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Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sheikhpura : Past Events
S.No Event Name Event Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
1 Rural Youth 1/23/2025 To 1/29/2025
2 Assessment 2nd Batch RPL training x 1/3/2025 To 1/3/2025
3 Training on organic farming 1/2/2025 To 1/4/2025
4 Nutrient dificiency management 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
5 Use of Waste Decomposer 12/21/2024 To 12/21/2024
6 Field day on Kharif Onion 12/18/2024 To 12/18/2024
7 Training on Innovation in Digital Extension NAARM, HYDRAYAD 12/16/2024 To 12/20/2024
8 Mushroom Production 12/7/2024 To 12/7/2024
9 Awareness programme on Pradhan Mantri Matasya Kisan Samridhi Yojna 12/7/2024 To 12/7/2024
10 Mushroom Production 12/6/2024 To 12/6/2024
11 Cultivation of Seasonal Vegetable crops 12/6/2024 To 12/6/2024
12 Mushroom Production 12/3/2024 To 12/3/2024
13 Vermi Compost Producer 12/2/2024 To 12/18/2024
14 Monitering Crop Status 12/1/2024 To 12/30/2024
15 Mushroom Production 11/25/2024 To 11/29/2024
16 Role of Zero tillage in economic upliftment of farmer 11/19/2024 To 11/19/2024
17 Bulb crop cultivation 11/18/2024 To 11/18/2024
18 Tuber crop cultivation 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
19 Scientific cultivation of Rabi crops 11/16/2024 To 11/16/2024
20 Crop Production 11/12/2024 To 11/12/2024
21 Soil Health Card and Vermi Compost production 11/11/2024 To 11/11/2024
22 Rabi Mahotsav cum training 11/11/2024 To 11/18/2024
23 Farmers Visit to KVK 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
24 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
25 Raised Bed Planting in Rabi Crops 10/25/2024 To 10/25/2024
26 Zero Tillage in Rabi Crops 10/23/2024 To 10/23/2024
27 Sponsored programme by Directoreate Plant Protection, DAO Sheikhpura 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
28 RPL 10/21/2024 To 11/2/2024
29 Spice Production 10/17/2024 To 10/17/2024
30 Tuber Crop Production 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
31 Pest Management in Brinjal 10/9/2024 To 10/9/2024
32 Nutrient Management in Vegetables 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
33 Nutrition Garden establishment 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
34 PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
35 Weaning Food Preparation 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
36 Pest Management in Paddy 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
37 Nutrition Eradication 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
38 Kisan Gyan Vahan 10/1/2024 To 10/6/2024
39 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
40 Farmers Visit to KVK 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
41 Drudgery reduction 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
42 Swachhta programme 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
43 Care and maintenance of nutri garden 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
44 Technology Week 9/28/2024 To 9/28/2024
45 Cultivation of bulb crops 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
46 Care and maintenance of nutri garden 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
47 Scientific cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
48 Poshan Vatika ki sthapna 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
49 Facilitation with fruit and vegetable plant 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
50 Techniques in early vegetable production 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
51 Natural Farming 9/25/2024 To 9/28/2024
52 Sceintific Seed production 9/25/2024 To 9/30/2024
53 Nursery Raising of Vegetables 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
54 Scientific cultivation of fruit crops 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
55 Discussion of contigency planning of farmers field in district Sheikhpura 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
56 Enhancing economic value of farm land 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
57 Poshan Vatika 9/15/2024 To 9/15/2024
58 Nutrient Defficiency diagnosis and it's treatment in Kharif crop 9/9/2024 To 9/10/2024
59 SPIS(Solar Power Irrigation system) of BISA, jabalpur 9/9/2024 To 9/11/2024
60 Textile craft 9/9/2024 To 9/13/2024
61 Scientific cultivation of Onion 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
62 Awareness programme of FPO 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
63 Poshan Vatika ki dekhbhal 9/2/2024 To 9/2/2024
64 IPM in Kharif crops 9/2/2024 To 9/6/2024
65 Farmers visit to KVK 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
66 Scientist visit to Farmers field 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
67 Meri life- Pro tree plantation 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
68 Jeevika job cum guidance fair 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
69 Zonal Workshop and review meeting 8/29/2024 To 8/31/2024
70 Sensitization of Progressive farmers at the district 8/28/2024 To 8/28/2024
71 Value Addition in Fruit and vegetables 8/27/2024 To 8/31/2024
72 Processing of Palmyra Palm 8/23/2024 To 8/23/2024
73 Ek Per ma ke nam 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
74 Nursery Management 8/20/2024 To 8/24/2024
75 Planting technique 8/16/2024 To 8/16/2024
76 Weed Managment with manual techniques in Kharif crops at CRA village 8/16/2024 To 8/16/2024
77 National Pest Survillance system 8/15/2024 To 8/15/2024
78 Krishak Vaigyanik Sammelan 8/15/2024 To 8/15/2024
79 Pest Management and suveylance 8/15/2024 To 8/15/2024
80 Management of Nutrition Garden 8/12/2024 To 8/12/2024
81 109 improved varieties release by PM Modi 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
82 Layout and Management of Nursery 8/8/2024 To 8/8/2024
83 Millet Processing at ATMA Lakhisarai 8/5/2024 To 8/5/2024
84 GITTAS 8/4/2024 To 8/6/2024
85 ADPP 8/3/2024 To 8/3/2024
86 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
87 Farmers Visit to KVK 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
88 Plantation technology and orchard management 7/29/2024 To 7/29/2024
89 IDF AND Mankind pharma for nutrition and health 7/26/2024 To 7/26/2024
90 Action Plan finalization workshop 7/23/2024 To 7/24/2024
91 Sathi and Krishi Mapper meeting cum training 7/18/2024 To 7/18/2024
92 Nursery raising of Kharif vegetables 7/12/2024 To 7/12/2024
93 Pigeon pea per millet and sorgam cultivation 7/10/2024 To 7/10/2024
94 INM in Maize 7/9/2024 To 7/9/2024
95 Millets nutritional qualities 7/9/2024 To 7/9/2024
96 Millets nutritional qualities 7/8/2024 To 7/8/2024
97 Nutrition Security 7/6/2024 To 7/6/2024
98 Biofortified variety cultivation 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
99 Nutrition Garden 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
100 Biofortified crop 7/3/2024 To 7/3/2024
101 Millet Processing 7/2/2024 To 7/2/2024
102 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
103 Farmers Visit to KVK 7/1/2024 To 7/31/2024
104 Direct Sowing Rice in Rajendra Shweta and Sabour Harshit 7/1/2024 To 8/1/2024
105 Training on incorporation millet in daily diet 6/29/2024 To 6/29/2024
106 Establishment of orchard and their management 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
107 PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
108 Amotsav 6/15/2024 To 6/16/2024
109 Independence to Amritkal (EAR-2024) 6/13/2024 To 6/14/2024
110 Nursery raising and its management 6/11/2024 To 6/11/2024
111 Awareness programme regarding govt. scheme and FPO formation 6/10/2024 To 6/10/2024
112 Kitchen Gardening 6/4/2024 To 6/4/2024
113 INM in Kharif Crops 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
114 Scientific cultivation of vegetable crops 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
115 Nutrient Management in Cereals 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
116 INM in Kharif Crop 6/2/2024 To 6/2/2024
117 Package and practices of Kharif Crops 6/2/2024 To 6/2/2024
118 INM in Kharif Crops 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
119 Importance of Millet in mitigatin of drought 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
120 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
121 Farmers Visit to KVK 6/1/2024 To 6/30/2024
122 INM in kharif crops 5/31/2024 To 5/31/2024
123 Entrepreneurship development by small animal rearing 5/29/2024 To 5/29/2024
124 ATMA sponsored Block level Kharif Mahotsav 5/29/2024 To 5/31/2024
125 OFT Workshop 5/28/2024 To 5/29/2024
126 Millets processing - ATMA Sponsored 5/27/2024 To 5/27/2024
127 Kisan Gyan Vahan 5/27/2024 To 5/31/2024
128 Health camp 5/21/2024 To 5/21/2024
129 Malnutrition: Diet to cure anemia 5/21/2024 To 5/21/2024
130 Nutrient use efficiency 5/20/2024 To 5/20/2024
131 layout and management of orchard 5/15/2024 To 5/15/2024
132 Mushroom Production ( WDC- PMKSY) 5/14/2024 To 5/15/2024
133 Scientist farmer interaction 5/13/2024 To 5/13/2024
134 Crop diversification - vegetables and fruits growing 5/13/2024 To 5/14/2024
135 NATURAL FARMING- MANAGE,Hydrabad 5/13/2024 To 6/19/2024
136 PATH PRADARSHAK- IFS for small and marginal farmer 5/11/2024 To 5/11/2024
137 Path pradarshak-IFS for small and marginal farmers 5/10/2024 To 5/10/2024
138 Layout and management of orchard 4/25/2024 To 4/25/2024
139 Value Addition in traditional food 4/23/2024 To 4/23/2024
140 Awareness programme on Malnutrition eradication 4/23/2024 To 4/23/2024
141 Nutrition gardening for summer 4/22/2024 To 4/22/2024
142 Field day at CRA village 4/5/2024 To 4/5/2024
143 Field day at CRA Village 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
144 Package and practices of summer vegetable 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
145 Field Day 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
146 Scientific cultivation of summer moong 4/3/2024 To 4/3/2024
147 INM 4/2/2024 To 4/2/2024
148 Farmers visit to kvk 4/1/2024 To 4/22/2024
149 Farmers visit to KVK 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
150 Farmers Visit to KVK 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
151 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
152 scientist visit to Farmers field 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
153 Farmers Visit To KVK 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
154 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
155 Scientist Visit to farmers Field 4/1/2024 To 4/30/2024
156 Assessment of RAWE Students 3/30/2024 To 3/30/2024
157 Use of Mineral mixture for better production 3/21/2024 To 3/21/2024
158 Exposure Visit 3/20/2024 To 3/20/2024
159 Field Day 3/19/2024 To 3/19/2024
160 Field Day 3/19/2024 To 3/19/2024
161 Value Addition of Guava 3/19/2024 To 3/19/2024
162 Animal Health Camp 3/18/2024 To 3/18/2024
163 Health and Nutrition 3/18/2024 To 3/18/2024
164 Vegetable Production 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
165 Kisan Mela 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
166 Prevention and control of Infectious disease of animal 3/11/2024 To 3/11/2024
167 Vermi Compost Producer 3/11/2024 To 3/20/2024
168 Orchard Management 3/10/2024 To 3/10/2024
169 Production and use of organic input 3/4/2024 To 3/4/2024
170 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
171 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
172 scientist visit to Farmers field 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
173 Farmers visit to KVK 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
174 Scientist visit to Farmers Field 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
175 farmers visit to kvk 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
176 Farmers Visit to KVK 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
177 Farmers visit to KVK 3/1/2024 To 3/31/2024
178 Filed Day 2/29/2024 To 2/29/2024
179 Kisan Goshthi 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
180 Causes and prevention of Mastitis 2/22/2024 To 2/22/2024
181 Off spring Vegetable production 2/21/2024 To 2/21/2024
182 Nursery Management 2/21/2024 To 2/28/2024
183 Balanced Nutrition 2/20/2024 To 2/20/2024
184 Vegetable Cultivation 2/17/2024 To 2/17/2024
185 Kisan Mela 2/17/2024 To 2/19/2024
186 Vermi Composting 2/12/2024 To 2/12/2024
187 INM 2/8/2024 To 2/8/2024
188 Orchard Management 2/8/2024 To 2/8/2024
189 Mushroom Procesing 2/7/2024 To 2/7/2024
190 Management of Ruminal disorder 2/7/2024 To 2/7/2024
191 Atma Kisan Mela 2/7/2024 To 2/8/2024
192 Kisan Mela 2/7/2024 To 2/8/2024
193 Kisan Goshthi 2/7/2024 To 2/8/2024
194 Mushroom Processing 2/5/2024 To 2/5/2024
195 INM 2/1/2024 To 2/1/2024
196 Farmers Visit to KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
197 Farmers visit to KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
198 FARMERS VISIT TO KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
199 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
200 scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
201 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
202 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
203 farmers Visit to KVK 2/1/2024 To 2/29/2024
204 INM 1/30/2024 To 1/30/2024
205 Training on Mushroom Production 1/29/2024 To 1/30/2024
206 Mushroom Production 1/29/2024 To 2/2/2024
207 Mushroom Production 1/29/2024 To 2/2/2024
208 Production and use of Vermi compost 1/25/2024 To 1/25/2024
209 INM 1/24/2024 To 1/24/2024
210 Commercial Fruit production 1/24/2024 To 1/31/2024
211 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 1/22/2024 To 1/22/2024
212 Training on SHG and FPO formation 1/22/2024 To 1/22/2024
213 Training of Group formation for SHG 1/22/2024 To 1/22/2024
214 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 1/22/2024 To 1/23/2024
215 Scientific Dairy Farming 1/20/2024 To 1/25/2024
216 Use of urea molasses brick in dairy animals 1/16/2024 To 1/16/2024
217 Weaning food preparation 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
218 Scientific cultivation of Onion 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
219 Honey Bee rearing 1/11/2024 To 1/13/2024
220 Cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plant 1/10/2024 To 1/10/2024
221 Commercial Goat Farming 1/8/2024 To 1/12/2024
222 Cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plant 1/6/2024 To 1/6/2024
223 Millet Recipies 1/6/2024 To 1/6/2024
224 INM in crops 1/5/2024 To 1/5/2024
225 Establishment of Nutrition Garden 1/5/2024 To 1/5/2024
226 Technique in early vegetable production 1/5/2024 To 1/5/2024
227 Technique in early vegetable production 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
228 Management of Dairy Animals in Winter season 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
229 INM in Rabi Crops 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
230 Scientist visit to Farmers field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
231 scientist Visit to Farmers field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
232 farmers Visit to KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
233 Farmers visit to KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
234 Farmers visit to KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
235 Farmers visit to kvk 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
236 Scientist visit to Farmers field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
237 scientist visit to farmers field 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
238 ATMA-KVK Joint visit 12/28/2023 To 12/28/2023
239 Coomercial Goat Farming 12/28/2023 To 12/29/2023
240 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra at Chewara block 12/28/2023 To 12/30/2023
241 Millet products 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
242 Mushroom Unit Establishment 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
243 Capacity Building of SHG 12/21/2023 To 12/21/2023
244 Krishak Vaigyanik Vartalap 12/21/2023 To 12/22/2023
245 Dairy and Cattle Expo 12/21/2023 To 12/23/2023
246 IDM 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
247 Scientific cultivation of vegetable crop 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
248 Package and practices of onion 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
249 IDM 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
250 Establishment of Nutrition Garden 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
251 IPM 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
252 Establishment of Nutrition Garden 12/18/2023 To 12/18/2023
253 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/17/2023 To 12/19/2023
254 Weaning Food preparation 12/16/2023 To 12/16/2023
255 Kitchen Garden Establishment 12/14/2023 To 12/14/2023
256 Krishi Yantrikaran Mela 12/14/2023 To 12/15/2023
257 Scientific cultivation of Aromatic and medicinal plant 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
258 Energy Conservation in Agriculture 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
259 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra PM live programme 12/9/2023 To 12/9/2023
260 Mushroom production 12/8/2023 To 12/9/2023
261 Package and Practices of wheat production 12/6/2023 To 12/6/2023
262 IPM 12/6/2023 To 12/6/2023
263 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/6/2023 To 12/11/2023
264 World Soil day celebration 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
265 Soil and water testing 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
266 Prayogshala se khet tak programme 12/2/2023 To 12/2/2023
267 HS, Vicky Vaccination programme 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
268 Vaccination of Animals 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
269 Scientist visit to Farmers field 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
270 Farmers visit to KVK 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
271 Kisan Gosthi 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
272 scientist visit to Farmers field 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
273 scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
274 farmers visit to kvk 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
275 farmers visit to KVK 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
276 Prevention and control of important Protozoan diseases in animals 11/29/2023 To 11/29/2023
277 Safely use of Glyphosate 11/28/2023 To 11/28/2023
278 Kitchen Gardening for Nutrition Security 11/22/2023 To 11/22/2023
279 Integrated Pest Management on Natural Farming 11/22/2023 To 11/22/2023
280 Natural Farming 11/22/2023 To 11/22/2023
281 Integrated disease management on pulses crop 11/21/2023 To 11/21/2023
282 Mushroom Production 11/21/2023 To 11/21/2023
283 Integrated Disease Management on Rabi Pulses 11/16/2023 To 11/16/2023
284 Scientific cultivation of Lentil 11/16/2023 To 11/16/2023
285 PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme 11/15/2023 To 11/15/2023
286 Harvesting of Paddy Crop 11/14/2023 To 11/14/2023
287 Harvesting of Paddy Crop 11/13/2023 To 11/13/2023
288 Integrated Pest Management on Rabi pulses 11/10/2023 To 11/10/2023
289 Harvesting of Paddy Crop 11/10/2023 To 11/10/2023
290 Harvesting of Paddy Crop 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
291 IPM 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
292 Integrated Pest Management on Rabi Crop 11/8/2023 To 11/8/2023
293 Harvesting of Paddy on Climate Resilient Villages 11/8/2023 To 11/8/2023
294 Tubur crop cultivation 11/7/2023 To 11/8/2023
295 Scientific Cultivation of Button Mushroom 11/7/2023 To 11/11/2023
296 Prevention and Management of LSD in Cattle 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
297 ICM on Spices 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
298 MIlk Product 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
299 Ex- Trainees Meet 11/2/2023 To 11/2/2023
300 Prayogshala se Khet tak sawal jawab karyakaram 11/1/2023 To 11/1/2023
301 Farmers Visit to KVK 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
302 farmers visit to KVK 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
303 Scientist visit to Farmers field 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
304 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
305 farmrs Visit to KVK 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
306 Farmers Visit to KVK 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
307 Soil and Plant Analysis 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
308 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
309 Scientist visit to Farmers Field 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
310 Farmers Visit to KVK 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
311 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
312 Scientific Cultivation of Rabi Vegetable Crop 10/31/2023 To 10/31/2023
313 Cultivation of Tuber Crop 10/31/2023 To 10/31/2023
314 Mushroom production 10/31/2023 To 10/31/2023
315 Millet Processing 10/30/2023 To 10/30/2023
316 workshop under Climate Resilent crop and Crop cutting of paddy of experimental crop 10/30/2023 To 10/30/2023
317 Prevention and control of animal disease 10/29/2023 To 10/29/2023
318 Organic Farming 10/29/2023 To 10/29/2023
319 Protected Contribution of Vegetable Crop 10/27/2023 To 10/27/2023
320 Organic Farming 10/27/2023 To 10/27/2023
321 Management of Diary Animals 10/27/2023 To 10/27/2023
322 Integrated pest management in Rabi Crop 10/26/2023 To 10/26/2023
323 Clean and Hygenic milk production 10/26/2023 To 10/26/2023
324 Integrated disease management of Rabi Crop 10/25/2023 To 10/25/2023
325 Integrated pest management in Rabi crop 10/20/2023 To 10/20/2023
326 Integrated disease management of Rabi crop 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
327 Scientific cultivation of vegetable crop 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
328 Azolla ffeding for better production in animal and poultry 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
329 Weaning food property from millet 10/16/2023 To 10/16/2023
330 Scientific Cultivation of Vegetable Crop 10/16/2023 To 10/16/2023
331 Millet processing 10/14/2023 To 10/14/2023
332 Integrated pest and disease management in Rabi crop 10/14/2023 To 10/14/2023
333 Millet Production 10/12/2023 To 10/12/2023
334 Millet processing 10/12/2023 To 10/12/2023
335 Natural Farming 10/10/2023 To 10/10/2023
336 Establishment of Nutri Graden 10/9/2023 To 10/10/2023
337 Scientific cultivation of vegetable crop 10/6/2023 To 10/6/2023
338 Integrated pest management of kharif and Rabi crop 10/6/2023 To 10/6/2023
339 Commercial Poultry Farming 10/3/2023 To 10/7/2023
340 Farmers Visit to KVK 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
341 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
342 Farmer consult in KVK 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
343 Farmers Visit to KVK 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
344 Value addition of vegetable 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
345 Consult with farmers in KVK 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
346 Value addition and Mushroom production 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
347 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
348 Diagnostic visit of the farmers field 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
349 Sceintist Visit to Farmers field 10/1/2023 To 10/31/2023
350 PM Live Programme launch for aspiration block 9/30/2023 To 9/30/2023
351 Scientific cultivation of Rabi season vegetable 9/29/2023 To 9/29/2023
352 Acto and Indo parasite control of animal 9/29/2023 To 9/29/2023
353 Integrated Nutrient Management 9/29/2023 To 9/29/2023
354 Animal Health Camp 9/29/2023 To 9/29/2023
355 Natural Farming 9/28/2023 To 9/28/2023
356 Kharif Crop 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
357 Integrated Disease Management of Kharif Crop 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
358 Animal Health Camp 9/21/2023 To 9/21/2023
359 Establishment of Nutrigarden 9/19/2023 To 9/19/2023
360 Management of poisoning cases 9/18/2023 To 9/18/2023
361 Nursery Management of vegetable production 9/15/2023 To 9/16/2023
362 Integrated Pest Management of Kharif Crop 9/14/2023 To 9/15/2023
363 Establishment of Nutri Garden 9/11/2023 To 9/11/2023
364 Technique in early Vegetable Production 9/11/2023 To 9/12/2023
365 Establishment of Nutrigarden 9/8/2023 To 9/8/2023
366 Scientific Goat Farming 9/4/2023 To 9/12/2023
367 Integrated Pest Management of Kharif Crop 9/1/2023 To 9/1/2023
368 Integrated Pest and disease management in Kharif Crop 9/1/2023 To 9/1/2023
369 Dairy ang Goatry Farming 9/1/2023 To 9/1/2023
370 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
371 Integrated Pest Management 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
372 Scientific cultivation of vegetable and horticulture crop 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
373 Gain the knowledge about scientific and dairy goat farming 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
374 Farmers visit to KVK 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
375 Farmers visit to KVK 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
376 Diagnostic Field visit of the crop 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
377 Scientist visit to Farmers field 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
378 Scientist visit to Farmers Field 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
379 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
380 Integrated pest Management in Kharif crops 8/30/2023 To 8/30/2023
381 INM in Rice 8/30/2023 To 8/30/2023
382 Integrated Pest Management in Kharif crop 8/30/2023 To 8/30/2023
383 Integrated Disease Management in Kharif crop 8/30/2023 To 8/30/2023
384 INM in Rice crop 8/28/2023 To 8/28/2023
385 Lumpy Skin disease causes diagnosis prevention and treatment 8/28/2023 To 8/28/2023
386 INM in Rice 8/23/2023 To 8/23/2023
387 Integrated Disease Management on Kharif Crop 8/23/2023 To 8/23/2023
388 Parthenium Eradication awareness programme 8/22/2023 To 8/22/2023
389 CCINM 8/22/2023 To 8/22/2023
390 Integrated disease management in Paddy 8/21/2023 To 8/21/2023
391 INM in Rice 8/21/2023 To 8/21/2023
392 Bee keeping 8/21/2023 To 8/24/2023
393 Scientific Goat Farming 8/21/2023 To 8/25/2023
394 Concept of INM Crop rotation placement of different fertilizers 8/19/2023 To 8/19/2023
395 Exibition of Agricultural Technology 8/18/2023 To 8/18/2023
396 Natural Farming and Climate Resilient Agriculture 8/17/2023 To 8/18/2023
397 Layout and management of orchard 8/16/2023 To 8/16/2023
398 demonstration of demo unit of NADEP and Vermi Compost 8/16/2023 To 8/16/2023
399 Integrated disease management in Kharif crop 8/16/2023 To 8/16/2023
400 Nursery Management of Vegetable crops 8/16/2023 To 8/18/2023
401 Agro Climatic Zone in Bihar 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
402 Common Parasetic diseases of animals 8/10/2023 To 8/10/2023
403 Propogation Technique of fruit plants 8/10/2023 To 8/11/2023
404 Establishment of Nutrition Garden 8/8/2023 To 8/8/2023
405 Establisment of Nutrition Garden 8/5/2023 To 8/5/2023
406 Establishment of Nutrition Garden 8/4/2023 To 8/4/2023
407 Integrated Pest and disease management on Kharif crop 8/4/2023 To 8/5/2023
408 Maitri Training on Infectious and non-infectious diseases of animal 8/1/2023 To 8/2/2023
409 Consulted with farmers in KVK 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
410 Consulted with farmers 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
411 Consulted with farmers 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
412 Consulting with Scientist for their doubt clearance 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
413 Diagnostic visit of the farmers field 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
414 Diagnostic Visit 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
415 Management of orchard and new plantation 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
416 Establishment of Nutrition Garden 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
417 Kisan Gosthi 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
418 Awareness programme of natural farming on the eve of direct telecast of PM programme 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
419 Kisan Goshthi 7/27/2023 To 7/27/2023
420 Nursery raising of fruit crops 7/25/2023 To 7/25/2023
421 Nursery Raising of Vegetable crop 7/20/2023 To 7/20/2023
422 Kisan Gosthi 7/18/2023 To 7/18/2023
423 Exhibition of Agricultural Technology 7/18/2023 To 8/18/2023
424 Training and exihibition of animals model during Technology day celebration 7/17/2023 To 7/17/2023
425 Scientific poultry farming 7/17/2023 To 7/21/2023
426 Integrated pest and disease management 7/16/2023 To 7/16/2023
427 Prepration of Nutrient dense food 7/16/2023 To 8/18/2023
428 Goat farming under rural area 7/15/2023 To 7/15/2023
429 Integrated in disease management in Paddy 7/10/2023 To 7/11/2023
430 common causes of disease in animals and its prevention 7/5/2023 To 7/5/2023
431 Integrated Pest Management in Kharif Vegetable 7/4/2023 To 7/4/2023
432 Consultancy through mobile 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
433 Scientist visit to Farmers field 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
434 Farmers Visit to KVK 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
435 Consulted with farmers in KVK for advisory services of animal husbandfry 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
436 Diagnostic visit to the farmers field 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
437 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
438 Gain the knowledge for better orchard and vegetable production 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
439 To gain the knowledge for proper use of pesticide 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
440 Aware the farmers to proper placement of fruit plant and vegetable for better income 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
441 Preparation of high nutrient dens food 6/29/2023 To 6/29/2023
442 Goat farming under rural condition 6/28/2023 To 6/28/2023
443 Goat farming under rural condition 6/28/2023 To 6/28/2023
444 Integrated Paste Management on Kharif Crop 6/27/2023 To 6/27/2023
445 Common causes of animal diseases and its preventions 6/27/2023 To 6/27/2023
446 Direct sowing of Rice 6/22/2023 To 6/22/2023
447 Direct sowing of Rice 6/21/2023 To 6/21/2023
448 Production of direct seed rice 6/21/2023 To 6/21/2023
449 Scientific cultivation of millets 6/19/2023 To 6/19/2023
450 Millet Production 6/16/2023 To 6/16/2023
451 Organic Farming and Vermi Composting 6/16/2023 To 6/16/2023
452 Integrated Pest Management of Kharif Crop and Vegetable 6/15/2023 To 6/15/2023
453 Organic Farming 6/14/2023 To 6/14/2023
454 Malnutrition eradication 6/8/2023 To 6/8/2023
455 Awareness programme of eradication of malnutrition 6/8/2023 To 6/8/2023
456 State level programme on eradication of malnutrition 6/8/2023 To 6/8/2023
457 Awareness programme on lifestyle on the occasion of world environment day 6/5/2023 To 6/5/2023
458 Management of animals during Kharif season 6/3/2023 To 6/3/2023
459 Scientific cultivation of Kharif Crop 6/3/2023 To 6/3/2023
460 Production of Millets 6/2/2023 To 6/2/2023
461 Handling and Use of Insecticide with precaution 6/2/2023 To 6/2/2023
462 Integrated Pest and disease management of Kharif Crop 6/2/2023 To 6/2/2023
463 Scientific Cultivation of Kharif Crop 6/1/2023 To 6/1/2023
464 Commercial Goat Farming 6/1/2023 To 6/2/2023
465 BSDM training (Organic Grower) 6/1/2023 To 6/25/2023
466 BSDM training (Organic Grower) 6/1/2023 To 6/25/2023
467 Organic Grower 6/1/2023 To 6/25/2023
468 consultancy through mobile 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
469 Gain the knowledge of micro-nutrient and secondary nutrient 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
470 Scientific cultivation of orchards and vegetables 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
471 Advisory Services through mobile 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
472 Consulted with farmers 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
473 Diagnostic Visit to Farmers field 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
474 Visit the farmers field 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
475 Diagnostic Visit of the farmers field 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
476 Consulted with farmers in KVK 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
477 Visit to Farmers field increase their price through value addition 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
478 Consultancy from Mobile 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
479 commercial use of plantation of horticulture crop and vegetable 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
480 Farmers to gain the knowledge for control the pest in proper way 6/1/2023 To 7/30/2023
481 Millets value addition 5/30/2023 To 5/30/2023
482 Management of animals in Kharif season(Sponsored) 5/30/2023 To 5/30/2023
483 Nutrition in different stages of life 5/29/2023 To 5/29/2023
484 Use of fertilizer and their impact on the yield of paddy 5/29/2023 To 5/31/2023
485 Integrated pest management on paddy crop 5/29/2023 To 5/31/2023
486 Commercial goat farming 5/29/2023 To 6/2/2023
487 District level Kharif workshop cum training 5/27/2023 To 5/27/2023
488 Mission life style for environment program 5/25/2023 To 5/25/2023
489 Integrated pest management on green and mango orchard 5/24/2023 To 5/24/2023
490 Awareness program on millets 5/23/2023 To 5/23/2023
491 Micro irrigation in fruit crops 5/20/2023 To 5/20/2023
492 Importance of vaccination in dairy animal and vaccination schedule 5/20/2023 To 5/20/2023
493 Organic farming 5/18/2023 To 5/18/2023
494 Establishment of Nutri Garden 5/17/2023 To 5/17/2023
495 Use of Biofertilizer in vegetable crops 5/11/2023 To 5/11/2023
496 Integrated pest management on moong and vegetable crops 5/11/2023 To 5/11/2023
497 Preparation of weaning food 5/8/2023 To 5/8/2023
498 Field leveling for water and soil conservation 5/6/2023 To 5/6/2023
499 Importance of vaccination in dairy animals and vaccination schedule 5/6/2023 To 5/6/2023
500 Organic grower training 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
501 Consult for value addition of vegetables and fruits 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
502 Consult for proper use of pesticide and fungicide 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
503 Diagnostic visit to farmers field for resolve the problems related to animal disease and its managements 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
504 Scientific cultivation of orchard and vegetables 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
505 Integrated disease and pest management 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
506 To gain the knowledge about the new pattern of orchrd and vegetable 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
507 Consultancy for management and treatment of animals 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
508 Aware the farm women to proper use of nutritive food to overcome the malnutrition 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
509 Awareness Programme about cultivation of millets 4/27/2023 To 4/27/2023
510 Integrated disease management in summer vegetable and green gram 4/27/2023 To 4/27/2023
511 Value addition of millets 4/27/2023 To 4/28/2023
512 Management of dairy animal in summer 4/25/2023 To 4/25/2023
513 Gardening and standardization off season vegatable 4/19/2023 To 4/19/2023
514 Integrated pest management of green gram and summer vegetable 4/17/2023 To 4/17/2023
515 Awareness Programme about new technology and their implementation 4/17/2023 To 4/21/2023
516 Orchard management 4/12/2023 To 4/12/2023
517 Management of dairy animal in summer season 4/11/2023 To 4/11/2023
518 Integrated nutrient management 4/10/2023 To 4/10/2023
519 Apparel making 4/10/2023 To 4/21/2023
520 Integrated nutrient management 4/6/2023 To 4/6/2023
521 MAITRI Training 4/5/2023 To 4/6/2023
522 Establishment of nutri garden 4/5/2023 To 4/6/2023
523 Organic farming 4/3/2023 To 4/21/2023
524 Farers visit to kvk, 4/1/2023 To 4/1/2023
525 Farmers visit to kVk 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
526 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
527 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
528 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
529 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
530 Consulted with farmer in KVK 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
531 Farmers visit to KVK 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
532 Kisan Goshthi 3/28/2023 To 3/28/2023
533 awareness programme on millets 3/28/2023 To 3/28/2023
534 Awareness programme on millets 3/28/2023 To 3/28/2023
535 Management of dairy animals on summer season 3/28/2023 To 3/28/2023
536 Awareness programme on women empowerment 3/27/2023 To 3/27/2023
537 Sewing machine operation 3/27/2023 To 3/31/2023
538 Integrated disease management on moong and vegetable crops 3/20/2023 To 3/20/2023
539 Processing of millets 3/18/2023 To 3/18/2023
540 Scientific cultivation of summer vegetable 3/16/2023 To 3/16/2023
541 Field day on mustard 3/14/2023 To 3/14/2023
542 Kisan Mela 3/14/2023 To 3/15/2023
543 Production and utilization of green manor, FYM, vermi compost 3/14/2023 To 3/15/2023
544 Kisan Goshthi 3/14/2023 To 3/15/2023
545 Organic farming 3/13/2023 To 3/13/2023
546 Establishment of nutrition garden 3/13/2023 To 3/13/2023
547 Field day on the harvesting of lentil crop observe the losses disease and pest 3/6/2023 To 3/6/2023
548 Establishment and management of new orchard 3/6/2023 To 3/6/2023
549 Care & management of new born calf 3/4/2023 To 3/4/2023
550 Integrated pest management on summer crops and pulses 3/2/2023 To 3/2/2023
551 Cultivation of summer vegetable crops 3/2/2023 To 3/3/2023
552 Organic farming 3/1/2023 To 3/4/2023
553 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
554 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
555 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
556 Farmers visit to KVK 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
557 Consulted with farmer in KVK 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
558 Farmers visit to KVK 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
559 Skill development training on Organic Grower 3/1/2023 To 5/16/2023
560 Exposer visit of Farmers in Kisan Mela, BAU, Sabour 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
561 Entrepreneurship development through Agri-skill 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
562 Exposer visit of the farmers in kisan mela, BAU, Sabour 2/23/2023 To 2/23/2023
563 Participation in Kisan mela in Animal show at BAU, Sabour 2/23/2023 To 2/25/2023
564 Mangement of orchard 2/16/2023 To 2/16/2023
565 Integrated disease management of mango orchard and vegetable 2/15/2023 To 2/15/2023
566 Natural farming 2/15/2023 To 2/17/2023
567 MAITRI Training 2/13/2023 To 2/14/2023
568 Mushroom processing 2/8/2023 To 2/8/2023
569 Off Season vegetable production 2/7/2023 To 2/7/2023
570 Economic improtance of management of FMD 2/7/2023 To 2/7/2023
571 Mushroom Production 2/6/2023 To 2/6/2023
572 Integrated pest management of garma vegetable 2/6/2023 To 2/6/2023
573 Management of ruminal disorder 2/4/2023 To 2/4/2023
574 Processing of straoberyy & paddy 2/3/2023 To 2/3/2023
575 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
576 Scientist visit to farmers field .... 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
577 Consulted with farmer in KVK, 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
578 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
579 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
580 Farmers visit to KVK 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
581 Farmer visit to kvk 2/1/2023 To 2/28/2023
582 INM in Wheat crop by using nitrogen fertilizer based on LCC 1/31/2023 To 1/31/2023
583 INM in Rabi Crops 1/23/2023 To 1/23/2023
584 Scientific cultivation of green gram 1/21/2023 To 1/21/2023
585 Used urea molasse brick in dairy animals 1/18/2023 To 1/18/2023
586 Bee Keeping for Rural Youth 1/18/2023 To 1/20/2023
587 integrated disease management on Potato, Mango and Wheat 1/17/2023 To 1/17/2023
588 Mushroom Processing 1/17/2023 To 1/18/2023
589 Natural farming and organic farming 1/12/2023 To 1/13/2023
590 commercial at Goat farming 1/11/2023 To 1/13/2023
591 Mushroom production 1/9/2023 To 1/13/2023
592 INM in Crops 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
593 management of dairy animal in winter season 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
594 integrated pest management of rabi crop 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
595 Oyster mushroom production 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
596 oyster mushroom production 1/6/2023 To 1/6/2023
597 integrated disease management in Potato and Onion 1/5/2023 To 1/5/2023
598 Oyster mushroom 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
599 Scientist visit to farmers field 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
600 Farmers visit to KVK 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
601 Soil & plant analysis 1/1/2023 To 1/31/2023
602 MAITRI TRAINING 12/29/2022 To 12/30/2022
603 Mushroom Production 12/27/2022 To 12/28/2022
604 Kisan Diwas 12/23/2022 To 12/23/2022
605 Mushroom Production 12/22/2022 To 12/23/2022
606 Bee Keeping 12/22/2022 To 12/29/2022
607 Integrated pest management on mango plant and popularize the use of bio pesticide 12/21/2022 To 12/21/2022
608 Cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants 12/21/2022 To 12/21/2022
609 Scientifics dairy farming 12/19/2022 To 12/24/2022
610 Integrated disease management on lentil & gram 12/16/2022 To 12/16/2022
611 Mushroom Production 12/16/2022 To 12/17/2022
612 Training in early vegetable production 12/15/2022 To 12/15/2022
613 Clean & Hygienic milk production 12/13/2022 To 12/13/2022
614 commercial fruit production 12/13/2022 To 12/19/2022
615 Celebration of Soil Day 12/5/2022 To 12/5/2022
616 Azolla feeding for better production in animal and poultry 12/3/2022 To 12/3/2022
617 Farmers visit to KVK... 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
618 Field visit and diagnostic visit of the farmers field 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
619 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
620 Consulted with farmer in kvk 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
621 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
622 Scientist visit to Farmers field 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
623 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
624 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2022 To 12/31/2022
625 Integrated pest management on rabi crop 11/25/2022 To 11/25/2022
626 Krishi Yantrikaran Mela 11/22/2022 To 11/23/2022
627 Importance and scheduling of vaccination in poultry 11/21/2022 To 11/21/2022
628 Use and maintenance of drudgery reduction tools 11/21/2022 To 11/22/2022
629 integrated pest management rabi crop 11/18/2022 To 11/18/2022
630 Practicing farmer training 11/18/2022 To 11/19/2022
631 Off season vegetable production 11/14/2022 To 11/14/2022
632 cientific poultry farming 11/14/2022 To 11/19/2022
633 Rabi Mahotsav 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
634 Integrated pest management on rabi crop 11/7/2022 To 11/7/2022
635 Rabi Mahotsav 11/6/2022 To 11/6/2022
636 Package and practices of coriander and mathi 11/5/2022 To 11/5/2022
637 DAESI Training 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
638 Management of poisoning cases in animals 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
639 Rabi Mahotsav 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
640 Entrepreneurship development 11/3/2022 To 11/3/2022
641 Entrepreneurship development 11/3/2022 To 11/3/2022
642 Mushroom Production 11/3/2022 To 11/8/2022
643 Rabi Mahotsav ( management of diseases in animals) 11/2/2022 To 11/2/2022
644 Use of new tools with new functions and their application 11/2/2022 To 11/2/2022
645 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
646 Farmers visit to KVK 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
647 Scientist visit to farmer field 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
648 Scientist visit to the farmers field 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
649 Consulted with farmers in kvk 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
650 Consulted with farmer in kvk 11/1/2022 To 11/30/2022
651 Rabi season vegetable cultivation 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
652 Azolla feeding for better production in animals & poultry 10/26/2022 To 10/26/2022
653 Awareness programme for costume haring center 10/26/2022 To 10/27/2022
654 Integrated pest and disease management of rabi crops 10/26/2022 To 10/28/2022
655 Seed treatment in cereals and pulses of rabi crop 10/18/2022 To 10/18/2022
656 Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) 10/17/2022 To 10/17/2022
657 Scientific goat farming 10/17/2022 To 10/22/2022
658 Processing & storage of kharif grains 10/15/2022 To 10/15/2022
659 Cultivation of Rabi season vegetable crops 10/14/2022 To 10/14/2022
660 Integrated pest mangement of rabi crop and their importance 10/14/2022 To 10/14/2022
661 MAITRI Training 10/14/2022 To 10/15/2022
662 Commercial fruit production technology 10/13/2022 To 10/15/2022
663 Package and practices of coriander and methi 10/12/2022 To 10/12/2022
664 integrated disease management in kharif crop 10/12/2022 To 10/12/2022
665 Clean & Hygienic milk production 10/12/2022 To 10/12/2022
666 Nutrition garden establishment 10/12/2022 To 10/12/2022
667 INM in contingent crops 10/10/2022 To 10/10/2022
668 Cultivation of tuber crops 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
669 DAESI Classes 10/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
670 Consulted with farmer in kvk.. 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
671 Scientist visit to farmers field.. 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
672 Scientist visit to farmers field 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
673 Farmers visit to KVK 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
674 Scientist visit to famers field. 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
675 Diagnostic field visit 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
676 farmer visit to kvk 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
677 Consulted with farmer in kvk 10/1/2022 To 10/31/2022
678 Weaning food preparation 9/30/2022 To 9/30/2022
679 Processing of palm fruit 9/28/2022 To 9/28/2022
680 OFTs finalization workshop of veterinary, animal and fishery science 9/27/2022 To 9/28/2022
681 method of soil testing 9/21/2022 To 9/21/2022
682 Bihar Poultry and Aqua Expo 2022 9/20/2022 To 9/22/2022
683 Vegetable Seed & Plant sapling distribution for nutrition security 9/17/2022 To 9/17/2022
684 Nutritional and Plantation programme 9/17/2022 To 9/17/2022
685 Cultivation of rabi season vegetable 9/16/2022 To 9/16/2022
686 Integrated disease management in paddy 9/16/2022 To 9/16/2022
687 INM in Rice 9/16/2022 To 9/16/2022
688 Water requirements & importance of mineral mixture & salt 9/16/2022 To 9/16/2022
689 Failure of kharif crop due to in efficient rain water, contingent crops follow 9/8/2022 To 9/8/2022
690 Kisan Gosti on contigent crop 9/8/2022 To 9/8/2022
691 Diagnosis and treatment of important disease of animals 9/8/2022 To 9/9/2022
692 Prevention & control of endoparasitic infections in animals 9/7/2022 To 9/7/2022
693 technique the early vegetable production 9/3/2022 To 9/3/2022
694 Integrated pest on kharif crop 9/2/2022 To 9/2/2022
695 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
696 Farmer gain the proper knowledge of pesticide and fungicide, use in their field 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
697 Diagnostic visit of farmers field in kharif crops 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
698 Consulted with farmer in KVK 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
699 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
700 Visit to the horticulture and vegetable crops 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
701 Consulted with farmers to kvk 9/1/2022 To 9/30/2022
702 Exposure visit cum traveling seminar 8/31/2022 To 8/31/2022
703 OFT finalization workshop 8/31/2022 To 9/4/2022
704 INM 8/30/2022 To 8/30/2022
705 Attend the inaugural classes of DAESI Programme 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
706 Losses from ectoprasites and its control 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
707 Attend workshop of BSDM at BAMETI, Patna 8/24/2022 To 8/24/2022
708 Exposure visit of Progressive women's farmers 8/24/2022 To 8/26/2022
709 Nutrition gardening 8/18/2022 To 8/18/2022
710 Technique of early vegetable production 8/17/2022 To 8/17/2022
711 Bee Keeping 8/17/2022 To 8/24/2022
712 National seminar on Climate resilient Horticulture 8/13/2022 To 8/14/2022
713 Millet processing 8/12/2022 To 8/12/2022
714 Propagation technique of fruit plants 8/6/2022 To 8/6/2022
715 Prevention and control of animals disease occurring during rainy season 8/6/2022 To 8/6/2022
716 Integrated pest management on kharif crop 8/5/2022 To 8/5/2022
717 Visited CRA Villages 8/4/2022 To 8/4/2022
718 Sammekit Krishi Pranali and Natural farming 8/3/2022 To 8/4/2022
719 Diagnostic visit of farmers field 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
720 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
721 Consulted with farmer in KVK 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
722 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
723 Farmers visit to KVK 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
724 Scientist Visit to Farmers Field 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
725 Goatry is profitable enterprises 7/29/2022 To 7/29/2022
726 Nursery management of vegetable crops 7/29/2022 To 7/29/2022
727 Ex-trainee meet 7/28/2022 To 7/28/2022
728 Ex-trainee meet 7/28/2022 To 7/28/2022
729 Integrated pest management of Kharif crop 7/27/2022 To 7/27/2022
730 Field visit and training 7/26/2022 To 7/26/2022
731 concept of soil fertility and method application of biofertlizer in the soil 7/22/2022 To 7/25/2022
732 Role and function of primary, secondary nutrient 7/19/2022 To 7/19/2022
733 Celebration of ICAR foundation day 7/16/2022 To 7/16/2022
734 Entrepreneurship development 7/16/2022 To 7/16/2022
735 Mushroom production 7/13/2022 To 7/13/2022
736 Prevention and control of mouth and foot disease 7/8/2022 To 7/8/2022
737 Nursery raising and management of ornamental plant 7/7/2022 To 7/7/2022
738 Training on agriculture and horticulture crop and their management 7/7/2022 To 7/8/2022
739 Nutri garden and mushroom production 7/7/2022 To 7/8/2022
740 Ex-trainee meet 7/6/2022 To 7/6/2022
741 Integrated pest management on paddy 7/4/2022 To 7/4/2022
742 Advance cultivation of horticulture crop 7/1/2022 To 7/1/2022
743 Proper management of goat and cattle against the disease 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
744 diagnostic visit to farmers field 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
745 Consulted with farmer in kvk 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
746 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
747 Consulted with farmer in kvk 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
748 Diagnostic and field visit of the farmers 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
749 farmers consulted at kvk for control the pest and disease management of concerning crop 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
750 Integrated disease and pest management in horticulture plants 6/30/2022 To 6/30/2022
751 Cultivation of horticultural crops 6/30/2022 To 7/1/2022
752 Balanced feeding of animals 6/27/2022 To 6/27/2022
753 Bee Keeping 6/24/2022 To 6/24/2022
754 Establishment of Nutrition Gardner 6/22/2022 To 6/22/2022
755 Awareness on use balance use of fertilizers 6/21/2022 To 6/21/2022
756 Awareness on balanced use of fertilizer 6/21/2022 To 6/21/2022
757 World yoga day 6/21/2022 To 6/21/2022
758 Training & Exposer visit of RAWE Students 6/20/2022 To 6/20/2022
759 Honey Bee training 6/20/2022 To 6/27/2022
760 Disease free seed production of potato 6/19/2022 To 6/23/2022
761 INM 6/18/2022 To 6/18/2022
762 FPO formation & its function 6/17/2022 To 6/17/2022
763 Formation of FPO 6/17/2022 To 6/17/2022
764 Green Manuring 6/16/2022 To 6/16/2022
765 RAWE Students training 6/16/2022 To 6/18/2022
766 Benefit of micro irrigation in horticulture plants and crops 6/11/2022 To 6/11/2022
767 Management of young plants and orchard 6/9/2022 To 6/9/2022
768 Integrated pest management in kharif crop 6/9/2022 To 6/9/2022
769 Vaccination of animals 6/8/2022 To 6/8/2022
770 Green Gram 6/8/2022 To 6/8/2022
771 Layout and management of orchard 6/7/2022 To 6/7/2022
772 Exposer visit of RAWE Students 6/6/2022 To 6/6/2022
773 Integrated pest management in Kharif Crop 6/1/2022 To 6/1/2022
774 Participation in kharif Mahtsaw 6/1/2022 To 6/1/2022
775 RAWE Students training 6/1/2022 To 6/9/2022
776 Integrated nutrient management in rice 5/31/2022 To 5/31/2022
777 Gareeb Kalyan Sammelan 5/31/2022 To 5/31/2022
778 Cultivation of summer vegetable and orchard management 5/30/2022 To 5/30/2022
779 Commercial Goat farming 5/30/2022 To 6/4/2022
780 Commercial goat farming 5/30/2022 To 6/4/2022
781 Integrated nutrient management in rice 5/29/2022 To 5/29/2022
782 Integrated nutrient management in rice 5/28/2022 To 5/28/2022
783 Integrated disease and pest management in paddy crop 5/28/2022 To 5/31/2022
784 Cultivation of Kharif vegetables and crops 5/27/2022 To 5/27/2022
785 Animal Health Cap cum awareness progarmme 5/27/2022 To 5/27/2022
786 Integrated disease and pest management of Paddy 5/26/2022 To 5/26/2022
787 Diagnostic visit to mango orchard 5/24/2022 To 5/24/2022
788 Green manuring 5/24/2022 To 5/24/2022
789 integrated disease management in green gram and vegetable 5/21/2022 To 5/21/2022
790 Fruit preservation 5/20/2022 To 5/20/2022
791 Scientific process of pickle making 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
792 Nutrient use efficiency 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
793 Prevention and control of infectious diseases of animal 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
794 Integrated nutrient management in rice 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
795 Integrated pest management in green gram 5/17/2022 To 5/17/2022
796 Grading and standardization of onion and other vegetables 5/13/2022 To 5/13/2022
797 Production and use of green manure 5/13/2022 To 5/13/2022
798 Water and feed managements in animals during summer season 5/12/2022 To 5/12/2022
799 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
800 Scientist visit to farmers field 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
801 Diagnostic visit of the field to deduct the pest and disease 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
802 Consulted with famer in KVK 5/1/2022 To 5/31/2022
803 Kisan Gosthi on natural Farming 4/30/2022 To 4/30/2022
804 Importance of vaccination in animals 4/28/2022 To 4/28/2022
805 Integrated disease management in green gram 4/27/2022 To 4/27/2022
806 Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
807 Kisan Mela,- under Kisan Bhagidari prathmikta Hamari Abhiyan 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
808 Bio fortified cereals & vegetables 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
809 Land leveling by lesser leveler 4/25/2022 To 4/25/2022
810 Training on Lesser land leveling 4/25/2022 To 4/25/2022
811 Integrated pest management of grama vegetable and green gram 4/22/2022 To 4/22/2022
812 commercial fruit production 4/21/2022 To 4/21/2022
813 Management of dairy animals in summer season 4/19/2022 To 4/19/2022
814 NADEP Compost 4/13/2022 To 4/13/2022
815 Summer mushroom production 4/13/2022 To 4/13/2022
816 Scientific cultivation of medicinal plants 4/11/2022 To 4/11/2022
817 Nutrition gardening 4/11/2022 To 4/11/2022
818 Production of organic inputs 4/8/2022 To 4/8/2022
819 awareness programme organized by harvest plus 4/4/2022 To 4/4/2022
820 Layout and management of orchard 4/2/2022 To 4/2/2022
821 Field day on gram field 4/2/2022 To 4/2/2022
822 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
823 Visit the filled for diagnosis the disease and pest 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
824 Farmers visit to KVK 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
825 Consulted with farmer in kvk 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
826 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/1/2022 To 4/30/2022
827 Mushroom production 3/30/2022 To 3/30/2022
828 Green manuring 3/29/2022 To 3/29/2022
829 Cultivation of Summer vegetable crops 3/29/2022 To 3/30/2022
830 Kisan Goshthi 3/29/2022 To 3/30/2022
831 Integrated pest management of zaid crop 3/29/2022 To 3/31/2022
832 Grading and standardization of Onion and other vegetables 3/28/2022 To 3/28/2022
833 Farmers visit within state programme 3/28/2022 To 3/28/2022
834 Processing of fruits & vegetable 3/28/2022 To 3/29/2022
835 Poultry farming for livelihood 3/25/2022 To 3/25/2022
836 Exposer visit of farmers at Patna Gandhi Maidan under CRA programme 3/24/2022 To 3/24/2022
837 Establishment of nutrition garden 3/24/2022 To 3/25/2022
838 Management of common disease of cattle 3/14/2022 To 3/16/2022
839 Commercial fruit production 3/14/2022 To 3/17/2022
840 Krishak Vaiganik interaction 3/11/2022 To 3/12/2022
841 Farmers scientist interface 3/11/2022 To 3/12/2022
842 Mushroom production 3/11/2022 To 3/12/2022
843 Management of dairy animals in summer season 3/10/2022 To 3/11/2022
844 Celebration of international women's day 3/8/2022 To 3/8/2022
845 Treatment of animals 3/8/2022 To 3/31/2022
846 Production method of Herbal gulal 3/7/2022 To 3/11/2022
847 Honey bee training 3/7/2022 To 3/14/2022
848 Plantation technique and orchard management 3/5/2022 To 3/5/2022
849 Farmers scientist interface 3/5/2022 To 3/6/2022
850 Soil water testing 3/3/2022 To 3/3/2022
851 Field visit 3/2/2022 To 3/4/2022
852 Field day 3/2/2022 To 3/5/2022
853 Farmers visit to kvk 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
854 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
855 Scientist visit to farmers field 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
856 consulted with farmers in KVK 3/1/2022 To 3/31/2022
857 Disease management of wheat & Onion 2/25/2022 To 2/25/2022
858 Scientific cultivation of summer vegetable crops 2/18/2022 To 2/19/2022
859 method of soil sampling 2/14/2022 To 2/14/2022
860 production of oyster mushroom 2/11/2022 To 2/11/2022
861 Pest management of onion crops 2/11/2022 To 2/11/2022
862 Production of oyster mushroom 2/10/2022 To 2/10/2022
863 Scientific cultivation of bulb crops 2/10/2022 To 2/11/2022
864 Production of oyster mushroom 2/9/2022 To 2/9/2022
865 Green fodder production round the year 2/9/2022 To 2/11/2022
866 Production of organic inputs 2/3/2022 To 2/3/2022
867 Prevention & control of FMD in animals 2/3/2022 To 2/3/2022
868 Integrated pest management of pulses crop 2/1/2022 To 2/1/2022
869 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
870 Scientist visit to farmers filed 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
871 Scientist visit to farmers field 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
872 Scientist visit to farmers filed 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
873 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
874 Consulted with farmer in KVK 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
875 Consulted with farmers in KVK 2/1/2022 To 2/28/2022
876 Integrated pest management or rabi pulses 1/31/2022 To 1/31/2022
877 Integrated pest management of Rabi crop 1/31/2022 To 1/31/2022
878 Integrated pest management 1/31/2022 To 1/31/2022
879 Scientific cultivation of bulb crop 1/28/2022 To 1/28/2022
880 Adolescent nutrition 1/21/2022 To 1/21/2022
881 Integrated pest management of oil seed and rabi pulses 1/19/2022 To 1/19/2022
882 Scientific poultry farming 1/18/2022 To 1/21/2022
883 Off season vegetable cultivation 1/6/2022 To 1/6/2022
884 Integrated nutrient management in rabi crops 1/6/2022 To 1/6/2022
885 Prevention & control of common diseases in animals 1/4/2022 To 1/4/2022
886 Integrated crop management 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
887 Consulted with farmer in kvk 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
888 To gain the knowledge of control of disease and pest of rabi crop 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
889 Consulted with farmers in kvk 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
890 Scientist visit to farmers filed to sort out the problem related to animal husbandry 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
891 Integrated crop management 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
892 Diagnostic field visit of rabi crop 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
893 Feeding management in Livestock 12/28/2021 To 12/30/2021
894 Micro nutrient deficiency in rabi crops 12/22/2021 To 12/23/2021
895 Scientific dairy management 12/22/2021 To 12/24/2021
896 Integrated diseases management on Rabi crop 12/21/2021 To 12/21/2021
897 INM 12/21/2021 To 12/22/2021
898 Mushroom production and processing 12/21/2021 To 12/22/2021
899 Integrated pest management on rabi pulses 12/20/2021 To 12/20/2021
900 IPM on pulse crops 12/20/2021 To 12/21/2021
901 Natural farming Pre Vibrant Gujrat summit. 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
902 Cultivation of Off Season vegetable crops 12/16/2021 To 12/17/2021
903 Beekeeping of unemployed schedule cast youth 12/16/2021 To 12/18/2021
904 Nutrition gardening 12/14/2021 To 12/14/2021
905 Survey of farmers field for making the D.F.I. 12/14/2021 To 12/14/2021
906 Off Campus Training.. 12/14/2021 To 12/14/2021
907 Organic farming 12/14/2021 To 12/15/2021
908 Nutrition gardening 12/10/2021 To 12/10/2021
909 Off Campus Training 12/9/2021 To 12/9/2021
910 Exposure Visit Of RAWE Students.. 12/8/2021 To 12/8/2021
911 Field visit to Kashibigha with RAWE Students 12/8/2021 To 12/8/2021
912 INM in Rabi Crops 12/6/2021 To 12/6/2021
913 World Soil day 12/5/2021 To 12/5/2021
914 Exposure visit of RAWE Students 12/4/2021 To 12/4/2021
915 Master trainer training Sponsored by ITC 12/3/2021 To 12/3/2021
916 Integrated pest management on Rabi crop 12/3/2021 To 12/3/2021
917 Integrated pest management on Rabi Crop 12/2/2021 To 12/2/2021
918 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2021 To 12/1/2021
919 Scientific cultivation of bulb crops 12/1/2021 To 12/2/2021
920 Scientist Visit to Farmers field 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
921 Farmers visit to KVK, 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
922 Consulted with farmers in kvk 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
923 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
924 Scientist visit to farmers field 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
925 Consulted with farmer in KVK 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
926 Diagnose the field 12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021
927 Integrated nutrient management in rabi crops 11/30/2021 To 11/30/2021
928 National Milk day celebration 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
929 Election duty as a counting micro observer 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
930 National webinar on Sustainable development in dairy sector- clean milk production, organized by NDRI, Karnal 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
931 Bee keeping 11/26/2021 To 11/30/2021
932 Establishment of nutrition garden 11/25/2021 To 11/25/2021
933 Production and development of rabi spices 11/24/2021 To 11/24/2021
934 Commercials goat farming 11/24/2021 To 11/26/2021
935 Method of soil sampling and soil testing 11/22/2021 To 11/22/2021
936 Establishment of nutrition garden 11/22/2021 To 11/22/2021
937 Integrated crop management of bulb crops 11/17/2021 To 11/17/2021
938 Integrated pest management of wheat & mustard 11/16/2021 To 11/16/2021
939 Establishment of nutrition garden in Angarwadis of sheikhpura district 11/16/2021 To 11/22/2021
940 Hay and silage making 11/15/2021 To 11/15/2021
941 Integrated pest management of rabi crops and pulses 11/15/2021 To 11/15/2021
942 Management of poisoning cases in animals 11/12/2021 To 11/12/2021
943 Farmers visit to kvk 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
944 Farmers consulting to developed the new cropping pattern to increase their income 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
945 Treatment of animals 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
946 Consultancy through mobile 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
947 Motivate the farmers for intensive cropping in the field, to enhance the income of the farmers 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
948 Consult the farmers at KVK 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
949 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
950 Diagnostic visit of the farmers field 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
951 Bio fortified food 10/30/2021 To 10/30/2021
952 Cultivation of pulses 10/30/2021 To 10/30/2021
953 NARI Training programme 10/29/2021 To 10/29/2021
954 Soil testing and integrated nutrient management in rabi crops 10/29/2021 To 10/29/2021
955 Training cum work shop 10/29/2021 To 10/29/2021
956 Financial literacy awareness program 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
957 Kitchen gardening 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
958 Integrated nutrient management 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
959 Cultivation of Onion 10/27/2021 To 10/27/2021
960 Azolla feeding for better production in animals & poultry 10/26/2021 To 10/26/2021
961 Election duty as a micro Observer 10/26/2021 To 10/26/2021
962 Soil testing and fertilizer uses 10/25/2021 To 10/25/2021
963 Scientific cultivation of tuber crops 10/25/2021 To 10/25/2021
964 GKMS Awareness program for animal health 10/22/2021 To 10/22/2021
965 Integrated nutrient management 10/21/2021 To 10/21/2021
966 integrated nutrient management 10/21/2021 To 10/21/2021
967 Clean and Hygienic Milk production 10/18/2021 To 10/18/2021
968 Package and practices of coriander and spices 10/16/2021 To 10/16/2021
969 Integrated disease management of paddy and vegetable 10/8/2021 To 10/8/2021
970 Integrated nutrient management in rabi crops 10/7/2021 To 10/7/2021
971 Swachhta Abhiyan 10/6/2021 To 10/6/2021
972 Integrated pest management of paddy crop 10/6/2021 To 10/6/2021
973 Virus free seed production of potato 10/6/2021 To 10/7/2021
974 Diagnostic field visit of paddy crop 10/6/2021 To 10/8/2021
975 Scientific cultivation of tuber crops 10/5/2021 To 10/5/2021
976 Scientific goat farming 10/4/2021 To 10/8/2021
977 Cultivation rabi season vegetable crop 10/2/2021 To 10/2/2021
978 Soil testing and fertilizer management in Rabi crops 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
979 Farmers identify the disease and pest of paddy crop and proper use of pesticide 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
980 Plant advisory services 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
981 Consulted with famers in KVK 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
982 Consulted with farmer in KVK 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
983 Animal advisory Services 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
984 Scientist visit to farmers filed 10/1/2021 To 10/31/2021
985 Scientist- farmers interface at kvk 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
986 Scientist farmers interaction 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
987 Scientist farmers interface 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
988 Scientific cultivation of tuber crops 9/23/2021 To 9/24/2021
989 Scientist farmers interface of KVK 9/21/2021 To 9/21/2021
990 Mushroom production and processing 9/20/2021 To 9/20/2021
991 Scientific dairy farming 9/20/2021 To 9/24/2021
992 Exposer visit of ATMA farmers 9/18/2021 To 9/18/2021
993 Exposer visit of ATMA farmers under CRA Programe at kvk 9/18/2021 To 9/18/2021
994 Interaction of farmers during exposure visit through ATMA 9/18/2021 To 9/18/2021
995 Nutrition and plantation programme w.r.t. world millet day 2023 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
996 Nutrition and plantation programme w.r.t. world millet day 2023 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
997 Nutrition and plantation programe world nutrition day 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
998 Poshan vatika establishment 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
999 Impotence of vaccination in dairy animals and vaccination schedule 9/16/2021 To 9/16/2021
1000 Integrated pest management of kharif crop 9/14/2021 To 9/17/2021
1001 Techniques of early vegetable production 9/9/2021 To 9/9/2021
1002 Training programme on feed managements of animals at CRA Village 9/8/2021 To 9/8/2021
1003 Use of bio fertilizers in rice 9/8/2021 To 9/8/2021
1004 Scientific cultivation of Aromatic and medicinal plants 9/8/2021 To 9/9/2021
1005 Integrated pest and disease management 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
1006 Identification Micro nutrient efficiency in rice crop and its remedy 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
1007 Integrated pest management of paddy 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
1008 Training programme on feed managements of animals at CRA Village 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
1009 Scientific cultivation of spices 9/6/2021 To 9/7/2021
1010 Diagnostic visit to the farmers filed of paddy 9/6/2021 To 9/23/2021
1011 Food & Nutrition for farmers 9/4/2021 To 9/4/2021
1012 Scientist Farmers interaction 9/3/2021 To 9/3/2021
1013 Exposer visit of DAESI Farmers 9/3/2021 To 9/3/2021
1014 Scientist and farmers interaction 9/3/2021 To 9/4/2021
1015 Bee keeping 9/3/2021 To 9/7/2021
1016 Integrated nutrient management in rice crop 9/2/2021 To 9/2/2021
1017 Prevention and control of endo and ectoparasitic infection in animal 9/2/2021 To 9/2/2021
1018 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1019 Consulted with farmer in kvk 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1020 Consulted with farmers in KVK 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1021 Scientist visit to farmers field , 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1022 Consulted with farmers at farmers field regarding animals 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1023 Consulted with farmers in KVK 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1024 Scientist visit to farmers field 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1025 Animal treated at KVK 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1026 farmers consult for diagnostic field and crops 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1027 Consulted with farmers in KVK 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1028 Enhance the knowledge about the insecticide, insecticide Act, Seed Act, Fertilizer Act. 8/27/2021 To 8/27/2021
1029 Food and Nutrition for Farmer 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
1030 Food and Nutrition 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
1031 Review meeting of CRA programme through webinor 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
1032 Formation of Bio pesticide and their uses 8/24/2021 To 8/25/2021
1033 Mushroom production and processing 8/21/2021 To 8/21/2021
1034 Establishment of Nutrition garden 8/20/2021 To 8/20/2021
1035 Integrated disease management on paddy 8/17/2021 To 8/17/2021
1036 Cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants 8/14/2021 To 8/14/2021
1037 Protected cultivation of flowers in polyhouse, commercial cultivation of flowers 8/14/2021 To 8/14/2021
1038 Scientific cultivation of fruit and vegetable crop. 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1039 propagation technique of fruit plant 8/7/2021 To 8/7/2021
1040 Proper dose of fertilizer and weedicide 8/7/2021 To 8/7/2021
1041 Identification and management of micro nutrient deficiency in rice crop 8/7/2021 To 8/7/2021
1042 Nursery management in vegetable crop 8/6/2021 To 8/6/2021
1043 Proper dose of fertilizer and weedicide 8/6/2021 To 8/6/2021
1044 Integrated nutrient management in rice crop 8/6/2021 To 8/6/2021
1045 Integrated pest management on paddy 8/4/2021 To 8/4/2021
1046 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/2/2021 To 8/31/2021
1047 Doubling farmer income 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
1048 Consulted with farmer in kvk 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
1049 Diagnostic visit of farmers field 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
1050 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
1051 To advise farmers for INM and soil testing 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
1052 Enhance the knowledge about pest and diseases of different crops 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
1053 Nutrition garden 7/29/2021 To 7/29/2021
1054 Nutrition garden 7/29/2021 To 7/31/2021
1055 Making and maintenance of nutrition garden 7/26/2021 To 7/30/2021
1056 Development of nutrition garden at Anganwadi 7/22/2021 To 7/22/2021
1057 Celebrate 93rd foundation day of ICAR 7/16/2021 To 7/16/2021
1058 Nursery management of vegetable crops 7/15/2021 To 7/19/2021
1059 Bio-pesticide name, use, economics and benefits of farmers 7/15/2021 To 7/19/2021
1060 Crop residue management 7/14/2021 To 7/14/2021
1061 Nursery management of vegetable crops 7/9/2021 To 7/9/2021
1062 Integrated pest management of paddy 7/8/2021 To 7/8/2021
1063 Integrated pest management of Kharif vegetable 7/5/2021 To 7/5/2021
1064 Soil test best use of fertilizer 7/3/2021 To 7/3/2021
1065 Direct seeding method in paddy 7/3/2021 To 7/3/2021
1066 Scientific cultivation of Brinjal and Tomato. 7/3/2021 To 7/3/2021
1067 Observe the vegetable and horticulture crops for better production 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
1068 Enhance the better result of horticulture crop 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
1069 To advice farmers for soil testing, soil test based use of fertilizer and integrated nutrient management 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
1070 Crop residue management in CRA Programme 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
1071 Aware the farms women to get better nutrition 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
1072 Diagnostic visit of farmers field 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
1073 Integrated pest and decease management in crops , vegetable and pulses 7/1/2021 To 7/31/2021
1074 Establishment of new orchards 6/29/2021 To 6/29/2021
1075 Aware the farmers to utilized the water technical manner, Increase the use of efficiency of water 6/28/2021 To 6/28/2021
1076 High Nutrient Efficiency food preparation 6/25/2021 To 6/25/2021
1077 Management of young plant and orchard 6/22/2021 To 6/22/2021
1078 Integrated pest management in paddy crop 6/22/2021 To 6/22/2021
1079 Production and use of green manuare CRA programme 6/21/2021 To 6/21/2021
1080 Campaign on balance use of fertilizers 6/18/2021 To 6/18/2021
1081 Green Manuaring 6/18/2021 To 6/18/2021
1082 Field day organized on moong crop 6/18/2021 To 6/18/2021
1083 Field day organized on moong crop 6/18/2021 To 6/18/2021
1084 Integrated nutrient management 6/17/2021 To 6/25/2021
1085 Nutrition gardening 6/10/2021 To 6/10/2021
1086 Scientific establishment of orchard 6/10/2021 To 6/30/2021
1087 Soil test based use of fertilizer 6/9/2021 To 6/9/2021
1088 Integrated pest management in paddy 6/9/2021 To 6/9/2021
1089 collection of soil sample 6/4/2021 To 6/22/2021
1090 To advice farmers for soil sample and testing 6/4/2021 To 6/28/2021
1091 Pest and disease management in different crops 6/4/2021 To 6/30/2021
1092 Intigrated pest managment on moong crop 6/3/2021 To 6/3/2021
1093 Observe the nutritional value of vegetable and fruits 6/3/2021 To 6/22/2021
1094 Scientific establishment of orchard 6/3/2021 To 6/30/2021
1095 Crop suffer from pest and diseases 6/3/2021 To 6/30/2021
1096 Concern to value addition of the vegetable and fruits 6/2/2021 To 6/21/2021
1097 Integrated pest management on Summer and kharif vegetable 5/28/2021 To 5/28/2021
1098 E-Udhyan Choupal 5/28/2021 To 5/28/2021
1099 use of bio fertilizer in vegetable crops. 5/25/2021 To 5/25/2021
1100 Diet during covid and post covid period 5/25/2021 To 5/25/2021
1101 Empowering youth in agri premiership 5/21/2021 To 5/21/2021
1102 Role of honey bee in agriculture production 5/20/2021 To 5/20/2021
1103 Method of soil sampling 5/8/2021 To 5/8/2021
1104 Plantation technique and orchard management 5/3/2021 To 5/3/2021
1105 Method of soil health card reading 4/16/2021 To 4/16/2021
1106 Diagnostic visit 4/15/2021 To 4/15/2021
1107 Production and use of organic input 4/13/2021 To 4/13/2021
1108 Grading and Slandering of onion other vegetable 4/12/2021 To 4/12/2021
1109 IPM on kharif vegetable 4/12/2021 To 4/12/2021
1110 Nutrition Security through Kitchen gardening 4/7/2021 To 4/7/2021
1111 Micro nutrient deficiency crop 4/7/2021 To 4/7/2021
1112 Hariyali Diwas 4/6/2021 To 4/6/2021
1113 Plantation technique and orchard management 4/6/2021 To 4/6/2021
1114 Integrated pest management of moong pulse 4/5/2021 To 4/5/2021
1115 Field visit 4/5/2021 To 4/5/2021
1116 Field visit 4/1/2021 To 4/1/2021
1117 Field visit 4/1/2021 To 4/1/2021
1118 For Soil testing 4/1/2021 To 4/30/2021
1119 For Trainings and seed distribution 4/1/2021 To 4/30/2021
1120 Visit to CRAP villages to know about nutrient deficiency crop 4/1/2021 To 4/30/2021
1121 Kisan Mela and horticulture show 3/25/2021 To 3/25/2021
1122 Field day under the CRAP Programme 3/24/2021 To 3/24/2021
1123 SC.SP Programme 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
1124 World water day celebrate 2021 3/22/2021 To 3/22/2021
1125 Kisan Mela and Agril Exhibition 3/19/2021 To 3/20/2021
1126 Review meeting By ATARI, Patna in Virtual Mode 3/18/2021 To 3/18/2021
1127 Field on Lathyrus ( Khesari) 3/17/2021 To 3/17/2021
1128 Training on high value with low volume cultivation of Onion crop. 3/9/2021 To 3/9/2021
1129 Seminar on women leadership in agriculture, entrepreneurship, Equity and Empowerment 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
1130 International Women's Day 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
1131 E-Choupal 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
1132 Field day on Arhar (Pigeon Pee ) 3/6/2021 To 3/6/2021
1133 ZREAC Meeting 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
1134 Capacity building of extension functionaries 3/3/2021 To 3/4/2021
1135 Field day at Ukasi Village under CRA Programme 3/2/2021 To 3/2/2021
1136 training of rural youth on apiculture (Beekeeping ) 2/26/2021 To 3/3/2021
1137 Empowerment of youth through modern agricultural technology 2/20/2021 To 2/22/2021
1138 Empowerment of youth through modern agricultural technology.. 2/20/2021 To 2/22/2021
1139 Empowerment of youth through modern agricultural technology. 2/20/2021 To 2/22/2021
1140 Cultivation of Wheat through Zero Tillage 2/18/2021 To 2/18/2021
1141 Integrated pest management 2/17/2021 To 2/17/2021
1142 Production of newly variety of Lentil 2/13/2021 To 2/13/2021
1143 Scientific production of gram 2/12/2021 To 2/12/2021
1144 Mushroom cultivation. 2/12/2021 To 2/12/2021
1145 Mushroom Production 2/12/2021 To 2/13/2021
1146 Identification and management of micro nutrient deficiency in crops 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
1147 Integrated pest management 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
1148 Value addition of Tomato 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
1149 National Horticulture faire at IIHR 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
1150 Prospect of fruit and vegetable cultivation in Bihar 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
1151 Cultivation of summer vegetable crops 2/9/2021 To 2/10/2021
1152 Scientific method of wheat and lentil storage 2/8/2021 To 2/8/2021
1153 Off Season vegetable cultivation 2/6/2021 To 2/6/2021
1154 Training on plant protection for DESI candidate 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
1155 Integrated disease management 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
1156 Training on fertilizer technology and weed management in crops 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
1157 On Farm Trials 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
1158 Scientific production of Onion 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
1159 Integrated nutrient management in rabi crops 2/3/2021 To 2/3/2021
1160 Making film with the help BAU, Sabour, Bhagalpur under CRA village Ukasi & Siyani 2/3/2021 To 2/3/2021
1161 Integrated pest management in Onion 2/2/2021 To 5/5/2021
1162 Bee Keeping 2/1/2021 To 2/6/2021
1163 Nutrient deficiency in rabi crops 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
1164 Home Science 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
1165 Horticulture 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
1166 Consulted with farmers in kvk 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
1167 Scientist farmers interaction 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
1168 Field visit 2/1/2021 To 2/28/2021
1169 Off campus training.. 1/14/2021 To 1/14/2021
1170 International Unity Day 2020 10/31/2020 To 10/31/2020
1171 Mahila Kisan Diwas 2020 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
1172 Poshan Abhiyan & Krishak Goshthi 2020 9/17/2020 To 9/17/2020
1173 Kisan Choupal 2/29/2020 To 2/29/2020
1174 Kisan Choupal 2/15/2020 To 2/15/2020
1175 Kisan Choupal 2/1/2020 To 2/1/2020
1176 Kisan Choupal 1/25/2020 To 1/25/2020
1177 Kisan Choupal 1/18/2020 To 1/18/2020
1178 Kisan Choupal 1/4/2020 To 1/4/2020
1179 Kisan Choupal 12/21/2019 To 12/21/2019
1180 Kisan Choupal 12/14/2019 To 12/14/2019
1181 Kisan Choupal 12/7/2019 To 12/7/2019
1182 Kisan Choupal 11/16/2019 To 11/16/2019
1183 Kisan choupal 10/26/2019 To 10/26/2019
1184 SAC Meeting 2019 10/23/2019 To 10/23/2019
1185 Kisan choupal 10/19/2019 To 10/19/2019
1186 Mahila Kisan Diwas 10/15/2019 To 10/15/2019
1187 Kisan choupal 10/12/2019 To 10/12/2019
1188 Kisan choupal 9/28/2019 To 9/28/2019
1189 Kisan choupal 9/21/2019 To 9/21/2019
1190 Plantation Progarmme-2019 9/17/2019 To 9/17/2019
1191 Kisan choupal 9/14/2019 To 9/14/2019
1192 Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme 9/11/2019 To 9/11/2019
1193 National Animal Disease Control Programme 9/11/2019 To 9/11/2019
1194 Kisan choupal 9/7/2019 To 9/7/2019
1195 Kisan choupal 8/31/2019 To 8/31/2019
1196 Kisan choupal 8/24/2019 To 8/24/2019
1197 Kisan choupal 8/17/2019 To 8/17/2019
1198 Kisan choupal 8/10/2019 To 8/10/2019
1199 Kisan choupal 8/3/2019 To 8/3/2019
1200 Kisan choupal 7/27/2019 To 7/27/2019
1201 Kisan choupal 7/20/2019 To 7/20/2019
1202 Kisan choupal 7/13/2019 To 7/13/2019
1203 Kisan choupal 7/6/2019 To 7/6/2019
1204 Kisan choupal 6/29/2019 To 6/29/2019
1205 Kisan Choupal 6/22/2019 To 6/22/2019
1206 Kisan Choupal 6/15/2019 To 6/15/2019
1207 Kisan Choupal 6/8/2019 To 6/8/2019
1208 World Environment Day 2019 6/5/2019 To 6/5/2019
1209 Kisan Choupal 6/1/2019 To 6/1/2019
1210 Rabi Kisan Sammelan 2019 3/1/2019 To 3/1/2019
1211 Kisan Awareness Programme (GKMS) 3/1/2019 To 3/1/2019
1212 PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 2/24/2019 To 2/24/2019
1213 Asci Training organic grower 2/11/2019 To 3/13/2019
1214 Bee Keeping Training 2/4/2019 To 2/11/2019
1215 Training & Visit 1/29/2019 To 1/29/2019
1216 Commercial Cultivation of Fruits 1/29/2019 To 2/2/2019
1217 Front Line Demonstration 1/24/2019 To 1/24/2019
1218 Front Line Demonstration 1/23/2019 To 1/23/2019
1219 Insect Pest Management 1/21/2019 To 1/25/2019
1220 Kisan Choupal 1/19/2019 To 1/19/2019
1221 Skill Development Training Programme 1/16/2019 To 1/16/2019
1222 Certificate distribute 1/12/2019 To 1/12/2019
1223 Kisan Choupal 1/12/2019 To 1/12/2019
1224 Krishi Yantrikaran Mela 1/11/2019 To 1/12/2019
1225 Processing & Value Addition of Onion 1/8/2019 To 1/12/2019
1226 Dr. Ravindra kumar sohane, Director Extension Education , BAU Sabour visited field at KVK, Sheikhpura on 07.01.2019 1/7/2019 To 1/7/2019
1227 Kisan Choupal 1/5/2019 To 1/5/2019
1228 Debates,discussions,awareness programmes,poster competitions etc 12/23/2018 To 12/23/2018
1229 FLD on Kitchen Gardening 12/20/2018 To 12/20/2018
1230 Perform Swachhata related Nukkad Nataks/street plays,folk song and dance performances 12/16/2018 To 12/16/2018
1231 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Amari 12/8/2018 To 12/8/2018
1232 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Baruni 12/8/2018 To 12/8/2018
1233 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Afardih 12/7/2018 To 12/7/2018
1234 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Efani 12/7/2018 To 12/7/2018
1235 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Diha 12/5/2018 To 12/5/2018
1236 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Gohda 12/4/2018 To 12/4/2018
1237 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Lohan 12/4/2018 To 12/4/2018
1238 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Brindaban 11/29/2018 To 11/29/2018
1239 Training on scientific cultivation of Mustard 11/29/2018 To 11/29/2018
1240 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Mankaul 11/28/2018 To 11/28/2018
1241 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Deopuri 11/28/2018 To 11/28/2018
1242 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Karki 11/27/2018 To 11/27/2018
1243 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Mahuli 11/27/2018 To 11/27/2018
1244 Krishi kalyan abhiyan -II Itahra 11/26/2018 To 11/26/2018
1245 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Ikraen 11/26/2018 To 11/26/2018
1246 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Efani 11/24/2018 To 11/24/2018
1247 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Kamalpur 11/24/2018 To 11/24/2018
1248 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Baruna 11/23/2018 To 11/23/2018
1249 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Baruni 11/23/2018 To 11/23/2018
1250 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Gohda 11/17/2018 To 11/17/2018
1251 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Lohan 11/17/2018 To 11/17/2018
1252 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Badshahpur 11/16/2018 To 11/16/2018
1253 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Ukhdi 11/16/2018 To 11/16/2018
1254 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Nimi 11/15/2018 To 11/15/2018
1255 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Amari 11/15/2018 To 11/15/2018
1256 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Nirpur 11/10/2018 To 11/10/2018
1257 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Puraina 11/10/2018 To 11/10/2018
1258 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Belchhi 11/8/2018 To 11/8/2018
1259 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Brindaban 11/6/2018 To 11/6/2018
1260 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Deole 11/6/2018 To 11/6/2018
1261 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Mankaul 11/5/2018 To 11/5/2018
1262 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Deopuri 11/5/2018 To 11/5/2018
1263 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Karki 11/3/2018 To 11/3/2018
1264 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Mahuli 11/3/2018 To 11/3/2018
1265 Krishi kalyan abhiyan -II Itahra 11/2/2018 To 11/2/2018
1266 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Ikraen 11/2/2018 To 11/2/2018
1267 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Kamalpur 11/1/2018 To 11/1/2018
1268 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Baruni 10/31/2018 To 10/31/2018
1269 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Baruna 10/31/2018 To 10/31/2018
1270 Rabi Abhiyan at Chewara Block 10/29/2018 To 10/29/2018
1271 Kisan Kalyan Abhiyan-II Basant 10/29/2018 To 10/29/2018
1272 Rabi Abhiyan at Ghatkushumbha Block 10/28/2018 To 10/28/2018
1273 Rabi Abhiyan at Barbigha Block 10/27/2018 To 10/27/2018
1274 Rabi Abhiyan at Sheikhopur Sarai Block 10/26/2018 To 10/26/2018
1275 Rabi Abhiyan at Ariari block 10/25/2018 To 10/25/2018
1276 Rabi Abhiyan at Sheikhpura Block 10/24/2018 To 10/24/2018
1277 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Babanbigha 10/23/2018 To 10/23/2018
1278 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Babhan Bigha 10/23/2018 To 10/23/2018
1279 Mahila Kisan Diwas 10/15/2018 To 10/15/2018
1280 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Diha 10/15/2018 To 10/15/2018
1281 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan II Baruna 10/11/2018 To 10/11/2018
1282 Krishi kalyan abhiyan -II Baruna 10/11/2018 To 10/11/2018
1283 Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan -II 10/10/2018 To 10/10/2018
1284 Video Conference, Micronutrients deficiency in rabi crops and its remedy 10/8/2018 To 10/8/2018
1285 Farmers and Farm Women Training 10/5/2018 To 10/5/2018
1286 Orientation Programme 10/2/2018 To 10/2/2018
1287 Organize cleaning of streets,drains and back alleys through awareness drives 10/1/2018 To 10/1/2018
1288 SAC Meeting 9/28/2018 To 9/28/2018
1289 Organize cleaning of streets,drains and back alleys through awareness drives 9/27/2018 To 9/27/2018
1290 Kisan gyan rath for Ranka 9/25/2018 To 9/25/2018
1291 Kisan gyan rath for Sirari 9/24/2018 To 9/24/2018
1292 Kisan gyan rath for Pachna 9/24/2018 To 9/24/2018
1293 Kisan Gyan Rath for Mirzapur village 9/22/2018 To 9/22/2018
1294 Kisan gyan rath for kusumbha 9/20/2018 To 9/20/2018
1295 Visit of Kisan Gyan Rath 9/20/2018 To 9/20/2018
1296 Kisan Gyan Rath for Karki 9/19/2018 To 9/19/2018
1297 Visit of Kisan Gyan Rath 9/19/2018 To 9/19/2018
1298 Visit of Kisan Gyan Rath 9/18/2018 To 9/18/2018
1299 Visit of Kisan Gyan Rath 9/18/2018 To 9/18/2018
1300 Visit of Kisan Gyan Rath 9/14/2018 To 9/14/2018
1301 visit of kisan Gyan Rath 9/14/2018 To 9/14/2018
1302 kisan gyan rath visit 9/14/2018 To 9/14/2018
1303 Visit of Kisan Gyan Rath 9/13/2018 To 9/13/2018
1304 visit of kisan gyan rath 9/13/2018 To 9/13/2018
1305 Visit of kisan Gyan Rath 9/13/2018 To 9/13/2018
1306 Interaction of Hon'ble PM 7/12/2018 To 7/12/2018
1307 On Campus Training 7/10/2018 To 7/10/2018
1308 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/7/2018 To 7/7/2018
1309 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/7/2018 To 7/7/2018
1310 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/7/2018 To 7/7/2018
1311 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/6/2018 To 7/6/2018
1312 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/6/2018 To 7/6/2018
1313 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/6/2018 To 7/6/2018
1314 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/5/2018 To 7/5/2018
1315 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/5/2018 To 7/5/2018
1316 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/5/2018 To 7/5/2018
1317 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/5/2018 To 7/5/2018
1318 Distribution of Mini-Kit 7/5/2018 To 7/5/2018
1319 Training cum Awareness Program 6/30/2018 To 6/30/2018
1320 Training cum Awareness Program 6/27/2018 To 6/27/2018
1321 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/26/2018 To 6/26/2018
1322 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/26/2018 To 6/26/2018
1323 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/25/2018 To 6/25/2018
1324 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/25/2018 To 6/25/2018
1325 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/25/2018 To 6/25/2018
1326 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/25/2018 To 6/25/2018
1327 Distribution of Mini-KIt 6/25/2018 To 6/25/2018
1328 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1329 A Training cum awareness programme. 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1330 Distribution of Mini-Kits 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1331 Distribution of Mini Kit 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1332 Distribution of Mini-Kits 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1333 Distribution of Mini-kits. 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1334 A training cum awareness programme. 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1335 A training cum awareness programme. 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1336 Distribution of Mini-Kits 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1337 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
1338 A training cum awareness programme 6/22/2018 To 6/22/2018
1339 Distribution of Mini-Kits 6/22/2018 To 6/22/2018
1340 Distribution of Mini-Kits 6/22/2018 To 6/22/2018
1341 A training cum awareness programme. 6/22/2018 To 6/22/2018
1342 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/22/2018 To 6/22/2018
1343 Distribution of Mini-Kits 6/22/2018 To 6/22/2018
1344 A training cum awareness programme 6/21/2018 To 6/21/2018
1345 A training cum awareness programme 6/21/2018 To 6/21/2018
1346 Yoga Day 6/21/2018 To 6/21/2018
1347 Distribution of mini-kit 6/21/2018 To 6/21/2018
1348 Distribution of mini-kit 6/21/2018 To 6/21/2018
1349 Distribution of mini-kit 6/21/2018 To 6/21/2018
1350 A training cum awareness programme 6/21/2018 To 6/21/2018
1351 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/20/2018 To 6/20/2018
1352 Interaction of Hon’ble Prime Minister with farmers 6/20/2018 To 6/20/2018
1353 Distribution of Mini-kit 6/20/2018 To 6/20/2018
1354 Distribution of MIni-Kit. 6/19/2018 To 6/19/2018
1355 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/19/2018 To 6/19/2018
1356 Distibution of mini-kit 6/19/2018 To 6/19/2018
1357 A traning cum awarness programme. 6/18/2018 To 6/18/2018
1358 A traning cum awarness programme 6/15/2018 To 6/15/2018
1359 Distribution of Mini-Kit 6/14/2018 To 6/14/2018
1360 Distribution of mini kit 6/14/2018 To 6/14/2018
1361 Distribution of mini kit 6/13/2018 To 6/13/2018
1362 Distribution of Mini kit 6/13/2018 To 6/13/2018
1363 A traning cum awarness programme 6/12/2018 To 6/12/2018
1364 A traning cum awarness programme 6/11/2018 To 6/11/2018
1365 A Traning cum Awarness Programme 6/9/2018 To 6/9/2018
1366 Kishan Choupal 6/9/2018 To 6/9/2018
1367 Kishan Choupal 6/8/2018 To 6/8/2018
1368 Kisan Gosthi 6/8/2018 To 6/8/2018
1369 A Traning cum awarness programme 6/8/2018 To 6/8/2018
1370 Kishan Choupal 6/7/2018 To 6/7/2018
1371 A training cum awareness programme. 6/7/2018 To 6/7/2018
1372 A traning cum awareness programme 6/7/2018 To 6/7/2018
1373 A traning cum awareness programme 6/6/2018 To 6/6/2018
1374 Traning cum awareness programme 6/5/2018 To 6/5/2018
1375 Field Day under CFLD programme 6/5/2018 To 6/5/2018
1376 Off campus Traning 6/4/2018 To 6/4/2018
1377 A traning cum awareness programme 6/4/2018 To 6/4/2018
1378 Review Meeting 6/2/2018 To 6/2/2018
1379 A training cum awareness programme. 6/1/2018 To 6/1/2018
1380 Organised Kisan Kalyan Karmshala dated on 02 May of kvk, Sheikhpura 5/2/2018 To 5/2/2018
1381 Video Conference, IPM In MOong 4/9/2018 To 4/9/2018
1382 Kisan Choupal 4/7/2018 To 4/7/2018
1383 Integrated Fish Managemnt 4/2/2018 To 4/2/2018
1384 Video Conference, Storage technique for rabi crops 3/26/2018 To 3/26/2018
1385 Trainning of Scientific cultivation of Moong 3/26/2018 To 3/26/2018
1386 Field Visit of Barshim 3/20/2018 To 3/20/2018
1387 Field Visit of Gram 3/20/2018 To 3/20/2018
1388 Video conference, IPM in Moong 3/19/2018 To 3/19/2018
1389 Field Visit of Mustard 3/19/2018 To 3/19/2018
1390 News paper clip of Hindustan regarding Live telecast of PM Speech on 17.3.2018 3/17/2018 To 3/17/2018
1391 Live Webcast of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Address 3/17/2018 To 3/17/2018
1392 Infertility management in animals 3/15/2018 To 3/16/2018
1393 Training cum Awareness programme on PPV & FRA, 2001 organized 3/14/2018 To 3/14/2018
1394 Video conference, Integrated diseae and pest management in summer vegetable 3/12/2018 To 3/12/2018
1395 Field Visit of Arhar crop at Samasbujurg Village , sheikhpura on 10/03/18 by Scientists 3/10/2018 To 3/10/2018
1396 Kisan Choupal 3/10/2018 To 3/10/2018
1397 Field Day 3/8/2018 To 3/8/2018
1398 KVK Visit Of Barbigha's Farmers 3/7/2018 To 3/7/2018
1399 Video conference, Scientific Cultivation of moong and till 3/5/2018 To 3/5/2018
1400 Video conference, Scientific Cultivation of Onion 2/19/2018 To 2/19/2018
1401 Occupational cultivation of fruit's 2/19/2018 To 2/20/2018
1402 Training of vegetable processing 2/19/2018 To 2/23/2018
1403 Kisan Choupal 2/17/2018 To 2/17/2018
1404 Promotion of Micro-Nutrient Rich Varieties 2/15/2018 To 2/17/2018
1405 Video conference, House hold nutrition security through kitchen garding 2/12/2018 To 2/12/2018
1406 Certificate distribution of Dairy Farming 2/10/2018 To 2/10/2018
1407 Kisan Choupal 2/10/2018 To 2/10/2018
1408 Scientific Dairy Farming 2/6/2018 To 2/10/2018
1409 Video conference,Control measures of infectious diseases of farm animals 2/5/2018 To 2/5/2018
1410 Kisan Choupal 2/3/2018 To 2/3/2018
1411 Video conference,Integrated pest and disease management in major rabi crops 1/29/2018 To 1/29/2018
1412 Kisan Choupal 1/27/2018 To 1/27/2018
1413 Sponsored Training Hen Rearing 1/23/2018 To 1/27/2018
1414 Training on oyster mushroom cultivation 1/23/2018 To 1/27/2018
1415 CFLD, Demonstration , Lentil 1/20/2018 To 1/20/2018
1416 Kisan Choupal 1/20/2018 To 1/20/2018
1417 CFLD, Demonstration , Lentil 1/19/2018 To 1/19/2018
1418 CFLD, Demonstration , Chick Pea 1/18/2018 To 1/18/2018
1419 Kisan Choupal 1/13/2018 To 1/13/2018
1420 CFLD, Demonstration ,Mustard 1/6/2018 To 1/6/2018
1421 Kisan Choupal 1/6/2018 To 1/6/2018
1422 CFLD, Demonstration , Chick Pea 1/5/2018 To 1/5/2018
1423 CFLD, Demonstration , Lentil 1/4/2018 To 1/4/2018
1424 D.M. Meeting 12/23/2017 To 12/23/2017
1425 Kisan Choupal 12/16/2017 To 12/16/2017
1426 Mushroom visit 12/15/2017 To 12/15/2017
1427 CFLD, Demonstration , ARHAR 12/14/2017 To 12/14/2017
1428 CFLD, Demonstration , ARHAR 12/13/2017 To 12/13/2017
1429 CFLD, Demonstration , ARHAR, Goshaymadhi, Sheikhpura 12/12/2017 To 12/12/2017
1430 CFLD, Demonstration ,At Samasbujurg , Barbigha 12/11/2017 To 12/11/2017
1431 kisan choupal 12/9/2017 To 12/9/2017
1432 World Soil Day 12/5/2017 To 12/5/2017
1433 SAC Meetings 12/4/2017 To 12/4/2017
1434 Kisan Choupal 11/25/2017 To 11/25/2017
1435 Kisan Choupal 11/18/2017 To 11/18/2017
1436 Applique work 11/16/2017 To 11/25/2017
1437 Pre FLD Training 11/15/2017 To 11/15/2017
1438 Scientific Cultivation of Mustard 11/13/2017 To 11/13/2017
1439 Diagnosis service of cow 11/2/2017 To 11/2/2017
1440 Scientific Cultivation of lentil 10/31/2017 To 10/31/2017
1441 Data Collection of OFT 10/23/2017 To 10/23/2017
1442 Cultivation of tuber crops 10/23/2017 To 10/24/2017
1443 world foods day 10/16/2017 To 10/16/2017
1444 Mahila Kisan Diwas 10/15/2017 To 10/15/2017
1445 Womens farmer day 10/15/2017 To 10/15/2017
1446 Extension Council Meeting 10/14/2017 To 10/14/2017
1447 World egg day 10/13/2017 To 10/13/2017
1448 Sponsored Training Hen Rearing 10/12/2017 To 10/17/2017
1449 Training on seed selection Variety selection crop and land managemetnt practices 10/10/2017 To 10/13/2017
1450 Kisan Choupal 10/7/2017 To 10/7/2017
1451 Collect of OFT data 10/6/2017 To 10/6/2017
1452 Training on seed Treatment in Rabi crops 10/6/2017 To 10/7/2017
1453 FLD on IDM in Rice 10/5/2017 To 10/5/2017
1454 Farmers visit to KVK for the advisory and diagnosis of crop disease. 10/4/2017 To 10/4/2017
1455 Diagnosis of Rice sheath bligh disease 10/3/2017 To 10/3/2017
1456 A programme on "Swachta hi Seva hai" among famers and famwomen 9/25/2017 To 9/25/2017
1457 Scientist visit Farmer's field 9/25/2017 To 9/25/2017
1458 Training on seed selection Variety selection crop and land managemetnt practices 9/25/2017 To 9/25/2017
1459 Swachata Hi seva 9/24/2017 To 9/24/2017
1460 Scientist visit Farmer's field 9/23/2017 To 9/23/2017
1461 Kisan Coupal 9/23/2017 To 9/23/2017
1462 Nursery Management in Veg. 9/21/2017 To 9/22/2017
1463 IDM in Rice 9/18/2017 To 9/19/2017
1464 Kisan chaupal 9/16/2017 To 9/16/2017
1465 Scientist visit Farmer's field 9/16/2017 To 9/16/2017
1466 Swachhata Hi Seva 9/15/2017 To 9/15/2017
1467 Scientist visit Farmer's field 9/14/2017 To 9/14/2017
1468 Kisan Chaupal 9/9/2017 To 9/9/2017
1469 Scientist visit Farmer's field 9/8/2017 To 9/8/2017
1470 Scientist visit Farmer's field 9/7/2017 To 9/7/2017
1471 Scientist visit Farmer's field 9/6/2017 To 9/6/2017
1472 Scientist visit Farmer's field 9/5/2017 To 9/5/2017
1473 VIDEO CONFERENCE 9/4/2017 To 9/4/2017
1474 IDM in Rice 8/28/2017 To 8/29/2017
1475 Meeting of Sankalp Se Sidhi 8/22/2017 To 8/22/2017
1476 independence day 17 8/15/2017 To 8/15/2017
1477 Speech of Sankalp se Sidhi 8/12/2017 To 8/12/2017
1478 Kisan chaupal 8/12/2017 To 8/12/2017
1479 Kisan Chaupal 7/29/2017 To 7/29/2017
1480 PMFBY 7/29/2017 To 7/29/2017
1481 Scientist visit Farmer's field 7/29/2017 To 7/29/2017
1482 Kisan Chaupal 7/22/2017 To 7/22/2017
1483 Scientist visit Farmer's field 7/8/2017 To 7/8/2017
1484 Video Conference 7/3/2017 To 7/3/2017
1485 Kisan Cjhaupal 7/1/2017 To 7/1/2017
1486 Scientist visit Farmer's field 7/1/2017 To 7/1/2017
1487 Kisan Chaupal 6/24/2017 To 6/24/2017
1488 School training 5/6/2017 To 5/6/2017
1489 Kisan Chaupal 4/29/2017 To 4/29/2017
1490 Kisan Chaupal 4/22/2017 To 4/22/2017
1491 NEERA TRAINING 4/21/2017 To 4/21/2017
1492 Sponsored training program by RSETI 4/20/2017 To 4/20/2017
1493 Kisan Choupal 4/15/2017 To 4/15/2017
1494 Kisan Chaupal 4/8/2017 To 4/8/2017
1495 Kisan Mela 2017 3/29/2017 To 3/29/2017
1496 Video conference,, Scientific cultivation of vegetables 3/27/2017 To 3/27/2017
1497 School training 3/25/2017 To 3/25/2017
1498 Video conference,,IPM & IDM in Onion 3/20/2017 To 3/20/2017
1499 Video conference,, Feed management of dairy animals 3/6/2017 To 3/6/2017
1500 Video conference,,Establishment of New Orchard Management 2/27/2017 To 2/27/2017
1501 Kisan Choupal 2/25/2017 To 2/25/2017
1502 Mushroom Visit 2/23/2017 To 2/23/2017
1503 Video conference,,IPM & IDM in Onion 2/20/2017 To 2/20/2017
1504 Sponsored Training n Hen Rearing 2/20/2017 To 2/25/2017
1505 KVK VIsit 2/17/2017 To 2/17/2017
1506 Video conference,,Disese Management in Poultry 2/13/2017 To 2/13/2017
1507 Training on oyster mushroom cultivation 2/13/2017 To 2/18/2017
1508 Video conference,,Scientific Cultivation of winter vegetable 1/30/2017 To 1/30/2017
1509 Swachh Barat Abhyan 1/28/2017 To 1/28/2017
1510 DEshi Dudh Padarth 1/27/2017 To 1/28/2017
1511 Sponsored Training Goat Rearing 1/27/2017 To 1/31/2017
1512 Pre Kisan Mela 2017 1/27/2017 To 1/31/2017
1513 Video conference,, IPM & IDM in Onion 1/23/2017 To 1/23/2017
1514 Training on oyster mushroom cultivation 1/23/2017 To 1/28/2017
1515 Prakshetra day 1/18/2017 To 1/18/2017
1516 Video conference,, Mushroom production Techniques 1/16/2017 To 1/16/2017
1517 Training on oyster mushroom cultivation 1/16/2017 To 1/21/2017
1518 Kisan Chaupal 1/14/2017 To 1/14/2017
1519 Prakshetra day 1/13/2017 To 1/13/2017
1520 Video Conference,,IPM in Rabi pulses and Oilseed 1/9/2017 To 1/9/2017
1521 Video Conference ,, Balance diet for pregnant women * Skill Training 12/26/2016 To 12/26/2016
1522 Prakshetra day 12/17/2016 To 12/17/2016
1523 World Soil Day 05.12.2016 12/5/2016 To 12/5/2016
1524 Video Conference,, Mangement of pond for fish production * * Skill Training 12/5/2016 To 12/5/2016
1525 Kisan Choupal 12/3/2016 To 12/3/2016
1526 MPR DEC 2016 12/1/2016 To 12/31/2016
1527 Video Conference, Cultivation of Rabi season vegetables 11/28/2016 To 11/28/2016
1528 Video Conference, Nursury raising of Vegetable Crops in poly house & net house (Live From Field Thought TVU) Skill training 11/14/2016 To 11/14/2016
1529 Scientific farming of Vegetable 11/14/2016 To 11/15/2016
1530 Scientific farming of Onion 11/10/2016 To 11/11/2016
1531 Scientific farming of Gram 11/9/2016 To 11/9/2016
1532 Scientific farming of Gram 11/8/2016 To 11/8/2016
1533 FLD on Pulses and Oilseeds 11/8/2016 To 11/11/2016
1534 Scientific farming of lentil 11/4/2016 To 11/4/2016
1535 Prakshetra Day 11/4/2016 To 11/4/2016
1536 FLD on Pulses and Oilseeds 11/3/2016 To 11/5/2016
1537 Video Conference, Seed production of Vegetable Crops 10/31/2016 To 10/31/2016
1538 Vigilance awareness week 10/31/2016 To 11/5/2016
1539 FLD on Pulses and Oilseeds 10/28/2016 To 10/29/2016
1540 Video Conference (Production and use of Blue Green Algae and Azolla ) 10/24/2016 To 10/24/2016
1541 Video Conferene (Importance of Mulcing in Vegetable Crops) 10/17/2016 To 10/17/2016
1542 Animal Health cum vacination camp cum goshthi 10/6/2016 To 10/6/2016
1543 Animal Health Camp 10/5/2016 To 10/5/2016
1544 Video Conference (Disease &Pest Management in Kharif Crops) 10/3/2016 To 10/3/2016
1545 Kisan Chaupal 8/27/2016 To 8/27/2016
1546 Kisan Chaupal 8/20/2016 To 8/20/2016
1547 Parthenium Awarness Week 16-22 August 2016 8/16/2016 To 8/22/2016
1548 Exhibition of agril technologies and PM Crop Insurance Scheme 4/5/2016 To 4/5/2016
1549 Training on oyster mushroom cultivation 2/15/2016 To 2/20/2016
1550 Mustard Demonstration at Teus Village 2/6/2016 To 2/6/2016
1551 Matar Demonstration at Ahyiyapur Village 2/5/2016 To 2/5/2016
1552 Matar Demonstration at Kuserhi Village 2/3/2016 To 2/3/2016
1553 Scientific rule of goat rearing 1/19/2016 To 1/23/2016
1554 Lentil Demonstration at Teus Village 1/13/2016 To 1/13/2016
1555 Scientific Dairy Farming 9/14/2015 To 9/14/2015
1556 Management of animals in rainy session 7/14/2015 To 7/14/2015