30/2024
60 Lecture delivered 12/23/2024 To 1/3/2025
61 Lecture delivered 12/23/2024 To 1/3/2025
62 Participated and lecture delivered under CRA training programme on the topic of button mushroom production and demonstration 12/20/2024 To 12/21/2024
63 Button Mushroom cultivation and its demonstration under CRA 12/20/2024 To 12/21/2024
64 Participated in Task Force Meeting in DM office 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
65 Radio talks 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
66 button Mushroom cultivation and its demonstration under CRA 12/18/2024 To 12/19/2024
67 Participated and lecture delivered under CRA training programme on the topic of button mushroom production and demonstration 12/18/2024 To 12/19/2024
68 Participated under CRA training programme on the topic of weed management in rabi crops 12/16/2024 To 12/16/2024
69 Rabi crops weed management under CRA 12/16/2024 To 12/17/2024
70 Newspaper coverage 12/15/2024 To 12/15/2024
71 Radio talks of manure and fertilizers management in rabi oilseed crops 12/13/2024 To 12/13/2024
72 FLD on Wheat at Premnagar (Biofortified) 12/11/2024 To 12/11/2024
73 FLD on Wheat at R.S (Biofortified) 12/11/2024 To 12/11/2024
74 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on different irrigation methods used for Rabi crops 12/11/2024 To 12/11/2024
75 FLD on Wheat at Itahara (Biofortified wheat ) 12/11/2024 To 12/11/2024
76 Village visit to Premnagar under EMP 12/10/2024 To 12/10/2024
77 Participated in inauguration of RPL training on extension service provider at KVK Araria 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
78 Lectures delivered as resource persons at NSC Purnia 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
79 Participated in inauguration of RPL training on extension service provider at KVK Araria 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
80 Lectures delivered as resource persons 12/7/2024 To 12/7/2024
81 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on sowing of potato through manual potato planter 12/6/2024 To 12/6/2024
82 Bee Keeping (12 hours Soft skill course Taught) 12/6/2024 To 12/14/2024
83 Agriculture Extension Service Provider 12/6/2024 To 12/14/2024
84 Participated in district level Task force meeting in the chairmanship of Hon’ble DM Araria 12/4/2024 To 12/4/2024
85 Participated in inauguration of RPL training on bee-keeping at KVK Araria campus 12/2/2024 To 12/2/2024
86 Nursery management for rabi vegetables 12/2/2024 To 12/2/2024
87 IPM in Winter Maize 12/2/2024 To 12/3/2024
88 OFT on Assessement the efficacy of nutrient management in mango 12/2/2024 To 12/31/2024
89 Farmers visit(meet) to concern SMS at KVK (Agro.) 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
90 Diagnostic visits by concern SMS 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
91 Farmers Visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK (PP) 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
92 Scientific visit to farmers field (Agro.) 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
93 Scientific visit to farmers field (PP) 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
94 Advisory Services (PP) 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
95 Advisory Services (Agro.) 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
96 Assessment of effect of intensification of rice-based cropping system Under OFT 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
97 OFT on Evalution of marigold varieties for higher productivitty 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
98 Advisory Services 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
99 Button Mushroom demonstration under FLD 12/1/2024 To 1/31/2025
100 Button Mushroom demonstration under FLD 12/1/2024 To 1/31/2025
101 DLEC Fisheries Meeting 11/30/2024 To 11/30/2024
102 Virtually attended Review meeting on Eradication malnutrition progress report from april to nov. Hosted 11/29/2024 To 11/29/2024
103 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on calibration of zero tillage machine 11/29/2024 To 11/29/2024
104 Virtual BAU Meeting 11/29/2024 To 11/29/2024
105 Attended review meeting of KVK related to SC-SP programme from BAU Sabour 11/28/2024 To 11/28/2024
106 Virtually participated in review meeting on SCSPprogress report from april to nov. hosted 11/28/2024 To 11/28/2024
107 Lecture delivered in on campus CFLD Training on Scientific Wheat Cultivation. 11/28/2024 To 11/29/2024
108 Scientific cultivation of wheat and its seed production 11/28/2024 To 11/29/2024
109 Virtual BAU Meeting 11/28/2024 To 12/28/2024
110 Delivered lecture to extension functionaries of ATMA office Araria on different machinery available in KVK Araria 11/27/2024 To 11/27/2024
111 Delivered lecture to extension functionaries of ATMA office Araria on different machinery available in KVK Araria 11/27/2024 To 11/27/2024
112 IPM in Rabi Crops 11/27/2024 To 11/27/2024
113 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on different sowing method and machinery used for wheat 11/26/2024 To 11/26/2024
114 Crop establish of cereals crop with ridge bed planting and zero tillage methods 11/26/2024 To 11/26/2024
115 Dirict Task Force Meeting Participation and Presenatation of CRA Progress Report 11/25/2024 To 11/25/2024
116 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on post-harvest processing of paddy 11/25/2024 To 11/25/2024
117 IPM in Wheat Cultivation 11/25/2024 To 11/26/2024
118 Dehydration of fruits and vegetables for shelf life enhancement 11/25/2024 To 11/26/2024
119 Raising high value horticultural crops under protected cultivation for income generation 11/25/2024 To 11/27/2024
120 Virtual meeting for Kisan sarthi potal 11/22/2024 To 11/22/2024
121 Virtual meeting 11/21/2024 To 11/21/2024
122 Harvesting of Makhana 11/19/2024 To 11/19/2024
123 New technology for cultivation of wheat and maize. 11/19/2024 To 11/19/2024
124 Harvesting of Rice at KVK Farm as well as LTE (CRA) 11/19/2024 To 11/19/2024
125 Virtual meeting 11/18/2024 To 11/18/2024
126 Lecture delivered in on campus CRA Training on Raised bed planting in IPM. 11/18/2024 To 11/19/2024
127 Innovations to Achieve Climate Resilient Smart Agriculture for Ensuring Global Food and Nutritional Security 11/18/2024 To 11/19/2024
128 Raise bed planting method of crop establishment 11/18/2024 To 11/19/2024
129 Scientific cultivation pea and tomato 11/18/2024 To 11/20/2024
130 Rabi Workshop organized in E Kisan Bhawan Palasi block 11/17/2024 To 11/17/2024
131 Visit in Farmers field under CRA programme 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
132 Block level Rabi Mahotsav 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
133 Field day (CRA) 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
134 CFLD Mustard 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
135 Block level Rabi Workshop 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
136 Virtual meeting 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
137 Field Day 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
138 CFLD Mustard 11/15/2024 To 11/15/2024
139 Visit in Farmers field under CRA programme 11/15/2024 To 11/15/2024
140 Crop Cutting(CRA) 11/15/2024 To 11/15/2024
141 Exposure visits by concern SMS (Hort.) 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
142 Exposure visits by concern SMS, Agro 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
143 Visit in Farmers field under CRA programme 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
144 Information given to enhance production of wheat in Rabi Mahotsav and one day training campaign 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
145 Scientific visit to farmers field 11/14/2024 To 11/14/2024
146 Exposure visits by concern SMS (Hort.) 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
147 Visit in Farmers field under CRA programme 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
148 Participated in Task Force Meeting at DM office, Araria 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
149 CFLD Mustard 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
150 Exposure visits by concern SMS Agro 11/13/2024 To 11/13/2024
151 Lectures delivered as resource persons for Rabi Maha Abhiyan 11/13/2024 To 11/19/2024
152 Exposure visits by concern SMS (Hort.) 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
153 Lectures delivered as resource persons 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
154 Exposure visits by SMS Agro 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
155 Visit in Farmers field under CRA programme 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
156 Participated and lecture delivered as resourse person at Raniganj 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
157 ATARI Meeting virtual 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
158 Farmers visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK (A. Er.) 11/12/2024 To 11/19/2024
159 District Level Rabi Workshop 11/11/2024 To 11/11/2024
160 Lectures delivered as resource persons 11/11/2024 To 11/11/2024
161 Crop Cutting of Rice var. Vaishnvi. 11/11/2024 To 11/11/2024
162 Village visit to Premnagar Under EMP 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
163 Awarness programme under EMP 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
164 Data collection related to SCSP 11/4/2024 To 11/4/2024
165 Establishement of nutri-garden 11/4/2024 To 11/4/2024
166 A calibration on zero tillage/raised bed machine 11/4/2024 To 11/5/2024
167 Field Day 11/2/2024 To 11/2/2024
168 Data collection on makahana harvesting 11/2/2024 To 11/2/2024
169 Field Day 11/2/2024 To 11/2/2024
170 OFT on Assessment of effect of intensification of rice-based cropping system 11/2/2024 To 11/30/2024
171 FLD on Potato under CRA 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
172 A book Chapter on Strategies for farmers under changing climate developed and sent for Training guide book on RPL Training on AESP to ADEE Sir. 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
173 Popular articles 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
174 OFT on Assessment the efficacy of nutrient management in mango 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
175 Popular articles 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
176 OFT on Evalution of marigold varieties for higher productivitty 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
177 FLD on Vegetable seed kit 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
178 Diagnostic visits by concern SMS Agro. 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
179 Advisory Service 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
180 Farmers Visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK (PP) 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
181 FLD on Wheat 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
182 Morpho-Phenological Characterization and Yield Attributes of Different Primary Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Genotypes Under Bihar Condition 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
183 Participated in field day organized in village sandalpur on makhana cultivation. 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
184 Participated in field day organized in village sandalpur on makhana cultivation. 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
185 Impact of bio pesticides applied alone and in combination with insecticides using drone and Taiwan sprayer on beneficial fauna in rice ecosystem 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
186 Effect of botanicals with carbendazim against anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) of black gram (Vigna mungo L.) 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
187 Farmers visit(meet) to concern SMS at KVK (Agro) 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
188 FLD on Maize 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
189 FLD on Mustard 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
190 FLD on Maize+Potato 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
191 Scientific visit to farmers field (Agro.) 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
192 DLEC Meeting 10/29/2024 To 10/29/2024
193 Two lectures delivered on Identification of pests and diseases of Rice and their management. 10/26/2024 To 10/26/2024
194 Characterization of Some Leading Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Cultivars in Bihar Condition Based on Yield and Chemical Quality Parameters 10/26/2024 To 10/26/2024
195 Sabal Jabab Programme 10/26/2024 To 10/26/2024
196 Registration of Assosa-2 Sorghum Variety for Intermediate Agro-ecologies of Ethiopia 10/26/2024 To 10/26/2024
197 Registration of Assosa-2 Sorghum Variety for Intermediate Agro-ecologies of Ethiopia 10/26/2024 To 10/26/2024
198 Effect of Various Nitrogen Doses and Plant Growth Regulators on Nutrient Uptake and Productivity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) 10/25/2024 To 10/25/2024
199 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on crop residue management 10/25/2024 To 10/25/2024
200 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on crop residue management 10/25/2024 To 10/25/2024
201 Participated in 27th Extension Education Council of BAU, Sabour and Seed Production cum Cropping Programme meeting (Rabi-2024) of BAU, Sabour 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
202 Participated in 27th Extension Education Council of BAU, Sabour and Seed Production cum Cropping Programme meeting (Rabi-2024) of BAU, Sabour 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
203 Meeting for Seed cum Cropping 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
204 27th Extension Council Meeting 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
205 Field Day 10/23/2024 To 10/23/2024
206 Organised awareness programme for students on the topic of Employment opportunities in Agriculture sector 10/23/2024 To 10/23/2024
207 Effect of Salinity on Inorganic Phosphorus Fixation in Sara and Bajoa Soil Series of Ganges Tidal Floodplains 10/23/2024 To 10/23/2024
208 Farmers visit(meet) to concern SMS at KVK (A.Eg). 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
209 Delivered lecture to practical class of RAWE students related to tractor driving training and learning attachment of disc harrow with power source 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
210 Meeting for Financial Management of CFLD 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
211 Scientific cultivation of potato 10/22/2024 To 10/24/2024
212 DAESI Training Programme related paper for meeting 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
213 participated lecture delivered in training programme at village-Bisanpur on the topic of scientific cultivation of oil seed and their seed production 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
214 Participated in DESI Review meeting in virtual mode organised by DEE, BAU, Sabour 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
215 Pre CFLD training on “Scientific cultivation of rabi oilseed and their seed production 10/21/2024 To 10/22/2024
216 Site Selection for CFLD 10/21/2024 To 10/22/2024
217 Vegetable Production Techniques for Livelihood security for Small and Marginal Farmers - A Review 10/20/2024 To 10/20/2024
218 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on different sowing implements and their working 10/19/2024 To 10/19/2024
219 Pre CFLD training on “Scientific cultivation of rabi oilseed and their seed production 10/19/2024 To 10/19/2024
220 Data collection regarding to vegetable production 10/19/2024 To 10/19/2024
221 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on different sowing implements and their working 10/19/2024 To 10/19/2024
222 Participated lecture delivered in training programme at village-Rabgopur on the topic of scientific cultivation of oil seed and their seed production 10/19/2024 To 10/20/2024
223 Site Selection for CFLD 10/19/2024 To 10/20/2024
224 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on different irrigation methods and their working principle 10/18/2024 To 10/18/2024
225 Site Selection for CFLD 10/17/2024 To 10/17/2024
226 Pre CFLD training on “Scientific cultivation of rabi oilseed and their seed production 10/17/2024 To 10/18/2024
227 Conducted classes (Practical + theory) of RAWE student 10/16/2024 To 10/16/2024
228 Conducted classes (Practical + theory) of RAWE student 10/16/2024 To 10/16/2024
229 Raising high value horticultural crops under protected cultivation for income generation 10/15/2024 To 10/17/2024
230 IPM in Rabi Crops 10/15/2024 To 10/18/2024
231 Vanishing paddies: Tracing the transformation of rice cultivation in Kerala 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
232 Delivered lecture to RAWE students on different value added products of guava and their making 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
233 Scientific visit to farmers field (PP) 10/11/2024 To 11/11/2024
234 PMKSY live telecast, seed kit distribution under SC-SP programme, health camp organized at village premnagar 10/8/2024 To 10/8/2024
235 Participated and lecture delivered in training programme on crop establishment of cereal crop with ridge bed planting and zero tillage method 10/8/2024 To 10/9/2024
236 Lectures delivered in two days Training on Mushroom Cultivation at Rahika tola, Rajokhar organised by DHO Araria. 10/8/2024 To 10/9/2024
237 Two lecture delivered in on campus CRA Training on Significance and use of Zero tillage and Raised bed planting in IPM. 10/8/2024 To 10/9/2024
238 Crop establish of cereals crop with ridge bed planting and zero tillage methods 10/8/2024 To 10/9/2024
239 Two days on campus CRA Training on Significance and use of Zero tillage and Raised bed planting in IPM 10/8/2024 To 10/9/2024
240 Exposure visits by concern SMS (Agro.) 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
241 Establishment of nutri-garden and its important 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
242 Exposure visit cum training on RCT (with in district) 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
243 Attended live telecast of PMKSY scheme from PMO 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
244 Participated in seed kit distribution programme under SC-SP programme 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
245 Dirict Task Force Meeting Participation and Presenatation of CRA Progress Report 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
246 Participated PM live programme in virtuall mode 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
247 Participated in 18th Kist Releasing PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme at KVK Araria campus in virtual mode 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
248 Vegetable seed kit 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
249 Lectures delivered in three days Training on Beekeeping at Rahika Tola, Rajokhar organised by DHO Araria. 10/5/2024 To 10/7/2024
250 Polyhouse me parthenocarpic kheera ki kheti 10/4/2024 To 10/4/2024
251 Attended online review meeting of SMS from BAU Sabour 10/4/2024 To 10/4/2024
252 Virtually attended review meeting 10/4/2024 To 10/4/2024
253 Post-harvest equipment its utility & operation 10/4/2024 To 10/5/2024
254 News paper coverage 10/4/2024 To 10/6/2024
255 Visit of OFT on Sheath blight of Rice 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
256 Health camp and awarness programme under EMP 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
257 Film Show 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
258 Organized health cum awareness programme at EMP adopted village 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
259 Scientific visit to farmers field at Sukhi for Cauliflower Pests. 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
260 Diagnosis Disease and Pest in Cauliflower field. 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
261 Participated in “Health camp cum Health check-up programme under malnutrition eradication awareness programme at Premnagar 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
262 100 days achievement & other issues of KVKs 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
263 Diagnosis of Rice Disease 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
264 Participated in health camp organized at village premnagar under the malnutrition eradication programme 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
265 Visit of OFT on Sheath blight of Rice 10/3/2024 To 10/3/2024
266 Lectures delivered in Two days Seminar on Scientific Citrus Cultivation organised by DHO 10/3/2024 To 10/4/2024
267 Two days Seminar on Scientific Citrus Cultivation 10/3/2024 To 10/4/2024
268 Participated in Swach Bharat Diwas celebration at primary school premnagar under the campaign of “Swachta hi sewa 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
269 Awarness cum training programme on EMP 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
270 O. Participated in swechhta pakhwara programme on 2nd octomber at primary school 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
271 Swatch Bharat Diwas 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
272 Swachhta hi Sewa 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
273 Sawachhta Pakhwada 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
274 Swachhta hi Sewa 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
275 O. Participated in swechhta pakhwara programme on 2nd octomber at primary school 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
276 Village visit to premnagar for pre-survey data collection for EMP 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
277 Advisory Services (Hort.) 10/2/2024 To 10/3/2024
278 New advances in RCT-Crop residue utilization 10/2/2024 To 10/3/2024
279 Organized quiz competition of RAWE students under the campaign of “swachta pakhwada” 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
280 Diagnostic visits by concern SMS 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
281 Mushroom Production throughout the year 10/1/2024 To 10/5/2024
282 Scientific visit to farmers field 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
283 Popular articles on IPM in Wheat for Krishak Sandesh 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
284 Advisory service Through Mobile Call 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
285 Farmers Visit (meet) to concern SMS at KVK (PP) 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
286 Popular articles on IPM in Wheat for Krishak Sandesh 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
287 Management of Sheath blight of Rice 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
288 Popular articles IPM in Lentil for Krishak Sandesh 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
289 Advisory Service (Agro.) 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
290 Farmers visit(meet) to concern SMS at KVK (Agro.) 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
291 Introduction to artificial intelligence techniques in agricultural applications and their future aspects 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
292 Three book chapters developed and sent for Training guide book on RPL Training on AESP to ADEE Sir. 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
293 Photo graph and some advisory 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
294 Mahila Mandals Conveners meeting 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
295 Self Help Group Conveners meetings 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
296 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Rice 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
297 Diagnosis of Rice Disease 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
298 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Rice 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
299 Photo graph and some advisory 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
300 Diagnosis of Rice Disease 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
301 Diagnosis of Rice Disease 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
302 Krishak Swarn Samridhi Saptah by ICAR (Topic-Crop Residue Management Parwaha, Forbisganj) 9/28/2024 To 9/28/2024
303 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IPM in Maize 9/28/2024 To 9/28/2024
304 Diagnosis of Rice Disease 9/28/2024 To 9/28/2024
305 Use of Crop Residue for Disease Management 9/28/2024 To 9/28/2024
306 Scientific visit to farmers field at Musahri 9/28/2024 To 9/28/2024
307 Participated and lecture delivered in Krishak Swarn Samridhi week 9/28/2024 To 9/29/2024
308 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Seed Production 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
309 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Seed Production 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
310 Post-harvest processing and value addition of makhana for income generation 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
311 Scientific visit to farmers field at Sirsia 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
312 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Seed Production 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
313 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Seed Production 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
314 Diagnosis of Disease in Cauliflower Nurseryand Advisory 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
315 Krishak Swarn Samridhi Saptah by ICAR (Topic-Seed production techniques at Sirsiya, Forbisganj) 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
316 IDM in Seed Production 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
317 Organized awareness programme and debate competition of RAWE students under the campaign of “Hindi pakhwada” on 27/09/24 at KVK, Araria. 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
318 Use of Vermicompost in Disease Management 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
319 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Rice 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
320 Participated in cleaning of farm area of centre under the campaign of “Swachta hi sewa” on 26/09/24 at KVK, Araria. 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
321 Krishak Swarn Samridhi Saptah by ICAR (Topic-Vermicompost production techniques at Sukhi, Forbisganj) 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
322 Zero energy cool chamber technique 9/26/2024 To 9/27/2024
323 Krishak Swarn Samridhi Saptah by ICAR ( Topic-Crop diversification and best practices at Sukhi, Forbisganj) 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
324 Examine the early growing cauliflower 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
325 Lecture delivered on the topic of Climate Resilient seed production technology 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
326 Photo graph and some pest attacked 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
327 quiz competition 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
328 Attended Virtual Review Meeting by ATARI 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
329 Training cum awareness programme on the topic of Suposhit Kishori Sukhat Nari under the National nutrition month awarness programme 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
330 Participatedand lecture delivered in the training on the topic of Seed production of climate Resilient varieties of crops and their seed production startergy technology 9/25/2024 To 9/29/2024
331 Seed production of climate resilient varieties of crops and their seed production 9/25/2024 To 9/29/2024
332 Krishak Swarn Samridhi Saptah by ICAR (Topic-Makhana Seed Production and its processing procedure at Sukhi, Forbisganj) 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
333 Diagnosis of Rice Disease with Advisory 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
334 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IPM in Makhana 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
335 Scientific visit to farmers field at Sukhi 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
336 Hindi Pakhwada 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
337 Review meeting by Atari 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
338 Organised essay Competition on Importance of cleaness day to day life 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
339 Management of Pests in Makhana 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
340 Awareness Programme 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
341 Visited DEE of BAU Sabour 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
342 Exposure visit cum training 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
343 Film Show on Mushroom Production 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
344 Farmers visited under CRAP 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
345 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Rice 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
346 One lecture delivered to farmers on 23/09/2024 in Krishak Swarn Samridhi Saptah program on the topic drip irrigation and their benefits 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
347 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Rice 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
348 Participated in Krishak Swarn Samridhi week 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
349 Exposure visits by concern SMS 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
350 MP Araria visited at Krishak swarn samridhi programme 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
351 Krishak Swarn Samridhi Saptah by ICAR (Topic-Climate Resilient Agricultural Practices At KVK campus) 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
352 Krishak Swarn Samrddhi Saptah 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
353 Participated and lecture delivered in Krishak Swarn Samridhi 9/23/2024 To 9/28/2024
354 Cleaning of Demo Unit 9/21/2024 To 9/21/2024
355 OFT Data Collection with farmers. 9/21/2024 To 9/21/2024
356 Site selection for dignitaries visit 9/21/2024 To 9/21/2024
357 Training cum awareness programme on the topic of Nutri-garden and biofortified varieties of crop under National nutrition month at KVK, Araria 9/21/2024 To 9/21/2024
358 Lecture delivered in training on the topic of post-harvest management in makhana for income generation 9/21/2024 To 9/21/2024
359 biofortified varieties of crop under National nutrition month at KVK, Araria 9/21/2024 To 9/21/2024
360 Lecture delivered on the topic of Nutri-garden 9/21/2024 To 9/21/2024
361 Cleaning of KVK premises 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
362 Cleaning of KVK premises 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
363 Farmers Visit(meet) to concern SMS at KVK 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
364 Cleaning of KVK premises 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
365 Attend the Centenary celebration of ICAR-NISA, Ranchi 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
366 Post-harvest processing and value addition of makhana for income generation 9/20/2024 To 9/25/2024
367 Production and management of Makhana and its post harvest processing for income generation 9/20/2024 To 9/25/2024
368 Awareness programme 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
369 Mahila Mandals Conveners meetings 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
370 Scientific visit to farmers field at Kalabalua 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
371 Spraying of Strptocyclin & Blue Copper 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
372 Organized National nutrition month awareness programme on the topic of Nutri-garden and biofortified varieties of crop 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
373 Identification of established nutri-garden 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
374 Lecture delivered on the topic of importance of horticultural crop in nutritional security under the programme of annual general meeting of Ektarani FPO at vill- Kalabalua 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
375 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Rice 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
376 Awareness programme on Swachchhata at CRA Village 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
377 Awareness programme on Swachchhata at CRA Village 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
378 Diagnosis of Rice Disease 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
379 RY meeting 9/18/2024 To 9/18/2024
380 Participated in cleaning of implement shed under the Camping of “Swachta hi sewa” 9/18/2024 To 9/18/2024
381 Swachhata Hi Seva 9/18/2024 To 9/18/2024
382 One lecture delivered to RAWE students on different farm implements and their working 9/18/2024 To 9/18/2024
383 Swachhata Hi Seva 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
384 Swachhata Pledge 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
385 Yellowing of rice 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
386 Participated in awareness and cleaning of KVK campus under the campaign of “Swachta hi sewa" 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
387 IPM in Rice 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
388 Participated and lecture delivered in integrated pest and disease management of kharif crop 9/17/2024 To 9/18/2024
389 Integrated insect pest and disease management in kharif crops 9/17/2024 To 9/18/2024
390 Sawachhta Pakhwada 9/17/2024 To 9/30/2024
391 Sawachhta Pakhwada 9/17/2024 To 9/30/2024
392 Participated in swachhta pakhwada at KVK, Araria started 9/17/2024 To 10/2/2024
393 Swachhata Hi Seva 9/16/2024 To 9/16/2024
394 Swachhata Hi Seva 9/15/2024 To 9/15/2024
395 Conducted class of RAWE Students on Introduction of Horticulture and Celebrating hindi pakhwada 2024 9/14/2024 To 9/27/2024
396 Meeting on Swachhata Hi Sewa 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
397 Orientation programme of RAWE Students batch 2024-25 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
398 Task Force Meeting at DM Office Araria 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
399 Attended RAWE orientation programme at KVK Araria 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
400 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM for RAWE 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
401 Meeting on Swachhata Hi Sewa 9/13/2024 To 9/13/2024
402 Online meeting of CFLD Pulses & Oilseed reporting 9/12/2024 To 9/12/2024
403 Online meeting of CFLD Pulses & Oilseed reporting 9/12/2024 To 9/12/2024
404 Management of Sheath blight of Rice (OFT) 9/12/2024 To 9/12/2024
405 Training programme on the topic of nutri-garden and biofortified variety of crop under national nutrition month at KVK, Araria 9/11/2024 To 9/11/2024
406 Review meeting for Conducting DAESI programme and BSDM (Domain & RPL) training 9/11/2024 To 9/11/2024
407 Participated and lecture delivered in one day workshop for district level PACS members/manager under 100 days action plan conducted by KVK, Araria 9/10/2024 To 9/10/2024
408 KVK Review meeting 9/10/2024 To 9/10/2024
409 Participated in one day workshop for district level PACS members/manager under 100 days action plan conducted by KVK, Araria 9/10/2024 To 9/10/2024
410 KVK Review meeting 9/10/2024 To 9/10/2024
411 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Potato 9/10/2024 To 9/10/2024
412 Virtually participated in review meeting of eradication of malnutrition Bau, Sabour 9/10/2024 To 9/10/2024
413 Lectures delivered as resource persons on IDM in Potato 9/9/2024 To 9/9/2024
414 Scientific cultivation of vegetable (potato) 9/9/2024 To 9/10/2024
415 Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) 9/9/2024 To 9/11/2024
416 Attended and participated in training programme on the topic of “Solar powered irrigation system in BISA Jabalpur 9/9/2024 To 9/11/2024
417 Awarness cum training programme on EMP 9/7/2024 To 9/7/2024
418 One lecture delivered to farmers on 06/09/2024 in training on mushroom production for income generation on the topic different value added products of mushroom. 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
419 One lecture delivered to farmers on 06/09/2024 in training on mushroom production for income generation on the topic different value added products of mushroom. 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
420 OFT Implmentation 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
421 News paper coverage 9/6/2024 To 9/6/2024
422 Commercial Mushroom Production 9/6/2024 To 9/10/2024
423 Commercial mushroom production for income generation 9/6/2024 To 9/10/2024
424 Data collection on SCSP 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
425 Organized Plantation of mango plant and Awarness cum training programme on the topic of nutri-garden and biofortified variety of crop 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
426 Organized Plantation of mango plant and Awarness cum training programme on the topic of nutri-garden and biofortified variety of crop 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
427 Organized Plantation of mango plant and Awarness cum training programme on the topic of nutri-garden and biofortified variety of crop 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
428 Establishment and Importance of nutri-garden 9/5/2024 To 9/6/2024
429 Organized awarness and training programme on the topic of nutri-garden and biofortified variety of crop 9/3/2024 To 9/3/2024
430 Photo graph and other work Under CRA 9/3/2024 To 9/3/2024
431 Participated in monthly meeting of KVK Araria 9/2/2024 To 9/2/2024
432 Monthly meeting organised at KVK Araria 9/2/2024 To 9/2/2024
433 Participated in National Nutritional Week 9/1/2024 To 9/7/2024
434 Research paper/Abstract/Book Chapter: Algal biotechnology for biofuel production from strain selection to process optimization 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
435 FLD on Vegetable Kit 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
436 FLD on Vegetable Kit 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
437 Advisory Services through Mobile Call 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
438 Scientific visit to farmers field (Agro.) 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
439 Farmers visit(meet) to concern SMS at KVK (Agro.) 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
440 Scientific visit to farmers field (Agro.) 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
441 Farmers visit(meet) to concern SMS at KVK (A.E) 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
442 Advisory Services 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
443 IPM and other programmes For newly joined Agril coordinators. 8/31/2024 To 8/31/2024
444 Village visit to Premnagar for awareness programme on the Erradication of Malnutrition dated on 30/08/24 8/30/2024 To 8/30/2024
445 Tree Plantation Campaigning participation. 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
446 Planting plant under the Camping of “Ek Ped Maa ke Naam”at KVK, Araria. 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
447 Annual Zonal Workshop 2024 8/29/2024 To 8/31/2024
448 Participation in One day workshop on Market Linkage of FPOs under 100 days action plan and lecture delivered 8/23/2024 To 8/23/2024
449 Lecture delivered on Market Linkage in Workshop for FPO. 8/23/2024 To 8/23/2024
450 Participated One day workshop under 100 days Action plan on the Topic of Linkage of FPOs with Market. 8/23/2024 To 8/23/2024
451 Organised Parthenium awareness at Sirsiya (Forbishganj) 8/22/2024 To 8/22/2024
452 Organised FIG meeting under CRA 8/22/2024 To 8/22/2024
453 Related to RE preparation 8/22/2024 To 8/22/2024
454 Training and pruning of old orchards 8/22/2024 To 8/23/2024
455 IPM in Orchard 8/22/2024 To 8/23/2024
456 Planting plant under the Camping of “Ek Ped Maa ke Naam”at KVK, Araria 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
457 Planting plant under the Camping of “Ek Ped Maa ke Naam”at KVK, Araria 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
458 Parthenium Awareness Campaign at Hridaypur Village in Araria Block 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
459 Planting plant under the Camping of “Ek Ped Maa ke Naam”at KVK, Araria 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
460 Planting plant under the Camping of “Ek Ped Maa ke Naam”at KVK, Araria. 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
461 Participation of “Ek ped Maa Ke Nam” 8/21/2024 To 8/29/2024
462 100 days action plan review meeting 8/20/2024 To 8/20/2024
463 Organised FIG meeting under CRA 8/20/2024 To 8/20/2024
464 Organised Parthenium awareness at Sukhi (Forbishganj) 8/20/2024 To 8/20/2024
465 ICAR-ATARI Patna Foundation Day function at KVKs 8/19/2024 To 8/19/2024
466 Organised Parthenium awareness at Musahari (Forbishganj) 8/18/2024 To 8/18/2024
467 Use of Crijaphsona for jute retting 8/18/2024 To 8/18/2024
468 Participated in one day workshop under 100 days action plan on the training of PACS members related to IFFCO and farmers. 8/17/2024 To 8/17/2024
469 Participated in parthenium awareness week 8/17/2024 To 8/17/2024
470 Lecture delivered on Role of PACS with KVK and farmers in PACS Workshop 8/17/2024 To 8/17/2024
471 Organised Parthenium awareness at Hirdaipur (Araria) 8/17/2024 To 8/17/2024
472 PartiParticipated and lecture delivered in PACS chairman and farmers training related IFFCO under 100 days action plancipated and lecture delivered in PACS chairman and farmers training related IFFCO under 100 days action plan 8/17/2024 To 8/17/2024
473 Village visit to Sandalpur dated on 16/08/24 for data collection in FLD on Makhana 8/16/2024 To 8/16/2024
474 Participated in parthenium awareness week 8/16/2024 To 8/16/2024
475 Organised Parthenium awareness at Chandradehi (Araria) 8/16/2024 To 8/16/2024
476 Parthenium Awareness Campaign at Chandradei Village in Araria Block. 8/16/2024 To 8/16/2024
477 100 days action plan 8/14/2024 To 8/14/2024
478 NABARD Araria Office Inauguration 8/14/2024 To 8/14/2024
479 Meeting on "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” plantation event 8/14/2024 To 8/14/2024
480 Attended inauguration ceremony of NABARD Office on 14/08/24 at KVK, Araria. 8/14/2024 To 8/14/2024
481 Participated in one day workshop under 100 days action plan on the training of district level PACS members as resource manager for farmers. 8/13/2024 To 8/13/2024
482 Lecture delivered on Role of PACS with KVK and farmers in PACS Workshop 8/13/2024 To 8/13/2024
483 Participated in PACS Training under 100 days action plan 8/13/2024 To 8/13/2024
484 Creating awareness on the new sub-scheme- Pradhan Mantri Matsya Kisan Samridhi Sah Yojana (PM-MKSSY) under PMMSY 8/12/2024 To 8/12/2024
485 Creating awareness on the new sub-scheme- Pradhan Mantri Matsya Kisan Samridhi Sah Yojana (PM-MKSSY) under PMMSY 8/12/2024 To 8/12/2024
486 Natural Farming 8/12/2024 To 8/13/2024
487 Jam, Jelly, Squash product preparation from horticultural crop for enhancing income 8/12/2024 To 8/14/2024
488 Participated in 109 varieties release by Hon’ble PM programme 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
489 Participated in Training programme under 100 days action plan on the topic of “Water harvesting and conservation for Life saving irrigation”. 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
490 Farmers Interaction in Training Life Saving Irrigation and Water conservation 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
491 Virtually attended programme release of 109 biofortified and climate resilient varieties by Honrble PM India 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
492 Water harvesting and conservation for life saving irrigation 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
493 Virtual Programme release of 109 biofortified crop varietie by Hon. PM 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
494 Village visit to Sikty on 08/08/2024 for data collection 8/8/2024 To 8/8/2024
495 Fund flow of CFLD Oilseed & Pulses 8/7/2024 To 8/7/2024
496 Integrated weed management in Kharif crop 8/7/2024 To 8/8/2024
497 Participated in National Convention on Grassroots Innovation and Innovators in Transforming Agri-food System’ (GIITAS-2024). 8/4/2024 To 8/5/2024
498 Participated in Foundation Day of BAU dt 04.08.2024 to 05.08.2024 at BAU Sabour 8/4/2024 To 8/5/2024
499 Weed management in rice and Use of BGA in Rice under CRA 8/1/2024 To 8/2/2024
500 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit at Hridaypur, Chandradei, Mushahari, Haripur and Dholbajja villages. 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
501 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
502 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Agro.) 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
503 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Horti.) 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
504 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (Agro.) 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
505 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Horti.) 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
506 Soil & Plant analysis 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
507 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Agro.) 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
508 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
509 Consulted with farmer in KVK (PP) 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
510 One lecture on nursery growing and their management for nutritional garden establishment on the occasion of day work shop on Nutritional garden establishment and management under NARI programme at KVK Araria 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
511 Lecture on IPM in Model nutri-garden in NARI Workshop 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
512 Participated in on day work shop on Nutritional garden establishment and management under NARI programme 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
513 Participation in NARI Workshop on Establishment of Model nutria-garden in School 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
514 Participated in one day workshop on Nutrition garden establishment and management under NARI programe to establish model Nutrition-garden at different schools. 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
515 Finalization of Monthly Progress Report 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
516 Radio talk on “Rice Management” at akashvani Purnea 7/30/2024 To 7/30/2024
517 Review meeting of KVKs 7/30/2024 To 7/30/2024
518 Review meeting of KVKs 7/30/2024 To 7/30/2024
519 Preparation of Success stories of Prince Kumar and Suresh Gupta 7/30/2024 To 7/30/2024
520 Participation in DLEC Meeting of Fisheries at DM office 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
521 Scientist farmers Interaction by ATMA 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
522 Exposure visit cum training on the topic of climate resilient varieties of rice (drought and flood tolerant) under CRA programme 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
523 Lecture on “Scientific production of millets” organised by ATMA, Araria at campus, KVK Araria, on the occasion of Scientist Farmers Meet on the topic of “Scientific cultivation on coarse grain production” 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
524 Exposure visit cum training on the topic of climate resilient varieties of rice (drought and flood tolerant) under CRA programme 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
525 Acted as resource person in Krishi Yantrikaran Mela organised by Department of Agriculture, Araria 7/29/2024 To 7/30/2024
526 Plant Protection Diagnostic and Advisory in KVK Seed production plot, CRA plots and protected cultivation 7/26/2024 To 7/26/2024
527 Online Examination on Assessment of TOT, on -01/07/2024 “5-days ToT Programme at on Millets Processing” 7/25/2024 To 7/29/2024
528 Delivered one lecture on soil mixture for rooting media in 5 days training programme on plant propagation. 7/23/2024 To 7/23/2024
529 Importance of Nutritional security and information about kitchen garden and its importance 7/23/2024 To 7/24/2024
530 Lecture on Nutrient deficiency in Rice as Co Trainer in Training on SHM 7/22/2024 To 7/23/2024
531 Fertilizer Recommendation for rice through Rice Crop Manager (web browser) 7/22/2024 To 7/23/2024
532 Milky Mushroom Cultivation 7/22/2024 To 7/26/2024
533 Exposure visit cum training on the topic of water harvesting under CRA programme 7/20/2024 To 7/20/2024
534 Prepared matter to conduct training of Extension Functionries 7/20/2024 To 7/20/2024
535 Take two lecture under in DESI programme organised by ATMA, Araria, at KVK Araria i.e. (1) Irrigation techniques and their management (2) Agricultural equipment and implement 7/20/2024 To 7/20/2024
536 Participation in DLEC Meeting at DM office 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
537 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
538 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
539 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
540 2 Lectures as co Trainer in the Programme 7/19/2024 To 7/20/2024
541 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/18/2024 To 7/18/2024
542 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/18/2024 To 7/18/2024
543 Participation in Krishi Gyan Rath in 3 villages (Mushahari, Haripur and Dholbajja). 7/18/2024 To 7/18/2024
544 IPM in Rice 7/18/2024 To 7/18/2024
545 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/18/2024 To 7/19/2024
546 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/17/2024 To 7/17/2024
547 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/17/2024 To 7/17/2024
548 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/17/2024 To 7/17/2024
549 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/17/2024 To 7/17/2024
550 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/16/2024 To 7/16/2024
551 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/16/2024 To 7/16/2024
552 Actively virtual participated in ICAR Foundation Day 7/16/2024 To 7/16/2024
553 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/16/2024 To 7/16/2024
554 Preparation of Technical bulletin on Commercial Production of Milky Mushroom 7/16/2024 To 7/17/2024
555 Participated in one day workshop on “PM KUSUM Yojana” organised by KVK Araria at KVK campus 7/15/2024 To 7/15/2024
556 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/15/2024 To 7/15/2024
557 Actively participated in “PM KUSUM Yojna” inaugural programme 7/15/2024 To 7/15/2024
558 Participated in one day workshop on P.M KUSUM yojna organized 7/15/2024 To 7/15/2024
559 Krishi Gyan Wahan 7/15/2024 To 7/15/2024
560 Acted as in-charge officer, for Krishi Gyan Vahan in Araria ditrict. 7/15/2024 To 7/19/2024
561 Plant propagation technique for income generation 7/15/2024 To 7/20/2024
562 Prepared all the necessary things for smoothly running of Krishi Gyan Vahan in the district 7/12/2024 To 7/12/2024
563 Revision of OFT report and plan as suggestion at ATARI workshop 7/12/2024 To 7/12/2024
564 ploughing through cultivator in P No 15 14e 7/11/2024 To 7/11/2024
565 Village visit to Tedimushari on 11/07/2024 for data collection under NARI Programme. 7/11/2024 To 7/11/2024
566 Integrated Nutrient & weed Management in DSR & Transplanted Rice 7/11/2024 To 7/12/2024
567 Direct Seeded Rice and their management under CRA programmme 7/11/2024 To 7/12/2024
568 Prepared study materials for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalya Student to create agriculture awareness 7/10/2024 To 7/10/2024
569 Acted as resource person for agriculture awareness of JNV students. 7/10/2024 To 7/10/2024
570 Paddy transplantation through contract 7/10/2024 To 7/10/2024
571 Studied soil analysis report and discussed with Head & Senior Scientist for further necessary action 7/8/2024 To 7/8/2024
572 Participate in RAWE evaluation at BPSC Agriculture Collage, Purnea 7/8/2024 To 7/8/2024
573 water Filling in Pond 7/7/2024 To 7/7/2024
574 lecture delevered on DAESI 7/6/2024 To 7/6/2024
575 Calculated fertilizer doze for particular plot to conducting OFT 7/6/2024 To 7/6/2024
576 lecture delevered on DAESI (FARM Machinery) 7/6/2024 To 7/6/2024
577 Preparation of documents for RAWE evaluation, Participate in RAWE evaluation at KVK level 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
578 Conducted Evaluation of RAWE students 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
579 Scientific cultivation of groundnut and their seed production 7/5/2024 To 7/6/2024
580 Preparation Bed in shade Net 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
581 Active support in preparation of 100 days action plan 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
582 ploughing through tawa in P No-11, 14 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
583 Taken photos of moong plot at CRA village 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
584 Attending kisan mela at Araria disrt. 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
585 Acted as resource person in Krishi Yantrikaran Mela organised by Department of Agriculture, Araria 7/4/2024 To 7/5/2024
586 Preparation of Proceedings of SAC Meeting 7/3/2024 To 7/3/2024
587 Irrigation in CRA 3Maize Plot 7/3/2024 To 7/3/2024
588 Harvesting of Kalae Crop 7/3/2024 To 7/3/2024
589 Integrated Nutrient & weed Management in DSR & Transplanted Rice at Sirsiya 7/3/2024 To 7/7/2024
590 Direct Seeded Rice and their management under CRA programmme 7/3/2024 To 7/7/2024
591 Village visit to Majgama 7/2/2024 To 7/2/2024
592 Radio Talk with AIR Purnea on Milky Mushroom Cultivation 7/2/2024 To 7/2/2024
593 Participation in Staff meeting and Virtual 100 days meeting by ATARI 7/1/2024 To 7/1/2024
594 Participation in 100 days action plain meeting virtual organised by ATARI 7/1/2024 To 7/1/2024
595 Preparation of proceeding of SAC meeting and staff meeting 7/1/2024 To 7/1/2024
596 Direct Seeded Rice and their management under CRA programmme 7/1/2024 To 7/2/2024
597 Integrated Nutrient & weed Management in DSR & Transplanted Rice 7/1/2024 To 7/2/2024
598 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Soil Science) 7/1/2024 To 7/26/2024
599 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Hort.) 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
600 Monitoring, guidance and management for the success of Milky mushroom production in demo unit 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
601 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (Soil) 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
602 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
603 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Soil) 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
604 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit at Itahara, Gaiyari, Mushahari, Haripur and Dholbajja villages. 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
605 Need based expert advisory related to plant protection. 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
606 Scientist visit to Farmers field 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
607 Consulted with farmer in KVK (PP) 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
608 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Agro.) 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
609 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Hort) 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
610 Soil & Plant analysis 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
611 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
612 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (PP) 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
613 Participation in DLEC Meeting at DM office 6/29/2024 To 6/29/2024
614 Classification of Pesticides in DAESI 6/29/2024 To 6/29/2024
615 Transplanting of Paddy through drum seeder 6/29/2024 To 6/29/2024
616 Writing of Proceeding of SAC Meeting 6/28/2024 To 6/29/2024
617 Preparation of SAC meeting report and other SAC related work and participated in SAC meeting 6/27/2024 To 6/27/2024
618 IPM in Rice for Pesticides dealer 6/26/2024 To 6/26/2024
619 \Attending 5-days ToT Programme at on Millets Processing 6/25/2024 To 6/29/2024
620 Paddy processing and store in godown 6/24/2024 To 6/24/2024
621 Weeding out from P No-1 (Makhana) 6/23/2024 To 6/23/2024
622 Participated in millets meeting at BAU, Sabour 6/22/2024 To 6/22/2024
623 Preparation of ECM meeting at BAU, Sabour 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
624 International Yoga day conducted at KVK, Araria 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
625 Assessment of of BSDM training (BeeKeeper) at KVK Araria 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
626 Sowing of wet DSR at CRA plot No. 2 & 3 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
627 Monitoring of training hall and given instructions as per requirement to prepare for SAC meeting 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
628 Weeding out from poshan vatika 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
629 Organised World Yoga day at KVK Araria campus 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
630 Assessment of of BSDM training (Agriculture Extension Service Provider) at KVK Araria 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
631 Integrated Nutrient Management and DSR Technique 6/20/2024 To 6/20/2024
632 Scientific cultivation of millets 6/20/2024 To 6/21/2024
633 Delivered one lecture on mushroom cultivation under SCSP programme 6/19/2024 To 6/19/2024
634 Milky Mushroom Cultivation 6/19/2024 To 6/20/2024
635 Participated in live programme of 17th PM Kisan Samman Nidhi releasing, 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
636 Participated in the programme of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi programme 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
637 Rice crop establish with direct seeded rice 6/18/2024 To 6/19/2024
638 Visited village to monitor DSR in CRA village 6/15/2024 To 6/15/2024
639 Follow-up with ATMA PD for “Krishi Gyan Vahan” 6/15/2024 To 6/15/2024
640 Visited village to collected soil samples of CRA plots 6/15/2024 To 6/15/2024
641 Monitoring preparation of field for DSR 6/14/2024 To 6/14/2024
642 Preparation and presentation of OFT report and plan in Workshop at ATARI 6/14/2024 To 6/15/2024
643 Attending Aamotsav 2024, at Rajbhawan, Patna 6/14/2024 To 6/16/2024
644 Village visit to collected different variety of mango for AMOTSAV programme. 6/13/2024 To 6/13/2024
645 Village visit to collected different variety of mango for AMOTSAV programme. 6/13/2024 To 6/13/2024
646 Processing of Cra Maize 6/13/2024 To 6/13/2024
647 ploughing of p No 17 6/13/2024 To 6/13/2024
648 Monitoring and guidance for the establishment of Milky mushroom production and in demo unit. 6/13/2024 To 6/15/2024
649 Production and management of Makhana and its processing for income generation 6/12/2024 To 6/13/2024
650 Work under poshan Vatika 6/11/2024 To 6/11/2024
651 Actively participated in finalizing CRA farmer’s field data for extension education council meeting 6/11/2024 To 6/11/2024
652 Pre CLFD training on groundnut production technique and their seed production 6/11/2024 To 6/12/2024
653 Weeding out from Kisan Ghar and Mushroom Unit 6/10/2024 To 6/10/2024
654 Participated and presented oral presentation in National Conference on UWEMASC:2024, at BPSAC, Purnea 6/10/2024 To 6/10/2024
655 Attending review meeting on CRA and Aamotsav 6/10/2024 To 6/10/2024
656 Participated in CRA review meeting in virtual mode 6/10/2024 To 6/10/2024
657 Cleaning of godown 6/10/2024 To 6/10/2024
658 Cutting of hedge in front of office 6/10/2024 To 6/10/2024
659 Method of Soil Sample Collection and its Importance 6/10/2024 To 6/11/2024
660 Spray of glyphosate behind Office and way of p No-24, way of Polly house 6/9/2024 To 6/9/2024
661 Weeding out behind goatery unit 6/9/2024 To 6/9/2024
662 OFT for Soil Sc. & Horticulture in hindi for SAC meeting 6/7/2024 To 6/7/2024
663 IPM in Rice 6/7/2024 To 6/7/2024
664 ploughing of Cra-1 & 22e 6/7/2024 To 6/7/2024
665 Acted as resource person in Kharif Mahaabhiyan at Kursakanta block organised by ATMA. 6/7/2024 To 6/7/2024
666 Acted as resource person in Kharif Mahaabhiyan at Sikti block organised by ATMA. 6/6/2024 To 6/6/2024
667 Weeding out from corner of goatery unit 6/6/2024 To 6/6/2024
668 OFT Horticulture finalization workshop 6/6/2024 To 6/7/2024
669 Finalization of annual action plan after suggestion of Senior Scientist& Head 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
670 Block level Kharif Workshop at Bhargama 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
671 IPM in Kharif crop 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
672 Harvesting of Maize from Cra P No-2 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
673 PRA with RAWE students 6/4/2024 To 6/4/2024
674 ploughing through cultivator of CRA 6,7,8 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
675 Corrections in OFT as per suggestion received during presentation at BAU, Sabour 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
676 Irrigation in F4E(S)wheat plot & spreying of insectiside at nutrition garden 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
677 Participated in “Kharif workshop” under Kharif Mahaabhiyan-2024 at Forbisganj block, organised by ATMA Araria 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
678 Scientific cultivation of millets and their seed production 6/3/2024 To 6/4/2024
679 Scientific cultivation of Early cauliflower 6/3/2024 To 6/5/2024
680 Kharif mahabhiyan at Jokihat 6/2/2024 To 6/2/2024
681 Spray of glyphosate on way of CRA Pno 1 to 10 6/2/2024 To 6/2/2024
682 Kharif mahabhiyan at Raniganj 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
683 Work under demo unit ( goat, duck, check) 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
684 Work under demo unit 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
685 Weeding out from shade net house 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
686 weeding out from P NO 18 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
687 ploughing through cultivator in CRA P no 7 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
688 Work under poshan vatika 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
689 Harvesting of Maize from CRA pno-2 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
690 Work Under Mushroom Unit 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
691 Water filling in P n O 1 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
692 Participation in Crop cutting experiment of Maize in CRA Experimental plot 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
693 Scientist visit to Farmers field, Agro 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
694 Soil & Plant analysis 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
695 Consultancy through mobile/telephone, Horti. 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
696 Consultancy through mobile/telephone, Soil Science 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
697 Soil & Plant analysis 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
698 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
699 Consulted with farmer in KVK, Soil Science 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
700 Consulted with farmer in KVK, PP 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
701 Consulted with farmer in KVK, Agro 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
702 Scientist visit to Farmers field, Horti. 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
703 FLD on Rice Crop 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
704 Scientist visit to Farmers field, Soil Science 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
705 FLD on Ground Nut 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
706 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit at Kusiargaon, Azamnagar and Bochi and Premnagar, PP 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
707 Consulted with farmer in KVK, Horti. 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
708 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
709 Submission of abstract on Makhana pest to National conference. 5/31/2024 To 5/31/2024
710 Putting fertilizer on root of Banana plant planted around pond 5/30/2024 To 5/30/2024
711 Participated in “Kharif workshop” under Kharif Mahaabhiyan-2024 5/30/2024 To 5/30/2024
712 Weeding out from kalae crop 5/30/2024 To 5/30/2024
713 IPM in Kharif crop 5/29/2024 To 5/29/2024
714 Block level Kharif Mahabhiyan 5/29/2024 To 5/29/2024
715 ploughing in plot no 24 5/28/2024 To 5/28/2024
716 Participated in “OFT Finalization Workshop Agronomy/Soil Science of KVKs (Bihar & Jharkhand) on dated 28-29 May, 2024 at BAU Sabour, organised by Directorate of Extension Education, BAU Sabour, and presented our proposed OFTs and results of conducted OFTs 5/28/2024 To 5/29/2024
717 Attended OFT workshop at BAU Sabour 5/28/2024 To 5/29/2024
718 District level Kharif Workshop 5/27/2024 To 5/27/2024
719 IPM in Kharif crop 5/27/2024 To 5/27/2024
720 Nursery management of vegetable crops 5/27/2024 To 5/27/2024
721 Spray of nano urea, sagarika and nano DAP in makhana under CRA (LTE) plot of KVK farm 5/27/2024 To 5/27/2024
722 Milky Mushroom Cultivation 5/27/2024 To 5/31/2024
723 Participated in Workshop on “promotion of millets & kharif maize” dt. 25.05.2024 at BAU Sabour organised by Directorate of Extension Education, BAU Sabour, and presented our KVK action plan of CRA and CFLD for 2024-25 5/25/2024 To 5/25/2024
724 meeting for seed production cum cropping programme Kharif-2024 5/25/2024 To 5/25/2024
725 Participated in “Seed production cum cropping programme” meeting on dated 25.05.2024 at BAU Sabour, organised by Directorate of Seed and Farms, BAU Sabour, 5/25/2024 To 5/25/2024
726 Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) organizes Awareness programs with the theme of World Environment Day 2024, “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience” 5/24/2024 To 5/24/2024
727 Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) organizes Awareness programs with the theme of World Environment Day 2024, “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience” 5/23/2024 To 5/23/2024
728 Hand weeding of green gram and black gram of KVK farm 5/23/2024 To 5/26/2024
729 Water filling in P No 1 5/22/2024 To 5/22/2024
730 Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) organizes Awareness programs with the theme of World Environment Day 2024, “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience” 5/22/2024 To 5/22/2024
731 weeding out from P No 18 5/21/2024 To 5/21/2024
732 Arrange bags in godown and stitch damage bags 5/21/2024 To 5/21/2024
733 Preparation of action plan of CRA and CFLD for 2024-25 5/21/2024 To 5/24/2024
734 Organised field day on sunflower under CFLD 5/20/2024 To 5/20/2024
735 Submission of OFT report to DEE BAU Sabour 5/20/2024 To 5/20/2024
736 crop cutting of RB maize under CRA 5/20/2024 To 5/20/2024
737 Visit of Makhana farmers field plots under CRA programme 5/19/2024 To 5/19/2024
738 crop cutting of RB maize under CRA 5/18/2024 To 5/18/2024
739 Advance improved production techniques of rice cultivation under CRA programme 5/18/2024 To 5/19/2024
740 spray of Neem Oil on P No-18 & under shade Net vegetable 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
741 ploughing through tawa in CRA P No-6,7,8 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
742 Weed Cutting through Grass Cutter around pond 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
743 Irrigation of Banana plant around pond 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
744 Weeding out from the root of Banana around pond 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
745 Weeding out from Bajra Crop 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
746 Implementation of Krishi Mapper App 5/17/2024 To 5/17/2024
747 Spraying of herbicide in green gram crop under CRA plots 5/17/2024 To 5/18/2024
748 Awareness of Agricultural Education of students at Junior High School, Etahara, Araria 5/16/2024 To 5/16/2024
749 Viksit Bharat meeting 5/16/2024 To 5/16/2024
750 Orchard management for better banana production 5/16/2024 To 5/17/2024
751 spray through trolly sprayer in moong CRAP no 4,5,9 5/15/2024 To 5/15/2024
752 Water fill in Pond and P no- 1 5/15/2024 To 5/15/2024
753 work under Posan Watika 5/15/2024 To 5/15/2024
754 crop cutting of RB maize under CRA at Rampur (Forbisganj) 5/15/2024 To 5/15/2024
755 Creating Bed for Vegetable plant under Poshan Vatika 5/15/2024 To 5/15/2024
756 Weeding out from Bajra Farm p No-10 5/15/2024 To 5/15/2024
757 Crop cutting of RB maize under CRA 5/14/2024 To 5/14/2024
758 crop cutting of RB maize under CRA 5/14/2024 To 5/14/2024
759 Crop cutting of BR maize cum farmers training on crop production through natural farming under CRA programme 5/14/2024 To 5/14/2024
760 Attended training and exposure visit on Natural Farming 5/14/2024 To 5/18/2024
761 Attended training and exposure visit on Natural Farming 5/14/2024 To 5/18/2024
762 Creating bed in shade net 5/13/2024 To 5/13/2024
763 Selling of 33 kg of fish from ponds of KVK Araria IFS model 5/12/2024 To 5/12/2024
764 spraying insecticide in Polly house and shade net 5/11/2024 To 5/11/2024
765 Creating Bed in Poshan Vatika 5/11/2024 To 5/11/2024
766 IDM in Cauliflower 5/10/2024 To 5/10/2024
767 RPL course on AES Provider 5/10/2024 To 5/10/2024
768 hoeing in Finger millets plot 5/9/2024 To 5/9/2024
769 IDM in Tomato 5/9/2024 To 5/9/2024
770 WEEDING OUT FRO MOONG PLOT NO 17 5/9/2024 To 5/9/2024
771 Method of Soil Sample Collection and its Importance 5/9/2024 To 5/10/2024
772 ploughing through tawa on plot no 9,10,16 5/8/2024 To 5/8/2024
773 Weeding out from shade net house 5/8/2024 To 5/8/2024
774 Sperry on plot no 8 & 11 through Trolly Sprayer 5/8/2024 To 5/8/2024
775 Interaction with RAWE Students for orientation programme at KVK, Araria 5/8/2024 To 5/8/2024
776 Weeding out from moong farm p no17 5/8/2024 To 5/8/2024
777 Classes of RAWE Students as per assigned courses 5/8/2024 To 5/31/2024
778 Ploughing on P No 118 5/6/2024 To 5/6/2024
779 Weeding out from moong 5/5/2024 To 5/5/2024
780 Grass cutting through grass cutter around pond 5/5/2024 To 5/5/2024
781 ploughing through tawa in P No. 8, 11 5/4/2024 To 5/4/2024
782 Collecting of Soil Sample and making bag of soil powder 5/4/2024 To 5/4/2024
783 weeding out from the root of Banana plant , guava plant and putting water or fertilizer 5/4/2024 To 5/4/2024
784 Grass cutting through grass cutter around office 5/4/2024 To 5/4/2024
785 Water filling in makhan plot and pond 5/4/2024 To 5/4/2024
786 Gape filling on makhan ploat 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
787 irrigation on Cra 10 (Bajra Farm) 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
788 harvesting of Maize 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
789 ploughing through cultivator and transplanting through raised bed machine 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
790 Review Meeting of KVKs 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
791 Importance of Vermicompost and Vermiwash 5/3/2024 To 5/6/2024
792 weeding out from P-18 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
793 Irrigation on CRA 6 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
794 ploughing on CRA plot 1 and 2 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
795 Weeding out from CRA Plot 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
796 Viksit Bharat meeting (Horticulture Crops) 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
797 Sperry by trolly sprayer of Proso Farm P No. 24 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
798 Field preparation for panting Turmeric Near shade Net 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
799 Crop cutting cum field day on RB maize and Maize+Potato under CRA 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
800 Organised field day 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
801 Viksit Bharat meeting (Horticulture Crops) 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
802 Harvesting of OFT Maize 5/2/2024 To 5/2/2024
803 Prepared Monthly Progress Report of May. 5/2/2024 To 5/31/2024
804 Harvesting of Potato at CRA ploat and placed in gudown 5/1/2024 To 5/1/2024
805 Viksit Bharat meeting (Horticulture Crops) 5/1/2024 To 5/1/2024
806 work under Poshan Vatika 5/1/2024 To 5/1/2024
807 ICAR-DARE is invisting you to a scheduled zoom meeting .Topic: Meeting on Viksit Bharat (Horticulture crop), 5/1/2024 To 5/2/2024
808 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Sopil Science) 5/1/2024 To 5/30/2024
809 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (Soil Science) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
810 Finalization of Monthly Progress Report of April 2024. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
811 Monitoring weeding in Natural Farming plot 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
812 Plantation of cucurbits vegetable seed at nutrient garden of KVK 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
813 Planned and discussed with Senior Scientist and Head to start Vermi-compost unit. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
814 Follow-up with ATMA PD for “Krishi Gyan Vahan”. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
815 Scientist visit to Farmers field (PP) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
816 Submission of proposal for Milky mushroom production in demo unit. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
817 Prepared PPT for OFT workshop. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
818 Prepared report of Natural Farming and Eradication of Malnutrition 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
819 Lecture delivered on the topic of soil selection at time of establishing nutri-garden 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
820 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Soil Science) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
821 Participation in Crop cutting experiment of Maize in CRA Experimental plot 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
822 Soil & Plant analysis 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
823 Monitor sowing of China crop in CRA plot at Farm. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
824 Arrangement of Neem Khali & Neem Oil to control insect pest in Natural Farming 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
825 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (Agro.) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
826 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (PP) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
827 Consulted with farmer in KVK (PP) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
828 Drafted letter for Krishi Gyan Vahan. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
829 FLD 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
830 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (Agro.) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
831 Compilation of Reports and presentation of Eradication of malnutrition Programme 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
832 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Horti.) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
833 FLD 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
834 Submission of proposal for Milky mushroom production in demo unit. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
835 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Agro.) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
836 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Hort.) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
837 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Agro.) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
838 Jointly started preparation of jeevamrit & ghanjeevamrit for Natural Farming 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
839 Survey form finalization for study of reason of shift from wheat to maize in rabi season 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
840 Visit to ICDS-DPO office for information related to malnurished village 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
841 Swachhata Abhiyan 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
842 Conducted scheduled courses for RAWE students residing at KVK Araria. 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
843 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (Hort.) 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
844 Monitor processing & tagging of collected soil sample for sending of their analysis 5/1/2024 To 5/31/2024
845 Review Meeting of KVKs 4/30/2024 To 4/30/2024
846 Attained monthly meeting at KVK Araria dt 30.04.2024 4/30/2024 To 4/30/2024
847 ploughing of plot 4/29/2024 To 4/29/2024
848 Weeding out in pollyhouse 4/29/2024 To 4/29/2024
849 Irrigation in P. No 17 & 18 4/29/2024 To 4/29/2024
850 Arrangement for Irrigation in P. No 24 4/27/2024 To 4/27/2024
851 Packaging of Wheat Seed 4/27/2024 To 4/27/2024
852 Spraying of copper sulphate on 1 and 26 (Makhana) 4/25/2024 To 4/25/2024
853 Scientific cultivation of jute 4/24/2024 To 4/25/2024
854 Soil Sampling on 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 (E),14W 15,16,17 & 24 sowing of moong at CRA 4& 5 ploat 4/22/2024 To 4/22/2024
855 IDM in Cucurbits 4/22/2024 To 4/22/2024
856 Drying of wheat seed at threshing floor 4/21/2024 To 4/21/2024
857 Visit to Raniganj, Forbesganj and Bhargama under farmers doubling income scheme on 21th April. 4/21/2024 To 4/21/2024
858 Survey Verification of DFI farmers in Bansbari village 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
859 Scientist visited at Araria for DFI 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
860 IDM in Tomato 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
861 Scientist visited at Raniganj for DFI 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
862 Harvesting of wheat through harvester at plot 23 & 24 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
863 Scientist visited at Bhargama for DFI 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
864 Scientist visited at foebisganj for DFI 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
865 Scientist visited at Kursakanta for DFI 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
866 Verification of DFI (Doubling Farmer Income ) form of 48 farmers from Musahari, Sukhi and Kushmakarpur Forbisganj) dt 20.04.2024 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
867 Survey Verification of DFI farmers in Kusiargaon. 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
868 Scientist visited at Jokihat for DFI 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
869 Visited different villages of 3 blocks i.e. Bhargama, Raniganj and Forbesganj to take signature of DFI farmers. 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
870 Survey verification of 35 DFI Farmers in Kusiargaon, Araria RS and Bansbari Villages. 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
871 Moong Sowing ar CRA Village 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
872 Farmers visited at polly house during training 4/20/2024 To 4/20/2024
873 Harvesting of wheet through harvester as plot 12 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
874 Farmers visited at Green house during training 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
875 Harvesting of wheet through harvester as plot 8 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
876 Harvesting of wheet through harvester as plot 6 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
877 Harvesting of wheet through harvester as plot 11 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
878 Moong Sowing at Rampur 4/18/2024 To 4/18/2024
879 Moong Sowing at Sukhi 4/18/2024 To 4/18/2024
880 Moong Sowing at Sirsiya 4/18/2024 To 4/18/2024
881 Moong Sowing at Dakharipur 4/18/2024 To 4/18/2024
882 Moong Sowing at Terimusahri 4/18/2024 To 4/18/2024
883 Scientific cultivation of millets and their seed production under CRA programme 4/18/2024 To 4/19/2024
884 Nursery management of vegetable crops 4/18/2024 To 4/20/2024
885 Nursery management of vegetable crops 4/17/2024 To 4/17/2024
886 Verifying maize Crop under CRA village 4/16/2024 To 4/16/2024
887 Meeting on Viksit Bharat 4/16/2024 To 4/16/2024
888 Review Meeting BY ATARI 4/16/2024 To 4/16/2024
889 Moong showing at CRA village 4/16/2024 To 4/16/2024
890 Review Meeting 4/16/2024 To 4/16/2024
891 Crop Cutting on CRA 4,5,8,9 of Wheat Plot 4/15/2024 To 4/15/2024
892 Drafted news & proceedings of visit of director, extension education during field day programme at CRA village. 4/13/2024 To 4/13/2024
893 Sowing of Bajra at CRA 10 Plot 4/13/2024 To 4/13/2024
894 Spraying of sakrika + Nano DAP+Nano Urea at Makhan P.M-1 4/13/2024 To 4/13/2024
895 Meeting on Ecoregional programme 4/12/2024 To 4/12/2024
896 Meeting on Ecoregional Working Group Programme 4/12/2024 To 4/12/2024
897 Spraying of insecticide at pollyhouse 4/12/2024 To 4/12/2024
898 Attended annual workshop of CRA programme. 4/12/2024 To 4/13/2024
899 Participated in Annual Workshop on “Climate Resilient Agriculture and Natural Farming ” dt. 12-13 April, 2024 at BAU Sabour organised by Directorate of Extension Education, BAU Sabour, and presented our KVK annual progress report and action plan (2024-25) of CRA programme 4/12/2024 To 4/13/2024
900 Principal BPSAC Purnia visited at KVK Farmn of KVK Araria 4/11/2024 To 4/11/2024
901 Visited at hatchery unit of KVK Araria by Principal BPSAC Purnia 4/11/2024 To 4/11/2024
902 Visited at poultry unit of KVK Araria by Principal BPSAC Purnia 4/11/2024 To 4/11/2024
903 Principal BPSAC Purnia visited at KVK kitchen garden of KVK Araria 4/11/2024 To 4/11/2024
904 Making raise bed at CRA 10 plot for sowing of Bajra 4/11/2024 To 4/11/2024
905 Principal BPSAC Purnia visited at IFS of KVK Araria 4/11/2024 To 4/11/2024
906 Principal BPSAC Purnia visited at Processing Unit of KVK Araria 4/11/2024 To 4/11/2024
907 Principal BPSAC Purnia visited at CRA Farm of KVK Araria 4/11/2024 To 4/11/2024
908 threshing of tisi at KVK 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
909 Irrigation for maize field at plot no 3 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
910 ploughing through cultivator on CRA plot 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
911 creating bed through raised bed planter 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
912 Irrigation for maize field at plot no 2 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
913 Irrigation for maize field at plot no 4 under CRA 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
914 Principal BPSAC Purnia visited at KVK Araria 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
915 Lentil seed provided for CRA village 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
916 Seed packet load on Vehicle for send to CRA village 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
917 Irrigation in CRA -3 Maize Plot 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
918 threshing of lentil at KVK 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
919 Visited at Demo unit (Makhan) of KVK Araria by Principal BPSAC Purnia 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
920 Moong seed provide to CRA Village 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
921 PPT preparation for CRAP (Weekely meeting) 4/9/2024 To 4/9/2024
922 Filtering weed from makhan field 4/9/2024 To 4/9/2024
923 Cleanning of Pond and Kisan Bhawan 4/9/2024 To 4/9/2024
924 Harvesting of wheet through harvester as plot 7 4/9/2024 To 4/19/2024
925 Feed Material arrived friom local marcket 4/8/2024 To 4/8/2024
926 Veryfying heachery unit by senioe scientist & Head 4/8/2024 To 4/8/2024
927 Verifying poultery unit bu senior Scientist & Head 4/8/2024 To 4/8/2024
928 Fillup water in makhan field 4/8/2024 To 4/8/2024
929 Attending review meeting programme on eradication of malnutrition at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur on 8th to 9th April. 4/8/2024 To 4/9/2024
930 Participation in the Workshop on Eradication of malnutrition 4/8/2024 To 4/9/2024
931 Participation in the Workshop on Eradication of malnutrition on 8-9 April 2024 at BAU Sabour. 4/8/2024 To 4/10/2024
932 Sowing of Groundnut at CRA -1 Plot 4/7/2024 To 4/7/2024
933 Principal BPSAC purnia visited at field day programme under CRAP 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
934 Interaction with Director Extension Education & Dean-Cum Principle of BPSAC, Purnia on 6th April 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
935 Principal BPSAC purnia visited of Maize farm field at dak Haripuir 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
936 Principal Bpsac purnia visited at Farm field during moong sowing 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
937 Principal BPSAC purnia visited Bottle guard Farm at village of dak Haripuir 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
938 DEE bau sabour visited of Maize farm field at dak Haripuir 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
939 Field day for crop cutting under CRAP at Dhak-haripur 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
940 Principal BPSAC purnia visited kitchen garden at village of dak Haripuir 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
941 DEE, BAU, Sabour visited at Farm field during moong sowing 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
942 Dee bau Sabour visited kitchen garden at village of dak Haripuir 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
943 Organised field Day at Dak Haripur under CRAP 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
944 Organised field day cum crop cutting programme on ZT, Happy seeder sowing, nutrient management in wheat and raised bed planting of maize etc under CRA at Dak Haripur (Forbisganj) 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
945 DEE, BAU, Sabour visited Bottle guard Farm at village of dak Haripuir 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
946 Principal Bpsac purnia visited at Farm field during moong sowing & verifyed seed packet 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
947 Dee Bau sabour visited at field day porogramme under CRAP 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
948 Organised field day at Dak &Haripur 4/6/2024 To 4/6/2024
949 Field day for crop cutting under CRAP at Rampur 4/5/2024 To 4/5/2024
950 Organised field day cum crop cutting programme on ZT, Happy seeder sowing, nutrient management in wheat and raised bed planting of maize etc at under CRA Rampur (Forbisganj) 4/5/2024 To 4/5/2024
951 Organised field day at Rampur 4/5/2024 To 4/5/2024
952 Organised field day cum crop cutting programme on ZT, Happy seeder sowing, nutrient management in wheat and raised bed planting of maize etc under CRA at Mushahari (Forbisganj) 4/5/2024 To 4/5/2024
953 Harvesting of potato at CRA 1 ploat and placed in godown 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
954 Transplanting of Ragi RAU-8 at P No. 18 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
955 Organised field day at Tedhi Mushari 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
956 Senior Scientist And Head visited BPSAC purnia college for viva 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
957 Picture Click for last day RPL Trainee 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
958 Film Show for RPL (AESP) 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
959 Organised field day at Tedhi Mushari 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
960 Organised field day cum crop cutting programme on ZT, Happy seeder sowing, nutrient management in wheat and raised bed planting of maize etc under CRA at Teri Mushahari (Forbisganj) 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
961 Weeding out from polly hose 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
962 Organised field day at Sukhi & Sirsiya 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
963 Filtering weed from makhan field 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
964 Film Show for RPL (AESP) 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
965 Sowing of Groundnut at CRA 22EPlot 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
966 Organised field day cum crop cutting programme on ZT, Happy seeder sowing, nutrient management in wheat and raised bed planting of maize etc under CRA at Sukhi (Forbisganj) 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
967 RAWE VIVA VOCE 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
968 Field day for crop cutting under CRAP at Sirsiya 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
969 Attendended Meeting of DEE Bau Sabour (Virtual) 4/2/2024 To 4/2/2024
970 Plantation of vegetables seed at nutrient garden of KVK 4/2/2024 To 4/2/2024
971 Weeding out froim kitchen garden at KVK, Araria 4/2/2024 To 4/2/2024
972 Mothely meeting at KVK 4/2/2024 To 4/2/2024
973 Attended monthly meeting 4/2/2024 To 4/2/2024
974 Harvesting of Lentil at CRA P. No-7 4/2/2024 To 4/2/2024
975 Film Show for RPL Tranee (Bee Keeper) 4/2/2024 To 4/3/2024
976 Scientist visit to Farmers field 4/2/2024 To 4/30/2024
977 Attended virtual CRA meeting 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
978 Harvesting of Rape Seed at P. No-17 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
979 Picture Click at kvk kitchen Garden 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
980 Attending KVK, review meeting on 1th April 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
981 Weeding from gerren house 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
982 Picture Click at kvk kitchen Garden 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
983 RPL course on Agricultuire Extension Service Provider under BSDM 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
984 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
985 Spray of blue copper in Makhhana plots 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
986 FLD on Brinjal 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
987 FLD on Chilli 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
988 Visiting State Seed Quality Farm with SDAO at Sikti village to find out the reason of failure and know the current status of lentil crop. 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
989 Soil & Plant analysis 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
990 Compilation of Reports and presentation of Eradication of malnutrition Programme. 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
991 Hand weeding done in Makhhana plots 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
992 Completed wheat crop cutting of different demonstration plots at centre. 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
993 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Soil) 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
994 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Agro.) 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
995 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
996 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
997 Production of planting material/Saplings-tomato, chilli, brinjal, cucurbits, (total-2000) etc Production of Seed: 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
998 Harvesting, threshing and cleaning of wheat of KVK Araria Farm and produced 48. 41 q HD 2967 and 3.5q DBW 187 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
999 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit (PP) 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1000 Visiting State Seed Quality Farm with SDAO at Sikti village to find out the reason of failure and know the current status of lentil crop. 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1001 FLD on Green gram (ZT) under CRA programme 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1002 FLD on Chilli 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1003 Sowing of Sanwa millet (Barnyard millet) in KVK Araria farm 1.0 Acres 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1004 Soil sampling of all vacant plots at KVK farm 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1005 Taken initiative of Natural Farming 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1006 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Soil) 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1007 Drafted matter in Hindi about status of nutrients of CRA adopted village. 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1008 Sowing of green gram in KVK Farms in 3 Acres 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1009 Scientist visit to Farmers field 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1010 FLD on Jute (Line Sowing) under CRA 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1011 Consulted with farmer in KVK 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1012 Consulted with farmer in KVK (PP) 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1013 FLD on Brinjal 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1014 Insect- Pests in Management in Makhana 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1015 Planned and discussed with Senior Scientist and Head to start Vermi-compost unit. 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1016 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
1017 Spreying of Insecticise at CRA 2 & 3 plot 3/31/2024 To 3/31/2024
1018 Refilling of Makhana Plant at PH-28 3/30/2024 To 3/30/2024
1019 Complete Makhana transplanting in plot No 01/26 3/30/2024 To 3/31/2024
1020 Broad casting of DAP, Sagrika in plot 26 and sowing of Makhana 3/29/2024 To 3/29/2024
1021 Cleanning of P.No -1 by net 3/27/2024 To 3/27/2024
1022 Cleanning of P.No -26 by net 3/26/2024 To 3/26/2024
1023 Storing of potato in cold storage 98 qt. for seed purpose. 3/26/2024 To 3/26/2024
1024 Assessment organised foir ICAR RPL (Mushroom Grower) 3/25/2024 To 3/25/2024
1025 Cleanning of Mustard Seed 3/22/2024 To 3/22/2024
1026 Cleanning of Mustard Seed 3/22/2024 To 3/22/2024
1027 Earthing up in maize of potato to harvest in CRA plots 02. 3/22/2024 To 3/25/2024
1028 Irrigation in makhan plot-1 3/21/2024 To 3/21/2024
1029 Attended DLEC meeting for the establishment of custom hiring centre 3/20/2024 To 3/20/2024
1030 Tailoring of potato Brg and naming of variety at godown 3/20/2024 To 3/20/2024
1031 Organised field Day under CFLD (Linseed)at Saran pur, Araria 3/20/2024 To 3/20/2024
1032 Spraring of insecticides on CRA wheat plot 4,5,6 3/19/2024 To 3/19/2024
1033 Irrigation in plot 18 & 22E 3/18/2024 To 3/18/2024
1034 Drying & packaging of sawa seed 3/18/2024 To 3/18/2024
1035 Natural Farming & their Farming 3/18/2024 To 3/19/2024
1036 RPL course AES Provider 3/18/2024 To 3/21/2024
1037 Attending orientation programme for newly joined subject matter specialists of KVKs 3/18/2024 To 3/22/2024
1038 Taking Attendance of All RPL Trainee (AESP) 3/18/2024 To 4/4/2024
1039 Taking Attendance of RPL trainee (Beekeeper) 3/18/2024 To 4/4/2024
1040 Taking Attendance of All RPL Trainee (AESP) 3/18/2024 To 4/4/2024
1041 Irrigation in makhana plot -1 from pump set 3/17/2024 To 3/17/2024
1042 Borodcasting of cow dung in makhana plot 1 & 26 3/16/2024 To 3/16/2024
1043 Exposure visit with in district (CRA) (Araria & Forbesganj) 3/15/2024 To 3/15/2024
1044 Farmer Exposure Visit within District by the Farmers ofForbesganj and Araria block 3/15/2024 To 3/15/2024
1045 Packaging of potato seed at Godown 3/15/2024 To 3/15/2024
1046 Farmer Exposure Visit within District by the Farmers of Sikti and Raniganj block 3/14/2024 To 3/14/2024
1047 Earthingup on Maize CRA Plot2 3/14/2024 To 3/14/2024
1048 Exposure visit with in district (CRA) (Sikti & Raniganj) 3/14/2024 To 3/14/2024
1049 Exposure visit with in district (CRA) (Bhargama & Jikihat) 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
1050 Groundnut Showing at CRA Plot 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
1051 Sowing of groundnut in plots no. 1 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
1052 Farmer Exposure Visit within District by the Farmers of Bhargama and Jokihat block 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
1053 Cleanning and Packaginig of Prosomillets 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
1054 Harvesting of potato in CRA plots 01/02. 3/13/2024 To 3/29/2024
1055 Puting Furtilizer At Makhana Field 3/12/2024 To 3/12/2024
1056 Drying of ragi (ARU-8)at threshing floor 3/12/2024 To 3/12/2024
1057 Exposure visit with in district (CRA) (Kursakanta & Palasi block) 3/12/2024 To 3/12/2024
1058 Farmer Exposure Visit within District by the Farmers of Kursakanta and Palasi block. 3/12/2024 To 3/12/2024
1059 Mushtard harvesting 3/11/2024 To 3/11/2024
1060 Weeding out from shadenet house 3/11/2024 To 3/11/2024
1061 Plough the field 3/11/2024 To 3/11/2024
1062 Harvesting of Potato 3/11/2024 To 3/11/2024
1063 Use of Sprayer for employment SCSP 3/11/2024 To 3/13/2024
1064 Attending 5-days training and exposure visit for master trainer on “Natural farming” from 11-15 march 2024 3/11/2024 To 3/15/2024
1065 irrigation in 15 wheat plot 3/10/2024 To 3/10/2024
1066 harvesting of mustard at plot no 26 3/10/2024 To 3/10/2024
1067 Irrigation in 14w wheat plot 3/9/2024 To 3/9/2024
1068 Harvesting of mustard at CRA 10 plot 3/8/2024 To 3/8/2024
1069 Participated in visit of Dr. R.N Singh. ADEE, Sabour at KVK, Araria dt. 06.03.2024 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1070 ADEE, BAU Sabour Visited IFS Model 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1071 Potato harvesting form Farm 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1072 ADEE, BAU Sabour Visited CRA Field 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1073 ADEE, BAU Sabour Visited Potato Field 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1074 ADEE, BAU Sabour Visited Poultery Unit Model 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1075 Visited ADEE Of BAU, Sabour 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1076 ADEE, BAU Sabour Visited Mushroom Unit Model 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1077 Meeting Under CRA 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
1078 Establishment Nutritional garden 3/5/2024 To 3/5/2024
1079 Scientific cultivation of zaid millets 3/5/2024 To 3/6/2024
1080 Establishment of low cost poly tunnel for vegetable production 3/5/2024 To 3/7/2024
1081 Establisment of low cost poly tunnel for veg. production 3/5/2024 To 3/8/2024
1082 Fish Harvested 3/4/2024 To 3/4/2024
1083 Fish Harvested 3/4/2024 To 3/4/2024
1084 Film Show for RPL Tranee (Agri. Extn. Service Provider) 3/3/2024 To 3/3/2024
1085 Spraying of herbicide arround kisan bhawan, Office premises 3/3/2024 To 3/3/2024
1086 Oyster Mushroom Production under SCSP 3/2/2024 To 3/7/2024
1087 Development of Annual Action Plan 2024 3/2/2024 To 3/31/2024
1088 IPM in Mango 3/1/2024 To 3/1/2024
1089 Production of planting material/Saplings-tomato, chilli, brinjal, cucurbits, (total-5000) etc Production of Seed: 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1090 Classes of RAWE Students as per assigned courses 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1091 FLD on Chilli 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1092 Insect- Pests in Management in Makhana 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1093 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (Agro.) 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1094 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Hort.) 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1095 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Hort.) 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1096 Consultancy through mobile/telephone(hort.) 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1097 Timely Compilation of Reports and compliance as Reporting 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1098 Plantation of vegetables seed at nutrient garden of KVK 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1099 FLD on Tomato 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1100 Scientist visit to Farmers field 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1101 Consulted with farmer in KVK 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1102 Classes of RAWE students as per Assigned course. 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1103 Soil & Plant analysis 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1104 Plant Protection Diagnosis and Advisory in KVK Seed production plot, CRA plots and protected cultivation 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1105 FLD on Chilli 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1106 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1107 Oyster Mushroom under FLD 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1108 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (PP) 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1109 Swachhata Abhiyan 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1110 CRA Programme: Need based expert guidance related to plant protection. 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1111 Finalization of Monthly Progress Report of February 2024. 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1112 Consulted with farmer in KVK 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
1113 Establishment of nutritional garden 2/29/2024 To 2/29/2024
1114 Prepared and submitted demonstration action plan of CRA programme 2/29/2024 To 2/29/2024
1115 Organised virtual programme of Release of 16th installement of PM Kisan Nidhi at KVK Araria campus 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
1116 Virtual Programme of Release of 15th Instalments of PM Kisan Nidhi 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
1117 Training and distribution of 1000 chicks among 50 SC youths of Premnagar and Hridaypur under SCSP. 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
1118 Backyard Poultry Chicks 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
1119 Establishment of nutritional garden 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
1120 Organised virtual programme of “Release of 16th installement of PM KIsan Nidhi” at KVK Araria campus 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
1121 Mushroom production technology for income generation 2/27/2024 To 2/27/2024
1122 Potato harvesting in plot 17 at kvk farm 2/27/2024 To 2/27/2024
1123 Evaluation of Potato varieties against Scab disease in Araria. 2/27/2024 To 2/27/2024
1124 Irrigation in 12, 14 E(L) Wheat Plot 2/27/2024 To 3/5/2024
1125 Spraying of insecticide And Fungicid on mango, litchi & Guava orchard 2/26/2024 To 2/26/2024
1126 Mushroom production technology for income generation 2/26/2024 To 2/26/2024
1127 Oyster Mushroom 2/26/2024 To 2/26/2024
1128 Complete the nursery sowing of finger millets at KVK farm for demonstration 2/24/2024 To 2/29/2024
1129 IPM in Maize 2/21/2024 To 2/21/2024
1130 IPM in rabi maize under CRA programme 2/21/2024 To 2/21/2024
1131 Training cum exposure visit of 8 farmers under CRA programme at IRRI-ISRAC, Varanasi 2/20/2024 To 2/22/2024
1132 Care and Management of backyard poultry under SCSP 2/20/2024 To 2/22/2024
1133 Harvesting of all types of potato which are demonstrated at KVK Farm 2/20/2024 To 2/27/2024
1134 Harvesting of Potato 2/19/2024 To 2/19/2024
1135 Potato harvesting in plot 18 at kvk farm 2/19/2024 To 2/19/2024
1136  Showcasing of tech. in kisan mela through stal at BAU Sabour campus organised by Directorate of Extension Education BAU, Sabour 2/19/2024 To 2/19/2024
1137 Kisan Mela Exposure visit at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour 2/19/2024 To 2/19/2024
1138 Potato harvesting in plot 22E at kvk farm 2/18/2024 To 2/18/2024
1139 Monitoring and Evaluation of CCINM Trainees at ATMA 2/18/2024 To 2/18/2024
1140 Exposure visit of 350 farmers under CRA programme in Kisan Meta at BAU Sabour campus 2/18/2024 To 2/19/2024
1141 Nurseary for Makhana 2/17/2024 To 2/17/2024
1142 Showcasing of technology in Kisan Mela through stal at BAU Sabour campus organised by Directorate of Extension Education BAU Sabour 2/17/2024 To 2/19/2024
1143 Insect- Pests in Management in Makhana 2/13/2024 To 2/13/2024
1144 Use and importance of nano fertilizers in sustainable crop production 2/12/2024 To 2/13/2024
1145 Irrigation in Maize 2/9/2024 To 2/9/2024
1146 Attended Physical and financial Review meeting at ATARI Patna 2/9/2024 To 2/10/2024
1147 Use and importance of nano fertilizers in sustainable crop production 2/8/2024 To 2/9/2024
1148 Oyster Mushroom Production under SCSP 2/8/2024 To 2/9/2024
1149 Participated with 5 progressive farmer of CRA villages and presented two oral presentation in two days National Seminar on MPTPIEG at BPSAC, Purnea 2/6/2024 To 2/7/2024
1150 Participated in Workshop at BAMETI, Patna on Impact of Climate Change on Soil Health: Issues and Improvement Strategies organised by BAMETI, Patna 2/5/2024 To 2/6/2024
1151 Oyster Mushroom Production under SCSP 2/5/2024 To 2/7/2024
1152 250 kg mushroom spawn distributed to CRA villages farmers for mushroom production demonstration under residue management 2/4/2024 To 2/9/2024
1153 Cultivation of Strawberry with IPM 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
1154 Farmer Scientist Interaction by ATMA 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
1155 PM Micro Irrigation Scheme by ADH 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
1156 Attend virtual CRA meeting 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
1157 Nutritional garden 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1158 Consulted with farmers in KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1159 Scientist visit to Farmers field (Hort.) 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1160 Consulted with farmer in KVK (Hort.) 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1161 Nutritional garden at Mirzapur 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1162 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1163 Spraying of mango orchard at kvk araria 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1164 Soil & Plant analysis 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1165 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1166 Plantation of vegetables seed at nutrient garden of KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1167 Nutritional garden at Hirdepur 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1168 Nutritional garden at Tedimusheri 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1169 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1170 Scientist visit to Farmers field 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1171 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1172 Planting five banana plant (NRCB selection 14) resistant to fusarium wilt 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1173 Consultancy through mobile/telephone (Hort.) 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1174 Examine of all types of potato which demonstrated at KVK Farm 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
1175 Irrigation of wheat and potato of KVK Farm 1/29/2024 To 1/29/2024
1176 IPM in Makhana Cultivation 1/29/2024 To 1/29/2024
1177 Acted as in-charge for Senior Scientist and Head for 15 days during his E.L. 1/29/2024 To 2/12/2024
1178 Irrigation uin wheat 1/28/2024 To 1/28/2024
1179 Spray of herbicide in wheat of KVK Farm by tractor drawn boom sprayer 1/25/2024 To 1/25/2024
1180 Oyster Mushroom cultivation 1/25/2024 To 1/25/2024
1181 Self- Employment through Bee-Keeping 1/25/2024 To 1/25/2024
1182 Mashroom production technique under CRA programme 1/25/2024 To 1/25/2024
1183 Spraying of post emergence herbicide on wheat crop 1/25/2024 To 1/25/2024
1184 Makhana production 1/24/2024 To 1/24/2024
1185 Participated in the inauguration of Bee Keeping training 1/23/2024 To 1/23/2024
1186 Importance and use of modern agricultural machineries in agricultural production 1/23/2024 To 1/24/2024
1187 Self- Employment through Bee-Keeping 1/23/2024 To 1/25/2024
1188 Orientation programme of RAWE Students 1/20/2024 To 1/20/2024
1189 Orientation Programme of RAWE 1/20/2024 To 1/20/2024
1190 Mashroom production technique under CRA programme 1/19/2024 To 1/19/2024
1191 Oyster Mushroom cultivation 1/19/2024 To 1/19/2024
1192 Organised orientation programme of RAWE students 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
1193 Cleaning and beatification of Farm, KVK Araria for the visit of Hon’ble Agriculture Secretary, Gov. of Bihar 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
1194 Mashroom production technique under CRA programme 1/16/2024 To 1/16/2024
1195 custom hiring centre meeting at DM office 1/16/2024 To 1/16/2024
1196 Mashroom production technique under CRA programme 1/15/2024 To 1/15/2024
1197 Kept Yellow Sticky card on Mustard crop 1/15/2024 To 1/15/2024
1198 Spraying of Inseeeticide on Mustard crop 1/15/2024 To 1/15/2024
1199 Sprayingk of diathane z78 on wheet crop 1/15/2024 To 1/15/2024
1200 Lecture delivered on the topic of “ scientific technology for custard apple and haldi production ” under Diploma in Agriculture Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI) at Krishi Bhawan, Araria, organised 1/13/2024 To 1/13/2024
1201 Mashroom production technique under CRA programme 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
1202 Oyster Mushroom cultivation 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
1203 Vikshit bhart sankalp yatra 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
1204 Participated in Vikshit Bharat Sankalp Yatra at Jogvani and Narpatganj 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
1205 Vikshit bhart sankalp yatra 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
1206 Organised awareness of students on Importance of Agriculture Education under Agriculture Education at Navodya Vidayalaya, Araria. 1/10/2024 To 1/10/2024
1207 Hon’ble DM, Araria visit at KVK Araria 1/10/2024 To 1/10/2024
1208 Interaction with DM 1/10/2024 To 1/10/2024
1209 CCINM 1/10/2024 To 1/11/2024
1210 Diagnostic Visit at Mhalgaon 1/9/2024 To 1/9/2024
1211 Farmers field visit at malgaon 1/9/2024 To 1/9/2024
1212 Lecture delivered on “Plant, plant nutrients and uptake of nutrients by plants, identification of different types of fertilizers, micronutrients, soil amendments under CCINM training programme organised by ATMA Araria at Krishi Bhawan Araria 1/8/2024 To 1/8/2024
1213 Participated in the inauguration of CCINM training 1/8/2024 To 1/8/2024
1214 Establishment and IPM in Nutri garden 1/8/2024 To 1/9/2024
1215 Establishment of nutrient garden 1/8/2024 To 1/9/2024
1216 Participated in crop weather calendar preparation 1/6/2024 To 1/6/2024
1217 Nutrients management in rabi crops under CRA programme 1/5/2024 To 1/5/2024
1218 Weed management in rabi crops under CRA programme 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
1219 Vikshit bhart sankalp yatra 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
1220 Vikshit bhart sankalp yatra 1/2/2024 To 1/3/2024
1221 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1222 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1223 Consulted with farmer in KVK. 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1224 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1225 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1226 Scientist visit to Farmers field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1227 Scientist visit to Farmers field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1228 Soil & Plant analysis 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1229 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1230 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
1231 Spraying of diathane m45 on potato crop 12/31/2023 To 12/31/2023
1232 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/31/2023 To 12/31/2023
1233 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/31/2023 To 12/31/2023
1234 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/30/2023 To 12/30/2023
1235 Irrigration in wheat plot 12/30/2023 To 12/30/2023
1236 Planting of flowers plant at the premises of KVK Araria. 12/30/2023 To 12/30/2023
1237 Lecture delivered on the topic of “ cyber extension, concept of cyber extension, sources of information of agricultural news and how to provide information about agricultural news to farmers” under Diploma (DAESI) at Krishi Bhawan, Araria, organised by ATMA, Araria 12/30/2023 To 12/30/2023
1238 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/29/2023 To 12/29/2023
1239 Awareness programme in VBSY at Dharmganj & Kankhudia in Palasi block. 12/29/2023 To 12/29/2023
1240 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/29/2023 To 12/29/2023
1241 Sowing of wheat through multiplanter 12/29/2023 To 12/29/2023
1242 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/28/2023 To 12/28/2023
1243 Viksit Bharat Sanklap Yatra 12/28/2023 To 12/28/2023
1244 SCSP Training on IPM in Nutrigarden at Kusiargaon 12/28/2023 To 12/29/2023
1245 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
1246 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
1247 Sowing of maize on potato plot as intercropping 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
1248 Awareness programme in VBSY at Dharmganj & Kankhudia in Palasi block. 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
1249 Management of Demo units: Need based participation in management of different units, at KVK farm. 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
1250 Sowing completed in an area of 2.25 acres from plot No 1 to 7 under CRA project 12/27/2023 To 12/31/2023
1251 Establishment of nutritional garden at KVK, Araria campus 12/27/2023 To 12/31/2023
1252 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/26/2023 To 12/26/2023
1253 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/26/2023 To 12/26/2023
1254 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/26/2023 To 12/26/2023
1255 Awareness programme in VBSY at Simaria in Jokihat Block. 12/26/2023 To 12/26/2023
1256 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/25/2023 To 12/25/2023
1257 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/25/2023 To 12/25/2023
1258 Irrigation on potato plot 12/25/2023 To 12/25/2023
1259 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/25/2023 To 12/25/2023
1260 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/24/2023 To 12/24/2023
1261 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/24/2023 To 12/24/2023
1262 Hoeing and earthing up in potato completed in an area of 1.5 acres 12/24/2023 To 12/31/2023
1263 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
1264 Organised Kisan Diwas at Chikani and Chirah villages of (Jokihot) on the occasion of Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
1265 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
1266 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
1267 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
1268 Awareness programme in VBSY at Chkni in Araria Block. 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
1269 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
1270 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
1271 Lierature Developed: 3 popular articles for Krishak Sandesh a) IPM in Boro Rice b) IDM in Jute & c) IPM in Groundnut. 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
1272 Viksit Bharat Sanklap Yatra 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
1273 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
1274 Jointly field farmers visit with Extension workers of Bhima village of Palasi block 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
1275 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
1276 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
1277 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
1278 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
1279 Lecture delivered on “Course grain and natural farming” under Kisan Gosthi organised by ATMA Araria in Jokihot and Palasi 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
1280 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
1281 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
1282 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
1283 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
1284 Awareness programme in VBSY at Kamaldaha, Rampur Kodarkatti & Chandradei in Araria 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
1285 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
1286 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
1287 Biointensive management practices for major pests in Tomato 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
1288 Wheat variety HD 2967 Sowing completed in an area of 7.75 acres for seed production purpose KVK Araria Farm 12/20/2023 To 12/31/2023
1289 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
1290 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
1291 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
1292 Evaluation of a RAWE batch of 2 students of BPSAC Purnea. 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
1293 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
1294 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
1295 Awareness programme in VBSY at Kaskapur South in Raniganj 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
1296 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
1297 CRA Programme: Need based expert guidance related to crop protection and management 12/19/2023 To 12/26/2023
1298 Lecture delivered on “Course grain and natural farming” under Kisan Gosthi organised by ATMA Araria in Raniganj and Bhargama 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
1299 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
1300 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
1301 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
1302 Paddy crop cutting through reaper 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
1303 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/17/2023 To 12/17/2023
1304 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/17/2023 To 12/17/2023
1305 Irrigation in Raise bed, Brodcasting,ploats,Potato, cafeteria 12/17/2023 To 12/20/2023
1306 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/16/2023 To 12/16/2023
1307 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/16/2023 To 12/16/2023
1308 Sowing of lentil through Zero tillage 12/16/2023 To 12/16/2023
1309 Delivered lecture on the event of establishment of nutritional garden on the topic of Marketing of fruits and vegetables to the extension functionaries 12/16/2023 To 12/16/2023
1310 Paddy processing (Drying & Packing) 12/16/2023 To 12/19/2023
1311 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/15/2023 To 12/15/2023
1312 Viksit bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/15/2023 To 12/15/2023
1313 Earthing up of potato Farm 12/15/2023 To 12/19/2023
1314 Assistance in Administrative work of KVK as a Purchasing committee member & Chairman. 12/15/2023 To 12/20/2023
1315 Harvesting and threshing of rice crop variety Sabour Sampann for seed purpose at KVK Farm 12/15/2023 To 12/31/2023
1316 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/14/2023 To 12/14/2023
1317 Sowing of wheat through Happy Seeder 12/14/2023 To 12/14/2023
1318 SCSP Training on IPM in Nutrigarden at RT Mohan,Forbesganj 12/14/2023 To 12/15/2023
1319 Awareness programme in VBSY at Pharahi in Narpatganj Block and Kaskapur North in Raniganj 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
1320 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
1321 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
1322 FLD 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
1323 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/12/2023 To 12/12/2023
1324 Weed managements of rabi crops 12/12/2023 To 12/12/2023
1325 Timely Compliance of different Reports to ATARI Patna, Flagship Programme of BAU Sabour. 12/12/2023 To 12/20/2023
1326 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/11/2023 To 12/11/2023
1327 Accomplished the role of Nodal Officer from KVK in Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra. 12/11/2023 To 12/11/2023
1328 Awareness programme in VBSY at Pthoura & Bardaha Panchayat in Narpatganj Block. 12/11/2023 To 12/11/2023
1329 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/11/2023 To 12/12/2023
1330 Hoeing and Earthin of potato 12/10/2023 To 12/10/2023
1331 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/9/2023 To 12/9/2023
1332 Awareness programme in VBSY at Khutha Baijnathpur & Bhargama Panchayat in Bhargama Block. 12/9/2023 To 12/9/2023
1333 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
1334 Participation and Lecture delivered in Pasudhan Jagriti Abhiyan at Lakunma Mandal Tola, Raniganj 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
1335 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
1336 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
1337 Lecture delivered 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
1338 Bring potato seed from cold storage 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
1339 Participation and Lecture delivered in Pasudhan Jagriti Abhiyan at Raghunathpur North 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
1340 Awareness programme in VBSY at Naya Bhargama & Dhanesari Bhargama 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
1341 Lecture delivered during field visit of NIPHM trainees at KVK Campus organised by ATMA Araria on the following topics 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
1342 Weed management in rabi crops 12/7/2023 To 12/8/2023
1343 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/6/2023 To 12/6/2023
1344 Organised Agriculture Education at Utkramit Madhya Vidhalaya, Itahara, Araria 12/6/2023 To 12/6/2023
1345 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/6/2023 To 12/6/2023
1346 Awareness programme in VBSY at Aurahi East, Jhirua Purwari 12/6/2023 To 12/6/2023
1347 Mela at DAO Office 12/6/2023 To 12/7/2023
1348 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
1349 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
1350 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
1351 Attended “krishi yanatrikaran mela” at the office of Krishi Bhawan, Araria, 12/5/2023 To 12/6/2023
1352 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/5/2023 To 12/6/2023
1353 Participated in Vikshit Bharat Sankalp Yatra at Pothiya and Halhaliya panchayat 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
1354 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
1355 Task force meeting 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
1356 Horticulture meeting 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
1357 Practical class on the topic of establishment of nursery of fruits and vegetables 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
1358 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
1359 IPM in Nutri-Garden for Anganwadi Sewika 12/4/2023 To 12/5/2023
1360 Awareness programme in VBSY at Majhua, Forbesganj. 12/2/2023 To 12/2/2023
1361 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/2/2023 To 12/2/2023
1362 DESI Class 12/2/2023 To 12/2/2023
1363 Lecture delivered on “Use of plant hormone in agriculture” under Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI) organised by ATMA Araria at Krishi Bhawan Araria 12/2/2023 To 12/2/2023
1364 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
1365 Awareness programme in VBSY at Bathnaha, Sahbajpur & Matiyari, Forbesganj. 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
1366 Vegetable Showing for Poshan Vatika 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
1367 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
1368 Sowing of vegetable on Bed 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
1369 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
1370 Lecture delivered on the topic of “Weed management in nursery “ 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
1371 Lecture delivered on the topic of “Weed management in nursery “ under establishment of nutritional garden” for extension functionaries on dated 01.12.2023 at KVK Araria campus 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
1372 Seed production of rabi crops and their certification, storage and marketing 12/1/2023 To 12/5/2023
1373 Consultancy through mobile/telephone Hort. 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1374 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1375 Scientist visit to Farmers field 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1376 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1377 Sowing of different vegetables seed in the poly house of KVK Araria 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1378 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1379 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1380 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit at Villages visited in VBSY 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1381 Scientist visit to Farmers field Hort. 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1382 Plant analysis 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1383 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
1384 Contribution in GKMS Advisory Service related to plant protection 12/1/2023 To 1/31/2024
1385 Participation in Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra Van at Rampur North Village Forbesganj 11/30/2023 To 11/30/2023
1386 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 11/30/2023 To 11/30/2023
1387 Seed Production 11/30/2023 To 11/30/2023
1388 Sowing of wheat by broadcasting method 11/30/2023 To 11/30/2023
1389 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra Van at Rampur North Village Forbesganj 11/30/2023 To 11/30/2023
1390 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 11/30/2023 To 11/30/2023
1391 Wheat showing through happy seeder 11/29/2023 To 11/29/2023
1392 Wheat showing through Raize bed 11/29/2023 To 11/29/2023
1393 Sowing of wheet by Rasie bed Planters 11/29/2023 To 11/29/2023
1394 Bed Preparation vegetable in polly house 11/28/2023 To 11/28/2023
1395 Sowing of Rape Seed 11/28/2023 To 11/28/2023
1396 Assessment of 14 RPL Trainee of BSDM at BPSAC Purnea 11/28/2023 To 11/28/2023
1397 KVK Farm: Active involvement in Plant Protection Advisory and monitoring in KVK Seed production plot and CRA plots. 11/28/2023 To 12/28/2023
1398 Paddy crop cutting through Harvester 11/27/2023 To 11/27/2023
1399 Paddy havesting from CRA plot 11/27/2023 To 11/27/2023
1400 Linseed showing 11/25/2023 To 11/25/2023
1401 Weed management 11/24/2023 To 11/25/2023
1402 Beekeeping for self employment 11/24/2023 To 11/26/2023
1403 IPM in Winter Maize. 11/23/2023 To 11/24/2023
1404 Scientific cultivation of rabi crops through natural farming 11/21/2023 To 11/22/2023
1405 Seed Production 11/21/2023 To 11/27/2023
1406 Sowing of Potato 11/18/2023 To 11/18/2023
1407 Potato seed preparation 11/18/2023 To 11/25/2023
1408 Sowing of potato cafeteriya (Eight veriety ) 11/16/2023 To 11/16/2023
1409 SCSP Training to Farmers on IPM in Winter Maize at Mahalgaon 11/16/2023 To 11/17/2023
1410 Sowing of mustard by multi seed planter 11/15/2023 To 11/15/2023
1411 Actively participated in 15th installment of PM Kisan released by Hob’ble PM 11/15/2023 To 11/15/2023
1412 Mustard Showing 11/15/2023 To 11/15/2023
1413 Exposure visit cum training programme under CRA at KVK Araria and CRA villages 11/14/2023 To 11/14/2023
1414 Prepare of field for sowing of potato 11/13/2023 To 11/13/2023
1415 Harveting Paddy through Harvester Machine 11/12/2023 To 11/12/2023
1416 Lecture delivered on IPM tips for Winter Maize in CRA Exposure Visit of Farmers 11/10/2023 To 11/10/2023
1417 Exposure visit cum training programme under CRA at KVK Araria and CRA villages 11/10/2023 To 11/10/2023
1418 Potato cafeteria 11/10/2023 To 11/10/2023
1419 NIPHM training on Pesticide application equipments 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
1420 Variety wise grading of potato Seed 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
1421 67.5 q Wheet Seed sended for processing at Bau Sabour 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
1422 Actively participated in Hob’ble DG-ICAR Meeting 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
1423 Crop cutting 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
1424 Pre CFLD training on Scientific cultivation of rabi oilseeds and their seed production under CFLD 11/8/2023 To 11/8/2023
1425 Lecture delivered on IPM tips for Winter Maize in CRA Exposure Visit of Farmers 11/8/2023 To 11/8/2023
1426 Exposure visit cum training programme under CRA at KVK Araria and CRA villages 11/8/2023 To 11/8/2023
1427 OFT (Crop Diversification) 11/8/2023 To 11/30/2023
1428 Exposure visit cum training programme under CRA at KVK Araria and CRA villages 11/7/2023 To 11/7/2023
1429 Awareness Camp for eradication of malnutrition 11/7/2023 To 11/7/2023
1430 IPM in Winter Maize. 11/7/2023 To 11/8/2023
1431 Exposure visit cum training programme under CRA at KVK Araria and CRA villages 11/6/2023 To 11/6/2023
1432 Awareness among School Student 11/6/2023 To 11/6/2023
1433 Field Day 11/4/2023 To 11/4/2023
1434 Crop cutting 11/4/2023 To 11/4/2023
1435 FIG Formation meeting 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
1436 Crop cutting 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
1437 Field Day 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
1438 Cleaning od shad net for vegetable seed showing 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
1439 Crop cutting 11/2/2023 To 11/2/2023
1440 Lectures Delivered as Resource Persons 11/1/2023 To 11/1/2023
1441 Consulted with farmer in KVK 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
1442 FLD on Linseed 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
1443 Contribution in GKMS Advisory Service related to plant protection 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
1444 FLD on Mustard 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
1445 Plant analysis 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
1446 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
1447 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
1448 Swachchta Pakhwara at KVK 10/27/2023 To 10/27/2023
1449 Identification of different types of pesticides 10/26/2023 To 10/26/2023
1450 Collection & Identification of pests 10/26/2023 To 10/26/2023
1451 Rabi Abhiyan at Narpatganj 10/25/2023 To 10/25/2023
1452 online course on Glyphosate use for PCOs from NIPHM Hyderabad 10/25/2023 To 10/25/2023
1453 Strategies of Rainfed farming under Climate change 10/20/2023 To 10/20/2023
1454 Rabi Abhiyan 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
1455 Pesticides Identification, Bioagents mass production and application 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
1456 Application safety and pesticides poisoning 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
1457 CRA village SUKHI SHG formate 10/18/2023 To 10/18/2023
1458 Harvesting , threshing & Storage of millets under CRA Programme. 10/18/2023 To 10/19/2023
1459 Diagnostic visit of Sirsia andMusahri village 10/17/2023 To 10/17/2023
1460 Role & importance of RCT in crop Production under CRA Programme 10/17/2023 To 10/17/2023
1461 CRA village SHG formate 10/17/2023 To 10/17/2023
1462 District Rabi Abhiyan 10/14/2023 To 10/14/2023
1463 Live programme by Agri. Minister 10/13/2023 To 10/13/2023
1464 Insecticides compatibility, dose, cost and application equipments 10/12/2023 To 10/12/2023
1465 Diagnosis and Management of diseases and pests in Rice crop. 10/12/2023 To 10/13/2023
1466 CRA field Visit from bhargama to KVK 10/10/2023 To 10/10/2023
1467 CRA field Visit from Palasi to KVK 10/10/2023 To 10/10/2023
1468 Programe organise by BREDA 10/10/2023 To 10/10/2023
1469 CRA Field Visit at KVK 10/9/2023 To 10/9/2023
1470 Types of Weeds 10/7/2023 To 10/7/2023
1471 Awareness for eradication of malnutrition at Mahalgaon village under Jokihat block. 10/6/2023 To 10/6/2023
1472 Routine work of Senior Scientist and Head 10/6/2023 To 10/17/2023
1473 Competition dynamics of pests, yield loss, principles of pest control, resurgence and resistance in pests. 10/5/2023 To 10/5/2023
1474 Awareness among School Student at Hridaypur Itahara Middle School 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
1475 Diagnosis and Management of diseases and pests in Rice crop. 10/4/2023 To 10/6/2023
1476 Consulted with farmer in KVK 10/1/2023 To 10/30/2023
1477 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit at Mahalgaon, Sukhi, Sirsia and Dakharipur village 10/1/2023 To 10/30/2023
1478 Plant analysis 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
1479 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
1480 Contribution in GKMS Advisory Service related to plant protection 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
1481 Swachchta Pakhwara at KVK 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
1482 CRA Exposure visit 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
1483 Exposure visit cum training programme under CRA at KVK Araria 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
1484 Crop protection, Processing technique and Recipe of millets. 9/25/2023 To 9/27/2023
1485 Attended Seed Hub Meeting 9/20/2023 To 9/20/2023
1486 Attended State Level Workshop on Natural Farming 9/17/2023 To 9/18/2023
1487 Use of BGA in Rice crop. 9/15/2023 To 9/15/2023
1488 CRA Exposure visit at KVK Farm 9/11/2023 To 9/11/2023
1489 Exposure visit cum training programme under CRA at KVK Araria 9/11/2023 To 9/11/2023
1490 IDM in Rice SCSP programme 9/11/2023 To 9/12/2023
1491 Scientific cultivation of rabi crops through RCT 9/11/2023 To 9/12/2023
1492 IPM in Rice SCSP programme 9/4/2023 To 9/5/2023
1493 Lecture delivered as resource person 9/2/2023 To 9/2/2023
1494 Awareness for eradication of malnutrition 9/2/2023 To 9/2/2023
1495 Awareness among School Student at Hridaypur Itahara Middle School 9/1/2023 To 9/1/2023
1496 Contribution in GKMS Advisory Service related to plant protection 9/1/2023 To 9/2/2023
1497 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
1498 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit at Mahalgaon, Sukhi, and Dakharipur village 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
1499 Farmers Visited to KVK 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
1500 Plant analysis 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
1501 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
1502 Scientific cultivation of Fodder crop production with improved varieties, organized by NSC, Purnea 8/29/2023 To 8/29/2023
1503 Practical Diagnosis and control measures of diseases in Rice 8/28/2023 To 8/29/2023
1504 Practical Diagnosis and control measures of diseases in Rice 8/23/2023 To 8/24/2023
1505 Process of seed certification under DESI training programme, organized by ATMA, Araria 8/19/2023 To 8/19/2023
1506 Management of Pests in Rice 8/19/2023 To 8/19/2023
1507 Coarse grain cultivation and and their uses under Farmers-Scientist meet programme, organized by ATMA, Araria 8/18/2023 To 8/18/2023
1508 Awareness-cum-training programme on Parthenium Eradication and their management on the occasion of “Parthenium Awareness Week” 8/16/2023 To 8/22/2023
1509 Apni Mati Apna Desh Oath Programme 8/11/2023 To 8/11/2023
1510 ZRC Meeting and workshop at MBAC Saharsha 8/9/2023 To 8/9/2023
1511 Scientific cultivation of coarse grains and their importance 8/7/2023 To 8/8/2023
1512 Suitability of agro chemicals under DESI training 8/5/2023 To 8/5/2023
1513 Awareness and health camp for eradication of malnutrition 8/5/2023 To 8/5/2023
1514 IPM in Rice 8/4/2023 To 8/5/2023
1515 Awareness among School Student 8/2/2023 To 8/2/2023
1516 Finalized monthly meeting proceeding 8/2/2023 To 8/2/2023
1517 Telephonic Advisory Services to farmers 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
1518 Contribution in GKMS Advisory Service related to plant protection 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
1519 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
1520 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
1521 Plant analysis 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
1522 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
1523 Farmers Visited to KVK 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
1524 IPM in Rice 7/28/2023 To 7/28/2023
1525 Exposure Visit of Jeevika Didi. 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
1526 Web telecast of PM Kisan Nidhi to Farmers at KVK Araria. 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
1527 Weed management in kharif crops 7/27/2023 To 7/28/2023
1528 Weed management in rice under CRA programme 7/26/2023 To 7/26/2023
1529 Diagnostic Visit 7/26/2023 To 7/27/2023
1530 IPM in Rice 7/24/2023 To 7/26/2023
1531 IPM in Rice 7/18/2023 To 7/18/2023
1532 Organised training programme on ‘Scientific cultivation of rice and IPM’ for practicing farmers on the occasion of 95th Foundation Day of ICAR 7/18/2023 To 7/18/2023
1533 Students awareness programme on the topic of Agriculture Education on the occasion of 95th Foundation Day of ICAR 7/17/2023 To 7/17/2023
1534 Awareness Camp to Agriculture Education 7/17/2023 To 7/17/2023
1535 Judicious Use of Pesticides 7/16/2023 To 7/16/2023
1536 Celebration of 95th ICAR Foundation Day 7/16/2023 To 7/16/2023
1537 Exposure Visit of Trainee of BPSAC Purnea 7/16/2023 To 7/16/2023
1538 IDM in Vegetable Nursery 7/13/2023 To 7/13/2023
1539 Crop management under CRA programme 7/13/2023 To 7/13/2023
1540 Crop management under CRA programme 7/12/2023 To 7/12/2023
1541 IDM of Vegetable Nursery 7/12/2023 To 7/12/2023
1542 District Task Force Meeting at Collectorate with Officers. 7/7/2023 To 7/7/2023
1543 IDM in Rice 7/5/2023 To 7/5/2023
1544 Contribution in GKMS Advisory Service related to plant protection 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
1545 Cunsulted with farmers in KVK 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
1546 Scientist visit to Farmers field 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
1547 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
1548 Plant analysis 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
1549 Farmers Visited to KVK 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
1550 Telephonic Advisory Services to farmers 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
1551 IPM in Rice 6/27/2023 To 6/27/2023
1552 Organised Field Day on Green gram 6/26/2023 To 6/26/2023
1553 IPM in Rice 6/15/2023 To 6/15/2023
1554 IPM in Millets 6/9/2023 To 6/9/2023
1555 Awareness for Establishment of Poshan Vatika 6/8/2023 To 6/8/2023
1556 Kuposan unmulan hetu posanvatika ki sthapna 6/8/2023 To 6/8/2023
1557 IPM in Millets 6/7/2023 To 6/7/2023
1558 Celebration of World Environment Day under Mission LiFE at KVK as Coordinator 6/5/2023 To 6/5/2023
1559 Consulted with farmer in KVK 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
1560 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
1561 RAWE Course of 15 Credit Hrs as Course Coordinator 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
1562 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit at Mahalgaon, Khutha Baijnathpur, Musahri , Rampur, Sirsia, village 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
1563 Contribution in GKMS Advisory Service related to plant protection 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
1564 Pest and Disease management under Mission LiFE. 5/31/2023 To 5/31/2023
1565 IPM in Kharif Rice Kharif Mahabiyan 5/31/2023 To 5/31/2023
1566 IPM in Kharif Rice in Kharif Mahabiyan 5/30/2023 To 5/30/2023
1567 Selection of Disease resistant rice varieties. 5/29/2023 To 5/29/2023
1568 IPM in Kharif Rice in Kharif Mahabiyan 5/29/2023 To 5/29/2023
1569 IPM in Kharif Rice 5/27/2023 To 5/27/2023
1570 Pest and Disease management in Rice under Mission LiFE. 5/26/2023 To 5/26/2023
1571 Management of biotic stress in Rice under Mission LiFE 5/25/2023 To 5/25/2023
1572 Management of biotic stress in Rice under Mission LiFE 5/24/2023 To 5/24/2023
1573 Management of biotic stress in Rice under Mission LiFE 5/23/2023 To 5/23/2023
1574 Management of biotic stress in Rice under Mission LiFE 5/22/2023 To 5/22/2023
1575 Eradication of Malnutrition through Nutri-garden 5/16/2023 To 5/16/2023
1576 Organised one day workshop as course coordinator on “Soil and water: A Source of Life” on the occasion of the world soil day at KVK Araria campus 5/12/2023 To 5/12/2023
1577 Scientific bee keeping for self-employment 5/8/2023 To 5/15/2023
1578 Selection of Disease resistant rice varietie 5/3/2023 To 5/3/2023
1579 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
1580 RAWE Course of 15 Credit Hrs as Course Coordinator 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
1581 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit at Dauria, Musahri , Rampur, Sirsia, and Kharhat village 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
1582 Consulted with farmer in KVK 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
1583 Organised PM's address Mann ki Baat 4/30/2023 To 4/30/2023
1584 CRA Training on IPM in Summer Moong 4/24/2023 To 4/24/2023
1585 Two days CFLD training on Summer Moong Cultivation 4/19/2023 To 4/20/2023
1586 CRA Training on IPM in Summer Moong at Village 4/18/2023 To 4/18/2023
1587 ZRC Meeting of BAU Sabour with 2 farmers 4/13/2023 To 4/13/2023
1588 ZRC Meeting of BAU Sabour with 2 farmers 4/13/2023 To 4/13/2023
1589 Awareness Programme on Millet Promotion 4/12/2023 To 4/12/2023
1590 Awareness Programme on Eradication of malnutrition 4/11/2023 To 4/11/2023
1591 Awareness Programme on Eradication of malnutrition 4/11/2023 To 4/11/2023
1592 Training on Cultivation of Millets 4/10/2023 To 4/10/2023
1593 CFLD training on Summer Moong Cultivation 4/8/2023 To 4/9/2023
1594 Attended Review Meeting on BSDM 4/6/2023 To 4/6/2023
1595 Awareness Programme on Drone spray 4/2/2023 To 4/2/2023
1596 Awareness Programme on Drone spray 4/1/2023 To 4/1/2023
1597 RAWE Course of 15 Credit Hrs and taken charge of Corse Coordinator 4/1/2023 To 4/23/2023
1598 Scientist visit to Farmers field 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
1599 Consulted with farmer in KVK 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
1600 Plant Analysis 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
1601 Consultancy through mobile 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
1602 Field Day on FLD on BF Wheat BHU 25 &31 at JP nagar Araria 3/29/2023 To 3/29/2023
1603 Attended Technical Demo on Spray of Nano Urea through Drone 3/29/2023 To 3/31/2023
1604 Field Day on FLD on BF Wheat BHU 25 &31 at Itahra Village Araria 3/28/2023 To 3/28/2023
1605 Field Day on FLD on BF Wheat BHU 25 &31 3/28/2023 To 3/28/2023
1606 Attended Field Day & Technical Demo on Spray of Nano Urea through Drone at Sukhi village in Forbesganj 3/27/2023 To 3/27/2023
1607 Training on IDM in Maize 3/26/2023 To 3/26/2023
1608 Training on Pesticides Classification & New generation pesticides 3/25/2023 To 3/25/2023
1609 Training at Khaira village on IPM in Maize 3/4/2023 To 3/4/2023
1610 Attended Nano Uea Vichar Gosthi organised by IFFCO at Khaira Village in Narpatganj 3/4/2023 To 3/4/2023
1611 Diagnostic Visit of PN Agro Mushroom farm 3/4/2023 To 3/4/2023
1612 CRA Training Awareness Camp on Millets Cultivation 3/3/2023 To 3/3/2023
1613 DAESI Training on Pesticide use 3/2/2023 To 3/2/2023
1614 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
1615 Consulted with farmer in KVK 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
1616 RAWE Course of 15 Credit Hrs. 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
1617 Scientist visit to Farmers field 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
1618 Soil & Plant analysis 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
1619 Virtual PM programme on Kisan Samman Nidhi 2/27/2023 To 2/27/2023
1620 Goat Farming 2/27/2023 To 2/28/2023
1621 DAESI, Training on IDM in Mango 2/25/2023 To 2/25/2023
1622 Training on IPM in Mango 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
1623 Stall in Kisan Mela at ATMA Araria 2/24/2023 To 2/25/2023
1624 Off Campus Training at Mushahri on IPM in Summer Crops 2/23/2023 To 2/23/2023
1625 DAESI Training on Management of Summer crop Diseases. 2/23/2023 To 2/23/2023
1626 Training on IPM in Summer crops in Kisan mela day 2/23/2023 To 2/23/2023
1627 Kisan Mela at ATMA Araria 2/23/2023 To 2/24/2023
1628 Exposure Visit cum Training of Farmers to BAU Sabour Kisan Mela 2/23/2023 To 2/25/2023
1629 Training of Jute 2/20/2023 To 2/20/2023
1630 CFLD field visit 2/17/2023 To 2/17/2023
1631 Orientation programme of RAWEP 2/17/2023 To 2/17/2023
1632 Diagnostic Visit on CFLD Lentil 2/17/2023 To 2/17/2023
1633 Field Day on CFLD Mustard at Beni Village Palasi 2/16/2023 To 2/16/2023
1634 Field Day on CFLD Mustard at Gayaspur Village Palasi 2/16/2023 To 2/16/2023
1635 Field Day 2/16/2023 To 2/16/2023
1636 Crop Cutting 2/16/2023 To 2/16/2023
1637 CFLD field visit 2/16/2023 To 2/16/2023
1638 Storage of potato in godown 2/15/2023 To 2/15/2023
1639 Irrigartion in maize crop 2/15/2023 To 2/15/2023
1640 Harvesting of Potato crop Variety-Pukjraj 2/15/2023 To 2/20/2023
1641 Second Irrigation on wheat crop 2/14/2023 To 2/14/2023
1642 RAWEP 2/14/2023 To 2/14/2023
1643 Top Dressing of urea on Wheat Crop. 2/14/2023 To 2/14/2023
1644 Off campus Training at Sirsia on IPM 2/13/2023 To 2/13/2023
1645 Harvesting of Potato crop 2/13/2023 To 2/17/2023
1646 Use and importance of cow dung and urine. 2/8/2023 To 2/8/2023
1647 Awareness programme under CRA 2/8/2023 To 2/8/2023
1648 IPM in Mango & Litchi 2/8/2023 To 2/9/2023
1649 2nd Commandant SSB Araria visited KVK and participated in training programme 2/7/2023 To 2/7/2023
1650 SP, Araria Sri Ashok Kumar visited KVK and participated in training programme 2/7/2023 To 2/7/2023
1651 Backyard Poultry 2/7/2023 To 2/8/2023
1652 Backyard Poultry farming 2/7/2023 To 2/8/2023
1653 Dairy Management 2/4/2023 To 2/4/2023
1654 DAESI Training on Pesticide Residue Analysis 2/4/2023 To 2/4/2023
1655 Dairy Management 2/3/2023 To 2/3/2023
1656 Workshop on wet land day 2/2/2023 To 2/2/2023
1657 IPM in Rabi Crops 2/1/2023 To 2/1/2023
1658 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 2/1/2023 To 2/1/2023
1659 Swachhata Abhiyan 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
1660 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
1661 Soil & Plant analysis 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
1662 No. of mobile Text message matter/ WhatsApp/ Twitter 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
1663 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
1664 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
1665 Scientist visit to Farmers field 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
1666 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 2/1/2023 To 3/1/2023
1667 Participated in Virtual CRA Review & all progress Meeting with DEE and ADEE 1/31/2023 To 1/31/2023
1668 Participated in Makhana Programme and interaction with Hon’ble VC 1/30/2023 To 1/30/2023
1669 Field Visited Subhankarpur 1/30/2023 To 1/30/2023
1670 Radio Talk on Anoestrus in Dairy Animals 1/30/2023 To 1/30/2023
1671 Exposure visit of farmers at purnea 1/30/2023 To 1/30/2023
1672 Faslo me Samsamayik Rog Prabandhan 1/30/2023 To 1/31/2023
1673 Training on makhana Cultivation in the ADH Araria 1/25/2023 To 1/25/2023
1674 Participated in Virtual ATARI Review Meeting 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
1675 Participated in Virtual CRA Review Meeting 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
1676 FLD on Makhana 1/24/2023 To 1/25/2023
1677 Improve variety of Makhana Production. 1/24/2023 To 1/25/2023
1678 FLD Training on IPM in Makhana 1/24/2023 To 1/25/2023
1679 Participated in CRA Work Shop in Delhi 1/19/2023 To 1/20/2023
1680 Took one class daily in BSDM training on Mushroom 1/16/2023 To 1/20/2023
1681 Training Started on Myshroom Grower under BSDM 1/16/2023 To 3/28/2023
1682 Farmers’ Scientist Meet at ATMA Office 1/13/2023 To 1/13/2023
1683 DM, ADM & ADH Visited KVK Farm and Different Units 1/13/2023 To 1/13/2023
1684 Farmar Scientist Interaction on Crop Diseases Pests Management and Mushroom Cultivation 1/13/2023 To 1/13/2023
1685 SCSP villages visited with Head 1/12/2023 To 1/12/2023
1686 CRA village visited with Head 1/12/2023 To 1/12/2023
1687 Importance and Managements of Backyard Poultry 1/12/2023 To 1/12/2023
1688 Establishment of nutrition garden 1/12/2023 To 4/12/2023
1689 Spraying of of Copper Oxy chloride 50 wp + Imidachlorprid 17.8 SL + Tricontanol in Mango orchard 1/10/2023 To 1/10/2023
1690 Rabi Workshop at DAO office Organized by ITC 1/9/2023 To 1/9/2023
1691 RAWEP Evaluation at KVK Level 1/9/2023 To 1/9/2023
1692 Rabi Workshop at DAO office Organized by ITC 1/9/2023 To 1/9/2023
1693 DAESI Training 1:30-5.00 PM on Extension Systems Trg, FLD, Mela etc. 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
1694 Application of Indofil Z 78 + nitrobenzin + cypermetrin 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
1695 Application of Herbicide in wheat in Long Term expement trail 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
1696 Participated in Fishery Task Force Meeting 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
1697 DAESI Training 1:30-5.00 PM on Extension Systems Trg, FLD, Mela etc. 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
1698 Aaplication of Dithem M 45 through Trolly spyrayer 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
1699 Application of fertilizer in Raised bed 🌽 in LONG TERM EXPERIMENT TRAIL 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
1700 Senior Scientist visirth at IFS Model 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
1701 Niti Ayog feedback taken 1/6/2023 To 1/6/2023
1702 CFLD Training on Sunflower cultivation at KVK 1/6/2023 To 1/7/2023
1703 RAWEP 1/4/2023 To 1/4/2023
1704 One day workshop on CRA at KVK 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
1705 Workshop on Climate Resilient Crop Management 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
1706 Training for 35 Input dealers at DAO Araria as Resource Person 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
1707 Hon’ble V C, DEE & Principal sir Visited KVK Araria 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
1708 Comparative assessment of poultry breeds under Backyard System for improving the livelihood and nutritional security. 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1709 Media Coverage 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1710 Front Line Demonstration on sunflower 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1711 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1712 Dewormer in dairy animals-249 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1713 No. of mobile Text message matter/ WhatsApp/ Twitter 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1714 Mineral Mixture Demonstrated in 161 Dairy animals 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1715 Bio Intensive Management of Pests in Tomato 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1716 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1717 Soil & Plant analysis 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1718 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1719 Dewormer in Goats- 42 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1720 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1721 Diagnosis Service 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1722 Swachhata Abhiyan 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1723 Triovac vaccination in dairy animals-180 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1724 Annual report CRA Published in CRA Repot 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1725 Scientist visit to Farmers field 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1726 Consulted with farmer in KVK 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
1727 IPM in Rabi Crops 12/28/2022 To 12/29/2022
1728 Finance and other related issues 12/27/2022 To 12/27/2022
1729 RAWEP Soil Testing 12/27/2022 To 12/27/2022
1730 Diagnosis and management of Crop diseases and pests in CRA 12/26/2022 To 12/27/2022
1731 Artificial Insemination 12/24/2022 To 12/24/2022
1732 Kisan Samman Diwas 12/23/2022 To 12/23/2022
1733 Workshop on Kissan Samman Divas at KVK 12/23/2022 To 12/23/2022
1734 RAWEP social map 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
1735 RAWEP agro industrial attachment 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
1736 IPM in Rabi Crops 12/21/2022 To 12/22/2022
1737 Participated in Virtual CRA work Review Meeting 12/20/2022 To 12/20/2022
1738 IPM in Rabi Crops 12/19/2022 To 12/20/2022
1739 From Progressive Farmers to Agripreneurs 12/17/2022 To 12/17/2022
1740 IDM in Maize 12/17/2022 To 12/17/2022
1741 IPM in Rabi Crops 12/14/2022 To 12/15/2022
1742 Participated in Capacity Develop Programme on advancement in veterinary science at BVC Patna 12/14/2022 To 12/16/2022
1743 Worksop on Management of Standing Crops at Ramnagar Palasi 12/13/2022 To 12/13/2022
1744 Demonstration of Button Mushroom in five CRA Adopted Villages under CRA Programme 12/13/2022 To 12/13/2022
1745 CFLD workshop 12/13/2022 To 12/13/2022
1746 Meeting by Sr. Scientist and Head on Krishi Road Map 12/12/2022 To 12/12/2022
1747 Button mushroom Technique 12/12/2022 To 12/13/2022
1748 IPM in Rabi Crops 12/12/2022 To 12/13/2022
1749 Button Mushroom cultivation 12/12/2022 To 12/13/2022
1750 Button Mushroom Production and crop residue management 12/12/2022 To 12/15/2022
1751 Virtual CRA Long Term Experiment work Review Meeting 12/9/2022 To 12/9/2022
1752 Disease management in goat 12/8/2022 To 12/9/2022
1753 Swoing of Wheat at kvk Farm under CRA 12/7/2022 To 12/7/2022
1754 Making Decomposer 12/7/2022 To 12/7/2022
1755 Earthing up of potato field 12/7/2022 To 12/10/2022
1756 World Soil Day 12/5/2022 To 12/5/2022
1757 Workshop on International Soil Day at KVK 12/5/2022 To 12/5/2022
1758 Threshing of Paddy 12/5/2022 To 12/9/2022
1759 Agricultural Education Day 12/3/2022 To 12/3/2022
1760 FLD 12/2/2022 To 12/31/2022
1761 Diagnosis Service 12/1/2022 To 12/30/2022
1762 Media Coverage 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1763 FLD 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1764 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1765 Scientist visit to Farmers field 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1766 Developed a nutri-garden at KVK 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1767 FLD 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1768 FLD 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1769 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1770 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1771 No. of mobile Text message matter/ WhatsApp/ Twitter 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1772 Soil & Plant analysis 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1773 OFT 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1774 Scientist visit to Farmers field/Diagnostic visit 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1775 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
1776 IDM in Maize 11/30/2022 To 11/30/2022
1777 RAWEP 11/30/2022 To 11/30/2022
1778 Balance feed for dairy animals and crop residual management 11/30/2022 To 12/3/2022
1779 Participated in Virtual CRA Review Meeting 11/29/2022 To 11/29/2022
1780 Celebration of Constitution Day 11/26/2022 To 11/26/2022
1781 Sowing of Wheat 11/25/2022 To 11/30/2022
1782 Sowing of Wheat 11/25/2022 To 11/30/2022
1783 IDM in Potato 11/23/2022 To 11/23/2022
1784 IDM in Potato 11/23/2022 To 11/23/2022
1785  Purchase of Buck & Goat from Sonpur 11/22/2022 To 11/23/2022
1786 Sowing of Mustard & Lentil 11/20/2022 To 11/25/2022
1787 RAWEP 11/18/2022 To 11/18/2022
1788 IDM in Rabi crops in District Yantrikaran Mela 11/18/2022 To 11/19/2022
1789 Exhibition of KVK Stall in District Yantrikaran Mela 11/18/2022 To 11/19/2022
1790 RAWEP 11/17/2022 To 11/17/2022
1791 Workshop on Ravi Crop under CRA 11/16/2022 To 11/16/2022
1792 Virtual CRA Review Meeting 11/15/2022 To 11/15/2022
1793 IDM in Oil & pulse Seed 11/15/2022 To 11/16/2022
1794 IDM in Oilseed and Pulses 11/15/2022 To 11/16/2022
1795 Feed management on dairy animals 11/15/2022 To 11/18/2022
1796 harvesting of Paddy crop 11/15/2022 To 11/20/2022
1797 IDM in Potato 11/14/2022 To 11/14/2022
1798 RAWEP 11/11/2022 To 11/11/2022
1799 Crop Cutting at KVK Farm 11/11/2022 To 11/11/2022
1800 Virtual Review Meeting regarding OFT, FLD, CFLD, CRA by DEE 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
1801 Sowing of Potato 11/10/2022 To 11/15/2022
1802 IDM in Rabi Maize 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
1803 IPM in Lentil & Mustard 11/8/2022 To 11/9/2022
1804 IPM in Mustard and Lentil 11/8/2022 To 11/9/2022
1805 Field day cum workshop & Crop cutting 11/5/2022 To 11/5/2022
1806 Demonstration of Mustard sowing by Zero tillage in Sirsiya 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
1807 Field Day cum crop cutting 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
1808 IDM in Rabi Maize 11/3/2022 To 11/3/2022
1809 IDM in Rabi Maize 11/2/2022 To 11/2/2022
1810 Prevention of FMD, H.S & BQ disease in dairy animals 11/2/2022 To 11/3/2022
1811 Diagnosis Service 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1812 Scientist visit to Farmers field 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1813 Mustard demonsttration under FLD 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1814 OFT 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1815 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1816 Triovac vaccination in dairy animals-170 under FLD 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1817 Mineral Mixture Demonstrated in 121 Dairy animals 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1818 Consulted with farmer in KVK 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1819 Media Coverage 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1820 Consulted with farmer in KVK 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1821 Scientist visit to Farmers field 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1822 Lentil Demonstration under FLD 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1823 Extension Litreture- 1 (Lumpy Skin Disease: Symptoms avam prevention ) 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1824 No. of Mobile Text Message 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1825 Consultency through Mobile Phone 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1826 Dewormer in dairy animals-229 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1827 Soil & Plant analysis 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
1828 Swatchhata Awareness among Students of Madarsa at Itahara Village Araria 10/29/2022 To 10/29/2022
1829 Swatchhata Programme at KVK 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
1830 Review Meeting of KVK by ATARI Patna 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
1831 Ravi Mahatsab Flag at DAO 10/21/2022 To 10/21/2022
1832 Virtual Meeting By ATARI 10/21/2022 To 10/21/2022
1833 State Lavel Workshop under Rabi Mahaabhiyan 2022 10/20/2022 To 10/20/2022
1834 Farmers Survey by RAWE Student 10/19/2022 To 10/19/2022
1835 RAWEP Village Survey 10/19/2022 To 10/19/2022
1836 CRA review Meeting 10/19/2022 To 10/19/2022
1837 IDM in Rabi Crop 10/18/2022 To 10/18/2022
1838 PM kisan Samellan Programme 10/17/2022 To 10/17/2022
1839 Rashtriya Kisan Samman Sammelan Uddhatan 10/16/2022 To 10/16/2022
1840 Weed Management Methods in different Crops 10/15/2022 To 10/15/2022
1841 National Women Farmers Day 10/15/2022 To 10/15/2022
1842 Weed and their Classification 10/15/2022 To 10/15/2022
1843 Swachhta awareness programme 10/13/2022 To 10/13/2022
1844 ATMA Araria Management commitee 10/13/2022 To 10/13/2022
1845 Women Impowerment through Goatery 10/13/2022 To 10/13/2022
1846 Survey of Maize Grower for problem indentification 10/12/2022 To 10/12/2022
1847 Rawe Programme 10/12/2022 To 10/12/2022
1848 participated in virtual meeting By ATARI 10/11/2022 To 10/11/2022
1849 IPM in Rice Crops 10/10/2022 To 10/11/2022
1850 Different Aspects of success dairy farming 10/10/2022 To 10/14/2022
1851 Male & Female genital Organs of Cattlenits structure and function 10/8/2022 To 10/8/2022
1852 Internal & External Body Parts of Cow 10/8/2022 To 10/10/2022
1853 IMD in Rice 10/6/2022 To 10/7/2022
1854 Use of Agrochemicals 10/1/2022 To 10/1/2022
1855 Diagnosis Service 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1856 Consultancy through mobile phone 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1857 Soil & Plant Analysis 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1858 Consultancy through mobile phone 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1859 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1860 Consulted with farmers in KVK 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1861 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1862 Media Coverage 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1863 Consulted with farmers in KVK 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
1864 Field Day Cum Training Programme 9/29/2022 To 9/29/2022
1865 Balance Feed for dairy animals 9/29/2022 To 9/29/2022
1866 Participation and presentation OFT 2022-2023 Finalization workshop at BVC Patna 9/27/2022 To 9/28/2022
1867 Participated in Poultry& Aqua Expo at Gyan Bhawan Patna 9/20/2022 To 9/22/2022
1868 Posan Abhiyan avam Virikchha ropan programme 9/17/2022 To 9/17/2022
1869 Kisan Gosthi on IFS in Bhargama Block 9/16/2022 To 9/16/2022
1870 Kisan Gosthi on IFS in Raniganj Block 9/16/2022 To 9/16/2022
1871 BPSAC Purnea students come for Extension activities cum training programme 9/15/2022 To 9/15/2022
1872 Radio Talk-2 on FMD & Lumpy Skin Disease 9/15/2022 To 9/15/2022
1873 Exposure Visit Cum Training Programme at KVK 9/15/2022 To 9/15/2022
1874 Hindi Diwas Programme 9/14/2022 To 9/14/2022
1875 Exposure Visit Cum Training Programme at KVK 9/14/2022 To 9/14/2022
1876 Exposure Visit Cum Training Programme at KVK 9/13/2022 To 9/13/2022
1877 Poultry Farming 9/13/2022 To 9/14/2022
1878 Exposure Visit Cum Training Programme at KVK 9/12/2022 To 9/12/2022
1879 RAWEP on Natural Farming 9/8/2022 To 9/8/2022
1880 Contingent Crop Plan Workshop 9/8/2022 To 9/8/2022
1881 CRA Field Visit at Rampur, Dakharipur 9/6/2022 To 9/6/2022
1882 Prevention of FMD & Lumpy Skin Diseases 9/6/2022 To 9/6/2022
1883 National Nutritional Week programme 9/6/2022 To 9/6/2022
1884 Orientation Programme of RAWE Students 9/2/2022 To 9/2/2022
1885 Farmers Feedback cum Awareness programme 9/1/2022 To 9/1/2022
1886 Media Coverage 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
1887 Consulted with farmers in KVK 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
1888 Diagnosis Service 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
1889 Scientist visit to Farmers field 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
1890 Consulted with mobile phone 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
1891 KIsan Gosthi IFFCO 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
1892 Integrated Nutrient Management & IFS 8/22/2022 To 8/22/2022
1893 Poultery Farming New Technique 8/20/2022 To 8/20/2022
1894 Goat Farming 8/20/2022 To 8/20/2022
1895 Natural Farming 8/13/2022 To 8/13/2022
1896 Har Ghar Tiranga Programme 8/13/2022 To 8/13/2022
1897 Har Ghar Tiranga Programme 8/12/2022 To 8/12/2022
1898 Doubling Farmers Income Strategies 8/3/2022 To 8/3/2022
1899 Management of Layer 8/3/2022 To 8/3/2022
1900 Poultery Farming Modern Technique 8/3/2022 To 8/3/2022
1901 Farmers Scientist Iterection 8/1/2022 To 8/1/2022
1902 Diagnosis Service 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
1903 Consulted With Farmers in KVK 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
1904 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
1905 Field Visit 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
1906 Consultancy through Mobile 7/31/2022 To 8/31/2022
1907 Importance of Natural farming & Vermicompost 7/30/2022 To 7/30/2022
1908 Virtually participated in ATARI Meeting Regarding Annual Workshop 7/29/2022 To 7/29/2022
1909 Management of Weed in Kharif Crop 7/29/2022 To 7/29/2022
1910 Importance of Goat Milk & Clean milk production. 7/28/2022 To 7/28/2022
1911 Goat based employment like Meat, Skin, Fibre etc. 7/28/2022 To 7/28/2022
1912 Participated in Fishery Task Force Meeting 7/20/2022 To 7/20/2022
1913 CRA Field Visited With Technology Agent 7/19/2022 To 7/19/2022
1914 Participated in Task Force Meeting at DM Office 7/18/2022 To 7/18/2022
1915 CRA Field Visited With Technology Agent 7/17/2022 To 7/17/2022
1916 94th ICAR Foundation day Live Cum Farmer Interface Programme 7/16/2022 To 7/16/2022
1917 Dr. Paras Nath Principal BPSAC, Purnea & Dr. Anil Kumar Assistant Professor Purnea Visited KVK and CRA Field 7/13/2022 To 7/13/2022
1918 Dr. Paras Nath Principal BPSAC Purnea Visited CRA Field 7/13/2022 To 7/13/2022
1919 Management of Goat during rainy season. 7/12/2022 To 7/12/2022
1920 Virtually Participated in CRA Review Meeting 7/12/2022 To 7/12/2022
1921 KVK Mandate & Functions 7/7/2022 To 7/8/2022
1922 Virtually Participated in CRA Review Meeting 7/6/2022 To 7/6/2022
1923 Scientific Goat Farming 7/5/2022 To 7/8/2022
1924 Sri Barjesh Kumar Commandant 2 SSB Araria Participated during valedictory function of Training programme and visited KVK Farm 7/1/2022 To 7/1/2022
1925 Participated in District Skill Development Meeting at DM office 7/1/2022 To 7/1/2022
1926 No. of mobile Text message matter/ WhatsApp 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
1927 Extension Litreture 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
1928 Media Covrage-22 (DD News-1 on Milky Mushroom) 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
1929 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
1930 Diagnosis Service 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
1931 Consulted with farmer in KVK 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
1932 Scientist visit to Farmers field 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
1933 Milky Mushroom production technique. 6/27/2022 To 6/27/2022
1934 Participated in Fishery Task force Meeting 6/27/2022 To 6/27/2022
1935 Banana Field Visited under Biotech Kisan Hub with Dr. Vinod Kumar, Sr. Scientist & Head. 6/24/2022 To 6/24/2022
1936 RAWE Viva - Voce at KVK 6/23/2022 To 6/23/2022
1937 Scientist Advesiory Committee Meeting (SAC) 6/22/2022 To 6/22/2022
1938 International Yoga Day 6/21/2022 To 6/21/2022
1939 Virtually participated in 2days National conference in BAU, Sabour 6/18/2022 To 6/18/2022
1940 Survey Work by RAWE in Itahra village. 6/18/2022 To 6/18/2022
1941 Importance of drip irrigation 6/17/2022 To 6/17/2022
1942 Participated in Extension Council Meeting at BAU, Sabour 6/15/2022 To 6/15/2022
1943 Block Level training on importance of per drop more crop. 6/13/2022 To 6/13/2022
1944 CRA village Rampur field Visited with Dr. Vinod Kumar, Sr. Scientist & Head. 6/8/2022 To 6/8/2022
1945 Participated in Task force Meeting 6/6/2022 To 6/6/2022
1946 World Environment Day celebration with plantation in manikpur village. 6/5/2022 To 6/5/2022
1947 Makhana field visited with Dr. Anil Kumar & Dr. Ruby at Foerbisganj. 6/4/2022 To 6/4/2022
1948 Ranikhet disease in Poultry, farm visited at dholbajja and give proper advise. 6/3/2022 To 6/3/2022
1949 Field Visit in CRA Village Rampur with RAWE Students. Interact with farmers & Live demonstration of Laser land Leveller. 6/3/2022 To 6/3/2022
1950 Unit attachment work of RAWE in RSETI, Araria 6/2/2022 To 6/2/2022
1951 Virtually participated in CRA Meeting Organised by DEE 6/1/2022 To 6/1/2022
1952 Importance of Natural farming. 6/1/2022 To 6/1/2022
1953 CRA meeting organized by DEE 6/1/2022 To 6/1/2022
1954 Dr. Paras Nath, Principal BPSAC, Purnea along with scientist Visited KVK Makhana field and interact with RAWE Students 6/1/2022 To 6/1/2022
1955 Principal BPSAC purnia Visited KVK Araria and Makhna field 6/1/2022 To 6/1/2022
1956 Extension Litreture-1 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
1957 Diagnosis Service 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
1958 Scientist visit to Farmers field 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
1959 Consultancy through mobile 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
1960 Media Covrage 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
1961 Success Stories 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
1962 Consulted with farmer in KVK 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
1963 PM Live Programme on Gariv Kalayan Samelan 5/31/2022 To 5/31/2022
1964 Liaison with MP and with media Persons for Garib Kalayan sammelan PM programme 5/31/2022 To 5/31/2022
1965 Virtually participated in PM Live programme reg. ( Gariv Kalayan sammelan) Meeting Organised by DDG, Extension ICAR 5/30/2022 To 5/30/2022
1966 Virtually participated in PM Live programme reg. Meeting Organised by ATARI 5/27/2022 To 5/27/2022
1967 How to utilization of Cow dung and Urine in natural farming 5/27/2022 To 5/27/2022
1968 District Level Training cum Kharif Karmsala At Town Hall 5/26/2022 To 5/26/2022
1969 RAWEP with DDM, NABARD 5/25/2022 To 5/25/2022
1970 Virtually participated in CRA Meeting Organised by DEE 5/25/2022 To 5/25/2022
1971 Scope and opportunities in dairy Farming 5/25/2022 To 5/25/2022
1972 Disease management in goat 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
1973 FPO Programme organised by Araya at KVK 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
1974 Scientific cultivation of Paddy 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
1975 OFT and FLD Field visit 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
1976 RAWE programme on differentiation between fertile and unfertile egg. 5/17/2022 To 5/17/2022
1977 Virtually participated in CRA Meeting Organised by DEE 5/13/2022 To 5/13/2022
1978 Participated in Task force Meeting under the chairmanship of District Magistrate 5/12/2022 To 5/12/2022
1979 Virtually participated in DFI Meeting Organised by ATARI 5/11/2022 To 5/11/2022
1980 RAWE programme on KVK assessment activities 5/5/2022 To 5/5/2022
1981 Virtually Hon’ble Agriculture Minister Bihar programme organised at KVK under CRAP. 5/4/2022 To 5/4/2022
1982 Consulted with farmer in KVK 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
1983 Scientist visit to Farmers field 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
1984 Extension Litreture-1 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
1985 Media Coverage 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
1986 Diagnosis Service 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
1987 Scientist visit to Farmers field 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
1988 World Veterinary day 4/30/2022 To 4/30/2022
1989 Scientific Cultivation of Makhana 4/29/2022 To 4/30/2022
1990 Orientation Programme of RAWE Students 4/27/2022 To 4/27/2022
1991 Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
1992 Kisan Mela Cum Exhibition and Farmers –Scientist Interaction programme. 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
1993 Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
1994 Lesser Land Levelling Programme at KVK 4/25/2022 To 4/25/2022
1995 Virtually participated in ATARI & BAMETI Meeting 4/20/2022 To 4/20/2022
1996 Field Day Cum workshop Under CRAP at Rampur Village Forbiesganj 4/13/2022 To 4/13/2022
1997 Participation in ZRC Meeting at MBAC, Saharsa 4/13/2022 To 4/13/2022
1998 Scientific cultivation of Till (Under CFLD) 4/12/2022 To 4/13/2022
1999 Fishery Task force Meeting under the chairmanship of District Magistrate on dated 7th April 2022. 4/7/2022 To 4/7/2022
2000 Radio Talk on Poultry Farming 4/6/2022 To 4/6/2022
2001 Media Covrage-32 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
2002 Extension Litreture-3 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
2003 Diagnosis Service-12 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
2004 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
2005 Consulted with farmer in KVK 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
2006 Scientist visit to Farmers field 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
2007 Farm Machineries (Laser Land Labler Virtual Training) 3/30/2022 To 3/30/2022
2008 Participated with farmers and stall at BAMETI Patna in Kisan Mela 3/29/2022 To 3/30/2022
2009 Daiiry farming 3/26/2022 To 3/26/2022
2010 Poyultry Farming 3/26/2022 To 3/26/2022
2011 Exposure Visit at KVK Farm Farmers come from Shrinagar Purnea 3/16/2022 To 3/16/2022
2012 Exposure visit under crap at sukhi village Forbeshganj. farmers from Jokihat & Bhargama Block 3/15/2022 To 3/15/2022
2013 Exposure Visit at KVK Farm Farmers come from Jalalgarh Purnea (ATMA) 3/15/2022 To 3/15/2022
2014 Exposure visit Cum workshop under CRAP at kvk Farmers from Palasi & Sikti block 3/14/2022 To 3/14/2022
2015 Modern Dairy Management 3/14/2022 To 3/16/2022
2016 Exposure visit Cum workshop under CRAP at Sukhi village forbeshganj (Farmers from Kursakanta block) 3/13/2022 To 3/13/2022
2017 Exposure visit Cum workshop under CRAP at Rampur village forbeshganj 3/12/2022 To 3/12/2022
2018 Exposure visit Cum workshop under CRAP at KVK 3/11/2022 To 3/11/2022
2019 Ksan Mela ( ATMA) Participated and Stall 3/9/2022 To 3/9/2022
2020 Dairy Management (Estrus detection & Sex sorted semen) 3/9/2022 To 3/9/2022
2021 international womens day 3/8/2022 To 3/8/2022
2022 KVK Farm visited with Gust and Farmers During International Womens Day Celebration 3/8/2022 To 3/8/2022
2023 Kisan Gosthi onthe occasion of international women day celebration 3/8/2022 To 3/8/2022
2024 Livestock Feed Management in relevant to climate change 3/8/2022 To 3/10/2022
2025 Diagnostic Service 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
2026 Scientist visit to Farmers Field 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
2027 Consulted with Farmers in KVK 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
2028 Extension Litreture 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
2029 Media Coverage 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
2030 Consultancy through mobile phone 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
2031 Farmers scientist meet at kvk organized by ATMA 2/26/2022 To 2/26/2022
2032 Backyard poultry farming 2/26/2022 To 2/28/2022
2033 Farmers scientist meet at kvk 2/25/2022 To 2/25/2022
2034 Kisan gosthi 2/24/2022 To 2/24/2022
2035 Kisan gosthi 2/24/2022 To 2/24/2022
2036 Kisan Gosthi 2/23/2022 To 2/23/2022
2037 Kisan gosthi (backyard poultry farming) 2/23/2022 To 2/23/2022
2038 Mushroom cultivation 2/19/2022 To 2/20/2022
2039 Kisan gosthi 2/18/2022 To 2/18/2022
2040 Scientific sunflower farming 2/17/2022 To 2/18/2022
2041 Krishak gosthi (ATMA) 2/1/2022 To 2/1/2022
2042 Diagnostic service 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
2043 Media Coverage 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2023
2044 Prncipal Dr. Paras Nath & Dr. Anl Kumar and Eng. Visited G9 Banana field at Farmer field under Bio Tech Kisan Hub 1/31/2022 To 1/31/2022
2045 Prncipal Dr. Paras Nath & Dr. Anl Kumar and Eng. Visited KVK long Term Experiment at KVK Farm 1/31/2022 To 1/31/2022
2046 Media Interface Programme 1/28/2022 To 1/28/2022
2047 National Girl Child Day 1/24/2022 To 1/24/2022
2048 CRA machine meeting organized by BAU, sabour 1/21/2022 To 1/21/2022
2049 Banana Field Visit under Bio-Tech Kisan Hub 1/21/2022 To 1/21/2022
2050 Entrepreneurship development for rural women through mushroom cultivation. 1/19/2022 To 1/19/2022
2051 Radio Talk 1/18/2022 To 1/18/2022
2052 Management of backyard poultry Farming 1/18/2022 To 1/18/2022
2053 Horticulture yojna meeting at DM office 1/15/2022 To 1/15/2022
2054 Review meeting on Annual Report organized by ATARI Patna 1/13/2022 To 1/13/2022
2055 Management of goat during winter season 1/12/2022 To 1/12/2022
2056 Sugarcane Meeting organized by Govt. of Bihar 1/11/2022 To 1/11/2022
2057 Preparation of Kitchen garden 1/5/2022 To 1/5/2022
2058 TOT meeting organized by BAMETI 1/5/2022 To 1/5/2022
2059 Custom haring Meeting at DM office 1/4/2022 To 1/4/2022
2060 Cauliflower and tomatoes plant sowing in Aganwadi kendra 1/4/2022 To 1/4/2022
2061 Cauliflower and tomatoes plant sowing in Aganwadi kendra 1/4/2022 To 1/4/2022
2062 Fishery Task force meeting at DM office 1/3/2022 To 1/3/2022
2063 PM Live Programme 1/1/2022 To 1/1/2022
2064 PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Fund Release Programme 1/1/2022 To 1/1/2022
2065 Media Covrage 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
2066 Consulted with farmers in KVK 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
2067 Diagnosis Service 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
2068 Scientist Visit to farmers field 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
2069 Consulted with farmers in KVK 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
2070 Consultancy through mobile 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
2071 No. of mobile Text Message 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
2072 Swachhta Pakhwada 12/28/2021 To 12/28/2021
2073 Residual Management through mushroom cultivation and urea treatment of paddy 12/26/2021 To 12/30/2021
2074 Swachhta Pakhwada 12/24/2021 To 12/24/2021
2075 Uttam Kheti- Unnat Kisan and Swachhta Programme 12/24/2021 To 12/24/2021
2076 Kisan Diwas 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
2077 Uttam Kheti- Unnat Kisan and Swachhta Programme 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
2078 Uttam Kheti- Unnat Kisan and Swachhta Programme 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
2079 Review meeting of CRA and CFLD 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
2080 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Lecture #38 by DDG(AE) 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
2081 Field Day under Bio-Tec Kisan hub 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
2082 Jai Jawan Jai Kisan with theme “Uttam: Kheti-Unnat Kisan” 12/23/2021 To 12/25/2021
2083 Review meeting of CRA & CFLD Sowing 12/22/2021 To 12/22/2021
2084 Swachhta Pakhwada 12/21/2021 To 12/21/2021
2085 Swachhta Pakhwada 12/20/2021 To 12/20/2021
2086 Swachhta Pakhwada 12/19/2021 To 12/19/2021
2087 RAWE Evaluation 12/18/2021 To 12/18/2021
2088 Swachhta Pakhwada 12/18/2021 To 12/18/2021
2089 FLD Field visit wirh Sr. Scientist & Head and provided antibiotic for poultry under SCSP 12/17/2021 To 12/17/2021
2090 Swachhta Pakhwada 12/17/2021 To 12/17/2021
2091 Zero budget natural Farming national complaining programme & PM Live 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
2092 RAWE unit attachment work 12/15/2021 To 12/15/2021
2093 Disease Management in Goat 12/15/2021 To 12/15/2021
2094 Vaccination & Deworming in goat 12/15/2021 To 12/25/2021
2095 RAWE AIA Work 12/13/2021 To 12/14/2021
2096 Review Meeting agenda- DFI 12/9/2021 To 12/9/2021
2097 Task Force Meeting at DM office Araria 12/9/2021 To 12/9/2021
2098 World Soil Day 12/5/2021 To 12/5/2021
2099 Field visit under SCSP and Distribution of Multivitamin 12/4/2021 To 12/4/2021
2100 Agricultural Education Day 2021 12/3/2021 To 12/3/2021
2101 Meeting with Additional Secretary, DARE and Secretary, ICAR and DDG (Agriculture Extension) 12/3/2021 To 12/3/2021
2102 Agriculture education day 12/3/2021 To 12/3/2021
2103 Awareness Programme And SIte Selection of Makhana 12/2/2021 To 12/2/2021
2104 Consulted with farmer in kvk 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
2105 Diagnosis Service 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
2106 Scientist visit to farmers Field 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
2107 Jal skti abhiyan 11/27/2021 To 11/30/2021
2108 RAWE PRA Work 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
2109 National Milk Day 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
2110 Meeting on CRA with DEE and VC 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
2111 Backyard poultry: A Boon for rural women 11/25/2021 To 11/26/2021
2112 Awareness programe on makhana cultivation under biotech kisan hub 11/24/2021 To 11/24/2021
2113 भा.कृ.अनु.प.- कृषि प्रौद्योगिकी अनुप्रयोग अनुसंधान संस्थान, पटना के प्रशासनिक भवन का लोकार्पण 11/23/2021 To 11/23/2021
2114 Kitchen garden in anganwadi center 11/23/2021 To 11/23/2021
2115 importance of backyard poultry farming 11/22/2021 To 11/22/2021
2116 RAWE students visited different crop at KVK farm 11/21/2021 To 11/21/2021
2117 RAWE students visited different crop at KVK farm 11/21/2021 To 11/21/2021
2118 Field Day 11/20/2021 To 11/20/2021
2119 Field Day cum crop cutting under CRA 11/20/2021 To 11/20/2021
2120 Village work of RAWE students 11/20/2021 To 11/20/2021
2121 Meeting regarding TOT 2021 Process 11/18/2021 To 11/18/2021
2122 Review meeting of KVK activities 11/18/2021 To 11/18/2021
2123 ATARI Review meeting 11/18/2021 To 11/18/2021
2124 Disease Management of Goat 11/18/2021 To 11/18/2021
2125 ATARI review meeting 11/16/2021 To 11/16/2021
2126 Scope of agriculture and animal husbandry based self-employment in rural youth 11/11/2021 To 11/17/2021
2127 Radio Talk 11/3/2021 To 11/3/2021
2128 Review meeting of KVK 11/1/2021 To 11/1/2021
2129 Scientist Visit to framers field 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
2130 Diagnosis Service 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
2131 Consulted with farmers in KVK 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
2132 National Unity Day 10/31/2021 To 10/31/2021
2133 Ravi Mahotsab at Palasi Block 10/31/2021 To 10/31/2021
2134 Swachhta Programme 10/31/2021 To 10/31/2021
2135 Virtual training program on NARI 10/29/2021 To 10/29/2021
2136 Meeting link for “Farmers-Scientists Connect Meet” under “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” on October 28, 2021 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
2137 Review meeting on special campaign 10/27/2021 To 10/27/2021
2138 Ravi Mahotsab at ARaria Block 10/25/2021 To 10/25/2021
2139 Online meeting with DDG (Agriculture Extension) 10/25/2021 To 10/25/2021
2140 Training programme for RAWE Student 10/23/2021 To 10/23/2021
2141 Recurrent meeting 10/22/2021 To 10/22/2021
2142 Meeting on 21st October 2021 10/21/2021 To 10/21/2021
2143 Mushroom Production under CRA 10/20/2021 To 10/22/2021
2144 world food day 10/16/2021 To 10/16/2021
2145 Mahila kisan diwas 10/15/2021 To 10/15/2021
2146 Diploma in Agricultural Extension Service input 10/9/2021 To 10/9/2021
2147 Supaul KVK visited at KVK, Araria under CRA Programme 10/6/2021 To 10/6/2021
2148 Field Visit for Makhana Processing (Bio-Teh kisan hub) 10/6/2021 To 10/6/2021
2149 Special Swachhta Campaign 10/6/2021 To 10/6/2021
2150 Special Swachhta Campaign 10/6/2021 To 10/6/2021
2151 Swachhta Programme 10/5/2021 To 10/5/2021
2152 Lecture delivered at ATMA (DAESI) 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
2153 Diploma in Agricultural Extension Service input 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
2154 Swachhta Programme 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
2155 Lecture Delivered at ATMA (DAESI) 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
2156 Control of parasitic Disease in Dairy Animal 10/4/2021 To 11/6/2021
2157 Swachhta Programme 10/2/2021 To 10/2/2021
2158 Consulted with Farmers in KVK 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
2159 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
2160 Orientation of RAWE student 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
2161 Goat Farming 9/29/2021 To 10/29/2021
2162 PM live programme and workshop on Climate Resilient Agriculture seed 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
2163 Farmers scientists interface on Climate Resilient varieties , technologies 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
2164 Fishe cum Duck Farming 9/24/2021 To 9/24/2021
2165 Field Visit under Bio Tech Kisan Hub 9/23/2021 To 9/23/2021
2166 Field Day Under Bio Tech Kisan Hub 9/23/2021 To 9/23/2021
2167 On day training programme on Green chilli organized by ATMA Araria 9/23/2021 To 9/23/2021
2168 Selection of farmers for master trainer in poultry farming. 9/22/2021 To 9/22/2021
2169 Poultry farming at ATMA araria 9/22/2021 To 9/22/2021
2170 Vegyanik Krishak Samagam at Bau Sabour 9/20/2021 To 9/20/2021
2171 Review meeting of CRA 9/18/2021 To 9/18/2021
2172 Workshop on importance of Millets-Nutri cereals in human life. 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
2173 National campaign on Phoshan Abhiyan and tree plantation programme. 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
2174 Fertilizer Distribution unde Bio-Tech Kisan Hub 9/15/2021 To 9/15/2021
2175 Entrepreneurship through goat farming 9/14/2021 To 9/18/2021
2176 PPR disease it symptoms and Prevention 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
2177 Lecture Delivered on ग्रामीण रीन माइक्रो फाइनेंस at ATMA (DESI) 9/4/2021 To 9/4/2021
2178 Lecture Delivered on Fasal Bima at ATMA (DESI) 9/4/2021 To 9/4/2021
2179 Demonstration of Mulching Material 9/3/2021 To 9/3/2021
2180 20th RCM meting 9/2/2021 To 9/2/2021
2181 Research & Extension Council meeting Zone-II Agwanpur 9/2/2021 To 9/3/2021
2182 Scientist visit to farmers Field 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
2183 Farmers Visit to KVK 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
2184 Consultancy through mobile/telephone 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
2185 Participation in virtually ICAR Lecture Series #25 on occasion of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsab ( Himalayn Meditation) 8/31/2021 To 8/31/2021
2186 Kisan Gosthi on Food and Nutrition for farmers 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
2187 Demonstration of Mulching Material 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
2188 Kisan Gosthi cum Live Letecast programme (Food and Nutrition for farmers) 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
2189 Animal husbandry cum integrated farming system 8/24/2021 To 8/24/2021
2190 Integrated Parthenium Management 8/21/2021 To 8/21/2021
2191 Exposure Visit of DESI Candidate 8/21/2021 To 8/21/2021
2192 Sadbhavna Diwas 8/20/2021 To 8/20/2021
2193 HRD-Integrated parthenium Management Organized by ICAR DWR 8/19/2021 To 8/19/2021
2194 Importance of PPR vaccine 8/17/2021 To 8/17/2021
2195 Congress grass week 8/17/2021 To 8/17/2021
2196 Integrated Parthenium Management 8/16/2021 To 8/22/2021
2197 Management of pragnent & lacteting tola 8/12/2021 To 8/12/2021
2198 Diagnostic Service 8/12/2021 To 8/12/2021
2199 PPR Vaccination at Baghnagar 8/12/2021 To 8/12/2021
2200 Diagnostic Service 8/12/2021 To 8/12/2021
2201 FLD on Deworming in Goat 8/12/2021 To 8/13/2021
2202 Interaction Programme with media person &EF 8/11/2021 To 8/11/2021
2203 Dairy Farming (Farmers Scientist integration) 8/5/2021 To 8/5/2021
2204 Commercial goat Farming 8/4/2021 To 8/4/2021
2205 Demonstration of Goat to FPO Members (NABARD) 8/4/2021 To 8/4/2021
2206 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
2207 Consulted with Farmers in KVK 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
2208 Tissue culture banana plant distributed 7/30/2021 To 7/30/2021
2209 Demonstration of Banana 7/30/2021 To 7/30/2021
2210 Visited Bistoria Agriculture Farm with SAO, Araria and 7/30/2021 To 7/30/2021
2211 Foot & Mouth Disease H.S it preparation and control 7/28/2021 To 7/28/2021
2212 Interaction with Heads of KVKs regarding DFI, Innovative cases, IFFCO Demos 7/28/2021 To 7/28/2021
2213 Management of dairy animals during monsoon season 7/27/2021 To 7/27/2021
2214 भारतीय चारागाह एवं चारा अनुसंधान संसथान झाँसी एवं बिहार कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, साबौर , गौशालाओं हेतु चारा उत्पादन , संरक्षण एवं उपयोग 7/27/2021 To 7/28/2021
2215 Review Meeting of CRA Programme 7/26/2021 To 7/26/2021
2216 Employee opportunities in agriculture & animal husbandry 7/16/2021 To 7/16/2021
2217 93ed ICAR Foundation Day 7/16/2021 To 7/16/2021
2218 Plantation On the event of 93ed ICAR Foundation Day 7/16/2021 To 7/16/2021
2219 Radio Talk on Duck Farming 7/14/2021 To 7/14/2021
2220 कुपोषण के विरुद्ध व्यापक आंदोलन at DRDA, Araria 7/14/2021 To 7/14/2021
2221 4th Annual Zonal Workshop 7/14/2021 To 7/15/2021
2222 Meeting with KVK Coordinators 7/13/2021 To 7/13/2021
2223 10K FPO Scheme under the Chairmanship of Secretary(DAC&FW) 7/13/2021 To 7/13/2021
2224 Two Day workshop from BAU on CRAP 7/13/2021 To 7/14/2021
2225 HRD Training Programme on Resource Conservation Technology(RCT) With Special Reference to CRA Programme 7/13/2021 To 7/14/2021
2226 Workshop on fodder production under NIAFTA organised by ICAR-IGFRI jhasi 7/12/2021 To 7/14/2021
2227 Training cum workshop on Application of vet anatomy context of innovative technique 7/12/2021 To 7/26/2021
2228 National Fish Farmer day 7/10/2021 To 7/10/2021
2229 Ecosystem Management for Sustainable Fisheries 7/10/2021 To 7/10/2021
2230 Scientist Advisory Committee Mitting 2021 7/8/2021 To 7/9/2021
2231 HRD Training for Assistant & Programme Assistant (Computer) 7/7/2021 To 7/8/2021
2232 Brucellosis in cattle 7/6/2021 To 7/6/2021
2233 World zoonoses day 7/6/2021 To 7/6/2021
2234 Importance of deworming and Vaccination in goat 7/5/2021 To 7/5/2021
2235 Baseline Survey 7/5/2021 To 7/5/2021
2236 Review Meeting for preparation Annual Zonal Workshop 7/3/2021 To 7/3/2021
2237 Skill Training of Rural youth (STRY) योजना के कार्यान्वयन हेतु Operational Guideline पर विचार-विमर्श करने हेतु वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेसिंग में भाग लेने के संबंध में 7/2/2021 To 7/2/2021
2238 Moringa leaves used in feeding scheduled in goat 7/1/2021 To 7/1/2021
2239 Scientist visit to farmers Field 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
2240 Consulted with farmer in kvk 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
2241 Paddy Transplantation 6/30/2021 To 6/30/2021
2242 Biotech kisan hub Meeting 6/30/2021 To 6/30/2021
2243 Webinar on Approaches for Protected Cultivation 6/29/2021 To 6/29/2021
2244 Management of water in dairy farming and how to provide clean water during rain season 6/26/2021 To 6/26/2021
2245 Lecture Delivered as resource person at ATMA Araria ( DAESI ) on एकीकृत हानिकारक कीट प्रबंधन 6/26/2021 To 6/26/2021
2246 Lecture Delivered as resource person at ATMA Araria ( DAESI ) on सब्जिया टमाटर तोरई ककड़ी की विज्ञानिक खेती 6/26/2021 To 6/26/2021
2247 Jal Shakti Abhiyan 6/25/2021 To 6/25/2021
2248 Jal Shakti Abhiyan 6/25/2021 To 6/25/2021
2249 Harvesting of Boro Paddy 6/23/2021 To 6/23/2021
2250 Preparation of concerbtrate from locally available materials 6/23/2021 To 6/23/2021
2251 Feed Management of Dairy Animal 6/22/2021 To 6/22/2021
2252 International Yoga Day 6/21/2021 To 6/21/2021
2253 Field Survey for Banana at Araria RS 6/19/2021 To 6/19/2021
2254 Lecture Delivered as resource person on (धान की वैज्ञानिक खेती) for ATMA Araria ( DAESI ) 6/19/2021 To 6/19/2021
2255 Review Meeting of CRA Program (BAU) 6/17/2021 To 6/17/2021
2256 Virtual training of EDNF by ATARI 6/17/2021 To 6/17/2021
2257 Field Survey for Banana 6/17/2021 To 6/17/2021
2258 Jal Shakti Abhiyan 6/15/2021 To 6/15/2021
2259 E-Pashupalan Participated & circulated 6/14/2021 To 6/14/2021
2260 Jal Shakti Abhiyan 6/10/2021 To 6/10/2021
2261 Jal Shakti Abhiyan 6/10/2021 To 6/10/2021
2262 Radio Talk on बरसात के मौसम में पशुओं का प्रबंधन 6/10/2021 To 6/10/2021
2263 Survey of banana farmer in village Baijnathnathpur, araria R.S at araria district under biotech kisan hub 6/10/2021 To 6/10/2021
2264 Review of Progress work and some important issues to be discussed 6/7/2021 To 6/7/2021
2265 Maize Thrashing at KVK 6/7/2021 To 6/7/2021
2266 World Environment Day 2021 6/5/2021 To 6/5/2021
2267 By video calling online banana field visit & discuss about insect pest management in village 6/5/2021 To 6/6/2021
2268 Maize harvesting 6/4/2021 To 6/4/2021
2269 जिला स्तरीय खरीफ महाभियान 2021-22 6/3/2021 To 6/3/2021
2270 Seed production-cum-cropping programme for Kharif - 2021 6/2/2021 To 6/2/2021
2271 World Milk Day 2021 6/1/2021 To 6/1/2021
2272 जीरो टिलेज तकनीक द्वारा कम लागत में धान की खेती किसानों के लिए लाभप्रद 5/30/2021 To 5/30/2021
2273 Feed Management Round year green fodder ( Youtube) 5/23/2021 To 5/23/2021
2274 Nursery Management in Kharif Rice 5/22/2021 To 5/22/2021
2275 World Bee day 2021 5/20/2021 To 5/20/2021
2276 World Bee Day 2021 5/20/2021 To 5/20/2021
2277 Common disease in dairy animals and its preparation 5/17/2021 To 5/17/2021
2278 Animal husbandry advisory during COVID-19 5/13/2021 To 5/13/2021
2279 pregnant & lactating's goat nutrition management 5/4/2021 To 5/4/2021
2280 Covid-19 Guide line (Circulated among Farmers ) 5/4/2021 To 5/4/2021
2281 Diagnostic Service 5/3/2021 To 5/3/2021
2282 COVID-19 Advisory for farmers (MANAGE) 5/2/2021 To 5/2/2021
2283 Extension Literature foot & Mouth Disease 5/1/2021 To 5/1/2021
2284 Meeting At DAO Office 4/29/2021 To 4/29/2021
2285 Theileriosis and Trypanosomiasis in cattle 4/29/2021 To 4/29/2021
2286 Disease Management (hemoprotozoan diseases) 4/27/2021 To 4/27/2021
2287 Meeting with vice Chancellor, BAU, Sabour 4/27/2021 To 4/27/2021
2288 Management of dairy animals during summer Season 4/16/2021 To 4/17/2021
2289 Moong sowing through Zero tillage under CRAP 4/15/2021 To 4/15/2021
2290 harvesting of wheat 4/13/2021 To 4/13/2021
2291 Til distribution at Gerki block Jokihat 4/12/2021 To 4/12/2021
2292 Surrey work report on comprehensive data of cattle goat poultry for Araria Distric 4/9/2021 To 4/9/2021
2293 Radio Talk (Foot and Mouth disease 4/8/2021 To 4/8/2021
2294 Haryali diwas under Jal Jiwan Hariyali programme 4/6/2021 To 4/6/2021
2295 Crop Cutting under CRAP 4/6/2021 To 4/6/2021
2296 Till Distribution under CFLD at Mirdol 4/6/2021 To 4/6/2021
2297 Till Distribution under CFLD 4/5/2021 To 4/5/2021
2298 Conducted e-Choupal on Pashu Palan organized by BAU Sabour 4/5/2021 To 4/5/2021
2299 E-Kisan Choupal (Disease Management of Goat) 4/5/2021 To 4/5/2021
2300 Exposer visit at KVK field 4/3/2021 To 4/3/2021
2301 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/2/2021 To 4/30/2021
2302 Diagnostic service under Biotech Kisan Hub Project 4/1/2021 To 4/1/2021
2303 Consulted with farmer in KVK 4/1/2021 To 4/30/2021
2304 Lecture delivered at ATMA (DESI) Arariaby SMS(Agromet) 3/27/2021 To 3/27/2021
2305 Budget Utilization Review Meeting 3/27/2021 To 3/27/2021
2306 Lecture delivered at ATMA (DESI) Araria 3/27/2021 To 3/27/2021
2307 Goat (Black Bangal) distribution under Kisan bio tech hub FLD 3/27/2021 To 3/27/2021
2308 Kisan Choupal 3/25/2021 To 3/25/2021
2309 Field visit under Bio-tech kisan hub 3/25/2021 To 3/25/2021
2310 Field visit under Bio-tech kisan hub 3/24/2021 To 3/24/2021
2311 Participated in kisan mela at ATMA Araria 3/24/2021 To 3/24/2021
2312 Disease Management of Goat 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
2313 Field visit under Bio-tech kisan hub 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
2314 World water day 3/22/2021 To 3/22/2021
2315 Celebration of World Water Day 3/22/2021 To 3/22/2021
2316 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/22/2021 To 3/23/2021
2317 Jal Shakti Abhiyan 3/22/2021 To 11/30/2021
2318 Farmer scientist interaction at KVK, Purnia during Poshan mela 3/21/2021 To 3/21/2021
2319 poshan mela stall & Participation at KVK, Purnia 3/21/2021 To 3/21/2021
2320 Farmers exposure visit at BISA ,pusa samastipur ,under CRA programme 20 -03-2021 3/20/2021 To 3/20/2021
2321 Meeting of Budget Expenditure by ATARI 3/18/2021 To 3/18/2021
2322 Potato Store 3/17/2021 To 3/17/2021
2323 Mushroom Production 3/17/2021 To 3/20/2021
2324 Field Visit Under CRA Programme 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
2325 Scientific goat farming 3/16/2021 To 3/19/2021
2326 Installation of devices on tower under DAMU project 3/15/2021 To 3/15/2021
2327 Potato harvesting from Farm 3/15/2021 To 3/16/2021
2328 Lecture Deliver at ATMA (DESI) Araria on krishi men kit or rog niyantaran ka mahatwa 3/13/2021 To 3/13/2021
2329 Lecture Deliver at ATMA (DESI) Araria on Hanikarak or Labhdayak kiti men Antar 3/13/2021 To 3/13/2021
2330 Kisan Chaupal 3/13/2021 To 3/13/2021
2331 ATARI Review Meeting 3/12/2021 To 3/12/2021
2332 Fishery Task Force Meeting at DM office Araria 3/12/2021 To 3/12/2021
2333 Steering Committee Meeting 3/12/2021 To 3/12/2021
2334 Earthing up of intercropping Maize field 3/12/2021 To 3/13/2021
2335 Potato Harvesting of KVK farm 3/12/2021 To 3/13/2021
2336 Exposer visit under CRA 3/10/2021 To 3/10/2021
2337 Task force meeting at DM office Araria 3/9/2021 To 3/9/2021
2338 Scientific dairy farming 3/9/2021 To 3/10/2021
2339 Kisan Gosti by ATMA Araria 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
2340 International women's Day 2021 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
2341 Kisan Gosti by ATMA Araria on Mushroom Production 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
2342 Kisan Gosthi by ATMA Araria on Mushroom Production and Vegetable Production 3/7/2021 To 3/7/2021
2343 Kisan Gosthi by ATMA Araria on Mushroom Production and Vegetable Production 3/7/2021 To 3/7/2021
2344 Kisan Gosthi by ATMA Araria on Goat Farming 3/6/2021 To 3/6/2021
2345 Kisan Gosthi by ATMA Araria on Goat Farming 3/6/2021 To 3/6/2021
2346 Provide training on Fasal utpadan men Gunwttayukta bij ka mahatwa 3/6/2021 To 3/6/2021
2347 Kisan Choupal 3/6/2021 To 3/6/2021
2348 Kisan Gosti at Palsi by ATMA Araria 3/6/2021 To 3/6/2021
2349 Spearing of Pre Emerges weedicide in Garma Paddy field 3/6/2021 To 3/6/2021
2350 Garma Paddy Transplantation ar KVK Farm 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
2351 Kisan Gosti through ATMA Araria (Pashu Palan) 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
2352 Kisan Gosti through ATMA Araria (Dairy farming) 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
2353 Fishery Task Force meeting at DM Office Araria 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
2354 Field Preparation for Garma Dhan i Different KVK, Field 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
2355 Garma Dhan Plantation at KVK, Farm 3/4/2021 To 3/4/2021
2356 Field Preparation for garma dhan 3/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
2357 Farmer Scientist interaction at ATMA Araria on Pashu Palan 3/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
2358 Irrigation of MNC Maize field 3/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
2359 Farmers Scientist Interaction on Vegetable production 3/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
2360 Organized Field day under CRA Programme 3/2/2021 To 3/2/2021
2361 Farmers Scientist Interaction on Animal Husbandry 3/2/2021 To 3/2/2021
2362 Farmer Scientist interaction at ATMA Araria on Pashu Palan 3/2/2021 To 3/2/2021
2363 क्षेत्रीय शोध एवं प्रसार सलाहकार समिति (जोन-२) खरीफ 2021 की बैठक 3/1/2021 To 3/1/2021
2364 Weeding in Maize 3/1/2021 To 3/2/2021
2365 Farmers visit to KVK 3/1/2021 To 3/31/2021
2366 Weeding at KVK, Farm 2/26/2021 To 2/26/2021
2367 Training on Makhana at KVK, Araria 2/26/2021 To 2/26/2021
2368 Moong Showing at KVK, Farm 2/26/2021 To 2/26/2021
2369 Worksgop on “Importance of different Agro meteorological tools for effective agro advisory service” of SMS (Agromet) at Saharsa Agwanpur 2/26/2021 To 2/28/2021
2370 CFLD visit At Sukhi 2/25/2021 To 2/25/2021
2371 Weeding operation is done in lentil crop SVT 2/25/2021 To 2/25/2021
2372 ploughing at KVK Farm 2/25/2021 To 2/25/2021
2373 Meeting Attended on topic of Post harvest Technologies for Makhana Processing in Bihar by Dr. Anil Kumar & Dr. Arbind Kumar Sinha 2/25/2021 To 2/25/2021
2374 Dairy Management and disease Management 2/22/2021 To 2/22/2021
2375 Kisan Choupal 2/19/2021 To 2/19/2021
2376 KIsan Mela at BAU, SAbour 2/19/2021 To 2/23/2021
2377 Scientific Goat Farming 2/17/2021 To 2/17/2021
2378 Spraying of NPK on Wheat 2/17/2021 To 2/17/2021
2379 Radio Talk 2/13/2021 To 2/13/2021
2380 Extension Literature 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
2381 Training on Mushroom production at Raniganj by ATMA, Araria 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
2382 Two days training on mushroom production at RANIGANJ by ATMA, Araria 2/9/2021 To 2/10/2021
2383 Inauguration Programme of iihr 2/8/2021 To 2/8/2021
2384 Participate in kisan gosti organized by ATMA at Khushiyargaon 2/8/2021 To 2/8/2021
2385 Kisan gosthi at SIKTI on the topic of Vegetable production by ATMA, Araria 2/6/2021 To 2/6/2021
2386 Kisan gosthi at KURSAKANTA on the topic of Animal Science 2/6/2021 To 2/6/2021
2387 Kisan gosthi at KURSAKANTA on the topic of Vegetable production by ATMA, Araria 2/6/2021 To 2/6/2021
2388 Krishi Task Force Meeting at DM Office 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
2389 Participate in kisan gosti organized by ATMA ar Palasi and Jikihat 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
2390 Fishery Task Force Meeting at DM Office 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
2391 Participate in kisan gosti organized by ATMA ar Forbeshganj and Narpatganj 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
2392 Meeting of SMS (Agromet) 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
2393 Participate in kisan gosti organized by ATMA ar Raniganj and Bhargama 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
2394 Ground Nut Seed Distribution under CFLD programme 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
2395 Integarted farming Sysytem 2/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
2396 NPMSHF Meeting at BAU Sabour 2/2/2021 To 2/2/2021
2397 Meeting for Bio-Tech Kisan Hub 2/1/2021 To 2/2/2021
2398 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
2399 Field visit & Hording fixing at CRA villages 1/30/2021 To 1/30/2021
2400 Lecture deliver by Dr. A K Sinha on the topic of liquid fertilizer 1/30/2021 To 1/30/2021
2401 Lecture deliver by Dr. Anil Kumar on the topic of plant growth regulator 1/30/2021 To 1/30/2021
2402 CFLD seed distribution at Bhargama 1/30/2021 To 1/30/2021
2403 Certificate distribution of training 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
2404 Groundnut seed distribution under CFLD 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
2405 Virtual Meeting on Indian Horticulture Fair 2021 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
2406 Banana Field Visit 1/28/2021 To 1/28/2021
2407 Field Visit of Babana under BIo Tech Kisan Hub 1/27/2021 To 1/27/2021
2408 Distribution of CFLD seed 1/25/2021 To 1/25/2021
2409 Dudharu Gay ka poshan Prabandhan 1/25/2021 To 1/29/2021
2410 Lecture delivered at ATMA (DAESI) on the topic of Importance of micronutrient USE, Dose, Symptom 1/23/2021 To 1/23/2021
2411 Lecture delivered at ATMA (DAESI) on the topic of Integrated Nutrient Management 1/23/2021 To 1/23/2021
2412 Weeding opration in MNC maize SVTN, MLT, SVTM Lentil 1/21/2021 To 1/21/2021
2413 Review Meeting at BAU, Sabour 1/21/2021 To 1/21/2021
2414 VC sir visited at KVK, Araria 1/20/2021 To 1/20/2021
2415 Farmers visited at KVK from ATMA 1/19/2021 To 1/19/2021
2416 Deliver Lecture at ATMA on Soil Testing and Its Importance 1/16/2021 To 1/16/2021
2417 Participation in ATMA training Programme 1/15/2021 To 1/15/2021
2418 Deliver Lecture at ATMA on Farm equpment 1/15/2021 To 1/15/2021
2419 Deliver Lecture at ATMA on Mushroom Production 1/15/2021 To 1/15/2021
2420 Webinar of RAWE Student 1/14/2021 To 1/14/2021
2421 Seed distribution under CFLD 1/14/2021 To 1/14/2021
2422 Virtual Work Shop from BAU 1/14/2021 To 1/14/2021
2423 CRA exposure visit of farmers 1/13/2021 To 1/13/2021
2424 Seed distribution under CFLD 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
2425 Mustard crop visit under CFLD 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
2426 Exposer Visit 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
2427 Extension literature on Repeat breeding 1/11/2021 To 1/11/2021
2428 Video Shooting CRA Programmme 1/11/2021 To 1/11/2021
2429 Training on Milk Production at AYMA Araria 1/11/2021 To 1/12/2021
2430 Training provide as resource person at ATMA Araria (DAESI) on topic of Crop Production 1/9/2021 To 1/9/2021
2431 Training provide as resource person at ATMA ARaria (DAESI) on topic of Soil Profile 1/9/2021 To 1/9/2021
2432 Training provide as resource person at ATMA ARaria (DAESI) 1/8/2021 To 1/8/2021
2433 Field visit at Bardaha, Sikti 1/7/2021 To 1/7/2021
2434 Task force meeting at DM Office 1/7/2021 To 1/7/2021
2435 Disease Management Repeat breading in dairy animal 1/5/2021 To 1/5/2021
2436 OFF campus training on repeat breeding in Dairy Animal 1/5/2021 To 1/5/2021
2437 OFT & FLD Field Visit 1/5/2021 To 1/5/2021
2438 Radio Talk on Management of dairy animal during winter season 1/5/2021 To 1/5/2021
2439 OFT Field visit 1/5/2021 To 1/5/2021
2440 Programme schedule of OFT Finalization Workshop Agri. Ext. 1/4/2021 To 1/4/2021
2441 Seed distribution under Bio-Tech Kisan hub project 12/30/2020 To 12/30/2020
2442 Makhana Training under bio-tech kisan hub project 12/30/2020 To 12/30/2020
2443 Swachhta Awareness programme 12/30/2020 To 12/30/2020
2444 Clenness and organic waste management under swachhta Abhiyan 12/29/2020 To 12/29/2020
2445 Cleanness of Farm Road under Swachhta Abhiyan 12/28/2020 To 12/28/2020
2446 Awareness on weeding and composting & waste management and use of organic waste 12/27/2020 To 12/27/2020
2447 Swachhta Awareness programme 12/26/2020 To 12/26/2020
2448 Programme schedule of OFT Finalization Workshop Home Science 12/26/2020 To 12/26/2020
2449 Hon’ble Prime Minister of India will be addressing the farmers and releasing PM Kisan money to farmers on 25.12.2020 12/25/2020 To 12/25/2020
2450 Makhana training 12/24/2020 To 12/24/2020
2451 Lecture Delivered at BPSAC Purnia as resource person in Course certificate programme in INM 12/24/2020 To 12/24/2020
2452 National Consumer Day 12/24/2020 To 12/24/2020
2453 Swachhta awareness programme 12/24/2020 To 12/24/2020
2454 Makhana seed distribution un Bio Tech Kisan Hub Project 12/24/2020 To 12/24/2020
2455 Makhana seed distribution un Bio Tech Kisan Hub Project 12/23/2020 To 12/23/2020
2456 Spearing of Potato at KVK farm 12/23/2020 To 12/23/2020
2457 Swachhta pakhwada awareness programme 12/23/2020 To 12/23/2020
2458 Agricultural Scientists Meet on 23-24 December 2020 12/23/2020 To 12/24/2020
2459 Farmers and Scientist discussion organized by ATMA at KVK Araria 12/23/2020 To 12/24/2020
2460 Gram Smridhi awam Swachhta Abhiyan 12/22/2020 To 12/22/2020
2461 DOF- Training on Fisheries - reg. 12/22/2020 To 12/22/2020
2462 Swachhta Pakhawada at Bagnagar 12/21/2020 To 12/21/2020
2463 OFT Visit 12/21/2020 To 12/21/2020
2464 SVT Gram showing 12/21/2020 To 12/22/2020
2465 Swachhta Awareness programme 12/19/2020 To 12/19/2020
2466 Swachhta Pakhawada at Bansbari 12/18/2020 To 12/18/2020
2467 Wheat showing through zero tillage machine 12/18/2020 To 12/18/2020
2468 Weeding and Cleaning at KVK Farm 12/16/2020 To 12/16/2020
2469 IISF-AGRICULTURAL SCIENTISTS’ MEET 2020 and nomination of KVK Scientists & National Horticulture Fare 2021(IIHR) 12/15/2020 To 12/16/2020
2470 जलवायु अनुकूल कृषि कार्यक्रम का माननीय मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा शुभारंभ 12/14/2020 To 12/14/2020
2471 Meeting CRA CM PROGRAME 12/12/2020 To 12/12/2020
2472 wheat showing at Sukhi under CRA Programme 12/12/2020 To 12/12/2020
2473 Lecture Delivered at ATMA Araria 12/12/2020 To 12/12/2020
2474 Threshing of paddy 12/12/2020 To 12/12/2020
2475 Wheat showing through Zero tillage 12/11/2020 To 12/11/2020
2476 Earthing up Potato farm 12/11/2020 To 12/11/2020
2477 CIMMTY India (Rehearsal of launching of CRA Programme ) 12/11/2020 To 12/11/2020
2478 Automatic weather station installation at KVK Campus 12/11/2020 To 12/12/2020
2479 Potato Plant spray 12/7/2020 To 12/7/2020
2480 Meeting under BIO-Tech Kisan Hub 12/7/2020 To 12/7/2020
2481 poly house installation started 12/7/2020 To 12/11/2020
2482 Meeting at DM office 12/5/2020 To 12/5/2020
2483 Celebration of world Soil Day 12/5/2020 To 12/5/2020
2484 CRA programme at Dak Haripur 12/4/2020 To 12/4/2020
2485 Meeting for CRA by CIMMYT-India Virtual 12/4/2020 To 12/4/2020
2486 Tharesaring of Paddy at Farm 12/4/2020 To 12/5/2020
2487 Celebrating Agriculture Education Day 03.12.2020 12/3/2020 To 12/3/2020
2488 HRD training programme at SAbour 12/3/2020 To 12/4/2020
2489 Celebration of Constitution Day 11/26/2020 To 11/26/2020
2490 Wheat sowing through zero tillage machine under CRA program 11/25/2020 To 11/25/2020
2491 CFLD visit at Sukhi 11/25/2020 To 11/25/2020
2492 MNC-1 maize Experiment 2020-21 showing 11/25/2020 To 11/25/2020
2493 Earthing up Potato farm 11/25/2020 To 11/25/2020
2494 Ploughing of kvk farm 11/25/2020 To 11/25/2020
2495 Harvesting of Paddy 11/25/2020 To 11/27/2020
2496 Training on Aadhunic Pashu Prabandhan 11/25/2020 To 11/28/2020
2497 Ploughing of kvk farm 11/24/2020 To 11/24/2020
2498 Wheat sowing through zero tillage machine in crap program 11/24/2020 To 11/24/2020
2499 Potato Sowing 11/23/2020 To 11/23/2020
2500 CFLD visit at Sukhi 11/23/2020 To 11/23/2020
2501 Layout and field preparation for MNC maize Experiment 11/23/2020 To 11/23/2020
2502 Paddy harvesting 11/23/2020 To 11/23/2020
2503 Technique of Crop Cutting to RAWE Student 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
2504 Technique of potato showing to RAWE Student 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
2505 Wheat showing through zero tillage under CRA Programme 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
2506 Potato Showing at KVK Farm in different farm 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
2507 Technique of Soil Sampling to RAWE Student 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
2508 Lentil Showing throw zero tillage at KVK Farm 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
2509 Packaging of paddy 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
2510 Seed distribution under CRA programme at Rampur 11/11/2020 To 11/11/2020
2511 Potato Showing 11/10/2020 To 11/10/2020
2512 paddy threshing of harvested paddy 11/10/2020 To 11/10/2020
2513 Seed distribution under CRA programme at forbesganj 11/10/2020 To 11/10/2020
2514 बायोटेक किसान हब के अन्तर्गत मखाना उत्पादक किसान / मखाना उधमी / वैज्ञानिको का एक दिवसीय कार्यशाला 11/9/2020 To 11/9/2020
2515 Paddy Thrashing 11/6/2020 To 11/7/2020
2516 Field visit at Dairy Farm 11/4/2020 To 11/4/2020
2517 OFT Work on Post Partum Anestrums and OFT work on Repeat Breeding cow 11/4/2020 To 11/4/2020
2518 Field Visit at Sukhi 11/3/2020 To 11/3/2020
2519 Field Preparation for potato Showing 11/3/2020 To 11/3/2020
2520 Manually paddy harvesting from plot no 7 11/3/2020 To 11/3/2020
2521 Maize Seed distribution under CRA Programme at Sirsiya 11/3/2020 To 11/3/2020
2522 OFT on Repeat Breading at Shubhankarpur 11/3/2020 To 11/3/2020
2523 On Farm Trail Therapeutic Management 11/3/2020 To 11/3/2020
2524 Maize Seed distribution under CRA Programme at Sukhi 11/3/2020 To 11/3/2020
2525 Animal Biodiversity for kisan salahkar 11/1/2020 To 11/1/2020
2526 renovation of Processing unit 11/1/2020 To 11/3/2020
2527 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Unity Day on 31.10.2020 10/31/2020 To 10/31/2020
2528 Paddy Harvesting of Different plot 10/31/2020 To 10/31/2020
2529 Visited Director Research & Dy. Director Research at KVK Araria & IRS Araria 10/31/2020 To 10/31/2020
2530 Delivering lecture at ATMA under DESI programme 10/31/2020 To 10/31/2020
2531 Paddy harvesting 10/29/2020 To 10/29/2020
2532 Bundling of harvested paddy 10/28/2020 To 10/31/2020
2533 Potato Store 10/27/2020 To 10/27/2020
2534 Seed Distribution under CFLD programme 10/27/2020 To 10/27/2020
2535 Seed Distribution under CFLD programme 10/22/2020 To 10/22/2020
2536 Seed Distribution under CFLD programme 10/21/2020 To 10/21/2020
2537 Paddy Harvesting 10/21/2020 To 10/21/2020
2538 Assistant Meeting at BAU 10/20/2020 To 10/20/2020
2539 Seed distribution under CFLD programme 10/20/2020 To 10/20/2020
2540 Seed Distribution under CFLD programme 10/20/2020 To 10/20/2020
2541 Paddy Harvesting 10/20/2020 To 10/21/2020
2542 19th Extension Council Meeting 10/19/2020 To 10/19/2020
2543 Wheat seed sent to BAU, Sabour for processing and packaging 10/19/2020 To 10/19/2020
2544 Banana field visit & distribution of standing banner 10/19/2020 To 10/19/2020
2545 FLD on deworming in goat 10/17/2020 To 10/17/2020
2546 Broccoli Field Visit under Rawe Programme 10/17/2020 To 10/17/2020
2547 Lecture delivered at ATMA office on Seed production Technology 10/17/2020 To 10/17/2020
2548 CRA visit 10/17/2020 To 10/17/2020
2549 Lecture delivered at ATMA office on Medicinal Plant 10/17/2020 To 10/17/2020
2550 Paddy harvesting from plot no 24 10/17/2020 To 10/17/2020
2551 FLD on PPR vaccination in goat 10/17/2020 To 10/17/2020
2552 Distributed Mustard seed under CFLD Programme 10/16/2020 To 10/16/2020
2553 Crop cutting of Quality of paddy testing 10/16/2020 To 10/16/2020
2554 Distribution of standing banner of tissue culture G9 among farmers in Raniganj 10/16/2020 To 10/16/2020
2555 Banana field Visit 10/16/2020 To 10/16/2020
2556 World Food Day - reg. 10/16/2020 To 10/16/2020
2557 Celebration of Mahila Kisan Diwas 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
2558 Procurement of paddy Thresher 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
2559 Procurement of disc Harrow 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
2560 Virtual training on Backyard poultry 10/14/2020 To 10/14/2020
2561 Practical and Interview for Mushroom Grower (ICAR) 10/14/2020 To 10/14/2020
2562 Exam conducted for Mushroom Grower (ICAR) 10/14/2020 To 10/14/2020
2563 practical for mushroom grower to RAWE Student 10/13/2020 To 10/13/2020
2564 Practical for mushroom grower under Skill Development (ICAR) 10/13/2020 To 10/13/2020
2565 Virtual training on Prevention and control of Ranikhet disease in poultry 10/13/2020 To 10/14/2020
2566 Training programme on BeeKeeping 10/12/2020 To 10/12/2020
2567 Practical for mushroom growing process under Skill development programme (ICAR) 10/12/2020 To 10/12/2020
2568 RAWE Training going on for Priyanka Kumari, PUSA and Phulendra kr Bharti, BHU 10/12/2020 To 10/12/2020
2569 Skill Development Training on Mushroom Grower (ICAR) 10/12/2020 To 10/13/2020
2570 Spraying of fungicide & insecticide on paddy crop Variety Rajendra Mansuri-1 10/11/2020 To 10/11/2020
2571 Lecture Delivered at ATMA Araria 10/10/2020 To 10/10/2020
2572 Lecture Delivered at DAO 10/10/2020 To 10/10/2020
2573 Popularization of FARMs Mobile App through KVKs 10/9/2020 To 10/9/2020
2574 Meeting 10/9/2020 To 10/9/2020
2575 packaging of Rapeseed 10/7/2020 To 10/7/2020
2576 Outreach program for KVK farmers on Farm Act by MoS. 10/7/2020 To 10/7/2020
2577 Processing of Mustard & Rape Seeds 10/6/2020 To 10/6/2020
2578 Fertilizer Distribution under kisan Bio-tech Hub 10/6/2020 To 10/6/2020
2579 Fertilizer Distribution under kisan Bio-tech Hub 10/6/2020 To 10/6/2020
2580 Fertilizer Distribution under kisan Bio-tech Hub 10/6/2020 To 10/6/2020
2581 Post Harvesting Process of Makhana uder BIo-Tech Kisan-Hub 10/5/2020 To 10/5/2020
2582 Post Harvesting & Processing of Makhana 10/5/2020 To 10/5/2020
2583 Fertilizer Distribution under kisan Bio-tech Hub 10/5/2020 To 10/5/2020
2584 Fertilizer Distribution under kisan Bio-tech Hub 10/5/2020 To 10/5/2020
2585 Kisan Salahkar training programme under Jeev Vividhta Abhiyan 10/4/2020 To 10/4/2020
2586 Skill development pending training (BSDM) completed 10/3/2020 To 10/3/2020
2587 Kisan Salahkar training programme under Jeev Vividhta Abhiyan 10/3/2020 To 10/3/2020
2588 Interaction with KVKs by Hon'ble Agriculture Minister 10/3/2020 To 10/3/2020
2589 Plantation Derive 10/2/2020 To 10/2/2020
2590 procurement of Vermocompost at BAU SAbour for Kisan Bio Tech Hub 10/2/2020 To 10/2/2020
2591 DEE sir addressing the Jeev vividhta trainee 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
2592 Kisan Salahkar training programme under Jeev Vividhta Abhiyan 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
2593 Dr. R K Sohane, DEE, BAU, Sabour visited to review of different activities of KVK 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
2594 Animal Biodiversity 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
2595 KIsan Slah kar training programme unde Jeev Vividhta Abhiyan 2002 9/30/2020 To 9/30/2020
2596 National Level Consultation on BPKP-Natural Farming 9/30/2020 To 9/30/2020
2597 Meeting on Seed Production-cum Cropping Programme rabi 2020-21 9/30/2020 To 9/30/2020
2598 Virtual Training for registered Officer of KVK for Jeev vivibhdhta Abhiyan 2002 9/30/2020 To 9/30/2020
2599 Painting competitions on the event of 150th Birthday of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi 9/29/2020 To 9/29/2020
2600 National Level Consultation on BPKP-Natural Farming 9/29/2020 To 9/30/2020
2601 Debate on the event of 150th Birthday of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi 9/28/2020 To 9/28/2020
2602 Lecture Delivered at DAO by senior Scientist and Head 9/26/2020 To 9/26/2020
2603 Field visit fro CRA Programme 9/25/2020 To 9/25/2020
2604 Poshan Mah 9/25/2020 To 9/25/2020
2605 Kisano ki bat krishi mantri ke sath 9/24/2020 To 9/24/2020
2606 Field visit for CRA 9/23/2020 To 9/23/2020
2607 Visit for CRA 9/23/2020 To 9/23/2020
2608 Training programme on virtual disease management of broiler and Layer farming. 9/23/2020 To 9/23/2020
2609 Field Day 9/23/2020 To 9/23/2020
2610 Training programme on backyard poultry farming 9/22/2020 To 9/22/2020
2611 Field Day 9/22/2020 To 9/22/2020
2612 Poshan Mah 9/21/2020 To 9/21/2020
2613 Gramin Krishi Mausam Seva (FAP) 9/19/2020 To 9/19/2020
2614 KIshan Choupal 9/19/2020 To 9/19/2020
2615 makhana field day 9/19/2020 To 9/19/2020
2616 Meeting-Scaling up of CRA Programme 9/19/2020 To 9/19/2020
2617 Inaugural function of International Hostel of BAU, Sabour on 18.09.2020 9/18/2020 To 9/18/2020
2618 Poshan Mah 9/17/2020 To 9/17/2020
2619 Poshan Mah 9/17/2020 To 9/17/2020
2620 Poshan Mah 9/17/2020 To 9/17/2020
2621 Field Day 9/16/2020 To 9/16/2020
2622 Online training on Disease Management of Goat 9/16/2020 To 9/16/2020
2623 Disease Management in goat through Virtual mode (online) 9/16/2020 To 9/16/2020
2624 Irrigation system installation 9/16/2020 To 9/19/2020
2625 Field Day 9/15/2020 To 9/15/2020
2626 Online Training programme 9/14/2020 To 9/16/2020
2627 Meeting regarding Poshan Maah. 9/11/2020 To 9/11/2020
2628 Vegetable production 9/11/2020 To 9/14/2020
2629 inauguration in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Samastipur Bihar 9/10/2020 To 9/10/2020
2630 Scientific Advisory committee meeting (SAC) 9/10/2020 To 9/10/2020
2631 Field Day 9/9/2020 To 9/9/2020
2632 Goat Farming 9/8/2020 To 9/10/2020
2633 Vegetable production 9/4/2020 To 9/7/2020
2634 Vermicompost 9/4/2020 To 9/7/2020
2635 Vermicompost 9/1/2020 To 9/3/2020
2636 Mushroom production 9/1/2020 To 9/3/2020
2637 Field Visit of Banana Farmers 8/31/2020 To 8/31/2020
2638 Inauguration of Academic and Administrative Building of Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Jhansi 8/29/2020 To 8/29/2020
2639 Goatery Survey 8/29/2020 To 9/29/2020
2640 Regarding Programme of Kisano ki Batt-Krishi Mantri ke sath 8/28/2020 To 8/28/2020
2641 Goatery Survey 8/28/2020 To 8/28/2020
2642 Goat Farming 8/28/2020 To 8/31/2020
2643 Vegetable production 8/28/2020 To 8/31/2020
2644 CIFA-NFDB - ATARI Virtual Consultation 8/27/2020 To 8/27/2020
2645 Mushroom production 8/25/2020 To 8/27/2020
2646 Vermicompost 8/25/2020 To 8/27/2020
2647 Goatery Survey 8/21/2020 To 8/21/2020
2648 Goat Farming 8/21/2020 To 8/24/2020
2649 Goatery Survey 8/20/2020 To 8/20/2020
2650 GKRA Review Meeting on 17th August 2020 - reg. 8/17/2020 To 8/17/2020
2651 Mushroom production 8/17/2020 To 8/19/2020
2652 Field Visit of Banana Farmers 8/13/2020 To 8/13/2020
2653 Mushroom production 8/12/2020 To 8/14/2020
2654 AtmaNirbharKrishi 8/9/2020 To 8/9/2020
2655 Banana Survey 8/8/2020 To 8/8/2020
2656 Distribution of Banana Plant 8/8/2020 To 8/10/2020
2657 Goat Farming 8/7/2020 To 8/10/2020
2658 Vermicompost 8/4/2020 To 8/6/2020
2659 3rd Annual Zonal Workshop for the KVKs under ICAR-ATARI via Virtual Conference. 7/20/2020 To 9/21/2020
2660 92nd Foundation Day and Award Ceremony of the ICAR being organized on 16th July, 2020 through Video Conferencing 7/16/2020 To 7/16/2020
2661 Meeting on OFT Finalization Workshop on Animal Science 7/15/2020 To 9/15/2020
2662 Vegetable production 7/10/2020 To 7/12/2020
2663 Annual Action Plan Finalization meeting - reg. 7/9/2020 To 7/9/2020
2664 Action plan 2020-21Through virtual Mode 7/9/2020 To 7/9/2020
2665 Disease Management of goat 6/30/2020 To 6/30/2020
2666 Goat Farming 6/29/2020 To 6/29/2020
2667 Makhana field visit 6/22/2020 To 6/22/2020
2668 Makhana field visit 6/19/2020 To 6/19/2020
2669 Dairy Farming: Hope and future for rural youth 6/11/2020 To 6/11/2020
2670 18 Extension Council Meeting (Virtual Mood ) 6/11/2020 To 6/11/2020
2671 Maize Harvested 6/9/2020 To 6/9/2020
2672 paddy seedling 6/7/2020 To 6/12/2020
2673 World Environment Day 6/5/2020 To 6/5/2020
2674 Online training on Banana Cultivations 5/28/2020 To 5/30/2020
2675 Moong showing 5/2/2020 To 5/6/2020
2676 Training on makhana Cultivation 4/30/2020 To 4/30/2020
2677 Distribution of fertilizer 4/29/2020 To 5/4/2020
2678 Wheat harvested 4/22/2020 To 4/22/2020
2679 Makhana Field Visit 3/6/2020 To 3/6/2020
2680 Kisan Choupal 2/29/2020 To 2/29/2020
2681 Banana Survey 2/27/2020 To 2/27/2020
2682 Banana Survey 2/21/2020 To 2/21/2020
2683 Banana Survey 2/14/2020 To 2/14/2020
2684 ICAR Assistant Gardener exam 2/1/2020 To 2/1/2020
2685 Wheat DBW187 Sowing 1/12/2020 To 1/21/2020
2686 KIsan Chaupal 1/11/2020 To 1/11/2020
2687 Jiwan Kausal Shikshha Prashikshan (NYK) 1/9/2020 To 1/15/2020
2688 Kisan Chaupal 1/4/2020 To 1/4/2020
2689 jal jiwan jagrukta abhiyan 12/31/2019 To 12/31/2019
2690 Swakchha Bharat Abhiyan 12/31/2019 To 12/31/2019
2691 Makhana production training programme 12/31/2019 To 12/31/2019
2692 KISAN CHOUPAL 12/28/2019 To 12/28/2019
2693 KISAN CHOUPAL 12/21/2019 To 12/21/2019
2694 KISAN CHUPAL 12/19/2019 To 12/19/2019
2696 Vice Chancellor visited at KVK Araria 12/13/2019 To 12/13/2019
2697 SELF EMPLOYMENT THROUGH DIRY FARMING 12/12/2019 To 12/12/2019
2698 NYK (Nehru Yuwa Kendra Araria) 12/11/2019 To 12/11/2019
2699 COMMON DISEASE IN GOAT 12/10/2019 To 12/10/2019
2700 Kisan Choupal 12/7/2019 To 12/7/2019
2701 Wheat Sowing at KVK Farm 12/4/2019 To 12/19/2019
2702 CFLD Seed distribution 12/3/2019 To 12/3/2019
2703 Wheat Sowing HD 2967 12/3/2019 To 12/7/2019
2704 POTATO K.KHAYATI, K.KANCHAN 12/2/2019 To 12/6/2019
2705 RAI R.SUFLAM sowing 12/1/2019 To 12/5/2019
2706 CFLD Seed Distribution 11/28/2019 To 11/28/2019
2707 Potato Storing at KVK 11/26/2019 To 11/26/2019
2708 Modern Goat Farming 11/22/2019 To 11/26/2019
2709 Vaccination camp at shubhankarpur 11/19/2019 To 12/19/2019
2710 Kisan Chaupal 11/16/2019 To 11/16/2019
2711 Potato Sowing at KVK Farm 11/16/2019 To 11/19/2019
2712 FPO 11/15/2019 To 11/15/2019
2713 Threshing of Paddy 11/14/2019 To 11/14/2019
2714 Vaccination Camp 11/13/2019 To 11/13/2019
2715 FLD 11/11/2019 To 11/23/2019
2716 Fall Army Worm 11/6/2019 To 11/6/2019
2717 Paddy harvesting 11/4/2019 To 11/28/2019
2718 Kisan Chaupal 10/19/2019 To 10/19/2019
2719 Assessment of Assistant Gardener 10/17/2019 To 10/17/2019
2720 Kisan Caupal 10/12/2019 To 10/12/2019
2721 Principal sir visited at KVK Araria 10/11/2019 To 10/11/2019
2722 Jal giwan Haryali 9/28/2019 To 9/28/2019
2723 Jal giwan Haryali 9/28/2019 To 9/28/2019
2724 Jal giwan Haryali 9/27/2019 To 10/27/2019
2725 Jal giwan Haryali 9/27/2019 To 10/27/2019
2726 Kisan Choupal 9/21/2019 To 9/21/2019
2727 Organised Nutritional awareness 9/20/2019 To 9/24/2019
2728 Tree Plantation Program 9/17/2019 To 9/17/2019
2729 National Animal Disease Control Program 9/17/2019 To 9/17/2019
2730 Live webcost of Hon'ble PM's launch of Pashu Arogya Mela reg 9/11/2019 To 9/11/2019
2731 Swakchta hi sewa 9/11/2019 To 10/2/2019
2732 Kisan Chaupal 8/31/2019 To 8/31/2019
2733 OFF Campus Training Programme 8/29/2019 To 8/29/2019
2734 Kisan Choupal At Shubankarpur 8/28/2019 To 9/28/2019
2735 Choupal 8/17/2019 To 8/17/2019
2736 Parthenium Awareness Week 8/16/2019 To 9/22/2019
2737 INDEPENDENCE DAY 8/15/2019 To 8/15/2019
2738 Choupal at Musahri 8/10/2019 To 8/10/2019
2739 Adhunik Pashu Prabandhan 8/5/2019 To 8/9/2019
2740 Training for EF for 40 VRPs of Jeevika of Araria on the topic of Enhancing Rice yield through IPM 8/2/2019 To 8/3/2019
2741 Paddy Transplantation in kVK Farm 7/10/2019 To 7/20/2019
2742 Training on gramin yuwaon ke lia dairy farming and management men swarojgar ke awsar 7/8/2019 To 7/12/2019
2743 Choupal 7/6/2019 To 7/6/2019
2744 Choupal 6/29/2019 To 6/29/2019
2745 LIVE telecast on DD channel 6/25/2019 To 6/25/2019
2746 Harnessing of maize 5/25/2019 To 5/30/2019
2747 Rai processing 5/23/2019 To 5/23/2019
2748 Storing moong to godown 5/23/2019 To 5/23/2019
2749 processing of different crop together 5/23/2019 To 5/23/2019
2750 Storing moong 5/22/2019 To 5/22/2019
2751 Spraying on moong 5/22/2019 To 5/22/2019
2752 processing of moong 5/22/2019 To 5/22/2019
2753 Taking weight of moong 5/22/2019 To 5/22/2019
2754 packaging and Storing wheat 5/21/2019 To 5/21/2019
2755 packaging of moong 5/20/2019 To 5/21/2019
2756 Moong 5/20/2019 To 5/21/2019
2757 Choupal 5/4/2019 To 5/4/2019
2758 threshing of Wheat 4/26/2019 To 4/26/2019
2759 Wheat Harvesting 4/24/2019 To 4/24/2019
2760 IPM in Mango Orchard 4/8/2019 To 4/13/2019
2761 Kisan Choupal 4/6/2019 To 4/6/2019
2762 Spraying of fungicide and insecticide in moong 4/5/2019 To 4/5/2019
2763 Fishery Training 4/4/2019 To 4/10/2019
2764 potato packet loaded to cold storage 4/2/2019 To 4/2/2019
2765 potato Harvesting from different field 4/1/2019 To 4/1/2019
2766 Rai Harveting from field 3/30/2019 To 3/30/2019
2767 Potato Packaging and storing 3/26/2019 To 4/28/2019
2768 Till Seed Distribution under FLD 3/20/2019 To 3/30/2019
2769 Moong Seed distribution under FLD 3/20/2019 To 3/30/2019
2770 packaging of Potato from different plot 3/19/2019 To 3/19/2019
2771 Potato harvesting 3/18/2019 To 3/18/2019
2772 Sowing of Moong 3/10/2019 To 3/10/2019
2773 international women's day 3/8/2019 To 3/8/2019
2774 Sunflower Distribution under CFLD 2/20/2019 To 2/28/2019
2775 Groundnut seed distribution under FLD 2/20/2019 To 2/28/2019
2776 Sesame seed Distribution under FLD 2/20/2019 To 2/28/2019
2777 Gardener by ICAR 2/15/2019 To 3/18/2019
2778 Mushroom Production by ICAR 2/15/2019 To 3/18/2019
2779 GPS 2/1/2019 To 2/1/2019
2780 Potato irrigation at KVK, field 1/29/2019 To 1/29/2019
2781 KVK Visited by DEE, Bau Sabour & Director Research 1/28/2019 To 1/28/2019
2782 Meeting attend at BPSAC Purnea by Senior Scientist & Head 1/28/2019 To 1/28/2019
2783 Building Maintenance (Painting) 1/28/2019 To 3/5/2019
2784 Republic Day 1/26/2019 To 1/26/2019
2785 Off campus Training programmee 1/25/2019 To 1/25/2019
2786 Potato Showing 1/24/2019 To 1/24/2019
2787 Spraying of Wheat field 1/24/2019 To 1/25/2019
2788 Paddy threshing by traditional technique at KVK 1/23/2019 To 1/23/2019
2789 irrigation of tori field 1/17/2019 To 1/17/2019
2790 Earthing up potato Farm 1/16/2019 To 1/16/2019
2791 Shutting for Success Story 1/16/2019 To 1/16/2019
2792 weeding from wheat field 1/16/2019 To 1/16/2019
2793 Field Visit 1/16/2019 To 1/16/2019
2794 Irrigation of wheat field 1/16/2019 To 1/16/2019
2795 Stall on Araria day 1/14/2019 To 1/14/2019
2796 Choupal 1/12/2019 To 1/12/2019
2797 Hoeing and earthing operation 1/11/2019 To 1/11/2019
2798 Spraying of Potato Farm 1/6/2019 To 1/6/2019
2799 Chaupal 1/5/2019 To 1/5/2019
2800 Krishi Yantrikaran mela sah upadan mela 1/3/2019 To 1/4/2019
2801 Chaupal 12/29/2018 To 12/29/2018
2802 paddy threshing at KVK 12/21/2018 To 12/25/2018
2803 Earthing up potato farm 12/20/2018 To 12/22/2018
2804 Mushroom Utpadan 12/19/2018 To 12/22/2018
2805 Samekit Krishi Pranli 12/17/2018 To 12/21/2018
2806 Wheat Sowing through Zero tillage 12/10/2018 To 12/10/2018
2807 SAC meeting 12/10/2018 To 12/10/2018
2808 CFLD Pulse distribution 12/8/2018 To 12/8/2018
2809 Maize sowing (Trial) 12/7/2018 To 12/7/2018
2810 Bundling of paddy 12/6/2018 To 12/6/2018
2811 sowing potato of different variety 12/6/2018 To 12/6/2018
2812 CFLD Oil Seed & Pulse Distribution 12/6/2018 To 12/6/2018
2813 Field preparation for maize(Varietal trail) crop 12/6/2018 To 12/6/2018
2814 Field visit by farmer under fishery training 12/6/2018 To 12/6/2018
2815 World Soil Day 12/5/2018 To 12/5/2018
2816 Training programme on Fishery 12/3/2018 To 12/8/2018
2817 Kisan Chaupal by Bihar Govt 11/30/2018 To 11/30/2018
2818 Meeting with jitendra SIngh for KKA-2 11/29/2018 To 11/29/2018
2819 Field Visit 11/28/2018 To 11/28/2018
2820 Distribution of lentil under CFLD 11/25/2018 To 11/25/2018
2821 Kisan Chupal 11/24/2018 To 11/24/2018
2822 Showing of potato at KVK Farm 11/23/2018 To 11/29/2018
2823 Paddy harvesting 11/21/2018 To 12/5/2018
2824 Rabi Abhiyan at Rani ganj block 10/26/2018 To 10/26/2018
2825 Rabi Abhiyan at Narpatganj 10/25/2018 To 10/25/2018
2826 Rabi Abhiyan 2018 10/24/2018 To 10/24/2018
2827 Rabi Mahaabhiyan 18 Forbishganj 10/24/2018 To 10/24/2018
2828 Rabi Workshop cum training 10/12/2018 To 10/12/2018
2829 Review Meeting 10/10/2018 To 10/10/2018
2830 pradhan Mantri krishi sichae yojna 10/10/2018 To 10/10/2018
2831 Mushroom Production 10/3/2018 To 10/9/2018
2832 Training 9/26/2018 To 9/28/2018
2833 swachhta abhiyan 9/25/2018 To 9/25/2018
2834 Eradication of Partheniom weeds 8/20/2018 To 8/22/2018
2835 Kisan Choupal 8/18/2018 To 8/18/2018
2836 Field Visit 8/18/2018 To 8/18/2018
2837 Kisan Choupal 8/11/2018 To 8/11/2018
2838 Choupal 8/8/2018 To 8/8/2018
2839 Field preparation for paddy transplantation 7/11/2018 To 7/11/2018
2840 Paddy transplantation 7/11/2018 To 7/12/2018
2841 Training 6/6/2018 To 6/12/2018
2842 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan 6/6/2018 To 6/30/2018
2843 Kisan Kalyan Diwas 5/2/2018 To 5/2/2018
2844 Chaupal 4/28/2018 To 4/28/2018
2845 Wheat harvesting 4/19/2018 To 4/19/2018
2846 Training on honey bee 4/19/2018 To 4/26/2018
2847 Training for Capacity Building of elected women of panchayti raj 3/19/2018 To 3/21/2018
2848 Programme of National Conference of KVKs 2018 3/17/2018 To 3/17/2018
2849 Choupal 2/10/2018 To 2/10/2018
2850 CFLD Visit 2/9/2018 To 2/9/2018
2851 Certificate distribution 2/9/2018 To 2/9/2018
2852 CFLD Visit 2/8/2018 To 2/8/2018
2853 OFF Campus Training of Rural Youth in Hridaypur 2/8/2018 To 2/8/2018
2854 Fish feed and Feeding Technique 2/6/2018 To 2/12/2018
2855 Weed Managament in Oil seed crop 2/5/2018 To 2/8/2018
2856 CFLD VISIT and Medicine Distribution 2/2/2018 To 2/2/2018
2857 Oyster Mushroom Production 2/1/2018 To 2/7/2018
2858 Nutrient management in maize 1/30/2018 To 1/30/2018
2859 Fish disease Management 1/29/2018 To 1/29/2018
2860 Awareness program on women & child care 1/29/2018 To 1/29/2018
2861 Chaupal 1/27/2018 To 1/27/2018
2862 Oyster Mushroom Production 1/25/2018 To 1/25/2018
2863 Integrated pest management in maize crop 1/25/2018 To 1/25/2018
2864 CFLD Visit for Mutard 1/24/2018 To 1/24/2018
2865 CFLD VISIT 1/24/2018 To 1/24/2018
2866 Harmful effect of Insecticide and pesticide 1/23/2018 To 1/24/2018
2867 Chaupal 1/20/2018 To 1/20/2018
2868 ICM of sunflower 1/19/2018 To 1/19/2018
2869 Fish based Integrated farming System. 1/17/2018 To 1/18/2018
2870 sprinkling of potato farm 1/16/2018 To 1/16/2018
2871 Integrated pest management on Rabi Crop 1/12/2018 To 1/12/2018
2872 sprinkling on litchi tree 1/12/2018 To 1/15/2018
2873 Feed & feeding technique of Corp Fish 1/11/2018 To 1/11/2018
2874 sprinkling of Rajma plant 1/11/2018 To 1/11/2018
2875 Preservation of technique of seasonal fruits 1/10/2018 To 1/19/2018
2876 Field Visit for CFLD 1/6/2018 To 1/6/2018
2877 Chaupal 12/30/2017 To 12/30/2017
2878 Chaupal 12/23/2017 To 12/23/2017
2879 FLD on pond water 12/18/2017 To 12/18/2017
2880 Field Visit 12/16/2017 To 12/16/2017
2881 Gardener Training Under Bihar Skill Development Mission 12/15/2017 To 2/10/2018
2882 Demonstration of pond disinfectant 12/13/2017 To 12/13/2017
2883 Rural Craft 12/12/2017 To 12/15/2017
2884 field Visit 12/11/2017 To 12/11/2017
2885 Bee Keeping 12/11/2017 To 12/15/2017
2886 Choupal 12/9/2017 To 12/9/2017
2887 Cahupal 12/9/2017 To 12/9/2017
2888 paddy harvesting 12/8/2017 To 12/20/2017
2889 Chaupal 12/6/2017 To 12/6/2017
2890 International Soil Day 12/5/2017 To 12/5/2017
2891 Integrated Farming System 12/5/2017 To 12/8/2017
2892 Wheat sowing through Zero tillage machine at KVK Farm. 12/1/2017 To 12/10/2017
2893 Kisan Chaupal 11/25/2017 To 11/25/2017
2894 Chaupal 11/25/2017 To 11/25/2017
2895 Kisan Chaupal 11/18/2017 To 11/18/2017
2896 Caupal 11/18/2017 To 11/18/2017
2897 Potato Sowing at KVK Field 11/16/2017 To 11/21/2017
2898 Button Mushroom Production 11/13/2017 To 11/17/2017
2899 Bee Keeping 11/13/2017 To 11/17/2017
2900 Tailoring & Stitching 11/13/2017 To 11/22/2017
2901 Chaupal 11/11/2017 To 11/11/2017
2902 Kisan Chaupal 11/11/2017 To 11/11/2017
2903 Fish feed preparation & feeding technique 11/6/2017 To 11/9/2017
2904 Chaupal 11/4/2017 To 11/4/2017
2905 Kisan Choupal 11/4/2017 To 11/4/2017
2906 Kisan Choupal 10/28/2017 To 10/28/2017
2907 Chaupal 10/28/2017 To 10/28/2017
2908 Coconut Mitra Visited at KVK, Araria 10/25/2017 To 10/25/2017
2909 Swachhta Divas 10/25/2017 To 10/25/2017
2910 Swachhta Pakhwada 10/25/2017 To 10/25/2017
2911 Rabi Mahabhiyan 10/18/2017 To 10/18/2017
2912 Rabi Mahabhiyan 10/17/2017 To 10/17/2017
2913 Rabi Mahabhiyan 10/17/2017 To 10/17/2017
2914 Rabi mahabhiyan 10/16/2017 To 10/16/2017
2915 Rabi Mahabhiyan 10/16/2017 To 10/16/2017
2916 Rabi Mahabhiyan 10/15/2017 To 10/15/2017
2917 Ravi mahotsab 10/15/2017 To 10/15/2017
2918 MAHILA KISAN DIWAS 10/15/2017 To 10/15/2017
2919 Kisan chaupal 10/14/2017 To 10/14/2017
2920 Chaupal 10/14/2017 To 10/14/2017
2921 Rabi mahotsab 10/14/2017 To 10/14/2017
2922 Rabi mahotsab 10/14/2017 To 10/14/2017
2923 Fish Health Management 10/14/2017 To 10/15/2017
2924 Integrated disease management in Kharif Crop 10/10/2017 To 10/13/2017
2925 Kisan Choupal 10/9/2017 To 12/30/2017
2926 Chaupal 10/7/2017 To 10/7/2017
2927 Swachhta Abhiyan 10/5/2017 To 10/5/2017
2928 Meeting 9/23/2017 To 9/23/2017
2929 Nariyal Mitra Training programme 9/23/2017 To 9/23/2017
2930 Field Visit 9/9/2017 To 9/9/2017
2931 Field Visit 9/9/2017 To 9/9/2017
2932 Chaupal at Araria RS 9/9/2017 To 9/9/2017
2933 Field Visit by SMS(Plant Protection) 9/4/2017 To 9/4/2017
2934 international nutrition week 9/1/2017 To 9/7/2017
2935 PARTHINIUM AWARENESS PROGRAMME 8/30/2017 To 8/30/2017
2936 Rahat Sivir for flood people 8/29/2017 To 8/29/2017
2937 Field Visit at gaira 8/26/2017 To 8/26/2017
2938 New India Manthan- Sankalp se Siddhi at gaira 8/26/2017 To 8/26/2017
2939 Chaupal 8/26/2017 To 8/26/2017
2940 Flood Survey 8/24/2017 To 8/24/2017
2941 FLD on Mkhana by BPSAC Purnia 8/23/2017 To 8/23/2017
2942 New India Manthan- Sankalp se Siddhi 8/9/2017 To 8/9/2017
2943 Fish seed distribution under OFT 8/1/2017 To 8/1/2017
2944 Choupal 7/29/2017 To 7/29/2017
2945 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna 7/28/2017 To 7/28/2017
2946 Kisan Gyan Rath 7/22/2017 To 7/22/2017
2947 Field Visit 7/22/2017 To 7/22/2017
2948 Kisan Choupal 7/22/2017 To 7/22/2017
2949 Field Visit 7/21/2017 To 7/21/2017
2950 Prdhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna 7/21/2017 To 7/21/2017
2951 Kisan Gyan Rath 7/21/2017 To 7/21/2017
2952 KIsan Gyan Rath 7/14/2017 To 7/14/2017
2953 Kisan Gyan Rath 7/13/2017 To 7/13/2017
2954 kisan gyan rath 7/10/2017 To 7/10/2017
2955 SAC Meeting 10.07.2017 7/10/2017 To 7/10/2017
2956 Kisan Gyan Rath 7/6/2017 To 7/6/2017
2957 H' ble VC Sir along with DEE Sir and other respected dignitaries visited KVK, Araria. 7/6/2017 To 7/6/2017
2958 kisan gyan rath 7/5/2017 To 7/5/2017
2959 Kisan Gyan Rath 7/4/2017 To 7/4/2017
2960 Paddy transplanting 6/28/2017 To 6/28/2017
2961 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/28/2017 To 6/28/2017
2962 Choupal 6/24/2017 To 6/24/2017
2963 prashikshan sah jagrukta karyakram (Sri. R P Singh Sir) 6/21/2017 To 6/21/2017
2964 Celebration of International Yoga Day 6/21/2017 To 6/21/2017
2965 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/21/2017 To 6/21/2017
2966 kisan choupal 6/17/2017 To 6/17/2017
2967 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/17/2017 To 6/17/2017
2968 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/15/2017 To 6/15/2017
2969 kisan Gyan Rath 6/14/2017 To 6/14/2017
2970 FLD Visit of Jute at PLASI 6/10/2017 To 6/10/2017
2971 Kisan Chaupal 6/10/2017 To 6/10/2017
2972 Kisaan Gyan Rath 6/8/2017 To 6/8/2017
2973 Kisan Gyan rath 6/7/2017 To 6/7/2017
2974 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/6/2017 To 6/6/2017
2975 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/5/2017 To 6/5/2017
2976 PPV&FR 6/5/2017 To 6/5/2017
2977 Celebration of World Environment Day 6/5/2017 To 6/5/2017
2978 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/3/2017 To 6/3/2017
2979 kisan choupal 6/2/2017 To 6/2/2017
2980 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/2/2017 To 6/2/2017
2981 Milky mushroom training 6/1/2017 To 6/1/2017
2982 Kisan Gyan Rath 6/1/2017 To 6/1/2017
2983 kisan gyan rath 5/31/2017 To 5/31/2017
2984 conferencing 5/22/2017 To 5/22/2017
2985 Distribution of Jute Seed under FLD 3/29/2017 To 4/29/2017
2986 Seed distribution for kitchen garden kit 3/27/2017 To 3/31/2017
2987 Rodent & Pest Management 3/27/2017 To 3/31/2017
2988 Training on oyster mushroom cultivation 3/23/2017 To 3/27/2017
2989 Distribution of Mushroom Seed 3/23/2017 To 4/27/2017
2990 international women's day 3/8/2017 To 3/8/2017
2991 Animal Husbandry 2/7/2017 To 2/11/2017
2992 Bee Keeping 1/30/2017 To 2/4/2017
2993 Rabi crop management 1/18/2017 To 1/22/2017
2994 protected cultivation 1/16/2017 To 1/20/2017
2995 Tailoring and Stitching 1/16/2017 To 1/27/2017
2996 Madhumakhi Palan 12/28/2016 To 12/28/2016
2997 Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan Diwas 12/23/2016 To 1/29/2017
2998 International Soil Day 12/5/2016 To 1/5/2017
2999 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION DAY 12/3/2016 To 12/3/2016
3000 NFDB sponsored Training programme 11/29/2016 To 12/3/2016
3001 Vaccination Cam/Day 10/23/2016 To 10/23/2016
3002 swachhta abhiyan 10/20/2016 To 10/26/2016
3003 MATASHYA AAHAR NIRMAN AND UPYOG 9/19/2016 To 9/20/2016
3004 MANAGE-BAU Collaborative research on "Digital Videos for farmers by using mobile phones with low-cost SD-cards 9/9/2016 To 9/9/2016
3005 Tailoring and Stitching 9/9/2016 To 9/24/2016
3006 National nutrition week 9/7/2016 To 9/7/2016
3007 Pashu swathya shivir 8/23/2016 To 8/23/2016
3008 Azadi-70 Yad karo kurwani 8/23/2016 To 8/23/2016
3009 parthenium Awareness Week 8/16/2016 To 8/22/2016
3010 RAWE Student Training 8/12/2016 To 12/21/2016
3011 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna 4/5/2016 To 4/5/2016
3012 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna 4/5/2016 To 4/5/2016