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NH-75, Tamaka, Kolar-563103 : Past Events
S.No Event Name Event Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
1 organised a training program on Cultivation aspects of Coconut and Kitchen gardening. 3/12/2025 To 3/12/2025
2 Awareness programme on Central silkworm seed act 3/11/2025 To 3/11/2025
3 ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kolar scientists visited arecanut field 3/7/2025 To 3/7/2025
4 ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kolar scientists visited betel vine field 3/7/2025 To 3/7/2025
5 ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kolar scientists visited problematic mango field 3/7/2025 To 3/7/2025
6 Organized FFS session in Mango on "Good agricultural practices & spray schedules during flowering & fruit set stage" 3/7/2025 To 3/7/2025
7 KVK Kolar distributed 500 coconut seedlings (Arasikere Tall) & Vermibags for vermicompost production under SCSP Programme 3/5/2025 To 3/5/2025
8 SS&H KVK Kolar participated in the FPO Mela 3/2/2025 To 3/2/2025
9 organised an on-campus training program on Opportunities in the processing of fruits and vegetables. 2/25/2025 To 2/25/2025
10 Scientist (Sericulture), KVK Kolar participated as a resource person and delivered talk on Integrated sericulture farming for profit maximization 2/25/2025 To 2/25/2025
11 A live telecast of the digital transfer of the 19th installment by the Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, 2/24/2025 To 2/24/2025
12 FPOs buyers and sellers meet 2/21/2025 To 2/21/2025
13 Head, KVK Kolar, participated as a guest in the Vijaya Karnataka Super Star Farmer Award ceremony 2/21/2025 To 2/21/2025
14 Buyers and Sellers Meet for FPOs of Kolar, 2/21/2025 To 2/21/2025
15 DATC Chintamani farm women made exposure visit to KVK Kolar 2/20/2025 To 2/20/2025
16 Capacity development programme on "Management of mulberry garden and bivoltine silkworm during summer " 2/18/2025 To 2/18/2025
17 organized capacity development programme on "Scientific bivoltine sericulture for sustainable income" 2/15/2025 To 2/15/2025
18 organized a Training-cum-Awareness Program on the PM PRANAM Scheme 2/12/2025 To 2/12/2025
19 Scientist (Plant Protection) participated as resource person on pest and disease management in mango 2/11/2025 To 2/11/2025
20 SS&H KVK Kolar, along with SADH Kolar, visited a vegetable grafting nursery 2/7/2025 To 2/7/2025
21 organized training programme on "Environmental effects and causative factors for non spinning of Silkworm and their management" 2/7/2025 To 2/7/2025
22 Workshop on PMFME scheme for budding entrepreneurs and women’s of Kolar district 2/6/2025 To 2/6/2025
23 Trimonthly workshop for KSDH officials of Kolar district 2/6/2025 To 2/6/2025
24 Dr. Anil Kumar S delivered a lecture on Soil and Water Conservation in Agriculture 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
25 Dr. Anil Kumar S, participated as the Chief Guest and Resource Person in the launch of the Watershed Yatra 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
26 Dr. Anil Kumar S, participated as the Chief Guest and Resource Person in the launch of the Watershed Yatra 2/5/2025 To 2/5/2025
27 water conservation and smart irrigation in agriculture - Atal Bhujal yojana 2/4/2025 To 2/4/2025
28 KVK, Kolar Scientists distributed critical inputs to initiate FLD on integrated nutrient and pest management in cabbage 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
29 Follow up field visits to FLDs on ICM in redgram and Demonstration of field bean variety HA-5 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
30 DATC Chintamani today made exposure visit to KVK Kolar 2/3/2025 To 2/3/2025
31 Farmers visit to KVK 2/1/2025 To 2/28/2025
32 SAC-Scientific Advisory Committee meeting 1/24/2025 To 1/24/2025
33 A Project Council Meeting on the Implementation of the Carbon Credit Framework 1/21/2025 To 1/21/2025
34 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as resource person and delivered talk " On farm production & application of waste decomp 1/18/2025 To 1/18/2025
35 Scientist (Sericulture), KVK Kolar participated as resource person and delivered talk on "Seri farm residue management" 1/16/2025 To 1/16/2025
36 Dr Chikkanna G S Home scientist, participated as a resource person and delivered a lecture on the importance of SHREE ANNA for Nutritional security 1/16/2025 To 1/16/2025
37 Conducted a POR meeting with farmers of Shivarapatna village of Kasaba (H), Maluru(Tq) 1/16/2025 To 1/16/2025
38 Participated in District level Organic and Millet Mela, Flower exhibition 1/16/2025 To 1/18/2025
39 Conducted group discussion with farmers of Lakshmisagar village of Yeldur (H), Srinivasapur (Tq) 1/13/2025 To 1/13/2025
40 conducted group discussion with farmers of Bevahalli village 1/13/2025 To 1/13/2025
41 conducted Group discussion with farmers of Abbigeri Hosahalli, Kasaba 1/11/2025 To 1/11/2025
42 organised training programme on production of quality fodder for dairy animals 1/9/2025 To 1/9/2025
43 SS&H KVK Kolar participated in the preparatory meeting for the District-Level Millet Mela and Flower Show (2024-25) under the leadership of the CEO, Zilla Panchayat, Kolar 1/8/2025 To 1/8/2025
44 KVK, Kolar organised a field day of FLD on Field bean variety HA-5 1/3/2025 To 1/3/2025
45 KVK, Kolar Scientists Distributed critical inputs to initiate FLD on integrated management of pest and disease in mango 1/3/2025 To 1/3/2025
46 KVK, Kolar organised a field day of FLD on red gram variety BRG-5 1/3/2025 To 1/3/2025
47 Soil Scientist, Dr. Anil Kumar S, participated as a resource person 1/2/2025 To 1/2/2025
48 KVK Kolar organised Field day on " INM in mulberry for sustainable leaf productivity" 12/31/2024 To 12/31/2024
49 KVK, Kolar organised trimonthly workshop for KSDH Officials of Kolar Dist 12/30/2024 To 12/30/2024
50 KVK Kolar organized Field day on "Introduction of productive bivoltine hybrid FC1×FC2 for quality cocoon production" 12/30/2024 To 12/30/2024
51 National farmers day-2024 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
52 Dr. Chandre Gowda Sir, Principal Scientist, ATARI-Bengaluru visited ICAR KVK Kolar 12/23/2024 To 12/23/2024
53 Thotagarike Mela 12/21/2024 To 12/23/2024
54 Scientist (Sericulture), KVK Kolar participated as Resource person and delivered talk on "Organic and natural farming practice in Sericulture" 12/17/2024 To 12/17/2024
55 KVK, Kolar Scientists along with ATARI, BANGALORE Nodal Scientist Dr. Kolekar visited FLD fields 12/17/2024 To 12/17/2024
56 FFS Farmers field school session 12/13/2024 To 12/13/2024
57 scientists distributed seedlings & seed kit for initiation of Nutri garden 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
58 Scientist(Horticulture) made follow up visit to Vegetable dolichos bean fields - OFT 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
59 Scientists distributed micronutrients under the FLD program on ICM in chrysanthemum 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
60 Follow up visit to FLD fileds on ICM in chrysanthemum 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
61 Scientist(Horticulture) initiated FLD on "Introduction of Brocolli crop for income maximization" 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
62 KVK Scientist(Horticulture) distributed seedlings of Brocolli (var.Lucky) to farmers under FLD 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
63 Follow up visit to fields with Yard long bean crop under FLD program 12/9/2024 To 12/9/2024
64 Horticulture scientist assisted the scientists team from NBAIR, Hebbal, Bengaluru in visiting tomato fields 12/6/2024 To 12/6/2024
65 Animal Health Camp and Training Program on "Disease Management in Animals" under the SCSP program 12/6/2024 To 12/6/2024
66 World Soil Day 2024, with the theme "Caring for the Soil: Measure, Monitor, and Manage," 12/5/2024 To 12/5/2024
67 Soil Scientist Dr. Anil Kumar S and Deputy Director of Agriculture-II, Sri Nagaraj, visited farmers' fields 11/29/2024 To 11/29/2024
68 Off campus training program on " Mulberry crop management during winter season for quality leaf and cocoon productivity" 11/26/2024 To 11/26/2024
69 organised training program cum distribution of improved vegetable seedlings 11/25/2024 To 11/25/2024
70 SS&H and Head and Scientist (Plant Protection) and Scientist (Sericulture) made follow up visit to FLD fields on Redgram variety BRG-5 and Field bean variety HA-5 11/23/2024 To 11/23/2024
71 Convened the valedictory function for six-days residential training program on 'Pashu Sakhi' Module-2 11/23/2024 To 11/23/2024
72 SS&H explained the mandates of the KVK to B.Sc. (Agri) Final year students from the (COS), Chintamani 11/22/2024 To 11/22/2024
73 Solar drying of tomatoes as a part of the OFT programme 11/22/2024 To 11/22/2024
74 District level Millets and forgotten food recipe contest at KVK Kolar 11/22/2024 To 11/22/2024
75 Follow up visit to Ragi FLD fields 11/21/2024 To 11/21/2024
76 Follow up visit FLD farmers field observed insitu green manuring of Sunhemp biomass 11/21/2024 To 11/21/2024
77 Millet walkathon-2024-25 11/20/2024 To 11/20/2024
78 organised capacity development program on " Improved reeling machineries for Quality Silk Production" 11/20/2024 To 11/20/2024
79 Krishi Mela 11/14/2024 To 11/17/2024
80 Conducted OFT on Assessment of quality and efficiency of Cold and Hot Pressed Oil from Ground Nut 11/13/2024 To 11/14/2024
81 KVK Kolar scientists visited farmers field along with line department officials 11/9/2024 To 11/9/2024
82 Follow up visit made along with SS&H, KVK, Kolar and JDA, Kolar to Sericulture FLD farmer field 11/8/2024 To 11/8/2024
83 Training program on "Smart Irrigation and Fertigation Automation for Sustainable Agriculture." 11/8/2024 To 11/8/2024
84 ICAR-KVK Kolar Soil Scientist visited farmers fields for selection of District and Taluka level Best farmer Awards 11/6/2024 To 11/6/2024
85 KVK scientist visited to conduct OFT on assessment of quality and efficiency of Cold and Hot Pressed Oil from Ground Nut. 11/6/2024 To 11/6/2024
86 Scientists HS & Horticulture visited pegionpea and Field bean fields to conduct OFT on assessment of different methods of storage techniques of pigeon pea and field bean 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
87 SS&H, Scientist SS&AC visited the field of Munireddy, a state-level Krushi Pandith award-winning progressive farmer 11/5/2024 To 11/5/2024
88 SS&H KVK Kolar visited problematic capsicum field 11/4/2024 To 11/4/2024
89 Scientist (Sericulture), KVK Kolar participated as Member, selection committee of Taluk and district level ATMA Awards 2024-25 11/4/2024 To 11/5/2024
90 Farmers visit to KVK 11/1/2024 To 11/30/2024
91 Soil Scientist, Dr. Anil Kumar S, participated as resource person in a training program 10/30/2024 To 10/30/2024
92 KVK, Kolar organized trimonthly workshop 10/30/2024 To 10/30/2024
93 Animal Health Camp on "Disease Management in Animals" 10/29/2024 To 10/29/2024
94 Visit to finger millet & Azolla unit 10/29/2024 To 10/29/2024
95 vigilance awareness week 10/28/2024 To 10/28/2024
96 Scientist (Sericulture), KVK Kolar participated as resource person and delivered talk on "Recent technologies from Soil to Silk" 10/28/2024 To 10/28/2024
97 Sahi Fasal - “Training on Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture” under Atal Bhujal Yojana 10/25/2024 To 10/25/2024
98 Valedictory function of DAESI trainees 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
99 Training programme on Millet for Nutritional security 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
100 Scientist ( H Sc) delivered a lecture on opportunities in the processing of cashews 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
101 SPECIAL SWACHHATHA CAMPAIGN 2024 10/24/2024 To 10/24/2024
102 Scientist plant protection and Horticulture served as resource person 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
103 Soil Scientist Dr Anil Kumar S visited farmers fields of KGF Taluka 10/22/2024 To 10/22/2024
104 Soil Scientist Dr Anil Kumar S visited farmers fields of Bangarpet Taluka 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
105 conducted Filed Day on Little Millet 10/21/2024 To 10/21/2024
106 convened the valedictory function for a six-day residential training program dedicated to 'Pashu Sakhis' 10/19/2024 To 10/19/2024
107 ICAR-KVK Kolar participated in the ICAR-NBAIR Foundation Day celebration 10/19/2024 To 10/19/2024
108 Field day on " INM in mulberry for sustainable leaf productivity" 10/15/2024 To 10/15/2024
109 ICAR-KVK Kolar, Soil Scientist Dr Anil Kumar S visited more than 10 farmers' fields 10/15/2024 To 10/15/2024
110 organized Mahila Kisan Diwas 10/15/2024 To 10/15/2024
111 Soil Scientist Dr Anil Kumar S visited more than 10 farmers' fields in the villages of Kasaba, 10/14/2024 To 10/14/2024
112 six-day residential training program for "Pashu Sakhis" (Module 1) 10/14/2024 To 10/19/2024
113 Follow up FLD field visit to a demonstration of little millet 10/10/2024 To 10/10/2024
114 Scientists Plant Protection and Sericulture attended meeting on Karnataka Raitha Samrudhi Yojane 10/10/2024 To 10/10/2024
115 Live telecast of 18th instalment release of PM kisan samman nidhi 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
116 On-campus training program on the use of energy-efficient pump sets and the importance of water conservation 10/5/2024 To 10/5/2024
117 organized a trimonthly workshop for horticulture department officials of Kolar district 10/4/2024 To 10/4/2024
118 Soil Scientist Dr Anil Kumar S served as Resource person for DAESI class 10/4/2024 To 10/4/2024
119 Commemorated Gandhi Jayanti with a focus on promoting sustainable agriculture and self-reliance among farmers. 10/2/2024 To 10/2/2024
120 KVK scientists visited the FLD fields of the Ragi KMR 630 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
121 Organized a training program on water, nutrient, pest, and disease management in tomato and cabbage 10/1/2024 To 10/1/2024
122 Farmers visit to KVK 10/1/2024 To 10/31/2024
123 SS&H, ICAR KVK Kolar Participated in Annual General Body Meeting of Vakkaleri Horticulture farmers producer company 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
124 SS&H, Visited to Micro entrepreneur Smt Nagaratna’s processing unit 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
125 SS&H visited vermicompost production and agroplastic industry 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
126 Swachhata Hi seva 9/30/2024 To 9/30/2024
127 Participated in training program on improved cultivation practices in tomato 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
128 An exposure visit organized by DATC Kagathi, Chintamani to farm women's of Chikkaballapura dist visited KVK Kolar 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
129 Kvk Kolar scientists visited the SVN oil mill and Parampragtah oil mill (OFT-HS) 9/27/2024 To 9/27/2024
130 Scientist (Sericulture) participated as Honorary Director in 4rth Annual Generalbody Meeting 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
131 Participated in training programme on plant protection techniques of potato 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
132 Created Swachhata awareness at Govt Cocoon Market, Kolar 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
133 Participated in training program on production and plant protection techniques of potato 9/26/2024 To 9/26/2024
134 Organised Swachhata Class/Swachhataki Pathsaal created awareness on cleanliness, Sanitation and hygiene practices 9/25/2024 To 9/25/2024
135 Organized swachhata samvads/Swachhata Chaupals to foster local engagement and spread the message 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
136 Scientist(SS&AC) & Scientist(PP) visited a farmer's Rose, Gauva, Pomegranate and Tuberose fields 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
137 Scientist(SS&AC) & Scientist(PP) visited Redgram and Cotton fields 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
138 Organized capacity building prg on Organic and natural farming : ecofriendly and sustainable sericulture 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
139 Scientist(SS&AC) & Scientist(PP) visited a diagnostic farmer's groundnut field 9/24/2024 To 9/24/2024
140 Participated in 4th Annual general body meeting 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
141 Created awareness on preparation of cocoon crafts from waste cocoons(Waste to art) 9/23/2024 To 9/23/2024
142 Educational public demonstrations-Interactive session, cleaning & recycling techniques 9/21/2024 To 9/21/2024
143 Exposure visit to the progressive Vegetable Nursery and Piggery Unit 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
144 SHG Mobilization- created awareness & participation in local swachhata events. 9/20/2024 To 9/20/2024
145 Created awareness on swachata activities for college students 9/19/2024 To 9/19/2024
146 Swachatha pledge by KVK staff & DAESI candidates 9/18/2024 To 9/18/2024
147 Ek ped Maa Ka Naam 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
148 Director of Extension, UHS BAGALKOT visited KVK, Kolar 9/17/2024 To 9/17/2024
149 5 days skill development program on preparation of biocrafts from cut cocoons 9/17/2024 To 9/21/2024
150 Scientist(SS&AC) participated in a meeting on Soil restoration strategies 9/12/2024 To 9/12/2024
151 Awareness programme on " Reasons for Non-Spinning of Silkworm and their precautionary measures " 9/11/2024 To 9/11/2024
152 Organized a two-day capacity-building program on promoting agri-entrepreneurship, institutional arrangements, and market linkages for FPOs 9/9/2024 To 9/10/2024
153 Trimonthly workshop for horticulture department officials of Kolar, Chikkaballapur, and Ramanagar districts 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
154 KVK Kolar Scientists made a Follow up visits to FLD on Demonstration of FC1 × FC2 bivoltine silkworm double hybrid for cocoon productivity and crop stability 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
155 KVK Kolar Scientists visited FLD farmers field of ICM in mulberry for higher productivity 9/5/2024 To 9/5/2024
156 on campus training program on Disease management in milch animals and production of quality milk 9/4/2024 To 9/4/2024
157 Poshan Abhiyan programme 2024 9/3/2024 To 9/3/2024
158 Off campus training on Defoliating pests of mulberry and their management 9/3/2024 To 9/4/2024
159 Farmers visit to KVK 9/1/2024 To 9/30/2024
160 KVK Kolar SS&H, Dr. Shivanand Hongal and Scientists visited Mango orchard 8/30/2024 To 8/30/2024
161 Distributed Little millet to farmers under the FLD on Demonstration of Little Millet Var: GPUL-6 for Nutritional security 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
162 Organized capacity building programme on improved cultivation practices for the finger millet variety KMR-630 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
163 ICAR-KVK Kolar Scientists Dr Anil Kumar S, Dr Shashidhar KR and Dr Chikkanna visited FLD Ragi KMR 630 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
164 KVK Kolar Scientists visited FLD farmers field observed insitu green manuring cum incorporation of Sunhemp biomass under mulberry 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
165 ICAR-KVK Kolar organized Tree plantation programme on the eve of "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam"2024 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
166 KVK Kolar Scientists made a Follow up visits to FLD on Demonstration of FC1 × FC2 bivoltine silkworm double hybrid for cocoon productivity and crop stability 8/29/2024 To 8/29/2024
167 Capacity development program on Integrated crop management in Tomato 8/28/2024 To 8/28/2024
168 Committee constituted by DE, UHS, Bagalkot visited problematic tomato fields 8/27/2024 To 8/27/2024
169 Soil Scientist Dr. Anil Kumar S, along with staff from the Dept. of Horticulture, visited the Seri. Dept. farms 8/26/2024 To 8/26/2024
170 SS&H and Scientist (Sericulture) visited KVK contact farmer Shri Nagaraj C. L., Organic Farmer 8/26/2024 To 8/26/2024
171 capacity development programme on "Management of mulberry garden and bivoltine silkworm during climate change" 8/23/2024 To 8/23/2024
172 ICAR-KVK Kolar Soil Scientist Dr. Anil Kumar S., and the Fruit Scientist from COH Kolar visited a farmer's field 8/23/2024 To 8/23/2024
173 SS&H, KVK Kolar participated as member of District skill mission committee meeting 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
174 Conducted a parthenium awareness program 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
175 Organized Group meeting and a training program on Climate Resilient Agriculture and improved cultivation practices for the finger millet variety KMR-630. 8/21/2024 To 8/21/2024
176 KVK’s Golden Jubilee Torch Receiving Ceremony 8/19/2024 To 8/19/2024
177 organized the 3rd phase of tree planting on the occasion of the 78th Independence Day, August 15, 2024 8/15/2024 To 8/15/2024
178 organized capacity development programme on " Climate resilient technologies in Sericulture " 8/13/2024 To 8/13/2024
179 organized an exposure visit for DAESI students to Mulbagilu 8/11/2024 To 8/11/2024
180 Celebrated Horticulture Day 8/8/2024 To 8/8/2024
181 ICAR-KVK, Kolar parrticipated and exhibited Stall during Sasyasante 8/8/2024 To 8/10/2024
182 Scientists distributed Little millet to farmers under FLD program 8/7/2024 To 8/7/2024
183 KVK, Kolar scientists visited KVK Contact farmers Dragon fruit orchard 8/5/2024 To 8/5/2024
184 ICAR Krishi vigyan Kendra Kolar organized group discussion for the initiation of Farmer Field School 8/1/2024 To 8/1/2024
185 Farmers visit to KVK 8/1/2024 To 8/31/2024
186 organized a training program on improved cultivation practices for the finger millet variety KMR-630. 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
187 Follow up visits to FLD on Demonstration of FC1 × FC2 bivoltine silkworm double hybrid for cocoon productivity and crop stability 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
188 KVK Kolar Scientists visited FLD sericulture farmers field 7/31/2024 To 7/31/2024
189 Horticulture & Soil Science Scientists visited & interacted with the KVK trainees 7/26/2024 To 7/26/2024
190 Organized a training program on improved cultivation practices in the finger millet variety KMR-630. 7/26/2024 To 7/26/2024
191 Scientist (Sericulture) participated as resource person and delivered talk on "Integrated Pest & disease management in mulberry for quality leaf harvest" 7/26/2024 To 7/26/2024
192 Organized a training program on improved cultivation practices in finger millet variety KMR-301 7/25/2024 To 7/25/2024
193 KVK KOLAR Scientists made visit to problematic rose fields 7/25/2024 To 7/25/2024
194 ICAR KVK Kolar scientists visited problematic Mango field 7/25/2024 To 7/25/2024
195 ICAR -KVK Kolar Scientists Dr Anil Kumar S visited diagnostic farmers fields 7/25/2024 To 7/25/2024
196 KVK Kolar Scientists visited problematic mulberry garden 7/25/2024 To 7/25/2024
197 organized a Method Demonstration on Soil sampling 7/25/2024 To 7/25/2024
198 ICAR KVK Kolar Horticulture scientist made diagnostic visit to Rose problematic field 7/24/2024 To 7/24/2024
199 KVK, Scientists initiated FLD on Demonstrations of KMR 630 finger millet variety 7/24/2024 To 7/24/2024
200 Horticulture scientist made diagnostic field visit to problematic beans field 7/24/2024 To 7/24/2024
201 Follow up visits to FLD on Demonstration of FC1 × FC2 bivoltine silkworm double hybrid for cocoon productivity and crop stability 7/24/2024 To 7/24/2024
202 KVK Kolar Scientists visited FLD farmers field of ICM in mulberry for higher productivity 7/24/2024 To 7/24/2024
203 Horticulture scientist visited the problematic Chrysanthemum field 7/24/2024 To 7/24/2024
204 Horticulture scientist participated as a resource person during Block Farmers Advisory Committee meeting 7/24/2024 To 7/24/2024
205 visited diagnostic farmers fields Fodder maize and chilli crops 7/23/2024 To 7/23/2024
206 Diagnostic field visit to farmers fields of Redgram, Marigold, Guava & banana 7/23/2024 To 7/23/2024
207 Organized capacity development programme on " Importance of Productive bivoltine silkworm hybrids & their management " 7/22/2024 To 7/22/2024
208 organized an exposure visit to the progressive farmers' fields 7/19/2024 To 7/19/2024
209 KVK scientists organized Group discussion at adopted villages 7/18/2024 To 7/18/2024
210 On the eve of 96th ICAR Foundation day, KVK Kolar organised tree plantation drive 7/16/2024 To 7/16/2024
211 Organized a training program on the use of Land Resource Inventory soil health cards under the REWARD project 7/12/2024 To 7/12/2024
212 Organized a training program on the use of Land Resource Inventory soil health cards under the REWARD project 7/12/2024 To 7/12/2024
213 Organized a capacity building program on improved cultivation practices in finger millet variety KMR-360 7/11/2024 To 7/11/2024
214 Capacity building program on entrepreneurship development through Apiary to FPO directors 7/8/2024 To 7/8/2024
215 ICAR-KVK Kolar organized a bi-monthly 7/6/2024 To 7/6/2024
216 Conducted method demonstration on Scientific method of Soil sampling under mulberry garden as a part of FLD 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
217 Conducted Method demonstration on "Suitable disinfectants and Scientific disinfection of silkworm rearing house to reduce defective cocoon" 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
218 Natural farming awareness programme for Sericulture farmers 7/5/2024 To 7/5/2024
219 Visited FLD farmer field observed the movements of GIFT( Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia) fish in farm ponds 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
220 Scientist(Sericulture) along with KVK scientist made a follow-up visit to bivoltine farmer field 7/4/2024 To 7/4/2024
221 Scientist (Plant Protection) served as resource person in the training program 7/2/2024 To 7/2/2024
222 Scientist (Horticulture) participated as a resource person in a training program on "Improved cultivation Practices in Mango" 7/1/2024 To 7/1/2024
223 Organized a trimonthly workshop for horticulture department officials of Kolar, Chikkaballapur, and Ramanagar districts 6/28/2024 To 6/28/2024
224 Introduced GIFT Tilapia Fish at KVK Kolar Farm pond 6/27/2024 To 6/27/2024
225 Newly formed APIARY CITE of ICAR-KVK, Kolar 6/27/2024 To 6/27/2024
226 Introduced GIFT (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia fish) Front Line Demonstration (FLD) 6/27/2024 To 6/27/2024
227 Initiated FLD on ICM in mulberry and conducted group meeting 6/26/2024 To 6/26/2024
228 organized 2 days comprehensive capacity building workshop for Board of directors of FPOs & Sehgal foundation 6/26/2024 To 6/27/2024
229 Soil Health Programme 6/21/2024 To 6/21/2024
230 Capacity development programme on " Safe use of pesticide in mulberry for quality bivoltine crop harvest " 6/20/2024 To 6/20/2024
231 SS&H, KVK Kolar participated and highlighted the burning problems of horticulture crops in Kolar district during Regional horticulture research and extension advisory and formulation workshop 6/20/2024 To 6/21/2024
232 Initiated FLD on Demonstrations of Redgram Variety BRG-5 and Demonstrations of Field Bean variety HA-5 6/19/2024 To 6/19/2024
233 Soil Scientist participated as Resource Person on the cultivation aspects of Redgram on the occasion of the live streaming of the 17th installment release of the PM-Kisan 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
234 Live streaming of 17th instalment release of PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi programme 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
235 Soil Scientist, Dr. Anil Kumar S, organized an awareness program on natural farming. 6/18/2024 To 6/18/2024
236 ICAR-KVK Kolar convened a valedictory function for the six-day residential training program dedicated to 'Pashu Sakhis' 6/15/2024 To 6/15/2024
237 Visited a farmer field with Mango crop 6/13/2024 To 6/13/2024
238 KVK Kolar today organized capacity development programme on " Precautions on Pesticide and it's residual effects in Sericulture " 6/12/2024 To 6/12/2024
239 SS&H participated in environment day celebration 6/11/2024 To 6/11/2024
240 Senior scientist and Head, KVK Kolar participated in planning meeting for establishment of biodiversity park 6/11/2024 To 6/11/2024
241 ICAR-KVK Kolar convened a valedictory function for the six-day residential training program dedicated to 'Pashu Sakhis' 6/8/2024 To 6/8/2024
242 ICAR-KVK, Kolar celebrated World Environmental Day 2024 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
243 Celebration of World environment day-Tree planting program at Rama Madhava High School Tree planting program at Rama Madhava High School 6/5/2024 To 6/5/2024
244 Soil Scientist Dr. Anil Kumar S participated as a resource person in a 6-day residential training program 6/3/2024 To 6/3/2024
245 ICAR-KVK Kolar and the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences in KVK Kolar inaugurated a six-day residential training program for "Pashu Sakhis" Module 3 6/3/2024 To 6/8/2024
246 ICAR-KVK Kolar celebrated "World Milk Day." 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
247 ICAR-KVK Kolar convened a valedictory function for the six-day residential training program dedicated to 'Pashu Sakhis' 6/1/2024 To 6/1/2024
248 Soil Scientist, organized an exposure field visit for DASEI students 5/31/2024 To 5/31/2024
249 SS&H, Soil Scientist and PP scientists along with SADH Kolar visited tomato farmers' fields 5/30/2024 To 5/30/2024
250 Soil Scientist, Plant protection & Horticulture scientist along with SADH Gudibande Krishan Murthy visited tomato farmers' fields 5/28/2024 To 5/28/2024
251 KVK, Kolar organized input distributors and FPO‘s meet. 5/28/2024 To 5/28/2024
252 KVK Kolar inaugurated a six-day residential training program for "Pashu Sakhis" Module 3 5/27/2024 To 6/1/2024
253 ICAR-KVK Kolar convened a valedictory function for the six-day residential training program dedicated to 'Pashu Sakhis 5/25/2024 To 5/25/2024
254 Sr. Scientist and Head, KVK Kolar Participated in Annual review and Action plan workshop 5/23/2024 To 5/24/2024
255 Follow up visit to FLD on integrated management of South American tomato moth ( Tuta absoluta) in tomato 5/22/2024 To 5/22/2024
256 ICAR KVK Kolar Horticulture scientist visited with expert team for inspecting the on going activities & also to plan future activities to increase farm income 5/22/2024 To 5/22/2024
257 Follow-up visit to FLDs on integrated management of fruit fly incidence in mango 5/22/2024 To 5/22/2024
258 Horticulture scientist visited Hort. Farm to inspect & plan activities for increase farm income. 5/21/2024 To 5/21/2024
259 Soil Scientist participated as a resource person in a 6-day residential training program for Pashu Sakki 5/20/2024 To 5/20/2024
260 Six-day residential training program for "Pashu Sakhis" Module 2 from May 20 to 25, 2024. 5/20/2024 To 5/25/2024
261 ICAR-KVK Kolar convened a valedictory function for the six-day residential training program dedicated to 'Pashu Sakhis.' 5/18/2024 To 5/18/2024
262 Visited Root knot nematode affected mulberry garden 5/18/2024 To 5/18/2024
263 Dr. Anil Kumar S, Scientist (Soil Science) at ICAR-KVK Kolar, participated as a delegate in the Regional Consultation on the Science of Natural Farming 5/16/2024 To 5/16/2024
264 Inaugurated a six-day residential training program for "Pashu Sakhis" Module 2 5/13/2024 To 5/18/2024
265 Soil Scientist and PP Scientist visited farmers field of papaya garden 5/6/2024 To 5/7/2024
266 Follow up FLD field visits to fields of Management of Tomato pin worm by installation of WOTA- T traps 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
267 Follow up FLD field visits to fields of mango on Management of mango fruitfly 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
268 organized an Animal Health Camp and Training Program on "Disease Management in Animals" under the DASCP program 5/3/2024 To 5/3/2024
269 ICAR-KVK KOLAR organized Mango Buyers & FPOs meet 4/30/2024 To 4/30/2024
270 Soil Scientist, Dr. Anil Kumar S, organized an exposure field visit for DASEI students 4/25/2024 To 4/25/2024
271 Method demonstration on installation of pheromone traps for the management of South American tomato moth (Tuta absoluta) in tomato 4/24/2024 To 4/24/2024
272 Awareness program on natural farming 4/23/2024 To 4/23/2024
273 ICAR-KVK KOLAR organized a training program on pests & disease management in Tomato under SCSP programme 4/23/2024 To 4/23/2024
274 Method demonstration on installation of pheromone traps (Methyl eugenol) for the management of Fruit fly incidence in mango 4/23/2024 To 4/23/2024
275 ICAR-KVK KOLAR demonstrated the application of PGPR formulation to enhance tolerance to water strees deficit in Tomato 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
276 ICAR-KVK KOLAR demonstrated the application of PGPR formulation to enhance tolerance to water strees deficit in Tomato 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
277 Soil Scientist Dr Anil Kumar S participated as Honorary Deligate 4/19/2024 To 4/19/2024
278 ICAR-KVK KOLAR organized Field Day & Group Discussion under the Farm trial of Introduction of a new Muskmelon variety Arka Siri 4/10/2024 To 4/10/2024
279 On campus training programme on Use of Energy efficient pumps sets & Importance of water conservation 4/4/2024 To 4/4/2024
280 Soil Scientist Dr Anil Kumar S and Crop protection Scientist Dr TB Manjunath Reddy visited the farmers field of Button Rose and Tuberose 4/2/2024 To 4/2/2024
281 Farmers visit to KVK 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
282 KVK Kolar organized farmer exposure visit to Vedic enterprises a millet processing unit 4/1/2024 To 4/1/2024
283 organized demonstration of Drone spray in Tomato by spraying vegetable special 3/30/2024 To 3/30/2024
284 KVK Kolar organized demonstration of Drone spray in Mango by spraying Mango special 3/30/2024 To 3/30/2024
285 organized demonstration of Drone spray in 3 different plots of mango 3/29/2024 To 3/29/2024
286 KVK Kolar organized demonstration of Drone spray in Ridge gourd crop 3/29/2024 To 3/29/2024
287 ICAR-KVK KOLAR organized demonstration of Drone spray in Tomato 3/29/2024 To 3/29/2024
288 KVK Kolar organized demonstration of Drone spray in vegetable Dolichos bean crop 3/29/2024 To 3/29/2024
289 KVK KOLAR organized demonstration of Drone spray in Cabbage crop by spraying of vegetable special 3/29/2024 To 3/29/2024
290 Scientist(Horticulture) KVK Kolar organized demonstration of Drone spray in pumpkin crop by spraying vegetable special 3/29/2024 To 3/29/2024
291 ICAR KVK Kolar Horticulture scientist participated in Radio talk 3/28/2024 To 3/28/2024
292 KVK, Kolar conducted demonstration of POSHAN a Mulberry booster (multinutrients) spraying through Agri Drones 3/28/2024 To 3/28/2024
293 Soil Scientist, Dr Anil Kumar S participated in Radio talk programme 3/28/2024 To 3/28/2024
294 KVK Kolar organized Field day on "Introduction of productive bivoltine hybrid FC1×FC2 for quality cocoon production" 3/27/2024 To 3/27/2024
295 Soil Scientist & Program Assistant Lab conducted 46 Drone demonstrations 3/27/2024 To 3/27/2024
296 organized Hands on training program on processing of Millets at Gundammanatta village of srinivaspura taluk 3/27/2024 To 3/27/2024
297 Scientist (Plant Protection) and Technical officer conducted 43 Drone demonstrations 3/26/2024 To 3/26/2024
298 Scientist (Sericulture), KVK, Kolar participated in Radio talk programme 3/26/2024 To 3/26/2024
299 Scientist (Plant Protection), KVK, Kolar made follow up visit to FLD field -South American tomato moth (Tuta absoluta) in tomato 3/26/2024 To 3/26/2024
300 KVK, Kolar organized training program on Management of Chicks for healthy growth & productivity 3/25/2024 To 3/25/2024
301 Scientist(SS&AC) & Scientist(PP) conducted 21 agricultural drone demonstrations for spraying special micronutrients 3/25/2024 To 3/25/2024
302 ICAR-KVK KOLAR organized 2 days follow up training for the previous skill development training on "Biocrafts using cut cocoons" under SCSP programme 3/25/2024 To 3/26/2024
303 Scientist(Seri) participated as resource person and delivered talk on "IPM in Mulberry for quality leaf production" 3/23/2024 To 3/23/2024
304 ICAR KVK KKVK, Kolar organized Hands on training program on Mushroom cultivation, processing & it's entrepreneurship opportunities 3/22/2024 To 3/22/2024
305 ICAR KVK Kolar celebrated World Water Day 3/22/2024 To 3/22/2024
306 Organized a one-day on-campus training program on sustainable cashew production 3/22/2024 To 3/22/2024
307 KVK Kolar Scientist SS&AC and PP visited farmers field of Zucchini cultivar -Dunja at Honnenahalli village 3/21/2024 To 3/21/2024
308 ICAR-KVK Kolar SS&H, Scientists (Sericulture) & (Horticulture) had been to field of IFS practitioner & contact farmer of KVK Narayanappa 3/21/2024 To 3/21/2024
309 Animal health camp & training program on "Calf a year" under DASCP programme 3/21/2024 To 3/21/2024
310 Dr. S. B. Dandin sir, Former Vice Chancellor of UHS Bagalkot visited KVK Kolar 3/20/2024 To 3/20/2024
311 Soil Scientist & Plant Protection Scientist visited Diagnostic papaya farmers field 3/19/2024 To 3/19/2024
312 Soil Scientist participated as the Chief guest and resource person, delivered a lecture on soil and water conservation techniques in agriculture. 3/16/2024 To 3/16/2024
313 ICAR-KVK Kolar organized Animal health camp & a training program on management of cows to achieve "Calf a year" 3/16/2024 To 3/16/2024
314 Horticulture scientist appeared as a chief guest & spread awareness about women empowerment 3/15/2024 To 3/15/2024
315 ICAR-KVK KOLAR celebrated International Women's Day 3/13/2024 To 3/13/2024
316 organized a workshop on Bio Fertilizer 3/12/2024 To 3/12/2024
317 On campus training program on "Management of Diseases in Cows" & distribution of Cow mats to beneficiaries under SCSP programme 3/11/2024 To 3/11/2024
318 KVK, Kolar organized capacity building programme on "Management of crop residue in organic farming" under Swacchata action plan 2023-24 3/7/2024 To 3/7/2024
319 Soil Scientist organized an exposure visit to NHF 2024 3/7/2024 To 3/7/2024
320 UHS Bagalkot awarded 1st prize for the best stall in the category of KVK‘s and SAU‘s during NHF -2024 3/7/2024 To 3/7/2024
321 KVK Kolar contact farmers Shri Naganal Manjunath and Shri Bharat received Award of excellence 3/7/2024 To 3/7/2024
322 Virtual interaction by Hon'ble Minister for Commerce and industries, Govt of India 3/6/2024 To 3/6/2024
323 Soil Scientist from ICAR KVK Kolar participated as a member in finalizing an action plan for the Chirthrakodihalli watershed area 3/5/2024 To 3/5/2024
324 SS&H KVK Kolar participated in National Horticulture Fair- 2024 3/5/2024 To 3/7/2024
325 Soil Scientist organized a capacity building program on Natural Farming 3/4/2024 To 3/4/2024
326 Soil Scientist organized a capacity building programme Climate smart Agriculture and farm mechanization 3/4/2024 To 3/4/2024
327 SS&H KVK Kolar Participated in Selection of candidates for Navodyama scheme 3/2/2024 To 3/2/2024
328 Soil Scientist took an online class for Diploma Horticulture students 3/2/2024 To 3/2/2024
329 Soil Scientist from ICAR KVK Kolar participated as a member in finalizing an action plan for the Chirthrakodihalli watershed area 3/2/2024 To 3/2/2024
330 Soil Scientist Conducted Awareness program on Natural Farming 3/1/2024 To 3/1/2024
331 KVK Kolar Soil Scientist gave information about KVK functioning and Mandates 3/1/2024 To 3/1/2024
332 KVK KOLAR convened valedictory for 3 days skill development training program on "Biocrafts from Cut waste cocoons" 3/1/2024 To 3/1/2024
333 Follow up visit to mulberry Farm Trial 2/29/2024 To 2/29/2024
334 KVK, Kolar today hosted Live telecast of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 16th installment release program 2/28/2024 To 2/28/2024
335 KVK, Kolar inaugurated & initiated 3 days skill development training program 2/28/2024 To 3/1/2024
336 organized Field day on "Organic cultivation of mulberry for quality leaf and cocoon production" as a part of Farmer Field School 2/27/2024 To 2/27/2024
337 ICAR KVK Kolar organized Hands on training program on processing of Millets 2/27/2024 To 3/27/2024
338 Valedictory function for the six-day residential training program dedicated to 'Pashu Sakhis.' 2/24/2024 To 2/24/2024
339 Scientist(PP) & Scientist(SS&AC) participated as Resource Persons in a ICM in Mango 2/22/2024 To 2/22/2024
340 Scientists Plant Protection and Soil Scientist made follow up field visits to FLD on mango 2/22/2024 To 2/22/2024
341 KVK, Kolar Scientists of Plant Protection and Soil Scientist conducted method demonstration 2/22/2024 To 2/22/2024
342 KVK, Kolar Scientists Plant Protection and Soil Scientist visited Dairy unit 2/22/2024 To 2/22/2024
343 Scientists Plant Protection and Soil Scientist visited Diagnostic guava field 2/22/2024 To 2/22/2024
344 Organized capacity development programme on "Recent advances in bivoltine sericulture for sustainable cocoon production" 2/20/2024 To 2/20/2024
345 KVK Kolar inaugurated a six-day residential training program for "Pashu Sakhis" Madule -2 2/19/2024 To 2/24/2024
346 Soil Scientist participated as Resource Person delivered a lecture on Soil and Water Conservation Techniques and Sustainable Agriculture 2/17/2024 To 2/17/2024
347 Horticulture scientist participated as resource person in training program on ICM in Mango 2/17/2024 To 2/17/2024
348 KVK, Kolar Scientists Plant Protection and Soil Scientist visited gauva field 2/15/2024 To 2/15/2024
349 KVK Kolar organized a field day on Integrated management of Late blight of potato 2/15/2024 To 2/15/2024
350 KVK Kolar Scientists visited DFI Progressive Farmers (Rajanna)Field 2/14/2024 To 2/14/2024
351 ICAR-KVK Kolar in collaboration with department of Horticulture Kolar organized training program on ARC techniques in Potato 2/13/2024 To 2/13/2024
352 ICAR-KVK Kolar organized Field day & training program on Good agricultural practices in Chilli 2/13/2024 To 2/13/2024
353 KVK, Kolar Scientist ( Plant Protection) along with officers of KSDH visited Horticulture Farm 2/12/2024 To 2/12/2024
354 KVK Kolar Soil Scientist participated in the Price fixation of CHCs and Krishi Bhagya Navaudyami Scheme 2/12/2024 To 2/12/2024
355 KVK Kolar Soil Scientist organized a two-day READY program 2/9/2024 To 2/10/2024
356 KVK Kolar organised 7 days Skill development training of Garland Maker "Malakar" under "PM Vishwakarma Scheme" 2/6/2024 To 2/12/2024
357 KVK Kolar PP Scientist and SS&AC scientist participated as Resource Persons in a Integrated Crop Management in Mango 2/5/2024 To 2/5/2024
358 KVK Kolar convened a valedictory function for the six-day residential training program dedicated to 'Pashu Sakhis.' 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
359 SS&H KVK Kolar Participated in district level walkathon on new social order 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
360 KVK Kolar conducted a training and method demonstration on vermicompost production 2/3/2024 To 2/3/2024
361 KVK, Kolar Scientists visited farmers mango orchard 2/2/2024 To 2/2/2024
362 Farm women's from Chintamani along with Officials from DATC Kagathi made Exposure visit to KVK Kolar 1/31/2024 To 1/31/2024
363 KVK, Kolar inaugurated Six days Residential Training program for "Pashu Sakhis' 1/29/2024 To 2/3/2024
364 KVK-KOLAR Soil Scientist and Plant protection Scientist participated in district level millets and flower show 1/27/2024 To 1/27/2024
365 Kvk, Kolar Scientist(HS) participated as a resource person in district level millets and flower show 1/26/2024 To 1/26/2024
366 KVK Kolar participated in District fruits and flowers show 2024 and millets fair 1/26/2024 To 1/28/2024
367 National Voters Day 1/25/2024 To 1/25/2024
368 Capacity building programme on "Soil health and fertility management in mulberry for quality Cocoon production" 1/25/2024 To 1/25/2024
369 SAC- Scientific Advisory Committee meeting 1/24/2024 To 1/24/2024
370 organized orientation program to Final year BSc Agriculture Students from College of Sericulture Chintamani under READY program 1/19/2024 To 1/19/2024
371 KVK Kolar Scientists visited farmer field and conducted application of biochar under Farm Trial 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
372 Participated in VBSY at Kevempu Park Kolar 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
373 Orientation program to Final year BSc Agriculture Students from College of Sericulture Chintamani 1/18/2024 To 1/18/2024
374 Scientist Soil Science & Plant protection participated as Resource Persons and delivered a lecture on Importance of nutrient management and IDM in Mango 1/17/2024 To 1/17/2024
375 Scientist(PP) distributed Pulse magic and Hermetic bags to farmers 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
376 Scientist(HS) made follow up visit to OFT on Assessment of different methods for management of pulse Beetle in Field Bean 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
377 Scientist(PP) Distributed Maize under FLD on integrated management of vectors in tomato 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
378 Scientist(PP) made follow up visit to potato FLD fields on late blight management 1/12/2024 To 1/12/2024
379 KVK Kolar SMS visited CFLD Redgram fields 1/11/2024 To 1/11/2024
380 ICAR-KVK, Kolar SSH attended review meeting of Kisan kart Kisan samridhi 1/10/2024 To 1/10/2024
381 ICAR-KVK, Koalr organized on campus capacity development programme on "IFS modules and improved production technologies" 1/9/2024 To 1/9/2024
382 Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 1/8/2024 To 1/8/2024
383 Organized Field Day on feasibility of ARC techniques in Potato 1/8/2024 To 1/8/2024
384 ICAR KVK Kolar as copartner with RHREC Bengaluru, CIP Bengaluru, GIZ India, organized Field Day on ARC techniques in Potato 1/4/2024 To 1/4/2024
385 Shri S Muniswamy, Honourable MP Kolar visited ICAR KVK Kolar 1/3/2024 To 1/3/2024
386 Soil Scientist participated as Resource Person 1/3/2024 To 1/3/2024
387 ICAR- KVK, Kolar organised training programme on " Safe use of pesticides" 1/3/2024 To 1/3/2024
388 Kolar Scientists of Plant Protection and SS& AC visited tomato field 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
389 Scientist(Sericulture) initiated Farm Trial on "Studies on growth and development of mulberry through application of Biochar" 1/2/2024 To 1/2/2024
390 Kvk Kolar scientist participated in VBSY programme 1/1/2024 To 1/1/2024
391 Farmers visit to KVK 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
392 Advisory over phone 1/1/2024 To 1/31/2024
393 KVK Kolar Scientists, SS&H and Scientist(PP) visited CFLD fields 12/30/2023 To 12/30/2023
394 Millets Walkthon-2023-24 12/29/2023 To 12/29/2023
395 KVK, Kolar participated in VBSY programme 12/29/2023 To 12/29/2023
396 KVK Kolar organized 7 days Skill development training of "Malakar" 12/28/2023 To 1/3/2024
397 ICAR-KVK, Kolar participated in Vikshit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
398 KVK, Kolar Scientists visited Hitakari nursery 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
399 Scientist(PP) visited and distributed critical inputs/ agro chemicals 12/27/2023 To 12/27/2023
400 National farmers day celebration-2023 12/23/2023 To 12/23/2023
401 Capacity development program on weather based scientific agriculture and Micro nutrient management 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
402 KVK, Kolar Scientists along with Lead Bank, Kolar and other officials participated in VBSY programme 12/22/2023 To 12/22/2023
403 Organized capacity development program on weather based scientific agriculture and Micro nutrient management 12/20/2023 To 12/20/2023
404 KVK Kolar Soil Scientist Participated in 10 Days training program 12/20/2023 To 12/29/2023
405 Organized trimonthly workshop for horticulture department officials 12/19/2023 To 12/19/2023
406 organized Field Day as part of FLD on "Enhancing soil fertility and leaf yield of mulberry through application of waste decomposer consortia" 12/15/2023 To 12/15/2023
407 Follow up visit to FLD farmers field on Management of Late blight of potato through integrated approach 12/15/2023 To 12/15/2023
408 Exposure visit as part of DAESI Programme. 12/14/2023 To 12/14/2023
409 KVK Kolar SS&H Participated as a Judge in District level Millet Recipe Contest 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
410 Farmer Field School on "Organic cultivation of mulberry for quality leaf and cocoon production" 12/13/2023 To 12/13/2023
411 Farmer - Scientist Interaction on "Bivoltine Silkworm Management during Winter Season" 12/12/2023 To 12/12/2023
412 Organized one day training programme on Scientific fodder production under SCSP program. 12/11/2023 To 12/11/2023
413 Viksit Bharath Sankalp yatra 12/9/2023 To 12/9/2023
414 ICAR KVK kolar organized Field day on Marigold 12/9/2023 To 12/9/2023
415 KVK Kolar Scientists conducted a method demonstration on soil sampling 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
416 Scientist(SS&AC) along with KVK Kolar Scientists visited FLD Ragi fields 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
417 Scientist(SS&AC) along with KVK Kolar Scientists visited FLD Field Bean fields 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
418 capacity development program on weather based scientific agriculture and soil sampling techniques. 12/8/2023 To 12/8/2023
419 Scientist(Horticulture) made Follow up field visit to OFT plots on ARC techniques in Potato 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
420 Follow up field visit to FLD on Introduction of new marigold hybrid arka abhi 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
421 Organised Capacity building programme on Organic Mulberry production 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
422 Scientist(Horticulture) made follow up field visit to FLD on Demonstration of Tuberose variety Prajwal 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
423 Scientist(Horticulture) demonstrated Micronutrients spray in Marigold under the FLD Marigold" 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
424 Scientist(Horticulture) visited FLD on " Demonstration of Micronutrients management in Marigold" 12/7/2023 To 12/7/2023
425 Participated in VBSY programme and celebrated World Soil Day 2023 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
426 KVK Kolar celebrated World Soil Day 2023 with the theme "Soil and Water: The Source of Life," 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
427 organized an Awareness program on Natural farming 12/5/2023 To 12/5/2023
428 KVK, Kolar Scientists along with Lead Bank, Kolar and other officials, participated in VBSY programme 12/4/2023 To 12/4/2023
429 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as Member, Selection Committee of ATMA Farmers Award 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
430 SS&H delivered a lead talk on New social order for Agriculture productivity enhancement 12/1/2023 To 12/1/2023
431 Farmers visit to KVK 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
432 Advisory over phone 12/1/2023 To 12/31/2023
433 Organized Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra 11/30/2023 To 11/30/2023
434 Capacity building programme on carbon taxation to mango growers Kolar district 11/28/2023 To 11/28/2023
435 organized the Bharat Vikasit Sankalp Yatra 11/27/2023 To 11/27/2023
436 LEAD Bank (Canara Bank),KVK, Kolar KGB Kembodi, SBI,Annenahalli organized the Bharat Vikasit Sankalp Yatra 11/26/2023 To 11/26/2023
437 KVK Kolar organized the first day of Bharat Vikasit Yatra at Honnenahalli 11/24/2023 To 11/24/2023
438 Soil Scientist visited farmers fields of Mulbagilu Taluka for selection of District and Taluka level Best farmer Awards 11/23/2023 To 11/23/2023
439 Scientist(PP) and Soil science visited Diagnostic farmers field of cucumber 11/22/2023 To 11/22/2023
440 KVK Kolar organized District level meeting on "Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra" 11/21/2023 To 11/21/2023
441 KVK Kolar organised an Exposure Visit to DAESI students 11/20/2023 To 11/20/2023
442 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as resource person and delivered talk on "Integrated Pests Management in Mulberry Cultivation" 11/18/2023 To 11/18/2023
443 KVK Kolar organized Farmer Exposure Visit to Krishi Mela 2023 at UAS Bangalore 11/17/2023 To 11/17/2023
444 KVK Kolar scientist exhibitted improved var/hybrids and technologies adopted by kolar farmers during Krishimela 11/17/2023 To 11/20/2023
445 Farmer Field School on "Organic cultivation of mulberry for quality leaf and cocoon production" 11/16/2023 To 11/16/2023
446 Follow up visit to OFT on Assesment on management practices of leaf roller in mulberry through eco friendly approaches 11/13/2023 To 11/13/2023
447 Follow up field visit to FLD on Introduction of arka prajwal Tuberose variety 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
448 Follow up field visit to OFT on ARC techniques in Potato 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
449 Follow up field visit to FLD on Introduction of new marigold hybrid arka abhi 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
450 Soil Scientist participated as Resource Person in Entrepreneurship development Programme (EDP) 11/9/2023 To 11/9/2023
451 Horticulture scientist participated as resource person in on campus training program 11/8/2023 To 11/8/2023
452 Trimonthly workshop 11/7/2023 To 11/7/2023
453 KVK Kolar organized live telecat and participated in virtual event of World Food India, 2023 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
454 KVK Kolar started the new DAESI 5th Batch. 11/3/2023 To 11/3/2023
455 FLD on INM in mulberry for higher yield 11/2/2023 To 11/2/2023
456 Participated in ICAR- ATARI Foundation day and Kannada rajyotsava 11/1/2023 To 11/1/2023
457 FLD Ragi GPU 66 and KMR 316 plots 11/1/2023 To 11/1/2023
458 Farmers visit to KVK 11/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
459 Scientist(Sericulture) visited FLD on INM in mulberry for higher yield 10/31/2023 To 10/31/2023
460 Participated & exhibited ICAR-KVK, Kolar stall at 34th AGM of All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Spices 10/30/2023 To 10/30/2023
461 KVK Kolar Scientists and ATMA Kolar made joint farmers field visit to beans fields 10/30/2023 To 10/30/2023
462 Field day on Ground nut DH 256 10/30/2023 To 10/30/2023
463 Visited FLD Red Gram fields at Muthnoor village 10/30/2023 To 10/30/2023
464 KVK Kolar Scientists visited FLD Ragi fields 10/30/2023 To 10/30/2023
465 Successful harvesting of Bivoltine cocoon crop in farmer field 10/27/2023 To 10/27/2023
466 Organized Farmer Field School on "Organic cultivation of mulberry for quality leaf and cocoon production" 10/27/2023 To 10/27/2023
467 District level workshop on "Importance of micro irrigation in mulberry with special emphasis on drip irrigation technology" 10/26/2023 To 10/26/2023
468 Scientist(PP) & Scientist (SS&AC) visited the problematic potato fields 10/20/2023 To 10/20/2023
469 Visit to mulberry fields 10/20/2023 To 10/20/2023
470 Method demonstration on Enrichment of Bioagents in compost as a part of FLD on Management of Late Blight of Potato through Integrated Approach 10/20/2023 To 10/20/2023
471 KVK Kolar participated and put up stall in 31st Foundation Day and Biocontrol Expo-2023 10/19/2023 To 10/19/2023
472 Follow up visit to FLD on INM in mulberry for higher yield 10/18/2023 To 10/18/2023
473 DAESI Sammelana 10/18/2023 To 10/18/2023
474 Follow up visit to OFT on Assesment on management practices of leaf roller in mulberry through eco friendly approaches 10/17/2023 To 10/17/2023
475 KVK Kolar soil Scientist has Resource Person in training program 10/16/2023 To 10/16/2023
476 KVK Kolar celebrated World Food Day 10/16/2023 To 10/16/2023
477 Diagnostic field visit to Problematic potato field 10/16/2023 To 10/16/2023
478 ICAR-KVK KOLAR organized International farm women's day 10/15/2023 To 10/15/2023
479 KVK, Kolar Scientist imposed the fungicidal treatment on the bitter gourd crop 10/13/2023 To 10/13/2023
480 ICAR-KVK kolar organized Animal health camp & a training program on management of cows to achieve- "Calf a year" 10/13/2023 To 10/13/2023
481 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as a resource Person in Taluk level technical and advisory committee meeting 10/13/2023 To 10/13/2023
482 SS&H participated in NICRA annual review cum Orientation workshop of PPVFRA 10/13/2023 To 10/14/2023
483 KVK, Kolar organized Capacity development training program on improved production technology of Finger millet cultivation 10/11/2023 To 10/11/2023
484 KVK, Kolar organized Exposure visit as part of DAESI Programme. 10/11/2023 To 10/11/2023
485 Capacity development training program on improved production technology of Potato & application of ARC techniques in Potato cultivation. 10/10/2023 To 10/10/2023
486 Initiated OFT on Assessment on management practices of leaf roller in mulberry through eco friendly approaches 10/6/2023 To 10/6/2023
487 KVK, Kolar Scientists, Scientist(PP) & Scientist(Horticulture) along with the officials of KSDH, Kolar visited potato fields 10/6/2023 To 10/6/2023
488 Farmer Field School on "Organic cultivation of mulberry for quality leaf and cocoon production" 10/5/2023 To 10/5/2023
489 On campus capacity building programme on integrated pests and disease management of important agriculture crops. 10/5/2023 To 10/5/2023
490 Scientists made a follow up visit to FLD Fieldbean fields of HA 4 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
491 Scientist(Sericulture) visited FLD farmers field-"Demonstration of productive bivoltine silkworm hybrid FC1 x FC2 for crop stability and cocoon productivity" 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
492 Swachata abhiyan campaign 3.0 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
493 KVK Kolar Scientist(SS&AC) made a follow up visit to FLD Ragi fields of ML365 and KMR 316 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
494 Scientists made a follow up visit to FLD Redgram fields of BRG 5 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
495 Scientist(Sericulture) made follow up visit to FLD on Enhancing soil fertility and leaf yield of mulberry through waste decomposer solution 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
496 KVK, Kolar Scientist(PP) visited FLD fields of groundnut var. Dh-256 10/4/2023 To 10/4/2023
497 KVK, Kolar scientists visited Jamun fruit orchard 10/3/2023 To 10/3/2023
498 Scientist(Sericulture) made follow up visit to FLD on INM in mulberry for higher yield 10/3/2023 To 10/3/2023
499 KVK Kolar scientist participated in 154th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Ji & 27th Foundation Day of DHAN Organization 10/2/2023 To 10/2/2023
500 Farmers visit to KVK 10/1/2023 To 11/30/2023
501 Dr. Shivanand V. Hongal, SS&H attended District level progress review meeting 9/30/2023 To 9/30/2023
502 Live telecast programme on launch of 'Sankalp Saptah' by Honourable PM 9/30/2023 To 9/30/2023
503 Awareness Programme on "Bivoltine silkworm hybrids for cocoon productivity and crop stability" 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
504 KVK Kolar scientists visited to mealybug affected mulberry garden 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
505 KVK, Kolar Scientis(PP) today participated in the meeting 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
506 KVK Scientists visited grafted brinjal plot 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
507 KVK, Kolar Scientist(PP) initiated the farm trial on the management of downy mildew of bitter gourd 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
508 KVK Scientists organized poshan abhiyan 9/27/2023 To 9/27/2023
509 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as resource person and delivered talk on " Compost production through seri farm residue and integrated nutrient management in Mulberry, 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
510 On campus training programme on Scientific Sheep and Goat rearing 9/26/2023 To 9/26/2023
511 kVK, Kolar Scientist(PP) visited the problematic potato fields 9/25/2023 To 9/25/2023
512 On campus capacity building programme on Hi-tech Horticulture Nursery for disease free quality planting material 9/22/2023 To 9/22/2023
513 Film show 9/22/2023 To 9/22/2023
514 Soil Scientist participated as Resource Person in Block level advisory committee meeting 9/22/2023 To 9/22/2023
515 KVK Kolar Soil Scientist visited RSK Kasaba of Bangarpet 9/22/2023 To 9/22/2023
516 Film show 9/21/2023 To 9/21/2023
517 Workshop on scientific sandalwood cultivation. 9/21/2023 To 9/21/2023
518 Film show on Nursery in Israel 9/20/2023 To 9/20/2023
519 One day capacity building program on Hightech Horticulture Nursery for disease free quality planting materials. 9/20/2023 To 9/20/2023
520 Scientist(Plant Protection) today visited the problematic bitter gourd field 9/16/2023 To 9/16/2023
521 Drought survey by KVK scientists 9/15/2023 To 9/15/2023
522 International democracy day-2023 9/15/2023 To 9/15/2023
523 Method demonstration on Scientific method of soil sampling in mulberry garden 9/15/2023 To 9/15/2023
524 Farmer Field School on "Organic cultivation of mulberry for quality leaf and cocoon production" 9/15/2023 To 9/15/2023
525 Film show 9/15/2023 To 9/15/2023
526 Trimonthly workshop for KSDH officials 9/14/2023 To 9/14/2023
527 Technical workshop on "Management of mulberry garden and bivoltine silkworm during climatic change " 9/12/2023 To 9/12/2023
528 ICAR, KVK, Kolar SHG entrepreneur participated and exhibited millets value added product's 9/12/2023 To 9/13/2023
529 ICAR-KVK scientist Horticulture made follow up visit to FLD on Introduction of Tuberose variety Prajwal 9/8/2023 To 9/8/2023
530 Off campus training programme on "Environmental effects and causative factors for non spinning of Silkworm and their management" 9/8/2023 To 9/8/2023
531 Off campus capacity development training program on Production technology of Tuberose under SCSP project 9/8/2023 To 9/8/2023
532 POSHAN ABHIYAN and Millet recipe contest 9/7/2023 To 9/7/2023
533 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as resource person and delivered talk on "Utilization of sericulture farm residue in Vermicompost and Sericompost production" 9/6/2023 To 9/6/2023
534 Capacity building program to Board of Directors of 15 FPO’s of Kolar district. 9/6/2023 To 9/6/2023
535 Bi Monthly meeting 9/5/2023 To 9/5/2023
536 Scientist(Sericulture) delivered lecture as a resource person and delivered talk on "Integrated Pests Management in Mulberry Cultivation" 9/4/2023 To 9/4/2023
537 Farmers visit to KVK 9/1/2023 To 9/30/2023
538 Scientist(Horticulture) participated in training cum group discussion 8/31/2023 To 8/31/2023
539 SMS Agromet delivered lecture on weather forecasting and weather based mobile applications 8/31/2023 To 8/31/2023
540 Follow up visit to FLD on INM in mulberry for higher productivity 8/26/2023 To 8/26/2023
541 ICAR-KVK Kolar scientists made diagnostic field visit to problematic Banana field 8/24/2023 To 8/24/2023
542 ICAR-KVK KOLAR Scientists visited problematic capsicum plot 8/24/2023 To 8/24/2023
543 ICAR KVK kolar scientists made follow up visit to FLD on Arka fermented cocopeat 8/24/2023 To 8/24/2023
544 ICAR KVK kolar scientists visited chrysanthemum production unit 8/23/2023 To 8/23/2023
545 Off campus capacity development programme on IPM practices in mulberry and silkworm 8/23/2023 To 8/23/2023
546 ICAR KVK kolar scientists visited vegetable nursery 8/23/2023 To 8/23/2023
547 Hon’ble VC UHS Bagalkot Dr. N K Hegde and Registrar Dr. T.B. Allolli visit to KVK 8/22/2023 To 8/22/2023
548 Scientist(PP) organized off campus training programme on Rose cultivation in open field conditions 8/21/2023 To 8/21/2023
549 Parthenium awareness week 8/21/2023 To 8/21/2023
550 Parthenium Awareness Week 8/19/2023 To 8/19/2023
551 Conducted method demonstration on Preparation of waste decomposer solution 8/19/2023 To 8/19/2023
552 Conducted the Parthenium awareness week 8/19/2023 To 8/19/2023
553 Scientist(SS&AC) made FLD Ragi follow-up field visit 8/19/2023 To 8/19/2023
554 KVK, Scientists made follow up visit to Groundnut FLD fields 8/19/2023 To 8/19/2023
555 Scientist(Sericulture) made follow up visit to FLD on INM in mulberry for higher productivity 8/18/2023 To 8/18/2023
556 Scientist(Sericulture) made visit to farmers field 8/18/2023 To 8/18/2023
557 Scientist(Sericultrue) Initiated FLD on INM in mulberry 8/18/2023 To 8/18/2023
558 Scientist(PP) organized the off campus training programme on the improved cultivation practices in Tomato and Capsicum 8/18/2023 To 8/18/2023
559 Group discussion on Impact of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease 8/17/2023 To 8/17/2023
560 Soil Scientist visited Mango orchard 8/17/2023 To 8/17/2023
561 ICAR-KVK Kolar scientist made follow up visit to experimental trial plot of Potato 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
562 Scientist(HS) made visit to OFT on Assessment of different methods for management of pulse Beetle in field bean 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
563 Method demonstration on treatment of seed tubers in tuberose crop as a part of FLD 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
564 Scientist(Seri) visited FLD fields sericulture fields 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
565 Soil Scientist organized training program on Integrated crop management on finger millet 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
566 Scientist(Horticulture) initiated FLD on introduction of Tuberose- Prajwal variety 8/14/2023 To 8/14/2023
567 ADRE south zone RHREC Bengaluru visited Holali Farm to discuss crop layout plan in Holali farm. 8/10/2023 To 8/10/2023
568 ICAR KVK kolar scientist initiated FLD on Arka fermented cocopeat in the vegetable nursery 8/9/2023 To 8/9/2023
569 Celebration of National Horticulture Day 8/8/2023 To 8/8/2023
570 District level training and workshop 8/8/2023 To 8/8/2023
571 Scientist(HS) Visited Dragaon fruit orchard 8/4/2023 To 8/4/2023
572 ICAR-KVK Kolar, Scientist(Horticulture) visited farmers field 8/4/2023 To 8/4/2023
573 KVK SS&H Visited different fields in KGF Taluk along with Scientist from TIGS 8/4/2023 To 8/4/2023
574 Scientist(Horticulture) distributed seed tubers of tuberose crop for the conduct of FLD 8/4/2023 To 8/4/2023
575 Off campus training program on "after harvest management practices in Mango field" 8/3/2023 To 8/3/2023
576 KVK Scientists Visited Vedik food products unit 8/3/2023 To 8/3/2023
577 Off campus training programme on "Cultivation of mulberry through organic approaches" 8/2/2023 To 8/2/2023
578 Made diagnostic field visit to mulberry fields 8/2/2023 To 8/2/2023
579 Off campus training programme on "Fertilizer, Pesticides and Seed Act" 8/2/2023 To 8/2/2023
580 Scientist(Sericulture) visited farmer fields and conducted Sunhemp (green manure) seed sowing activity as part of FLD on INM in mulberry 8/1/2023 To 8/1/2023
581 Scientist(PP) made Diagnostic visit in the problematic cabbage field 8/1/2023 To 8/1/2023
582 Farmers visit to KVK 8/1/2023 To 8/31/2023
583 Off campus training programme on Integrated Crop Management in Tomato 7/31/2023 To 7/31/2023
584 Film show - Utilization Of Farm Residue From Waste To Wealth 7/28/2023 To 7/28/2023
585 On campus capacity development programme on "Recent advances in bivoltine sericulture for sustainable cocoon production" 7/28/2023 To 7/28/2023
586 Scientist(PP) participated as resource persons in the FFS programme 7/28/2023 To 7/28/2023
587 Soil Scientist participated as Resource Person in Training Program on Fertilizer Act 7/26/2023 To 7/26/2023
588 Follow up visit to FLD on Enhancing soil fertility and leaf yield of mulberry through waste decomposer solution 7/25/2023 To 7/25/2023
589 Visited FLD Ragi ML 365, Ragi KMR 316, Field Bean HA 4 and Red Gram BRG 5 farmers fields 7/25/2023 To 7/25/2023
590 Off campus training programme on Integrated Disease Management in Tomato 7/25/2023 To 7/25/2023
591 visited the problematic field of tomato affected with ToLCV 7/25/2023 To 7/25/2023
592 Follow up visit in the FLD fields of Introduction of groundnut variety Dh-256 7/25/2023 To 7/25/2023
593 Organized on campus capacity development programme on Employment opportunities to SHG members 7/20/2023 To 7/20/2023
594 Visit to Tomato Leaf Curl Virus affected tomato fields in Kolar District 7/20/2023 To 7/20/2023
595 Awareness Campaign on "Broad mites management in mulberry" 7/20/2023 To 7/20/2023
596 Scientists visited the problematic chrysanthemum field 7/18/2023 To 7/18/2023
597 ICAR - KVK Kolar- horticulture scientist represented the KVK in a special session of "KVKs & FPOs industry interface" 7/18/2023 To 7/18/2023
598 Organized exhibition on the eve of ICAR 95th Foundation & Technology Day 7/16/2023 To 7/18/2023
599 Training cum exhibition on the eve of 95th ICAR foundation day 7/16/2023 To 7/18/2023
600 Training Cum exhibition on the eve of 95 th ICAR foundation day 7/16/2023 To 7/18/2023
601 KVK, Kolar organized training cum exhibition on the eve of ICAR-Foundation day 7/16/2023 To 7/18/2023
602 Prepared waste decomposer solution supply through drip irrigation as part of FLD 7/15/2023 To 7/15/2023
603 Follow up visit to FLD on INM in mulberry for higher productivity 7/15/2023 To 7/15/2023
604 Visited Shri Nagaraj C. L., Organic Farmer field 7/15/2023 To 7/15/2023
605 On campus capacity development programme on "Quality bivoltine cocoon production and mulberry crop protection through integrated approaches" 7/14/2023 To 7/14/2023
606 Film show - Utilization Of Farm Residue From Waste To Wealth 7/14/2023 To 7/14/2023
607 A team of scientists visited the tomato leaf curl virus infected fields 7/13/2023 To 7/13/2023
608 Demonstration of working condition of Agro Automatic weather station 7/13/2023 To 7/13/2023
609 Awareness Campaign on "Broad mites and their management practices in mulberry" 7/13/2023 To 7/13/2023
610 Preparation of waste decomposer solution under FLD on Enhancing soil fertility and mulberry production 7/7/2023 To 7/7/2023
611 Scientist(Sericulture) delivered talk on IPM in Sericulture & Recent advances in bivoltine silkworm rearing 7/5/2023 To 7/5/2023
612 Organized Consultative group meeting on tomato to address the burning issues in tomato crop 7/4/2023 To 7/4/2023
613 Conducted method demonstration on "Scientific disinfection of silkworm rearing house with Serifighter disinfectant" 7/3/2023 To 7/3/2023
614 Off campus capacity building pogramme on "Scientific disinfection of silkworm rearing house to reduce defective cocoons" 7/3/2023 To 7/3/2023
615 Follow up visit to FLD Ragi KMR- 316 & ML-365 7/3/2023 To 7/3/2023
616 Conducted the method demonstration on groundnut seed treatment with Rhizobium and PSB 7/3/2023 To 7/3/2023
617 Scientist(PP) along wtih KVK Scientists today visited the problematic banana field 7/1/2023 To 7/1/2023
618 Farmers visit to KVK 7/1/2023 To 7/31/2023
619 Organized millet recipe contest at Gundanmanattha Srinivaspura taluk 6/30/2023 To 6/30/2023
620 Capacity development programme on "Management of mulberry garden & cocoon productivity through organic approaches" 6/28/2023 To 6/28/2023
621 Awareness programme on Importance of Natural farming 6/27/2023 To 6/27/2023
622 Scientist(Sericulture) visited root knot nematode affected mulberry garden 6/27/2023 To 6/27/2023
623 Orientation training programme on National Livestock Mission (NLM) Scheme 6/27/2023 To 6/27/2023
624 Dr. S.B. Dandin, Former VC, UHS Bagalkot visited ICAR- KVK Kolar 6/26/2023 To 6/26/2023
625 KVK, Kolar organized workshop on ICM in tomato 6/22/2023 To 6/22/2023
626 ISEE National Seminar 2023 6/22/2023 To 6/24/2023
627 ISEE National seminar 2023- Participated and put up KVK stall 6/22/2023 To 6/24/2023
628 Organized method demonstration on Seed treatment in Ragi, Redgram, & field bean 6/20/2023 To 6/20/2023
629 Scientist(PP) visited FLD fields of cabbage and cauliflower 6/20/2023 To 6/20/2023
630 Diagnostic field visit to mulberry fields 6/17/2023 To 6/17/2023
631 Conducted Group meeting for Improved varieties, cultivation practices in field crops 6/16/2023 To 6/16/2023
632 SS&H & Scientist(SS&AC) made visit to problematic tomato field 6/16/2023 To 6/16/2023
633 Off campus training programme on Importance of minor Millets in human Diet 6/16/2023 To 6/16/2023
634 Method demonstration in Ragi 6/16/2023 To 6/16/2023
635 KVK, Kolar scientists visited M Hosahalli and distributed Ragi and little millet. 6/16/2023 To 6/16/2023
636 On campus capacity development programme on "Improved cultivation practices in mulberry and bivoltine silkworm management in Kharif season" 6/15/2023 To 6/15/2023
637 Role of KVK's in Farmers welfare 6/14/2023 To 6/14/2023
638 Kvk Kolar scientists visited Common Incubation Centre 6/14/2023 To 6/14/2023
639 Organized Field Day in Mango under the FLD of "Integrated crop management" in Mango 6/14/2023 To 6/14/2023
640 Awareness programme on Importance of Natural farming 6/14/2023 To 6/14/2023
641 Organized group meeting among the farmers of Dandiganahalli 6/10/2023 To 6/10/2023
642 Horticulture scientist visited the adopted village Dindiganahalli, kolar TQ 6/10/2023 To 6/10/2023
643 Scientist(Horticulture) along with KVK scientists made field visit to Brinjal plot 6/9/2023 To 6/9/2023
644 Scientist(PP) conducted group discussion with farmers of Marandahalli village 6/9/2023 To 6/9/2023
645 Scientist visit to problematic Mango orchard 6/7/2023 To 6/7/2023
646 KVK Kolar celebrated World Environment day with tag line Beat plastic pollution 6/5/2023 To 6/5/2023
647 Method demonstration in seed treatment in Redgram and field bean 6/2/2023 To 6/2/2023
648 Method demonstration on Seed treatment in Ragi, Redgram and field bean 6/2/2023 To 6/2/2023
649 Scientist(Horticulture) organized group meeting among the farmers of Dindiganahalli village 6/2/2023 To 6/2/2023
650 Organized method demonstration on Seed treatment in Ragi, Redgram, & Field bean 6/1/2023 To 6/1/2023
651 KVK Kolar conducted Group discussion with farmers of Muthanuru 6/1/2023 To 6/1/2023
652 Advisory over phone 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
653 Farmers visit to KVK 6/1/2023 To 6/30/2023
654 Scientist(PP) along with KVK ,Kolar Scientist made diagnostic field visit to capsicum fields 5/31/2023 To 5/31/2023
655 Scientist(PP) with KVK, Kolar scientists made diagnostic field visit to tomato fields 5/31/2023 To 5/31/2023
656 Capacity development programme on Nutritional security of minor millets" and “Importance of kitchen garden in nutritional security 5/31/2023 To 5/31/2023
657 ICAR-KVK Kolar organized celebration of International year of Millets 2023 5/30/2023 To 5/30/2023
658 Scientist(HS) organized training programme on Minor Millets for Nutritional Security 5/26/2023 To 5/26/2023
659 Capacity building programme on Minor Millets for Nutritional Security 5/26/2023 To 5/26/2023
660 KVK,Kolar Scientists visited the problematic Mango field 5/26/2023 To 5/26/2023
661 ICAr-KVK, Kolar organized capacity building programme on Minor Millets for Nutritional Security 5/26/2023 To 5/26/2023
662 Scientist(SS&AC) along with kvk, kolar scientists visited pomogrante farmers field 5/25/2023 To 5/25/2023
663 Scientist(HS) visited Baba cold press oil and bakery unit 5/25/2023 To 5/25/2023
664 Scientist(SS&AC) along with KVK scientists organized group meeting 5/25/2023 To 5/25/2023
665 Scientist(Sericulture) delivered talk on Improved cultivation practices in mulberry 5/23/2023 To 5/23/2023
666 KVK, Kolar organized Capacity building programme under LIFE on Soil Health Management 5/23/2023 To 5/23/2023
667 Bimonthly workshop 5/23/2023 To 5/23/2023
668 Scientist(PP) visited the problematic banana field 5/22/2023 To 5/22/2023
669 KVK Kolar scientists, Scientist(Horticulture) & Scientist(SS&AC) made diagnostic field visit to Tuberose plants 5/18/2023 To 5/18/2023
670 KVK Kolar scientist, Soil Science and Horticulture Scientist, made diagnostic field visit to Jasmine plants 5/18/2023 To 5/18/2023
671 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as a Resource person for DAESI class 5/17/2023 To 5/17/2023
672 Scientist(Sericulture) along with KVK, Scientists visited sericulture farmer field 5/12/2023 To 5/12/2023
673 Scientist(PP) & KVK, kolar scientists visited problematic tomato field 5/12/2023 To 5/12/2023
674 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as a resource person for DAESI class 5/3/2023 To 5/3/2023
675 Farmers visit to KVK 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
676 Advisory over phone 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
677 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as a resource person for DAESI class 4/27/2023 To 4/27/2023
678 Soil Scientist and Horticulture scientist made a Diagnostic field visit to jasmine crops 4/24/2023 To 4/24/2023
679 KVK Kolar Soil Scientist and Horticulture scientist made a Diagnostic field visit to Gladiolus crop 4/24/2023 To 4/24/2023
680 Soil Scientist and Horticulture scientist made a Diagnostic visit to banana plantation crops 4/24/2023 To 4/24/2023
681 Scientist(PP) made Follow up visit to FLD cucumber fields 4/17/2023 To 4/17/2023
682 KVK scientists participated in "APPEMIDI MANGO DIVERSITY FAIR 2023 4/13/2023 To 4/13/2023
683 TV talk on “Mannina samrakshaneyalli maagi ulumeya mahathva” by Scientist(Horticulture) 4/12/2023 To 4/12/2023
684 TV talk by Scientist(Sericulture) 4/11/2023 To 4/11/2023
685 Soil Scientist given TV Program to DD Chandana on Importance of Natural farming 4/10/2023 To 4/10/2023
686 TV talk by Scientist(SS&AC) 4/10/2023 To 4/10/2023
687 Scientist(Horticulture) made follow up visit to adapted villages 4/6/2023 To 4/6/2023
688 Soil Scientist Participated as Resource person and delivered a lecture on Organic farming and preparation of liquid organic manures 4/6/2023 To 4/6/2023
689 Farmers visit to KVK 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
690 Advisory over phone 4/1/2023 To 4/30/2023
691 Soil scientist organized a capacity development program on Administration and management skills of FPO 3/31/2023 To 3/31/2023
692 Awareness programme for farmers on BEE STAR Labelled ENERGY EFFICIENT PUMP SETS IN Agriculture. 3/30/2023 To 3/30/2023
693 Scientist(Horticulture) delivered lecture on "Value addition in flowers & done demonstration on preparation of different types of bouquets" 3/30/2023 To 3/30/2023
694 Conducted an awareness programme on Natural farming 3/30/2023 To 3/30/2023
695 Scientist(Horticulture) delivered lecture on Importance of traditional flowers & improved production technology of Marigold & Tuberose 3/30/2023 To 3/30/2023
696 Soil Scientist Participated as Resource person and delivered lecture on Integrated farming system 3/29/2023 To 3/29/2023
697 Unnathi vocational training program on subsidiary activities in agriculture sector to enhance farmers income 3/28/2023 To 3/28/2023
698 Celebration of World Water Day and World Meteorological Day 3/23/2023 To 3/23/2023
699 Scientist(Sericulture) conducted demonstration of Poshan (multinutrients) spraying through Agri Drone on Mulberry 3/23/2023 To 3/23/2023
700 Scientist(Horticulture) conducted demonstration of "Mango special" - micronutrients mixture spraying through Agri Drone 3/23/2023 To 3/23/2023
701 Scientist(sericulture) conducted demonstration of Poshan (multinutrients) spraying through Agri Drone on Mulberry 3/21/2023 To 3/21/2023
702 Demonstration of Drone spray with Lambdacthalothrin for control of tea mosquito bug in guava plantation 3/21/2023 To 3/21/2023
703 Demonstration of Drone spray with Mango special 3/21/2023 To 3/21/2023
704 Soil scientist(SS&AC) participated as resource person for DAESI 3/21/2023 To 3/21/2023
705 Visited Guava farmer fields 3/20/2023 To 3/20/2023
706 Soil Scientist Participated as Resource person and delivered lecture on Importance and opportunities in secondary Agriculture 3/20/2023 To 3/20/2023
707 Livetelast of " International Millets Conference" and organised training programme on Millets for opportunity in Natural farming. 3/18/2023 To 3/18/2023
708 Scientist(HS) conducted demonstration of Drone for spraying of Cryogen for Potato fields 3/15/2023 To 3/15/2023
709 Soil Scientist Participated as Chief Guest in Student Ready Program 3/14/2023 To 3/14/2023
710 Soil Scientist conducted demonstration on Nano Urea spraying using Agri drone in Cabbage 3/14/2023 To 3/14/2023
711 Horticulture scientist conducted demonstration on pesticide spraying using agri drone 3/13/2023 To 3/13/2023
712 Soil Scientist conducted demonstration on 19all, micronutrients and Nano Urea spraying using Agri drone in Tomato 3/13/2023 To 3/13/2023
713 Scientist (Plant Protection) took up demonstration on pesticide spraying using Agri drone in cabbage field 3/10/2023 To 3/10/2023
714 Soil Scientist conducted demonstration on 19all, micronutrients and Nano Urea spraying using Agri drone in sweet corn 3/10/2023 To 3/10/2023
715 KVK Kolar organized International women's Day 3/10/2023 To 3/10/2023
716 Field Day on "Management of mulberry and bivoltine silkworm in winter season for successful cocoon harvest" 3/10/2023 To 3/10/2023
717 Soil science visited capsicum farmer field 3/9/2023 To 3/9/2023
718 Organized awareness programme on Natural programme 3/8/2023 To 3/8/2023
719 Soil Scientist Participated as Resource person and Delivered lecture on Importance of organic farming 3/8/2023 To 3/8/2023
720 Scientist(Home Science) conducted demonstration of Drone spraying 3/8/2023 To 3/9/2023
721 Soil Scientist conducted demonstration on 19all, micronutrients and Nano Urea spraying using Agri drone in sweet corn 3/7/2023 To 3/7/2023
722 Scientist(Plant Protection) visited the FLD fields on integrated management of disease and pest in cucumber 3/6/2023 To 3/6/2023
723 Soil Scientist conducted demonstration on 19all, micronutrients and Nano Urea spraying using Agri drone in sweet corn fields 3/6/2023 To 3/6/2023
724 SS&H conducted demonstration of pesticide spraying through agri Drone on potato and cabbage 3/4/2023 To 3/4/2023
725 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as resource person and delivered talk on "Importance and production technology of vermicompost for sustainable crop production" 3/4/2023 To 3/4/2023
726 Horticulture scientist visited Bairesh farmer's field belongs to mastenahalli, as a part of 2022-23 selection of krishi pandit award 3/4/2023 To 3/4/2023
727 Scientist(PP) conducted demonstration on pesticide spraying using Agri drone in potato fields 3/3/2023 To 3/3/2023
728 KVK Horticulture scientist visited Shiva reddy farmer's field belongs to Nanjireddypalli, Chintamani taluk 3/3/2023 To 3/3/2023
729 Scientist(SS&AC) participated as a resource person in online and delivered a lecture on Fertigation schedule and importance in Horticulture crops and Nutrient management in horticulture crops 3/3/2023 To 3/3/2023
730 Horticulture scientist visited Krishnappa S m farmer's field belongs to barlahalli, Chintamani taluk 3/3/2023 To 3/3/2023
731 KVK Horticulture scientist visited venkatesh reddy farmer's field belongs to bukkanahalli, 3/3/2023 To 3/3/2023
732 Scientist(sericulture) conducted demonstration on spraying of Poshan a multi nutrient foliar solution 3/2/2023 To 3/2/2023
733 Horticulture scientist visited Bhaskar reddy farmer's field belongs to Yagavamarappagaripalli, mittemari hobli 3/2/2023 To 3/2/2023
734 Horticulture scientist visited Krishnappa, B farmer's field belongs to nimmakayalapalli, cheluru hobli 3/2/2023 To 3/2/2023
735 Soil Scientist Conducted awareness programme on Natural farming and participated as resource person and delivered lecture on Importance and fundamentals of soil science, Soil sampling and Fertilizers recommendations based on soil report 3/2/2023 To 3/2/2023
736 Scientist(Sericulture) conducted demonstration on spraying of Poshan a multi nutrient foliar solution on mulberry through Drone 3/1/2023 To 3/1/2023
737 Farmers visit to KVK 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
738 Advisory over phone 3/1/2023 To 3/31/2023
739 TriMonthly workshop for KSDH Officers 2/28/2023 To 2/28/2023
740 Demonstration on spraying of plant protection chemicals using Agri drone in potato fields 2/27/2023 To 2/27/2023
741 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as a resource person and delivered talk on Integrated pest management in sericulture 2/27/2023 To 2/27/2023
742 KVK Kolar webcasted PM Kisan Samman Nidhi release program 2/27/2023 To 2/27/2023
743 Method demonstration in an area of 11 acres on spraying of pesticide using the agriculture drone 2/25/2023 To 2/25/2023
744 conducted the method demonstration on spraying of pesticide using the Agri drone 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
745 Scientist(PP) conducted method demonstration on spraying of pesticide 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
746 Participated on Union Budget webinar related to Agriculture addressed by Hon'ble Prime Minister 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
747 Horticulture scientist visited dragon fruit, butter fruit and strawberry plots 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
748 Scientist(PP) conducted the method demonstration on spraying of pesticide using the Agri drone in the potato fields 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
749 Scientist(Horticulture) organized capacity development program on integrated crop management practices of tomato 2/24/2023 To 2/24/2023
750 Scientist(Horticulture) Participated as resource person and delivered lecture on resource conservation techniques in horticulture crops 2/23/2023 To 2/23/2023
751 Conducted the demonstration on pesticide spraying using Agri Drone in the potato field 2/23/2023 To 2/23/2023
752 Soil Scientist Participated as Resource person and delivered lecture on Integrated nutrient management in Grapes and pomegranate 2/23/2023 To 2/23/2023
753 Soil Scientist visited Farmers field visit as part Krushi Pandith Award selection committee member 2/22/2023 To 2/22/2023
754 Visited Tippasandra village of Kolar taluk for the selection of potato fields to take up the agri drone spray demonstration. 2/21/2023 To 2/21/2023
755 Visited the Shillangere village of potato fields to take up the agri drone spray demonstration 2/21/2023 To 2/21/2023
756 Soil Scientist visited MLT weed and Nutrient Management plots of cauliflower 2/15/2023 To 2/15/2023
757 Soil Scientist visited FLD Potato field 2/15/2023 To 2/15/2023
758 SS&H participated as a resource person in finalizing term sheets which includes perils, strike rates, risks, payouts and phases for Weather Based Crop Insurance of Horti crops 2/15/2023 To 2/15/2023
759 Soil Scientist visited FLD Cabbage fields 2/15/2023 To 2/15/2023
760 Organized one day workshop for FPO CEOs and Directors 2/14/2023 To 2/14/2023
761 Scientist(PP) visited the FLD demo fields on eco friendly management of fall army worm in sweet corn 2/11/2023 To 2/11/2023
762 Scientist(PP) visited the FLD demo fields on integrated pest and disease management in cucumber 2/11/2023 To 2/11/2023
763 Scientist(Horticulture) visited OFT potato plots 2/10/2023 To 2/10/2023
764 Training program on Natural farming, Organic farming and importance of Millets and its value addition 2/9/2023 To 2/9/2023
765 Fourth batch DAESI Program inaugurated at KVK Kolar 2/8/2023 To 2/8/2023
766 Scientist(PP) visited the FLD demo fields on eco friendly management of fall army worm in sweet corn 2/8/2023 To 2/8/2023
767 KVK, Kolar scientist made diagnostic visit to guava fields 2/7/2023 To 2/7/2023
768 Awareness programme on Natural farming and Training program on Importance of Millets and organic farming 2/7/2023 To 2/7/2023
769 Visited the FLD demo potato fields on management of late blight of potato 2/3/2023 To 2/3/2023
770 Horticulture and soil science scientists visited multiple cropped orchard 2/3/2023 To 2/3/2023
771 Demonstration & installation of pheromone traps, yellow and blue sticky traps & visited FLD demo fields on ecofriendly mgt of Tuta in tomato 2/3/2023 To 2/3/2023
772 Soil Scientist given information about KVK functioning and Mandates 2/2/2023 To 2/2/2023
773 Method demonstration on installation of pheramone traps 2/2/2023 To 2/2/2023
774 Method demonstration on installation of Tricho cards 2/2/2023 To 2/2/2023
775 Field Day on "Integrated nutrient management in mulberry for sustainable leaf and cocoon harvest" 2/1/2023 To 2/1/2023
776 Horticulture scientist visited potato field 1/31/2023 To 1/31/2023
777 live telecast of the inauguration of various welfare schemes and distribution of Krishi Pandit awards 1/31/2023 To 1/31/2023
778 Awareness program on natural farming practices 1/31/2023 To 1/31/2023
779 Conducted capacity development program on improved varieties of vegetables 1/31/2023 To 1/31/2023
780 Scientist(Horticulture) organized crop seminar on integrated crop management of potato and tomato 1/30/2023 To 1/30/2023
781 Scientist(Horticulture) visited dragon fruit plots 1/28/2023 To 1/28/2023
782 Scientist(Horticulture) visited butter fruit plots 1/28/2023 To 1/28/2023
783 Scientist(Horticulture) visited FLD mango plots 1/28/2023 To 1/28/2023
784 Follow up visit to OFT on Assessment of different liquid consortia in mulberry 1/27/2023 To 1/27/2023
785 Awareness programme on Natural farming 1/25/2023 To 1/25/2023
786 Awareness programme on Natural farming 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
787 SS&H Participated as Chief Guest in the Buyers Sellers Meet for FPO Shareholder farmers 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
788 Scientist(PP) conducted method demonstration in the sweet corn field 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
789 Horticulture scientist visited OFT Ridge gourd plots 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
790 Scientist(Horticulture) conducted method demonstrated fruit fly traps as a part ICM Mango 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
791 District level workshop on "Cultivation practices of mulberry through natural farming" 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
792 Scientist(Horticulture) visited FLD Marigold plot 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
793 Scientist(Horticulture) visited OFT on tomato waste management. 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
794 Scientist(Horticulture) visited Mango FLD plots 1/24/2023 To 1/24/2023
795 Scientist(PP) visited the FLD demo plots on management of late blight of potato through integrated approach 1/23/2023 To 1/23/2023
796 Scientist(PP) visited the FLD demo plots on eco-friendly management of Fall Army Worm in sweet corn 1/21/2023 To 1/21/2023
797 Off campus training cum awareness programme on "Promotion of Natural farming under mulberry ecosystem" 1/20/2023 To 1/20/2023
798 Farmers hostel foundation day programme 1/19/2023 To 1/19/2023
799 Scientist(PP) visited three FLD demo plots of sweet corn 1/16/2023 To 1/16/2023
800 Participated in District level Siridhanyagala Mela and Phalapushpa Pradarshane 1/13/2023 To 1/15/2023
801 Scientist(PP) visited three potato demo fields of FLD on management of late blight of potato through integrated approach 1/12/2023 To 1/12/2023
802 Scientists visited tomato three FLD demo fields on eco friendly mgt. of South American pinworm 1/12/2023 To 1/12/2023
803 Scientist(SS&AC) organized the method Demonstration of Azolla cultivation and silage preparation 1/11/2023 To 1/11/2023
804 Field day on "Introduction of productive bivoltine silkworm hybrid FC1 x FC2 for crop stability and cocoon productivity" 1/11/2023 To 1/11/2023
805 Scientist(SS&AC) visited FLD cabbage plot 1/11/2023 To 1/11/2023
806 Soil Scientist visited FLD cucumber fields 1/11/2023 To 1/11/2023
807 Awareness programme on Natural farming 1/11/2023 To 1/11/2023
808 Scientist(SS&AC), Scientist(PP) organized farmers meeting at RSK Vemgal 1/10/2023 To 1/10/2023
809 Scientist(SS&AC) visited IFS farmers field on part IFS survey 1/10/2023 To 1/10/2023
810 Scientist(SS&AC) ragi FLD follow up visit 1/10/2023 To 1/10/2023
811 Organized "Millets Walkathon" to create public awareness on importance of minor millets 1/10/2023 To 1/10/2023
812 Scientist(SS&AC) visited FLD cabbage, FLD Potato & FLD sweet corn 1/9/2023 To 1/9/2023
813 Scientist(SS&AC) organized awareness programme on Natural farming 1/9/2023 To 1/9/2023
814 Scientist(Horticulture) visited Farm trial plot of polebeans 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
815 Scientist(Horticulture) visited just planted tomato plot 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
816 Scientist(Horticulture) visited polyhouse grown capsicum plot 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
817 Scientist(Horticulture) visited OFT - potato plot 1/7/2023 To 1/7/2023
818 Scientist(Horticulture) visited Tomato plots of Devarajappa and Venkateshappa at Dandiganahalli village. 1/6/2023 To 1/6/2023
819 Capacity development programme on "Organic Sericulture with special emphasis on management of mulberry pests through biopesticide " 1/6/2023 To 1/6/2023
820 Scientist(Horticulture) visited potato fields 1/6/2023 To 1/6/2023
821 Scientist(Horticulture) & SS&H made diagnostic field visit to guava field 1/6/2023 To 1/6/2023
822 Scientist(SS&AC) organized capacity development program on Integrated crop management in tomato and potato 1/5/2023 To 1/5/2023
823 Scientist(Horticulture) delivered lecture on good production techniques in major horticulture crops of the district 1/4/2023 To 1/4/2023
824 Soil Scientist visited FLD cucumber fields 1/4/2023 To 1/11/2023
825 KVK Scientist(Sericulture) conducted method demonstration on preparation of waste decomposer solution and their uses in mulberry cultivation 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
826 Scientist(Sericulture) visited problematic mulberry field 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
827 KVK-KOLAR Scientist(PP) along with ATMA Kolar officials conducted method demonstration on azolla production 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
828 KVK-Kolar Scientist(PP) along with ATMA, Kolar officials visited the problematic banana and cabbage fields 1/3/2023 To 1/3/2023
829 Scientist (Horti.) visited Gaddekannur village to initiate marigold FLD. 1/2/2023 To 1/2/2023
830 Soil Scientist initiated FLD Silage and Azolla 1/2/2023 To 1/2/2023
831 Thotagarike Mela-2022 12/29/2022 To 12/31/2022
832 KVK Kolar exhibited KVK activities and Natural farming stall at Thotagarika Mella 2022 12/29/2022 To 12/31/2022
833 Swachahta Pakhwad programme was conducted to school children 12/27/2022 To 12/27/2022
834 Celebrated National Farmers day (Kisan Diwas)-2022 12/23/2022 To 12/23/2022
835 Soil Scientist made Diagnostic visit to pomegranate fields 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
836 Soil scientist conducted a method Demonstration of Azolla cultivation 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
837 Scientist(SS&AC) participated as Resource person in field day on Red gram and Kissan Ghosti 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
838 Diagnostic field visit to chilli fields 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
839 Soil scientist participated as a resource person 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
840 Soil Scientist made Diagnostic visit to sandalwood and intercrop mulberry fields 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
841 Soil science organized an awareness programme on Natural farming 12/22/2022 To 12/22/2022
842 Swachhata pakhwad programme - conducted to school children 12/21/2022 To 12/21/2022
843 Visit to FLD in INM and IPM in cabbage 12/21/2022 To 12/21/2022
844 Scientist(SS&AC) visited IFS farmer field 12/21/2022 To 12/21/2022
845 Scientist(SS&AC) distributed Potato special micronutrient to FLD farmers 12/21/2022 To 12/21/2022
846 FFS on Management of mulberry and silkworm during winter season 12/20/2022 To 12/20/2022
847 Swachhata pakhwad conducted to FFS farmer's 12/20/2022 To 12/20/2022
848 Exposure visit conducted to FFS farmers at Automatic Reeling Machine, Unit 12/20/2022 To 12/20/2022
849 Scientist(Horti) conducted group discussion regarding implementation of SCSP programme 12/16/2022 To 12/16/2022
850 Awareness programme on Natural farming 12/16/2022 To 12/16/2022
851 Scientist(Horti.) visited for preliminary survey for implementing SCSP program 12/15/2022 To 12/15/2022
852 Rural entrepreneur awareness development yojana program 12/12/2022 To 12/14/2022
853 organized on campus capacity development programme on "Quality cocoon production through adoption of recent technologies in bivoltine sericulture" 12/9/2022 To 12/9/2022
854 Organized off campus capacity development programme on "Management practices for powdery mildew and white muscardine diseases of mulberry and silkworm" 12/7/2022 To 12/7/2022
855 Participated in joint survey for assessing pest and disease incidence 12/6/2022 To 12/6/2022
856 KVK, Kolar celebrated World Soil Day 12/5/2022 To 12/5/2022
857 Visited natural farming practices following farmer Mr Dharmalingum field 12/3/2022 To 12/3/2022
858 Follow up visit of Nutrigarden and conducted swachhata pakhwada programme 12/2/2022 To 12/2/2022
859 Scientist(Horticulture) served as resource person and delivered lecture for DAESI students 12/2/2022 To 12/2/2022
860 Organized FFS on Management of mulberry garden and silkworm during winter season 12/2/2022 To 12/2/2022
861 Scientist(HS) visited farmer's fields in Bangarpet taluk as a member of the selection committee for ATMA awards 12/1/2022 To 12/1/2022
862 Capacity Development Programme on Integrated crop Management of Tomato and Potato 11/30/2022 To 11/30/2022
863 Scientist (Sericulture) participated in All India Radio recording 11/30/2022 To 11/30/2022
864 on campus capacity development programme on alternative horticulture crops for increased water table prospects and consequences 11/29/2022 To 11/29/2022
865 Off campus capacity development programme on integrated crop management of tomato and potato 11/28/2022 To 11/28/2022
866 Soil Scientist Participated as resource person 11/28/2022 To 11/29/2022
867 KVK Kolar scientists participated in radio program of namma dwani radio station 11/25/2022 To 11/25/2022
868 Scientist(SS&AC) organized capacity development programme on integrated crop management of tomato and potato 11/25/2022 To 11/25/2022
869 SS&H participated in District ATMA Management and Farmers Advisory Committee 11/25/2022 To 11/25/2022
870 Visited farmers fields at Mulbagal taluk as a part of Member of selection committee 11/24/2022 To 11/24/2022
871 Scientist(Sericulture) Scientist participated as a Member of selection committee for District and Taluk level farmers Award under ATM 11/23/2022 To 11/23/2022
872 Capacity development prg pn Intro of Dist. Agromet unit, importance of weather forecasting in agriculture and utility of weather based mobile applications. 11/22/2022 To 11/22/2022
873 Capacity development programme on "Management of Mulberry garden and production of bivoltine silkworm hybrids during winter season". 11/22/2022 To 11/22/2022
874 Participated as resource person and delivered a lecture on PMFME scheme & FSSAI license 11/22/2022 To 11/22/2022
875 Scientist(Horticulture) organized training on integrated crop management of tomato and potato in a crop seminar 11/22/2022 To 11/22/2022
876 On campus capacity development programme on Impact of climate change on agriculture and popularization of weather based mobile applications used in agriculture 11/21/2022 To 11/21/2022
877 Capacity building program on scientific dairying and management of diseases of cattle. 11/21/2022 To 11/21/2022
878 Scientist(SS&AC) organized capacity development program on Soil Health Management in Horticulture crops 11/21/2022 To 11/21/2022
879 Scientist(Horticulture) made follow up visit to OFT-Potato fields. 11/19/2022 To 11/19/2022
880 Follow up visit to sweet corn FLD fields 11/19/2022 To 11/19/2022
881 Ragi FLD follow up visit 11/19/2022 To 11/19/2022
882 FFS- session-III on Management of mulberry and silkworm during winter season 11/19/2022 To 11/19/2022
883 Scientist(Sericulture) delivered talk on "Recent advances in mulberry cultivation 11/17/2022 To 11/17/2022
884 Scientist(SSA&C) organized capacity development program on Soil Health Management 11/16/2022 To 11/16/2022
885 5 days training on EDP on Processing and Value addition of Tomato 11/15/2022 To 11/19/2022
886 Scientist(SS&AC) delivered lecture on Soil Health Management 11/14/2022 To 11/14/2022
887 Scientist(Horticulture) delivered lecture on Production technology in Dragon Fruit, Butter Fruit Papaya and Guava 11/14/2022 To 11/14/2022
888 IFS farmers field visit 11/14/2022 To 11/14/2022
889 Scientist(SS&AC) organized field day on improved cultivation practices in ground nut cultivar KL1812 and DH256 11/14/2022 To 11/14/2022
890 Scientist(Horticulture) visited Sujatamma farm woman's field as a part of selection committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
891 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
892 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
893 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
894 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
895 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
896 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
897 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
898 Scientist(Horticulture) participated as committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
899 Scientist(Horticulture) visited Dhananjaya gowda farmer's field as a part of selection committee member for taluk and district level ATMA awards of Kolar. 11/10/2022 To 11/10/2022
900 FFS on Management of mulberry and silkworm during winter season 11/9/2022 To 11/9/2022
901 Follow up visit to Mango ICM FLD plots 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
902 OFT tomato follow up visit 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
903 Demonstrated foliar application of mango special and it's importance as a part of mango ICM FLD 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
904 Visit to sweet corn plot 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
905 Follow up visit to OFT Ridge gourd plot 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
906 Visit to bark eating caterpillar affected jamun plot 11/8/2022 To 11/8/2022
907 Soil Scientist Participated and Associated in exhibition of University stall at Krishi Mella 2022 11/6/2022 To 11/6/2022
908 Scientist(Horti) participated in UAS Bengaluru krishimela 11/5/2022 To 11/5/2022
909 Dr.V. Venkatasubramanian, Director, ATARI visit 11/4/2022 To 11/4/2022
910 Soil Scientist delivered lecture on GAP of Groundnut 11/2/2022 To 11/2/2022
911 Field day on improved cultivation practices in finger millet 11/2/2022 To 11/2/2022
912 Vigilance awareness week pledge 10/31/2022 To 10/31/2022
913 Visit to OFT potato fields 10/29/2022 To 10/29/2022
914 Visit to problematic curryleaf plot 10/29/2022 To 10/29/2022
915 Initiated OFT on economic feasibility of apical stem cuttings and it's tubers in potato 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
916 Follow up visit to cucumber farm trial plot 10/28/2022 To 10/28/2022
917 Method demonstration in jamun 10/22/2022 To 10/22/2022
918 Visit to problematic potato fields 10/21/2022 To 10/21/2022
919 FFS- I-Session on Management of mulberry and silkworm during winter season 10/20/2022 To 10/20/2022
920 PM KISAN SAMMAN SAMMELAN 10/17/2022 To 10/17/2022
921 Mahila Kisan Divas 10/15/2022 To 10/15/2022
922 Initiated FLD on Management of late blight of potato through integrated approach 10/14/2022 To 10/14/2022
923 Capacity development programme on "FSSAI license, Food Labeling, Branding and marketing Opportunities of value added products" to SHG members of Kolar district 10/14/2022 To 10/14/2022
924 Method demonstration on enrichment of bio control agents 10/14/2022 To 10/14/2022
925 Field Day on FLD-Management of stem rot in groundnut and introduction of the groundnut variety Kadre Lepakshi 10/8/2022 To 10/8/2022
926 Follow up visit to Shri Narayanappa, IFS farmer 10/8/2022 To 10/8/2022
927 Follow-up visit to OFT on assessment on management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 10/8/2022 To 10/8/2022
928 Trimonthly workshop for KSDH Officers 10/7/2022 To 10/7/2022
929 Follow up visit to OFT on assessment of different liquid consortia in mulberry 10/7/2022 To 10/7/2022
930 FLD- Follow up visit and initiated in few plots on demonstration of Nano urea on sweet corn 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
931 Initiated FLD Nutrient management in cucumber 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
932 Visit to FLD on finger millet KMR 316 and GPU 66 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
933 Initiated OFT on assessment of different compost cultures in composting tomato waste. 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
934 Visit to Mango FLD on ICM 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
935 Initiation of OFT Ridge gourd 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
936 Visit to FLD finger millet on GPU 66 field 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
937 Visit to color capsicum fields 10/6/2022 To 10/6/2022
938 Capacity development programme on "Mechanization in Mulberry cultivation & Horticulture crops" 9/30/2022 To 9/30/2022
939 Scientist(Horticulture) Participated as resource person in the ATMA organised Block level Farmer's Advisory committee 9/29/2022 To 9/29/2022
940 Scientist(sericulture) participated as resource person and delivered talk on Recent technologies in mulberry cultivation for sustainable leaf production 9/29/2022 To 9/29/2022
941 KVK Kolar Scientists made Diagnostic visit to a guava orchard 9/27/2022 To 9/27/2022
942 KVK Kolar Scientists visited severely infested fodder maize by fall army worm 9/27/2022 To 9/27/2022
943 KVK Kolar Scientist(Sericulture) participated as resource person during crop seminar 9/24/2022 To 9/24/2022
944 Off campus training programme on Poshan Maah 2022 9/23/2022 To 9/23/2022
945 Organized bimonthly workshop for KSDA Officers 9/23/2022 To 9/23/2022
946 Farm trial on the management of downy mildew disease of bitter gourd. 9/23/2022 To 9/23/2022
947 Visit to initiate Farm trial on carrot 9/22/2022 To 9/22/2022
948 Offf campus capacity development program on advance in tomato production technology 9/22/2022 To 9/22/2022
949 Visit to carrot & tomato fields 9/22/2022 To 9/22/2022
950 Scientist(Sericulture) participated as a resource person cum honorary director for 2nd Annual general body meeting 9/21/2022 To 9/21/2022
951 Visit to capsicum field 9/21/2022 To 9/21/2022
952 District level Workshop for Field level Staff of DIPs 9/21/2022 To 9/21/2022
953 Soil Scientist organized capacity development program on organic farming promotion in Horticulture crops 9/20/2022 To 9/20/2022
954 Capacity building programme on Integrated disease and pest management of major field crops. 9/20/2022 To 9/20/2022
955 Poshan Abhiyana and Tree plantation programme 9/17/2022 To 9/17/2022
956 Follow up visit to OFT on assessment of different liquid consortia in mulberry 9/15/2022 To 9/15/2022
957 Participated in the meeting on finalizing the FPOs and their activities in Kolar district 9/15/2022 To 9/15/2022
958 Follow up visit to OFT on Assessment on management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 9/15/2022 To 9/15/2022
959 Farmers innovation 9/13/2022 To 9/13/2022
960 Soil Scientist participated in Awareness program on NABL accreditation for soil testing laboratories 9/13/2022 To 9/13/2022
961 Visit to OFT Tomato waste management 9/13/2022 To 9/13/2022
962 Visit to Ragi FLD, tomato and brinjal plots 9/13/2022 To 9/13/2022
963 Visit to ICM Mango FLD farmers fields 9/13/2022 To 9/13/2022
964 Poshan Maah 2022 9/12/2022 To 9/12/2022
965 On campus capacity development programme on "Management of bivoltine silkworm during rainy season for successful cocoon harvest" 9/12/2022 To 9/12/2022
966 Farm trial on the management of downy mildew disease of bitter gourd 9/10/2022 To 9/10/2022
967 Farm trial on Chrysanthemum blight disease 9/9/2022 To 9/9/2022
968 Off campus capacity building programme on "Mulberry and Bivoltine Silkworm crop protection during rainy season" 9/7/2022 To 9/7/2022
969 Visit to bitter gourd fields 9/7/2022 To 9/7/2022
970 District Level Workshop on "Improved reeling machinery for production of superior gradable rawsilk" 9/6/2022 To 9/6/2022
971 Follow up visit to OFT fields on Management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 9/5/2022 To 9/5/2022
972 Visit to Shri Nagaraj, Organic Farmer field 9/5/2022 To 9/5/2022
973 Celebration of teachers day 2022 9/5/2022 To 9/5/2022
974 Initiation of farm trial on cucumber varieties 9/5/2022 To 9/5/2022
975 Follow up visit to OFT on assessment of different liquid consortia in mulberry for higher yield 9/5/2022 To 9/5/2022
976 Delivered lecture on points to be considered during rainy days in tomato cultivation 9/2/2022 To 9/2/2022
977 Visit to FFS groundnut fields 9/2/2022 To 9/2/2022
978 Field visit by KVK, Kolar scientists on rain affected tomato field 9/2/2022 To 9/2/2022
979 off campus training programme and delivered lecture on integrated management of pests and diseases of groundnut 9/2/2022 To 9/2/2022
980 Follow up visit to FLD groundnut fields 9/1/2022 To 9/1/2022
981 Poshan Maah 2022 9/1/2022 To 9/1/2022
982 Diagnostic field visit to tomato fields 9/1/2022 To 9/1/2022
983 Capacity building programme on BESST HORT Animal husbandry- SCSP prg 8/30/2022 To 8/30/2022
984 Capacity development program on scientific cultivation of sandalwood program 8/29/2022 To 8/29/2022
985 ATMA General Body meeting for the year 2022-23 at ZP office, Kolar. 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
986 Capacity Development programme on opportunities in processing of Horticultural crops and also given information on PMFME(ODOP) scheme 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
987 Visit to farmers fields 8/26/2022 To 8/26/2022
988 Demonstration on pruning aspects of mango 8/25/2022 To 8/25/2022
989 Off campus capacity development program on practices to be followed in mango after harvest till flowering 8/25/2022 To 8/25/2022
990 Farm trial on Chrysanthemum blight disease 8/25/2022 To 8/25/2022
991 Conducted Orientation program for newly recruited Canara Bank Probationary Officers 8/24/2022 To 8/24/2022
992 Participated as resource person and delivered talk on Integrated pests management in Sericulture 8/23/2022 To 8/23/2022
993 Follow up visit to Ragi KMR 316 and GPU 66 FLD farmers fields 8/22/2022 To 8/22/2022
994 Line transplanting in ragi 8/22/2022 To 8/22/2022
995 Parthenium Awareness programme. 8/22/2022 To 8/22/2022
996 Parthenium Awareness programme 8/20/2022 To 8/20/2022
997 Follow up visit to OFT on Assessment of different liquid consortia on mulberry 8/20/2022 To 8/20/2022
998 Follow up visits to Ragi KMR 316 and GPU 66 FLD 8/20/2022 To 8/20/2022
999 Follow up Ragi GPU 66 FLD farmers fields 8/19/2022 To 8/19/2022
1000 Parthenium awareness week 8/19/2022 To 8/19/2022
1001 Follow up visit to INM in mulberry for higher yield FLD farmers field 8/19/2022 To 8/19/2022
1002 Follow up visit to groundnut FLD farmers' fields 8/19/2022 To 8/19/2022
1003 Initiated OFT on Management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 8/19/2022 To 8/19/2022
1004 Organized Orientation to Canara Bank Probationary Officers 8/18/2022 To 8/18/2022
1005 Organized parthenium eradication awareness program 8/18/2022 To 8/18/2022
1006 Scientist visited farmers Brinjal field 8/18/2022 To 8/18/2022
1007 Method demonstration on fixing of sex pheromone traps 8/18/2022 To 8/18/2022
1008 Follow up visit to Ragi KMR 316 and GPU 66 FLD farmers fields 8/18/2022 To 8/18/2022
1009 FLD -Mango follow up visit 8/18/2022 To 8/18/2022
1010 Scientist(Horticulture) served as a resource person for DAESI students 8/16/2022 To 8/16/2022
1011 Azadi ka amrit mahostav-75 Independence day celebration 8/15/2022 To 8/15/2022
1012 Visit to Initiate OFT on Management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 8/13/2022 To 8/13/2022
1013 Training cum demonstration on Management of uzifly in silkworm rearing 8/11/2022 To 8/11/2022
1014 Follow up visit of Nutrigarden 8/11/2022 To 8/11/2022
1015 Lecture delivered as a resource person on role of weather forecasting in agriculture 8/11/2022 To 8/11/2022
1016 Participated in 2 days capacity building program on statistical and socio economic methods 8/11/2022 To 8/12/2022
1017 Participated as expert member in district level ATMA meeting 8/8/2022 To 8/8/2022
1018 Celebrated National Horticulture Day 2022 8/8/2022 To 8/8/2022
1019 Interface workshop on Farmer- Entrepreneurs 8/4/2022 To 8/4/2022
1020 Participated as Resource person and delivered lecture Soil Health management and Nutrient deficiency symptoms and management in Horticulture crops 8/4/2022 To 8/4/2022
1021 Follow up visit to Ragi KMR 316 and GPU 66 FLD farmers field 8/2/2022 To 8/2/2022
1022 Off campus capacity development programme on Importance of organic nutri garden to farm families 8/2/2022 To 8/2/2022
1023 Participated in the awareness programme and delivered talk on "Management of broad mites in mulberry for sustainable leaf production" 8/1/2022 To 8/1/2022
1024 participated as resource person and delivered talk on management broad mites in mulberry for quality leaf production 8/1/2022 To 8/1/2022
1025 Farmers visit to KVK 8/1/2022 To 8/31/2022
1026 Capacity development program on integrated crop management of tomato and potato 7/29/2022 To 7/29/2022
1027 Participated as resource person and delivered talk on "Waste decomposer and its uses in agriculture" 7/27/2022 To 7/27/2022
1028 Awareness Campaign on management of broad mites in mulberry 7/26/2022 To 7/26/2022
1029 Method demonstration on seed treatment in finger millet and distributed GPU 66 and KMR 316 7/26/2022 To 7/26/2022
1030 Capacity building program on challenges and prospects of butter fruit 7/26/2022 To 7/26/2022
1031 Soil Scientist and plant protection scientist Visited RSK Vokkalleri of Kolar 7/26/2022 To 7/26/2022
1032 Visit to TSC & Raitha Samparka Kendra (RSK) 7/25/2022 To 7/25/2022
1033 Soil Scientist(SS&AC) Visited RSK Narsapura of Kolar 7/25/2022 To 7/25/2022
1034 Off campus capacity building program on improved cultivation practices on finger millet and Varietal information on VL 376 7/25/2022 To 7/25/2022
1035 Awareness programme on "Sucking pests of mulberry and their management" 7/25/2022 To 7/25/2022
1036 Visited broad mites infested mulberry gardens 7/25/2022 To 7/25/2022
1037 Visit to mites infested mulberry garden 7/23/2022 To 7/23/2022
1038 Joint survey of 9 farmers fields in 5 villages of Kolar and Srinivasapura taluks 7/22/2022 To 7/22/2022
1039 Visited RSK Sugatoor of Kolar 7/22/2022 To 7/22/2022
1040 Visit to problematic coconut orchard 7/22/2022 To 7/22/2022
1041 Training program on essential practices to be followed in mango after harvest 7/22/2022 To 7/22/2022
1042 Capacity building program on improved cultivation practices in important Agriculture and Horticulture crops 7/22/2022 To 7/22/2022
1043 visited Mango FLD farmers of Ternahalli village 7/21/2022 To 7/21/2022
1044 capacity development program on improved cultivation practices and Varietal information on Ragi. 7/20/2022 To 7/20/2022
1045 Scientist visit to mulberry fields 7/20/2022 To 7/20/2022
1046 Diagnostic visit to drumstick fields 7/20/2022 To 7/20/2022
1047 Awareness program on PPV&FR Act in collaboration with ICAR NIVEDI Bengaluru 7/19/2022 To 7/19/2022
1048 Delivered lecture on Management of broad mites in mulberry 7/18/2022 To 7/18/2022
1049 Live telecast of 94th ICAR Foundation day 7/16/2022 To 7/16/2022
1050 KVK Kolar Soil Scientist Visited vadaganahalli village of Malur Taluk along with ATMA team 7/15/2022 To 7/15/2022
1051 Visited Seethanayakanahalli village of Malur Tq along with ATMA team and ADA SMS and ADA Maluru 7/15/2022 To 7/15/2022
1052 Visited FLD on INM in mulberry fields 7/15/2022 To 7/15/2022
1053 Diagnostic field visit to tomato fields 7/15/2022 To 7/15/2022
1054 Diagnostic field visit to beetle garden 7/15/2022 To 7/15/2022
1055 Organized off campus training programme on Role of liquid microbial consortium on soil fertility and leaf yield of mulberry as a part of FLD 7/15/2022 To 7/15/2022
1056 Diagnostic field visit to mulberry fields 7/15/2022 To 7/15/2022
1057 Diagnostic field visit to Guava fields 7/14/2022 To 7/14/2022
1058 Tree planting campaign to school children in Association with Rotary club Bengaluru 7/11/2022 To 7/11/2022
1059 Exposure visit to progressive farmers field 7/11/2022 To 7/11/2022
1060 On campus training programme on management of major pests of mulberry and silkworm through integrated approach 7/11/2022 To 7/11/2022
1061 Sponsored capacity development program on integrated farming system 7/11/2022 To 7/11/2022
1062 Visit to mites infested mulberry garden 7/9/2022 To 7/9/2022
1063 Conducted method demonstration in mango orchards 7/8/2022 To 7/8/2022
1064 Conducted method demonstration of soil sampling in mango orchards 7/8/2022 To 7/8/2022
1065 A capacity building programme for CEOs & BODs of Farmer producer organization 7/7/2022 To 7/7/2022
1066 Scientist(Soil Science) visited Farmers field at Kallipura village of kolar tq 7/7/2022 To 7/7/2022
1067 Conducted demonstration on seed treatment in finger millet 7/6/2022 To 7/6/2022
1068 Conducted method demonstration on seed treatment in finger millet and distributed GPU 66 and KMR 316 7/5/2022 To 7/5/2022
1069 Visit to sandal wood field in ternahalli 7/1/2022 To 7/1/2022
1070 Conducted group discussion at Ternahalli village, Srinivaspura Tq 7/1/2022 To 7/1/2022
1071 Conducted method demonstration on seed treatment in finger millet 7/1/2022 To 7/1/2022
1072 Farmers visit to KVK 7/1/2022 To 7/31/2022
1073 Delivered a lecture on Encroachment Eviction and role of SHGs in strengthening output business of FPOs 6/30/2022 To 6/30/2022
1074 Method Demonstration on scientific disinfection of silkworm rearing house as a part of FLD 6/29/2022 To 6/29/2022
1075 Field visit to horticultural farm 6/29/2022 To 6/29/2022
1076 Follow up visit to recycling of seri farm residue into vermicompost and compost production 6/29/2022 To 6/29/2022
1077 Trimonthly workshop 6/28/2022 To 6/28/2022
1078 Capacity development programme on Importance of weather forecasting in agriculture 6/28/2022 To 6/28/2022
1079 Follow up visit to INM in mulberry FLD farmers field 6/27/2022 To 6/27/2022
1080 Method demonstration on groundnut seed treatment 6/27/2022 To 6/27/2022
1081 Organized method demonstration on seed treatment in finger millet and introduction of GPU 66 6/27/2022 To 6/27/2022
1082 On campus capacity development programme on "Productive bivoltine silkworm hybrids for cocoon productivity and crop stability" 6/24/2022 To 6/24/2022
1083 Visited Erabanahalli farm of Departure of Agriculture, Maluru-mango and cashew orchards. 6/22/2022 To 6/22/2022
1084 National level campaign on “Efficient & Balanced use of Fertilizers (including nano fertilizers)” 6/21/2022 To 6/21/2022
1085 Off campus training on Disinfection and hygiene maintance in bivoltine silkworm rearing as a part of FLD 6/20/2022 To 6/20/2022
1086 Diagnostic field visit to rose garden. 6/17/2022 To 6/17/2022
1087 Diagnostic field visit to Jamun fields 6/17/2022 To 6/17/2022
1088 FLD- Cashew follow up visit 6/17/2022 To 6/17/2022
1089 Diagnostic field visit to tomato fields. 6/17/2022 To 6/17/2022
1090 Diagnostic field visit to tomato fields 6/17/2022 To 6/17/2022
1091 On campus capacity development program on integrated crop management of coconut 6/10/2022 To 6/10/2022
1092 Visited field near bangarpete 6/10/2022 To 6/10/2022
1093 Participated as Resource persons and provided valuable suggestions in formation for farmers mall at srinivaspura tq 6/9/2022 To 6/9/2022
1094 Visit to organically grown tomato and brinjal. 6/8/2022 To 6/8/2022
1095 Capacity development programme on "Role of green manuring crops on soil fertility management in mulberry 6/7/2022 To 6/7/2022
1096 Participated as resource person in the technical session on implementation of ARC technology in Kolar district 6/7/2022 To 6/7/2022
1097 visit to problematic coconut orchard 6/6/2022 To 6/6/2022
1098 Scientist(Soil Scientist) participated as Resource person in 5days training program on EDP 6/2/2022 To 6/2/2022
1099 Farmers visit to KVK 6/1/2022 To 6/30/2022
1100 Garib Kalyan Sammelan 5/31/2022 To 5/31/2022
1101 On campus Capacity development programme on Improved cultivation practices in mulberry 5/30/2022 To 5/30/2022
1102 Participated as expert member in panel discussion about Biochar application in Agriculture in a state-level workshop 5/28/2022 To 5/28/2022
1103 Visit to problematic mulberry field 5/27/2022 To 5/27/2022
1104 Participated as a Resource person in 10 days capacity building program on Dairy farming 5/26/2022 To 5/26/2022
1105 Capacity development program for SHG members on scope and prospects of nursery as an enterprise with hands on training 5/26/2022 To 5/26/2022
1106 Participated as a Resource person in 10 days capacity building program on Dairy farming 5/25/2022 To 5/25/2022
1107 Visit to organically maintained vegetable plot 5/21/2022 To 5/21/2022
1108 KVK Kolar staff involved and interacted with Isha foundation campaign on 'save soil' 5/20/2022 To 5/20/2022
1109 Celebration of World honey bee day . 5/20/2022 To 5/20/2022
1110 Film show 5/20/2022 To 5/20/2022
1111 Off campus capacity building programme on fodder crops cultivation and fodder seeds distribution under SCSP programme 5/20/2022 To 5/20/2022
1112 Off campus training programme on Fodder crops cultivation and its management 5/20/2022 To 5/20/2022
1113 On campus capacity development program on "Scientific cultivation of Mushroom and their value addition". 5/19/2022 To 5/19/2022
1114 Off campus capacity development program on "Advances in tomato production technology" 5/18/2022 To 5/18/2022
1115 Off campus capacity development programme on Integrated nutrient management in Tomato 5/17/2022 To 5/17/2022
1116 Off campus capacity development and method demonstration on Use of Drones in Agriculture 5/16/2022 To 5/16/2022
1117 Training cum demonstration on importance of pheromone traps for pest management in mango 5/14/2022 To 5/14/2022
1118 Training cum demonstration on importance of pheromone traps for pest management in mango 5/14/2022 To 5/14/2022
1119 Off campus training program on Integrated nutrient management in Tomato 5/13/2022 To 5/13/2022
1120 Off campus training programme on Integrated nutrient management in tomato 5/12/2022 To 5/12/2022
1121 Off campus training on Advances in tomato production technology 5/11/2022 To 5/11/2022
1122 Live telecast of Launch of National level world bank assisted "REWARD"programme. 5/8/2022 To 5/8/2022
1123 Participated as Member-Taluk level farmer advisory committee of ATMA, Mulbagal 5/5/2022 To 5/5/2022
1124 Participated as Resource person and delivered lecture on NM practices in vegetable crops and fruit crops in Fertigation 5/5/2022 To 5/5/2022
1125 Lecture delivered as a resource person 4/30/2022 To 4/30/2022
1126 Off campus capacity building program on post-harvest techniques in mango 4/29/2022 To 4/29/2022
1127 Participated as Comittee member in Block farmers advisory comittee meeting 4/28/2022 To 4/28/2022
1128 Namma dwani community radio live in prog 4/27/2022 To 4/27/2022
1129 Off campus training programme on points to be considered in production of tomato during summer 4/27/2022 To 4/27/2022
1130 Kisan Mela and farmer-scientist interaction programme under Farmers involvement our first priority campaign 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
1131 Kisan Mela 4/26/2022 To 4/26/2022
1132 Participated as member and given suggestions to implementation of Raitha Mall at Kolar 4/25/2022 To 4/25/2022
1133 Participated as a resource person - Soil & water conservation 4/16/2022 To 4/16/2022
1134 Capacity development programme on "Management of nutritional and climatic factors in mulberry & silkworm for successful bivoltine cocoon production" 4/11/2022 To 4/11/2022
1135 Demonstration of spraying with drones 4/11/2022 To 4/11/2022
1136 FLD cashew follow up visit 4/9/2022 To 4/9/2022
1137 Awareness program on BIS activities and quality control orders in Agriculture and food commodities 4/8/2022 To 4/8/2022
1138 OFT -Follow up visit to tomato waste management 4/7/2022 To 4/7/2022
1139 Capacity development programme on "Management of Mulberry and Bivoltine Silkworm during Summer Season for quality cocoon harvest" 4/7/2022 To 4/7/2022
1140 MLT on pole beans 4/7/2022 To 4/7/2022
1141 Method demonstration on use of mango fruit fly traps 4/5/2022 To 4/5/2022
1142 Rose onion FLD follow up viist 4/5/2022 To 4/5/2022
1143 Follow up visit to marigold FLD fields 4/5/2022 To 4/5/2022
1144 FLD mango follow up visit 4/5/2022 To 4/5/2022
1145 Campaign cum demonstration on mechanization in crop residue management 4/4/2022 To 4/4/2022
1146 Follow up visit to OFT sericulture 4/4/2022 To 4/5/2022
1147 Group disussion to select village 3/31/2022 To 3/31/2022
1148 Diagnostic field visit 3/30/2022 To 3/30/2022
1149 Visited to OFT on management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 3/30/2022 To 3/30/2022
1150 Jal Shakthi Abhiyana 2022 3/29/2022 To 3/29/2022
1151 Off campus capacity development programme on Tomato production technology 3/28/2022 To 3/28/2022
1152 On Campus capacity development programme for newly recruited AHOs of the district 3/22/2022 To 3/22/2022
1153 Potato field day 3/11/2022 To 3/11/2022
1154 Field visit to pole beans 3/11/2022 To 3/11/2022
1155 OFT- Tomato waste management 3/11/2022 To 3/11/2022
1156 Farm trail -Pole beans- IIHR 3/11/2022 To 3/11/2022
1157 Method demonstration on use of cue Lure pheromone trap for the management of fruit fly infestation in watermelon 3/10/2022 To 3/10/2022
1158 Awareness programme on fuel conservation and increasing fuel use efficiency in agricultural implements 3/9/2022 To 3/9/2022
1159 International womens day 3/8/2022 To 3/8/2022
1160 Awareness program on Increasing energy use efficiency in Agriculture and Household 3/8/2022 To 3/8/2022
1161 Lecture delivered as resource person-on use of pheromone traps for the management of fruit fly in mango 3/8/2022 To 3/8/2022
1162 Trimonthly workshop 3/7/2022 To 3/7/2022
1163 Capacity development program on Importance of ARC Potato and nutrient management practices 3/5/2022 To 3/5/2022
1164 Capacity development programme on "Improved production technologies in Mango" 3/5/2022 To 3/5/2022
1165 Interacted with farmers in farmers field 3/5/2022 To 3/5/2022
1166 Exposure visit to IIHR Bengaluru 3/4/2022 To 3/4/2022
1167 Exposure visit capacity development program at AKN farms pvt Ltd 3/4/2022 To 3/4/2022
1168 2 day conclave expo of the connecting event of tech bharat 3/4/2022 To 3/5/2022
1169 OFT- tomato waste management 3/3/2022 To 3/3/2022
1170 Diagnostic field visit to bitter gourd field 3/3/2022 To 3/3/2022
1171 PCAR- awareness programme. 3/3/2022 To 3/3/2022
1172 Diagnostic field visit to Jamun orchard 3/3/2022 To 3/3/2022
1173 Off campus capacity building programme on ARC technique in potato 3/3/2022 To 3/3/2022
1174 Dragon fruit field visit 2/25/2022 To 2/25/2022
1175 FLD rose onion follow up viisit 2/25/2022 To 2/25/2022
1176 FLD mango follow up visit 2/25/2022 To 2/25/2022
1177 Off campus capacity building program on Integrated management of Tuta absoluta pest on tomato 2/24/2022 To 2/24/2022
1178 Method demonstration on use of pheromone traps in the management of fruit flies in cucumber 2/24/2022 To 2/24/2022
1179 OFT - tomato waste management 2/24/2022 To 2/24/2022
1180 Follow up visit to FLD potato plots 2/24/2022 To 2/24/2022
1181 Diagnostic field visit to problematic guava orchard 2/23/2022 To 2/23/2022
1182 workshop on "chia seeds scientific cultivation and value addition" 2/22/2022 To 2/22/2022
1183 On campus capacity development programme on "Formation, functions and prospects of FPOs in sericulture development" 2/21/2022 To 2/21/2022
1184 Film show 2/21/2022 To 2/21/2022
1185 Follow up visit to FLD cashew plantations 2/18/2022 To 2/18/2022
1186 Scientist(PP) & Scientist(SS&AC) Visited Goat shed 2/16/2022 To 2/16/2022
1187 Off campus capacity building program on Integrated management of Tuta absoluta pest in Tomato and diseases of potato 2/16/2022 To 2/16/2022
1188 OFT-tomato follow up visit 2/14/2022 To 2/14/2022
1189 Follow-up visit to FLD potato plots 2/14/2022 To 2/14/2022
1190 MLT - pole beans follow up visit 2/14/2022 To 2/14/2022
1191 Participated in online workshop on technology backstopping to Karnataka FPO 2/11/2022 To 2/11/2022
1192 Capacity development program on Integrated pest & disease management in mango 2/11/2022 To 2/11/2022
1193 Visit to mango orchard 2/11/2022 To 2/11/2022
1194 Method demonstration on use of pheromone trap in the management of fruit fly in mango 2/11/2022 To 2/11/2022
1195 On campus capacity development programme on "Mulberry plantation for mechanized cultivation and quality cocoon harvest" 2/10/2022 To 2/10/2022
1196 ATARI Director Dr. V. Venkatasubramanian review meet to KVK, Kolar 2/10/2022 To 2/10/2022
1197 World Pulse day-2022 2/10/2022 To 2/10/2022
1198 Off campus capacity development program on Integrated pest and disease management in pomegranate and Mango 2/10/2022 To 2/10/2022
1199 Film show 2/10/2022 To 2/10/2022
1200 Kolar district SGH women's value addition and processed products exhibition cum sale Mela 2/10/2022 To 2/11/2022
1201 Conducted demonstration of planting of Arc seedlings 2/9/2022 To 2/9/2022
1202 Off campus training program on ARC technology in potato 2/9/2022 To 2/9/2022
1203 Field visit to polyhouse grown parthenocarpic cucumber plot 2/9/2022 To 2/9/2022
1204 Guava field visit 2/8/2022 To 2/8/2022
1205 Off campus training program on ARC technology in potato 2/8/2022 To 2/8/2022
1206 Visit to musk melon fields 2/8/2022 To 2/8/2022
1207 On campus training programme on opportunities in processing of fruits & vegetables 2/8/2022 To 2/8/2022
1208 KVK, Scientist participated as a resource person in kisan Goshthi 2/7/2022 To 2/7/2022
1209 Diagnostic field visit to mango orchards 2/5/2022 To 2/5/2022
1210 Follow up visit of nutri garden and Apiculture EDP 2/5/2022 To 2/5/2022
1211 Conducted field day of field bean 2/4/2022 To 2/4/2022
1212 Demonstration on use of pheromone trap in the management of fruit fly 2/4/2022 To 2/4/2022
1213 DFI impact survey 2/4/2022 To 2/4/2022
1214 Follow up visit to FLD mango & Rose onion fields 2/3/2022 To 2/3/2022
1215 SS&H participated as a committee member for best farmer selection award 2/3/2022 To 2/3/2022
1216 Visited DFI farmer field 2/2/2022 To 2/2/2022
1217 On campus capacity development programme on ARC and crop management techniques in potato 2/2/2022 To 2/2/2022
1218 SS&H participated as committee member for selections of best farmer award of Mulbagilu taluk 2/2/2022 To 2/2/2022
1219 FLD Marigold followup visit 2/1/2022 To 2/1/2022
1220 Diagnostic visit to problematic coconut & mango fields 2/1/2022 To 2/1/2022
1221 Scientist(PP) Participated as committee member for best farmer award of srinivaspur taluk 1/31/2022 To 2/1/2022
1222 Capacity building program on Water management and INM In Horticulture crops 1/29/2022 To 1/29/2022
1223 Method demonstration on soil sample techniques in mulberry 1/27/2022 To 1/27/2022
1224 participated as committee member along with other line departments for selections of best farmer award of KGF and Bangarpet tq 1/25/2022 To 1/25/2022
1225 Participated as comittee member for selecting Best farmers award Bangarpet and KGF Tq under ATMA scheme 1/24/2022 To 1/24/2022
1226 5th SAC meeting 1/21/2022 To 1/21/2022
1227 Group meeting at Girnahalli 1/14/2022 To 1/14/2022
1228 Organized group meeting at Hosahalli 1/13/2022 To 1/13/2022
1229 EDP Mushroom follow up visit 1/13/2022 To 1/13/2022
1230 Conducted Group discussion for selection of cluster village 1/12/2022 To 1/12/2022
1231 FLD cashew follow up visit 1/11/2022 To 1/11/2022
1232 Interface meeting with farmers 1/10/2022 To 1/10/2022
1233 OFT tomato field visit 1/7/2022 To 1/7/2022
1234 FLD-potato Follow up visit 1/7/2022 To 1/7/2022
1235 Tomato field day 1/5/2022 To 1/5/2022
1236 Field visit to FLD-Azolla, silage VAM & PSB in mulberry leaf production & Ragi 1/5/2022 To 1/5/2022
1237 Participated as a resource person- Soil fertility deterioration is major threat 1/4/2022 To 1/4/2022
1238 Field visit to FLD field bean 1/4/2022 To 1/4/2022
1239 OFT Nano fertilizer on tomato 1/4/2022 To 1/4/2022
1240 Participated as a resource person- Soil health magt in Agriculture 1/3/2022 To 1/4/2022
1241 Farmers visit to KVK 1/1/2022 To 1/31/2022
1242 Visited progressive award farmers field 12/31/2021 To 12/31/2021
1243 Participated as Resource person in capacity building program Improved crop production techniques on Mango, Tomato and Potato 12/31/2021 To 12/31/2021
1244 Diagnostic field to Beetroot fields 12/30/2021 To 12/30/2021
1245 Capacity development programme on entrepreneurship opportunities in processing 12/29/2021 To 12/29/2021
1246 Capacity building programme on Integrated pest and disease management in potato 12/27/2021 To 12/27/2021
1247 Capacity development programme on Importance of Balanced Diet in human nutrition 12/24/2021 To 12/24/2021
1248 Participated as Resource person in farmers Scientist interaction meeting 12/24/2021 To 12/24/2021
1249 Capacity building program on Importance of Nano urea and Micronutrients in Agriculture 12/24/2021 To 12/24/2021
1250 Participated as Resource person in Ragi field day 12/24/2021 To 12/24/2021
1251 Participated as Resource person in Ragi field day 12/24/2021 To 12/24/2021
1252 National Farmers Day 2021 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
1253 Field day on "Management of sucking pests of mulberry through integrated approach" 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
1254 Awareness programme on "Agricultural technologies for conversion of waste to wealth" 12/23/2021 To 12/23/2021
1255 Swacchata pakwada 2021 12/21/2021 To 12/21/2021
1256 Field day on "Management of uzifly using sex pheromone traps in silkworm rearing to reduce defective cocoons" 12/21/2021 To 12/21/2021
1257 Bimonthly meeting 12/21/2021 To 12/21/2021
1258 Off campus capacity development programme on impact of climate change on crop production and importance of weather forecasting and use of weather based mobile applications in agriculture 12/20/2021 To 12/20/2021
1259 Participated as committee member for selection of Best taluka VK Star farmer award 12/17/2021 To 12/17/2021
1260 Online capacity building program on integrated nutrient management in Tomato and Potato 12/17/2021 To 12/17/2021
1261 Scientist visit to farmers field to initiate OFT on tomato 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
1262 To initiate farm trial on pole beans 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
1263 Live programme of Hon'ble Prime Ministers Address on Natural Farming to farmers 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
1264 Scientist visit to farmers field for implementation of potato ARC OFT 12/16/2021 To 12/16/2021
1265 Online capacity development programme on drumstick cultivation, marketing, post harvest handling and health benefits 12/15/2021 To 12/15/2021
1266 Follow up visit of mushroom unit, Nutrigarden and Apiculture EDP 12/13/2021 To 12/13/2021
1267 Virtual training prgramme on Management of silkworm during winter season 12/11/2021 To 12/11/2021
1268 Participated as Resource person in NFSM field day 12/8/2021 To 12/8/2021
1269 Lecture delivered as a resource person on ARC technology in potato 12/8/2021 To 12/8/2021
1270 Field day on "Enhancing mulberry productivity through trenching and mulching practices" 12/8/2021 To 12/8/2021
1271 Off campus capacity building program on improved cultivation practices of finger millet 12/8/2021 To 12/18/2021
1272 On campus capacity development programme on kitchen garden and intercropping in horticultural crops. 12/7/2021 To 12/7/2021
1273 Off campus capacity building programme on Integrated pest and disease management in mulberry ecosystem 12/7/2021 To 12/7/2021
1274 World Soil day 2021 12/5/2021 To 12/5/2021
1275 Scientist visit to Banana fields 12/4/2021 To 12/4/2021
1276 Visited rain affected areas of Kolar and Maluru taluka 12/1/2021 To 12/1/2021
1277 On campus training program on Recent advances in sericulture, horticulture and weather forecasting to enhance the crop yield 11/30/2021 To 11/30/2021
1278 Participated as an expert member for writeshop workshop 11/29/2021 To 11/29/2021
1279 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/28/2021 To 11/28/2021
1280 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/27/2021 To 11/27/2021
1281 On campus programme on theme Agriculture and Environment the citizen face 11/26/2021 To 11/26/2021
1282 Tomato field visit 11/25/2021 To 11/25/2021
1283 Visit to IFS demo plot 11/24/2021 To 11/24/2021
1284 FLD - pole bean follow up visit 11/24/2021 To 11/24/2021
1285 Participated in Field day of ARC Potato technology 11/18/2021 To 11/18/2021
1286 Cucumber Diagnostic field visit 11/17/2021 To 11/17/2021
1287 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/16/2021 To 11/16/2021
1288 Capacity development programme on introduction on District Agromet unit & Importance of weather forecasting in agriculture & awareness regarding weather based applications such as Meghdoot & Damini 11/16/2021 To 11/16/2021
1289 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/15/2021 To 11/15/2021
1290 Krishi Mela 11/14/2021 To 11/14/2021
1291 Krishi Mela 2021 11/13/2021 To 11/13/2021
1292 Krishi Mela 11/12/2021 To 11/12/2021
1293 Krushi Mela 2021 11/11/2021 To 11/11/2021
1294 Diagnostic field visit to a cucumber plot 11/9/2021 To 11/9/2021
1295 Scientist visit to farmers field 11/9/2021 To 11/9/2021
1296 Groundnut field day 11/2/2021 To 11/2/2021
1297 Pest & disease management in groundnut 11/2/2021 To 11/2/2021
1298 Diagnostic visit to cucumber plot 11/2/2021 To 11/2/2021
1299 Farmers visit to KVK 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
1300 Advisory over phone 11/1/2021 To 11/30/2021
1301 Diagnostic visit to Guava field 10/30/2021 To 10/30/2021
1302 Capacity development programme on "Enhancing the farmers income through Bivoltine Sericulture" 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
1303 Follow up visit to French bean farmtrial 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
1304 Capacity building program on Scientific cultivation of Groundnut & Soil and water conservation techniques in Agriculture 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
1305 Follow up visit to FLD- Fieldbean 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
1306 Special swachata abhiyana at Yadahalli 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
1307 Participated as Resource person in Groundnut field day 10/28/2021 To 10/28/2021
1308 Film show 10/28/2021 To 11/28/2021
1309 Vigilance Awareness week 10/27/2021 To 10/27/2021
1310 Film show 10/26/2021 To 10/26/2021
1311 Follow up visit of Nutrigarden and Beekeeping 10/26/2021 To 10/26/2021
1312 capacity development programme on "Recent advances in mulberry cultivation and bivoltine silkworm rearing" 10/26/2021 To 10/26/2021
1313 Diagnostic field visit to Violet root rot affected mulberry garden 10/25/2021 To 10/25/2021
1314 Inauguration of KVK Administrative building 10/22/2021 To 10/22/2021
1315 visit to processing of aonla for preparation different value added products. 10/21/2021 To 10/21/2021
1316 Participated as Resource person in Farmers scientist interaction meeting 10/13/2021 To 10/13/2021
1317 Special swachata abhiyana at Yadahalli 10/13/2021 To 10/13/2021
1318 Jal Shakthi Abhiyana 10/13/2021 To 10/13/2021
1319 Special Swachatha Campaign at Shyagathuru 10/13/2021 To 10/13/2021
1320 FFS session IPM IN CABBAGE 10/13/2021 To 10/13/2021
1321 Swachatha abhiyana at Maluru 10/13/2021 To 10/13/2021
1322 Capacity development programme on "IPM practices of leaf roller in mulberry" 10/12/2021 To 10/12/2021
1323 Awareness program for fertilizer dealers on new modalities of POS machine use 10/11/2021 To 10/11/2021
1324 On campus capacity development programme for nursery men 10/8/2021 To 10/8/2021
1325 OFT Tomato and FLD Redgram Follow up visit 10/8/2021 To 10/8/2021
1326 Swachatha campaign at Thimmasandra 10/8/2021 To 10/8/2021
1327 Diagnostic field visit to cabbage fields 10/8/2021 To 10/8/2021
1328 Farmers visit to KVK 10/8/2021 To 10/30/2021
1329 Conducted FFS session on integrated pest management in Cabbage 10/7/2021 To 10/7/2021
1330 Swachatha campaign organized by KVK Kolar 10/7/2021 To 10/7/2021
1331 Diagnostic fiield visit to guava plot 10/7/2021 To 10/7/2021
1332 Online capacity building programme on "Crop residue management in sericulture and creating wealth from seri farm residue and rearing bed waste" 10/7/2021 To 10/7/2021
1333 Special swachchat Camapgin 10/6/2021 To 10/6/2021
1334 Participated in the Field day on "Improved bivoltine silkworm hybrid (FC1×FC2) for quality cocoon production" 10/5/2021 To 10/5/2021
1335 Capacity development programme for nursery men of Kolar and Maluru taluk 10/5/2021 To 10/5/2021
1336 Capacity development program on Bee keeping 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
1337 Capacity development programme on "Integrated management practices of mites and leaf roller in mulberry" 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
1338 Diagnostic field visit to root rot incidence mulberry garden 10/4/2021 To 10/4/2021
1339 Advisory over phone 10/1/2021 To 10/30/2021
1340 FFS - IV Session on Enhancing mulberry leaf yield through trenching and mulching practices 9/30/2021 To 9/30/2021
1341 Poshan Abhiyana 9/30/2021 To 9/30/2021
1342 Follow up visit to OFT and FLD sericulture farmer fields 9/30/2021 To 9/30/2021
1343 FLD Mango follow up visit 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1344 Field visit to FLD on Management of uzifly in silkworm rearing using sex pheromone traps 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1345 Visit to FLD implementation of Silage and azolla 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1346 Diagnostic visit to Leaf roller infested mulberry garden 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1347 Visit to FLD VAM and PSB in sericulture 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1348 sale of 300 no. Curry leaf seedlings 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1349 Field visit to Ragi FLD 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1350 Filed visit to FLD on Recycling of sericulture farm residue with waste decomposer consortia for compost production 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1351 Method demonstration & FLD-Tomato follow up visit 9/29/2021 To 9/29/2021
1352 FLD-field bean Follow up visit 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
1353 FFS-IPM in Cabbage session-3 conducted on diseases of cabbage and their management 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
1354 Capacity development programme on "Integrated Pest and disease management in mulberry and silkworm" 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
1355 Follow up visit to Agri waste management unit under SAP 9/28/2021 To 9/28/2021
1356 Poshan abhiyan 9/27/2021 To 9/27/2021
1357 online capacity building program under Jalaskthi abhiyana on "Soil and water conservation techniques in Agriculture". 9/27/2021 To 9/27/2021
1358 Capacity building program on "Importance of Bio- Fertilizer in horticulture crops" 9/25/2021 To 9/25/2021
1359 Online capacity building program on "Scientific Sandalwood cultivation" 9/24/2021 To 9/24/2021
1360 Exposure visit 9/23/2021 To 9/23/2021
1361 Poshan abhiyan programme 9/23/2021 To 9/23/2021
1362 FFS - III session on Enhancing mulberry yield through trenching and mulching practices 9/22/2021 To 9/22/2021
1363 Follow up field visit to OFT on management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 9/22/2021 To 9/22/2021
1364 Capacity development programme on "Enhancing the farmers income through bivoltine sericulture " 9/21/2021 To 9/21/2021
1365 FFS on IPM in Cabbage 9/21/2021 To 9/21/2021
1366 FLD-Field bean Follow up visit 9/21/2021 To 9/21/2021
1367 Poshan abhiyan programme 2021 9/20/2021 To 9/20/2021
1368 Online capacity development programme on Different types of sprayers used in agriculture & its functionaries 9/20/2021 To 9/20/2021
1369 Online capacity development programme on Integrated farming system for Doubling farmers income 9/18/2021 To 9/18/2021
1370 Poshan vatika maha Abhiyan & Tree plantation 2021 9/17/2021 To 9/17/2021
1371 capacity development programme on "Role of tree mulberry cultivation on sustainable sericulture and rural livelihood" 9/15/2021 To 9/15/2021
1372 FFS-session I-IPDM in cabbage 9/15/2021 To 9/15/2021
1373 Brucellosis Awareness programme at yadahalli 9/15/2021 To 9/15/2021
1374 Brucellosis disease management in cattles 9/14/2021 To 9/14/2021
1375 FLD tomato follow up visit 9/14/2021 To 9/14/2021
1376 Follow up field visit to OFT on assessment of different liquid consortia on mulberry 9/9/2021 To 9/9/2021
1377 Awareness programme on brucellosis at Rajenahalli, 9/8/2021 To 9/8/2021
1378 Created awarneness program on Brucellosis vaccination program 9/8/2021 To 9/8/2021
1379 Ragi FLD follow up visit 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
1380 Diagnostic field visit to Guava field 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
1381 Groundnut FLD follow up visit 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
1382 Capacity development program on integrated crop management of potato. 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
1383 Awareness programme on Brucellosis management in cattles 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
1384 Capacity development programme on "Integrated crop management in bivoltine sericulture" 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
1385 Awareness programme on brucellosis 9/7/2021 To 9/7/2021
1386 Diagnostic field visit to Betelvine plot 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
1387 Visited Groundnut FFS & guava plot 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
1388 Awareness program on Brucellocis management in livestock 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
1389 Follow up visit to OFT mulberry field 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
1390 FFS - II Session on Enhancing mulberry leaf yield through application of waste decomposer solution 9/6/2021 To 9/6/2021
1391 Online capacity building program on "coconut based industries" 9/4/2021 To 9/4/2021
1392 Capacity development programme on Scientific cultivation of Mushroom and it's value addition 9/3/2021 To 9/3/2021
1393 capacity development program on integrated crop management of potato 9/3/2021 To 9/3/2021
1394 Awareness programme on Brucellosis management in cattle 9/2/2021 To 9/2/2021
1395 Farmers visit to KVK 9/1/2021 To 9/30/2021
1396 Visit to Agri waste mgnt using waste decomposer under SAP 8/31/2021 To 8/31/2021
1397 Lecture delivered on "Integrated disease management in mulberry" 8/31/2021 To 8/31/2021
1398 Follow up visit to FLD field bean 8/31/2021 To 8/31/2021
1399 Conducted Virtual capacity development programme on Importance of weather forecasting in agriculture and popularization of weather based mobile applications 8/30/2021 To 8/30/2021
1400 Diagnostic field visit to root rot affected mulberry garden 8/28/2021 To 8/28/2021
1401 Follow up visit to OFT on assessment of different liquid microbial consortia in mulberry for higher yield 8/28/2021 To 8/28/2021
1402 On campus training programme on " Food and Nutrition for farmers" 8/26/2021 To 8/26/2021
1403 Farmer field school - I session 8/25/2021 To 8/25/2021
1404 Follow up field visit to OFT on Management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 8/25/2021 To 8/25/2021
1405 Visit to FLD field bean 8/24/2021 To 8/24/2021
1406 Online capacity development program on Parthenium integrated management 8/19/2021 To 8/19/2021
1407 Parthennium awareness week - Uppukunte, Kolar tq 8/18/2021 To 8/18/2021
1408 Parthenium awareness program at Yadahalli 8/18/2021 To 8/18/2021
1409 Capacity building programme on "Integrated management of thrips and mites in mulberry 8/18/2021 To 8/18/2021
1410 Diagnostic field visit to cabbage fields 8/18/2021 To 8/18/2021
1411 Parthenium awareness week 8/17/2021 To 8/17/2021
1412 Initiated OFT on Assessment on management practices of thrips and mites in mulberry 8/17/2021 To 8/17/2021
1413 Online capacity building programme on Integrated crop management of guava 8/16/2021 To 8/16/2021
1414 Diagnostic field visit to cashew orchard 8/16/2021 To 8/16/2021
1415 Diagnostic field visit to tomato fields 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1416 Conducted off campus training program on integrated pest management in tomato 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1417 Visit to tomato fields & silkworm rearing house 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1418 Diagnostic visit to pole beans 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1419 Follow up visit to FLD on Management of uzifly in silkworm rearing 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1420 Follow up visit to OFT on Assessment of different liquid consortia in mulberry for higher yield 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1421 Diagnostic field visit to Groundnut field 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1422 Visited to thrips and mites infested mulberry 8/13/2021 To 8/13/2021
1423 Follow up visit to FLD Ragi and Fodder sorghum COFS-31 8/12/2021 To 8/12/2021
1424 Scientist visit to farmers field 8/12/2021 To 8/12/2021
1425 Lecture delivered as a resource person for DAESI 8/11/2021 To 8/11/2021
1426 Trimonthly workshop 8/11/2021 To 8/11/2021
1427 Sale of 30 nos Drumstick seedlings. 8/10/2021 To 8/10/2021
1428 sale of 80 Drumstick seedlings 8/10/2021 To 8/10/2021
1429 Sale of 300 nos Drumstick seedlings. 8/10/2021 To 8/10/2021
1430 Sale of 250 Drumstick seedlings 8/10/2021 To 8/10/2021
1431 Participated in PM-Kisan programme 8/9/2021 To 8/9/2021
1432 Diagnostic field visit to paddy fields 8/9/2021 To 8/9/2021
1433 Sale of 1000 nos Drumstick seedlings 8/9/2021 To 8/9/2021
1434 sold 200 no Drumstick seedlings 8/9/2021 To 8/9/2021
1435 sold 250 no. Drumstick seedlings 8/9/2021 To 8/9/2021
1436 Diagnostic field visits to mites affected mulberry gardens 8/9/2021 To 8/9/2021
1437 Capacity Building programme on Organic kitchen garden 8/9/2021 To 8/9/2021
1438 Mango FLD follow up visit 8/7/2021 To 8/7/2021
1439 Follow up field visit to mulberry OFT 8/7/2021 To 8/7/2021
1440 Sold Drumstick seedlings, Variety- Bhagya 8/6/2021 To 8/6/2021
1441 sold Mulberry Saplings 1100 no. Variety-V-1(VICTORY-1) 8/5/2021 To 8/5/2021
1442 Sold Drumstick seedlings 8/5/2021 To 8/5/2021
1443 Sold 1800 no. Drumstick seedlings, Variety- Bhagya 8/4/2021 To 8/4/2021
1444 Off-campus training program on essential practices to be followed in mango 8/4/2021 To 8/4/2021
1445 Training programme on "Introduction of multicut sorghum (COFS-31) for sustained fodder production" 8/4/2021 To 8/4/2021
1446 FLD Tomato Method demonstration 8/3/2021 To 8/3/2021
1447 Initiated OFT on assessment of different liquid microbial consortia in mulberry for higher yield 8/3/2021 To 8/3/2021
1448 Lecture delivers as a resource person on production technology of Cole crops 8/3/2021 To 8/3/2021
1449 Initiated FLD on Management of uzifly in silkworm rearing 8/3/2021 To 8/3/2021
1450 Off campus training program on "Integrated management of thrips and mites in mulberry". 8/2/2021 To 8/2/2021
1451 Diagnostic field visit to Mites infested mulberry garden 8/2/2021 To 8/2/2021
1452 Farmers visit tokvk 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021
1453 Diagnostic field visit of Pole beans 7/27/2021 To 7/27/2021
1454 Diagnostic field visit to brinjal fields 7/27/2021 To 7/27/2021
1455 Chrysanthemum Diagnostic field visit 7/27/2021 To 7/27/2021
1456 Participated as Resource person in FFS 7/27/2021 To 7/27/2021
1457 FLD Mango field visit 7/26/2021 To 7/26/2021
1458 DAESI Graduation Programme by Honourable MP S. Muniswamy 7/24/2021 To 7/24/2021
1459 FLD Groundnut follow up visit 7/20/2021 To 7/20/2021
1460 Off campus training programme on Improved cultivation practices of Ragi 7/20/2021 To 7/20/2021
1461 Diagnostic field visit to tomato fields 7/19/2021 To 7/19/2021
1462 Visited nursery at Hungenahalli 7/17/2021 To 7/17/2021
1463 On campus training programme on Seed tuber production using seedlings of potato 7/17/2021 To 7/17/2021
1464 Online training programme on Integrated pest management in Groundnut 7/16/2021 To 7/16/2021
1465 Tree plantation campaign 7/16/2021 To 7/16/2021
1466 Cabbage Diagnostic field visit 7/15/2021 To 7/15/2021
1467 Scientist visit to farmers field - Crop Insurance scheme 7/15/2021 To 7/15/2021
1468 Visited IFS unit 7/15/2021 To 7/15/2021
1469 Cashew FLD field visit 7/15/2021 To 7/15/2021
1470 MD on Importance of pruning in canopy management of mango 7/8/2021 To 7/8/2021
1471 Distribution of Sunhemp seeds and pruning saw to mango farmers under SCSP programme 7/8/2021 To 7/8/2021
1472 Crop insurance week 7/8/2021 To 7/8/2021
1473 Taluk level ATMA Workshop 7/7/2021 To 7/7/2021
1474 Group meeting 7/5/2021 To 7/5/2021
1475 Conducted online training program on "use of paclobutrazol : a growth regulator for early and regular flowering in mango" 7/5/2021 To 7/5/2021
1476 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/2/2021 To 7/2/2021
1477 Scientist visit to farmers field 7/2/2021 To 7/2/2021
1478 Diagnostic field visit to coriander plot 7/1/2021 To 7/1/2021
1479 Conducted group discussion 6/29/2021 To 6/29/2021
1480 Diagnostic field visit to Polebean field 6/29/2021 To 6/29/2021
1481 Visit to FLD-Groundnut fields 6/29/2021 To 6/29/2021
1482 Interface meeting with kadudevandahalli farmers 6/28/2021 To 6/28/2021
1483 visit to CoFS31, mulberry and Dragon fruit fields 6/28/2021 To 6/28/2021
1484 Online training programme on Reasons for occurrence of silkworm diseases and their management 6/25/2021 To 6/25/2021
1485 Participated as a resource person 6/25/2021 To 6/25/2021
1486 Mango Mela-2021 6/24/2021 To 6/24/2021
1487 Visit to Giriraja & Swarnadhara poultry birds 6/23/2021 To 6/23/2021
1488 Diagnostic field visit of bettel vine crop 6/23/2021 To 6/23/2021
1489 Method demonstration of groundnut seed treatment 6/23/2021 To 6/23/2021
1490 Diagnostic field visit of tomato crop 6/23/2021 To 6/23/2021
1491 Online training program on opportunities and new ways of marketing of Horticultural products with respect to kolar district. 6/22/2021 To 6/22/2021
1492 FLD Mango follow up visit 6/21/2021 To 6/21/2021
1493 Fertilizers Awareness programme 6/18/2021 To 6/18/2021
1494 organized Online training program on importance of seed treatment in Agriculture Crops 6/17/2021 To 6/17/2021
1495 Virtual training on "New dimension in the promotion of bivoltine sericulture" 6/16/2021 To 6/16/2021
1496 Visited Mango Ripening Chamber 6/14/2021 To 6/14/2021
1497 Tomato field visit 6/11/2021 To 6/11/2021
1498 online training on " Importance of Chawki rearing and Commercial Chawki rearing centres on quality bivoltine cocoon production 6/9/2021 To 6/9/2021
1499 Online training programme on Improved cultivation practices in mulberry for sustainable leaf production 6/7/2021 To 6/7/2021
1500 online training program on "Role of agroforestry in sustainable environment" 6/5/2021 To 6/5/2021
1501 Farmers visit to KVK 6/5/2021 To 7/30/2021
1502 Management of mulberry diseases through integrated approach 6/4/2021 To 6/4/2021
1503 Sold Drumstick seedlings & curry leaf 6/4/2021 To 6/4/2021
1504 Newspaper coverage 6/3/2021 To 6/3/2021
1505 Sold 3000 no' s Drmustck seedlings Variety-Bhagya, 6/2/2021 To 6/2/2021
1506 World Milk Day 6/1/2021 To 6/1/2021
1507 Advisory over phone 6/1/2021 To 6/30/2021
1508 Bimonthly virtual meeting 5/28/2021 To 5/28/2021
1509 Virtual training program on "Improved bivoltine silkworm rearing techniques for enhancing the farmers income 5/27/2021 To 5/27/2021
1510 Online training programme on importance of weather forecasting in agriculture and Agromet advisory services to the farmers 5/26/2021 To 5/26/2021
1511 Participated as resource person 5/26/2021 To 5/26/2021
1512 Training on Management of key pests of mulberry through integrated approach 5/26/2021 To 5/26/2021
1513 Integrated weed management in Horticultural crops. 5/24/2021 To 5/24/2021
1514 Online training program on IPM in Cashew 5/21/2021 To 5/21/2021
1515 World Honey Bee Day 2021 5/20/2021 To 5/20/2021
1516 World Honey Bee Day 2021 5/20/2021 To 5/20/2021
1517 Online webinar on INM in Horticultural crops 5/18/2021 To 5/18/2021
1518 Online webinar on Advance tomato production 5/17/2021 To 5/17/2021
1519 Online webinar on Harvesting and scientific ripening of mango 5/15/2021 To 5/15/2021
1520 Hon'ble PM Shri Narendra Modi virtual interaction with farmers 5/14/2021 To 5/14/2021
1521 Meeting to discuss support from state agricultural department 4/27/2021 To 4/27/2021
1522 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/26/2021 To 4/26/2021
1523 Farmers visit to KVK 4/26/2021 To 4/26/2021
1524 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/23/2021 To 4/23/2021
1525 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/23/2021 To 4/23/2021
1526 Training program on Importance and utilization of floor mat in cowshed for higher milk yield 4/23/2021 To 4/23/2021
1527 Sensitization workshop under DFI 4/22/2021 To 4/22/2021
1528 Diagnostic field visit 4/21/2021 To 4/21/2021
1529 Scientist visit to farmers field 4/21/2021 To 4/21/2021
1530 Lectures Delivered as a Resource Person 4/20/2021 To 4/20/2021
1531 Farmers visit to kvk 4/19/2021 To 4/19/2021
1532 Farmers visit to KVK 4/15/2021 To 4/15/2021
1533 Farmers visit to KVK 4/15/2021 To 4/15/2021
1534 Visited to FLD farmers silkworm rearing house 4/11/2021 To 4/11/2021
1535 Training program on Scientific rearing of chicks for backyard poultry 4/10/2021 To 4/10/2021
1536 Scientist visit to farmers field under PKVY 4/10/2021 To 4/10/2021
1537 Farmers visit to KVK 4/9/2021 To 4/9/2021
1538 visited pickle making unit 4/9/2021 To 4/9/2021
1539 Farmers visit to KVK 4/8/2021 To 4/8/2021
1540 Radio/TV Programs 4/7/2021 To 4/7/2021
1541 Off campus training programme on Bivoltine silkworm management during summer season 4/6/2021 To 4/6/2021
1542 Introduction of improved chicks as backyard poultry for additional income 4/1/2021 To 4/1/2021
1543 Advisory over phone 4/1/2021 To 5/30/2021
1544 Farmers visit to KVK 3/26/2021 To 3/26/2021
1545 Farmers visit to KVK 3/25/2021 To 3/25/2021
1546 Community radio programme 3/25/2021 To 3/25/2021
1547 News paper coverage 3/24/2021 To 3/24/2021
1548 Training programme on importance of soil testing in agriculture 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
1549 Diagnostic field visit 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
1550 Problematic field visit to capsicum fields 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
1551 Field visit to Capsicum & guava orchards 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
1552 Training programme on importance of soil testing in agriculture 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
1553 Training programme on "Productivity of mulberry through integrated approach" 3/23/2021 To 3/23/2021
1554 Lecture delivered as a resource person 3/22/2021 To 3/22/2021
1555 Celebration of world water day and meteorological Day 3/22/2021 To 3/22/2021
1556 Celebration of World water day 3/22/2021 To 3/22/2021
1557 News paper coverage 3/21/2021 To 3/21/2021
1558 Scientist visit to farmers field(SAP) 3/20/2021 To 3/20/2021
1559 Animal health campaign 3/20/2021 To 3/20/2021
1560 Follow up visit to Yadahalli under SAP 3/20/2021 To 3/20/2021
1561 Farmers visit to KVK 3/19/2021 To 3/19/2021
1562 Visited capsicum plot 3/18/2021 To 3/18/2021
1563 Visited OFT-Potato field 3/18/2021 To 3/18/2021
1564 Training programme on "Organic based nutrient management in mulberry for quality cocoon production 3/18/2021 To 3/18/2021
1565 Lecture delivered as a resource person 3/18/2021 To 3/18/2021
1566 Lecture delivered as resource person 3/17/2021 To 3/17/2021
1567 Training program on Importance of organic sericulture for enhancing farmers welfare 3/17/2021 To 3/17/2021
1568 Training program on Integrated Pest management in Mango 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
1569 Animal Health Camp 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
1570 Farmers visit to KVK 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
1571 Method Demonstration(Mango special) 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
1572 Scientist visit to sericulture farmers field 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
1573 Lecture delivered as a resource person 3/16/2021 To 3/16/2021
1574 Farmer visit to KVK 3/10/2021 To 3/10/2021
1575 Lectures Delivered as a Resource Person 3/10/2021 To 3/10/2021
1576 Training program on Good sericulture practices for quality mulberry & cocoon production 3/10/2021 To 3/10/2021
1577 Farmers vist to KVK, Kolar 3/10/2021 To 3/10/2021
1578 Lectures Delivered as a Resource Person 3/9/2021 To 3/9/2021
1579 Training program on Integrated crop management in solanaceous crops 3/9/2021 To 3/9/2021
1580 Celebration of International womens day 3/8/2021 To 3/8/2021
1581 Scientist visit to farmers field(OFT- Ridge gourd) 3/5/2021 To 3/5/2021
1582 Animal Health Camp 3/4/2021 To 3/4/2021
1583 On campus Training programme on Use of Energy efficient pumps sets & Importance of water conservation under KREDL 3/4/2021 To 3/4/2021
1584 Scientist visit to farmers field (FLD-Tomato) 3/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
1585 Advisory over phone 3/3/2021 To 3/3/2021
1586 Farmers visit to KVK 2/27/2021 To 2/27/2021
1587 Training program on "Integrated disease management in bivoltine silkworm rearing" 2/26/2021 To 2/26/2021
1588 Exposure visit 2/26/2021 To 2/26/2021
1589 Farmers visit to KVK 2/25/2021 To 2/25/2021
1590 Training program on "Recent advances in bivoltine sericulture" 2/25/2021 To 2/25/2021
1591 FLD-Tomato field visit 2/22/2021 To 2/22/2021
1592 Interface meeting with farmers 2/22/2021 To 2/22/2021
1593 Farmers visit to KVK 2/22/2021 To 2/22/2021
1594 Farmers visit to KVK 2/22/2021 To 2/22/2021
1595 Training on "Management of silkworm during summer season" 2/19/2021 To 2/19/2021
1596 Interface meeting with farmers 2/18/2021 To 2/18/2021
1597 Farmers visit to KVK 2/16/2021 To 2/16/2021
1598 Farmers visit to KVK 2/16/2021 To 2/16/2021
1599 Training programme on Improved cultivation practices in mulberry for higher productivity 2/16/2021 To 2/16/2021
1600 Diagnostic field visit 2/16/2021 To 2/16/2021
1601 Group meeting to prepare action plan-2021-22 2/16/2021 To 2/16/2021
1602 Group meeting 2/15/2021 To 2/15/2021
1603 Farmers visit to KVK 2/12/2021 To 2/12/2021
1604 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1605 Method Demonstration 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1606 Scientist visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1607 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1608 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1609 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1610 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1611 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1612 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1613 Field visit to Mango 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1614 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1615 Farmers visit to KVK 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1616 Diagnostic field visit 2/11/2021 To 2/11/2021
1617 Mango FLD field visit 2/11/2021 To 2/12/2021
1618 Participated in National Horticulture Fair 2021 at IIHR Bengaluru 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
1619 Follow up visit to ARC Potato seedlings performance. 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
1620 Training program on production and utilization of organic compost with waste decomposer 2/10/2021 To 2/10/2021
1621 Farmers visit to KVK 2/9/2021 To 2/9/2021
1622 Farmers visit to KVK 2/9/2021 To 2/9/2021
1623 Farmers visit to KVK 2/9/2021 To 2/9/2021
1624 Farmers exposure tour to National Horticulture Fair 2021 at IIHR 2/9/2021 To 2/9/2021
1625 Virtual NHF 2021 2/8/2021 To 2/8/2021
1626 Exhibition 2/8/2021 To 2/12/2021
1627 Exposure visit 2/6/2021 To 2/6/2021
1628 Lectures delivered as a resource person 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
1629 Potato Field day 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
1630 Training programme on Mango & tomato crop management 2/5/2021 To 2/5/2021
1631 Farmers visit to KVK 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
1632 Scientist visit to Farmers field-ICM in Mango 2/4/2021 To 2/4/2021
1633 On campus training programme for Extension officials 2/3/2021 To 2/3/2021
1634 5 Days training programme on preparation of cocoon biocrafts 2/3/2021 To 2/3/2021
1635 Farmers visit to KVK 2/3/2021 To 2/3/2021
1636 New paper coverage 2/3/2021 To 2/3/2021
1637 Training programme on disease and pest management practices in mango and tomato. 2/2/2021 To 2/2/2021
1638 Farmers visit to KVK 2/2/2021 To 2/2/2021
1639 Farmers visit to KVK 2/2/2021 To 2/2/2021
1640 Integrated Pest Management in mango and tomato 2/2/2021 To 2/2/2021
1641 Agromet Advisory 2/2/2021 To 2/2/2021
1642 Farmers visit to KVK 2/1/2021 To 2/1/2021
1643 Farmers visit to KVK 2/1/2021 To 2/1/2021
1644 Farmers visit to KVK 2/1/2021 To 3/1/2021
1645 Training programme on Improved cultivation practices for higher yields in mango under SCSP 1/30/2021 To 1/30/2021
1646 Field day on Demonstration of field bean intercrop under tree mulberry for additional income 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
1647 Follow up visit to composting of sericulture farm residue with different compost cultures 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
1648 Training program on practices to be followed in flowering season of Mango 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
1649 Visited to Stem borer & bark eating caterpillar affected mulberry garden 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
1650 Participated as a resource person in training program on value addition and processing of tomato 1/29/2021 To 1/29/2021
1651 Exposure visit of farmers 1/28/2021 To 1/28/2021
1652 Visited mango orchards of farmers under SCSP 1/27/2021 To 1/27/2021
1653 Animal Health camp 1/27/2021 To 1/27/2021
1654 Field visit to Mango orchards 1/26/2021 To 1/26/2021
1655 Participated as resource person in PKVY training program 1/25/2021 To 1/25/2021
1656 Training programme on Recent advances in bivoltine sericulture 1/25/2021 To 1/25/2021
1657 Diagnostic farmer field visit to capsicum 1/25/2021 To 1/25/2021
1658 Follow up visit of ARC in potato 1/23/2021 To 1/23/2021
1659 Participated in Redgram field day for doubling farmers income 1/23/2021 To 1/23/2021
1660 Training program on Soil Health management and Soil test based nutrient management in Agriculture crops 1/23/2021 To 1/23/2021
1661 Follow up visit to Demonstration of high yielding multicut Sorghum variety 1/22/2021 To 1/22/2021
1662 Awareness programme on Bivoltine Sericulture for doubling the farmers income 1/22/2021 To 1/22/2021
1663 Follow up visit to OFT Potato 1/22/2021 To 1/22/2021
1664 Follow up visit to FLD Potato fields. 1/22/2021 To 1/22/2021
1665 Follow up visit to CRIDA-18 Horse gram fields 1/21/2021 To 1/21/2021
1666 Follow up visit to ARC potato 1/21/2021 To 1/21/2021
1667 Training programme on "Doubling the farmers income through production of productive bivoltine cocoon 1/21/2021 To 1/21/2021
1668 Field visit to Inter cultivation in Dragon fruit 1/21/2021 To 1/21/2021
1669 Field visit to seri compost production using waste decomposer solution 1/20/2021 To 1/20/2021
1670 Training on Importance of weather forecasting in agriculture and use of meghdoot and damini applications. 1/18/2021 To 1/18/2021
1671 Organized training programme on safe use of pesticides and waste decomposer under SAP 1/18/2021 To 1/18/2021
1672 Explanation of the activities of KVK 1/18/2021 To 1/18/2021
1673 Field visit to tree mulberry garden 1/18/2021 To 1/18/2021
1674 Training programme on Production and utilization of seri farm residue through waste decomposer solution for quality mulberry production. 1/18/2021 To 1/18/2021
1675 Visited mango orchards under PKVY 1/16/2021 To 1/16/2021
1676 Organized training program on organic method of plant protection in mango 1/16/2021 To 1/16/2021
1677 Organized training on advanced production technology in potato & Tomato 1/15/2021 To 1/15/2021
1678 Visited mango fields 1/15/2021 To 1/15/2021
1679 Visited carrot fields 1/15/2021 To 1/15/2021
1680 Delivered lecture on use of waste decomposer in biodegradation of Agri waste under SAP 1/15/2021 To 1/15/2021
1681 Visit to check the status of Nutrigarden 1/15/2021 To 1/15/2021
1682 Visit to Home science Nutrigarden 1/13/2021 To 1/13/2021
1683 Visited to Poultry division 1/13/2021 To 1/13/2021
1684 Farmers visit to KVK 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
1685 Farmers visit to KVK 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
1686 Organized training program on safe use of pesticide and Seed treatment campaign 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
1687 Pomegranate field visit 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
1688 Farmers visit to KVK 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
1689 Guava and mango field visit 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
1690 Farmers visit to KVK 1/12/2021 To 1/12/2021
1691 Organized training programme on Integrated pest management in vegetables & safe use of pesticides. 1/11/2021 To 1/11/2021
1692 Farmers visit to KVK 1/11/2021 To 1/11/2021
1693 Farmers visit to KVK 1/11/2021 To 1/11/2021
1694 Discussion with SHG group to implement sericulture training programme 1/9/2021 To 1/9/2021
1695 To visit to Nutrigarden 1/9/2021 To 1/9/2021
1696 Farmers visit to KVK 1/9/2021 To 1/9/2021
1697 Farmers visit to KVK 1/9/2021 To 1/9/2021
1698 Visit ot Vedik food processing unit 1/9/2021 To 1/9/2021
1699 Visited mango orchards under PKVY 1/7/2021 To 1/7/2021
1700 Integrated crop management in mulberry for quality leaf production 1/7/2021 To 1/7/2021
1701 Visited redgram fields under NFSM 1/7/2021 To 1/7/2021
1702 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1703 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1704 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1705 Demonstration of epical rooted cuttings in potato 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1706 Putup KVK stall on Raitherondhigondu dhina 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1707 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1708 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1709 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1710 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1711 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1712 Farmers visit to KVK 1/6/2021 To 1/6/2021
1713 Follow up visit to OFT sericulture farmer field 1/5/2021 To 1/5/2021
1714 ARC technique in Potato 1/4/2021 To 1/4/2021
1715 Land survey 1/4/2021 To 1/4/2021
1716 Onlne Thotagarike Mela 1/2/2021 To 1/2/2021
1717 Organized training programme on potato cultivation & vermicomposting 1/2/2021 To 1/2/2021
1718 FLD-Potato & FLD-Marigold 1/1/2021 To 1/1/2021
1719 Participated as resource person and delivered lecture on Scope & importance of vermicompost in agriculture and entrepreneurship development 1/1/2021 To 1/1/2021
1720 FLD-Potato and FLD- Marigold 1/1/2021 To 1/1/2021
1721 Visit to Color rot infested mulberry garden 1/1/2021 To 1/1/2021
1722 Follow up visit to FLD field - intercropping of field bean under tree mulberry for additional income 12/29/2020 To 12/29/2020
1723 Follow up visit to demonstration of CRIDA 18 horse gram variety FLD field 12/29/2020 To 12/29/2020
1724 Follow up visit to management of uzifly in silkworm rearing through sex pheromones trap 12/29/2020 To 12/29/2020
1725 Live telecast of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India addressing the farmers and release of PM Kisan money to farmers on 25.12.2020 12/25/2020 To 12/25/2020
1726 Celebration of Swachhta Pakhwada 12/23/2020 To 12/23/2020
1727 Celebration of Farmers day 12/23/2020 To 12/23/2020
1728 Visit to Bangerpet & KGF taluk for Best Farmer Selection Under ATMA. 12/21/2020 To 12/21/2020
1729 Visit to Bangerpet & KGF taluk for Best farmer selection under ATMA 12/19/2020 To 12/19/2020
1730 Swachhta Pakhwada- Cleaning of KVK farm 12/18/2020 To 12/18/2020
1731 Visit to ATMA Best farmer selection award 12/18/2020 To 12/18/2020
1732 Swacchata pakwada awareness programme 12/17/2020 To 12/17/2020
1733 Swachhata Pakhwada pledge by KVK staff 12/16/2020 To 12/16/2020
1734 Organized field day on field bean intercrop under tree mulberry for additional income 12/15/2020 To 12/15/2020
1735 Visit to Redgram CFLD demo field 12/15/2020 To 12/15/2020
1736 Chrysanthemum Field visit 12/15/2020 To 12/15/2020
1737 OFT - Follow up visit to Composting of seri farm residue with different compost culture 12/14/2020 To 12/14/2020
1738 Follow up visit to Field bean intercrop under tree mulberry FLD field 12/14/2020 To 12/14/2020
1739 Follow up visit to Potato apical rooted cuttings 12/14/2020 To 12/14/2020
1740 Best farmer award selection ATMA 12/14/2020 To 12/15/2020
1741 Follow up visit to IFS demo plot 12/11/2020 To 12/11/2020
1742 Awareness programme on apps developed by DAMU 12/10/2020 To 12/10/2020
1743 Visit to minor millet processing unit and nutrigaden 12/10/2020 To 12/10/2020
1744 Created awareness on use of waste decomposer Under SAP program 12/10/2020 To 12/10/2020
1745 Created awareness on chia crop and delivered lecture on its cultivation 12/10/2020 To 12/10/2020
1746 Training programme on Integrated Pest management of Potato 12/10/2020 To 12/10/2020
1747 Celebration of World soil day 12/5/2020 To 12/5/2020
1748 Valedictory function of Skill development training programme 12/4/2020 To 12/4/2020
1749 Farmers Diagnostic field visit (Dragon fruit and Bitter Guard) 12/4/2020 To 12/4/2020
1750 Ragi field day 12/4/2020 To 12/4/2020
1751 Field day on Ragi crop 12/4/2020 To 12/4/2020
1752 Field visit to Knol-khol plot 12/2/2020 To 12/2/2020
1753 Follow up field visit to FLD pole beans 12/2/2020 To 12/2/2020
1754 On campus training program on climate change, weather forecasting and utilization of meghdoot and damini app in farming under DAMU 12/2/2020 To 12/2/2020
1755 Field day on Ragi crop 12/1/2020 To 12/1/2020
1756 Follow up visit to FLD plots on intercropping of field bean under tree mulberry 12/1/2020 To 12/1/2020
1757 Follow up visit to OFT field on composting of seri farm residue with different compost culture 12/1/2020 To 12/1/2020
1758 Follow up visit to FLD plot on Horsegram variety CRIDA-18 12/1/2020 To 12/1/2020
1759 Farmers diagnostic field visit 11/30/2020 To 11/30/2020
1760 Training programs on Soil Health management and Nutrient management in Agriculture and Horticulture crops 11/30/2020 To 11/30/2020
1761 Organized field on Ragi KMR 630 11/29/2020 To 11/29/2020
1762 Participated in inaugural session of Mushroom cultivation training program 11/28/2020 To 11/28/2020
1763 Visited potato field 11/25/2020 To 11/25/2020
1764 Participated as resource person in organic farming training 11/25/2020 To 11/25/2020
1765 Method Demonstration of pinching in Marigold 11/24/2020 To 11/24/2020
1766 FLD Marigold follow up visit 11/24/2020 To 11/24/2020
1767 Organized Training programs on Soil Health management and Nutrient management in Agriculture and Horticulture crops 11/21/2020 To 11/21/2020
1768 Training programs on Soil Health management and Nutrient management in Agriculture and Horticulture crops 11/21/2020 To 11/21/2020
1769 Field visit to Mango fields under PKVY & FLD horse gram fields 11/20/2020 To 11/20/2020
1770 Training programme on INM in soil health management 11/20/2020 To 11/20/2020
1771 Field visit to Field bean intercrop under tree mulberry 11/20/2020 To 11/20/2020
1772 Field visit to mulberry fields 11/17/2020 To 11/17/2020
1773 Visit to tomato & Redgram fields 11/17/2020 To 11/17/2020
1774 Tomato field visit 11/17/2020 To 11/17/2020
1775 Training programme on INM in important crops & soil health management 11/13/2020 To 11/13/2020
1776 Organized training program on 'Apical rooted cuttings for multiplication and seed tuber production in potato' 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
1777 Field day on Ragi crop 11/12/2020 To 11/12/2020
1778 Soil Health management and soil test based nutrient management in crops 11/11/2020 To 11/11/2020
1779 Field day on Ragi crop 11/11/2020 To 11/11/2020
1780 FLD Marigold 11/10/2020 To 11/10/2020
1781 Method Demonstration on preparation of Mango special 11/7/2020 To 11/7/2020
1782 Training program on Integrated crop protection in bivoltine silkworm rearing 11/7/2020 To 11/7/2020
1783 FLD Mango follow up field visit 11/7/2020 To 11/7/2020
1784 Organized training program on soil health management and importance of soil testing 11/7/2020 To 11/7/2020
1785 Training program on Management of mulberry & silkworm during winter & awareness prg on Meghdhoot App 11/6/2020 To 11/6/2020
1786 Organized Field day on Integrated nutrient management in mulberry for higher yield 11/5/2020 To 11/5/2020
1787 Organized training program on safe use of pesticides and seed treatment. 11/4/2020 To 11/4/2020
1788 Training program on Improved sericulture technologies in bivoltine cocoon production 11/4/2020 To 11/4/2020
1789 Field visit to FLD Ragi 11/3/2020 To 11/3/2020
1790 Training program on soil health management and weather based agro advisory services 10/29/2020 To 10/29/2020
1791 Field visit to Sunhemp green manure crop in mango under PKVY 10/28/2020 To 10/28/2020
1792 Field visit to FLD Nutri garden 10/27/2020 To 10/27/2020
1793 Field visit to FLD tomato 10/27/2020 To 10/27/2020
1794 Improved production practices in potato 10/24/2020 To 10/24/2020
1795 Soil health management & Agro advisories under DAMU 10/23/2020 To 10/23/2020
1796 IPM and IDM in potato and tomato 10/23/2020 To 10/23/2020
1797 Training Programme on GAP in mango under PKVY 10/23/2020 To 10/23/2020
1798 Organized training programme on Soil health management & weather based agro advisories under DAMU 10/23/2020 To 10/23/2020
1799 Field visit to mango orchard 10/23/2020 To 10/23/2020
1800 Valedictory and prize distribution function of National e-poster contest program 10/20/2020 To 10/20/2020
1801 Benchmark survey at DFI village 10/19/2020 To 10/19/2020
1802 Training programme on soil sampling importance and soil health management 10/19/2020 To 10/19/2020
1803 Benchmark survey at DFI village 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
1804 Field visit to Field bean intercrop in tree mulberry 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
1805 Celebration of Rashtirya Kisan Mahila Diwas 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
1806 Celebration of mahila kisan diwas 10/15/2020 To 10/15/2020
1807 Tomato IPM FLD field day 10/14/2020 To 10/14/2020
1808 DFI survey at cluster village 10/14/2020 To 10/14/2020
1809 Nutrigarden follow up visit 10/13/2020 To 10/13/2020
1810 Mango FLD follow up visit 10/13/2020 To 10/13/2020
1811 Bi-Monthly workshop 10/9/2020 To 10/9/2020
1812 Field visit to OFT mulberry fields 10/7/2020 To 10/7/2020
1813 Field visit to FLD intercrops mulberry fields 10/7/2020 To 10/7/2020
1814 Demonstration of Nutrigarden at DFI village 10/7/2020 To 10/7/2020
1815 Field visit to FLD mulberry 10/7/2020 To 10/7/2020
1816 FLD pole beans field visit 10/6/2020 To 10/6/2020
1817 Kisan Goshti 10/6/2020 To 10/6/2020
1818 Diagnostic field visit to potato fields 10/3/2020 To 10/3/2020
1819 Celebration of Mahathma Gandhi Jayanthi Sapthaha 10/2/2020 To 10/2/2020
1820 Celebration of 150th birth anniversary of Mahathma Gandhi 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
1821 Field visit to OFT mulberry garden 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
1822 Field visit to FLD tree mulberry garden 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
1823 Visited to OFT mulberry farmers field 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
1824 Mango FLD follow up visit 10/1/2020 To 10/1/2020
1825 Validictory Programme of Poshan Maah programme 9/30/2020 To 9/30/2020
1826 Field visit to INM in mulberry FLD 9/29/2020 To 9/29/2020
1827 Celebration of150th birth anniversary of Mahathma Gandhi 9/29/2020 To 9/29/2020
1828 Celebration of Mahathma Gandhi Jayanthi Sapthaha 9/29/2020 To 9/29/2020
1829 Tomato Field day 9/28/2020 To 9/28/2020
1830 Group meeting to discuss about SCSP 9/26/2020 To 9/26/2020
1831 Awareness program on weather based agro advisory services under DAMU for Sericulture farmers 9/25/2020 To 9/25/2020
1832 Webinar on Prospects of cashew cultivation in plains and its improved cultivation practices 9/25/2020 To 9/25/2020
1833 Training programme on pruning techniques in mulberry cultivation for quality leaf production 9/23/2020 To 9/23/2020
1834 Field visit to mango demos under PKVY 9/23/2020 To 9/23/2020
1835 Awareness program on Recent technologies in bivoltine sericulture 9/23/2020 To 9/23/2020
1836 Off campus training porogramme on Advanced production technology of potato 9/22/2020 To 9/22/2020
1837 Poshan abhiyan programme 9/21/2020 To 9/21/2020
1838 Field visit to mango demo fields under PKVY 9/21/2020 To 9/21/2020
1839 Field visit to mango demos under PKVY 9/18/2020 To 9/18/2020
1840 Celebration of POSHAN MAAH 9/17/2020 To 9/17/2020
1841 Method demonstration on scientific disinfection of silkworm rearing house 9/11/2020 To 9/11/2020
1842 Training programme on Suitable bivoltine silkworm hybrids for quality cocoon production and crop stability 9/11/2020 To 9/11/2020
1843 Farmers awareness programme on weather based Agro advisories & Meghdhoot, Damini & Mousam App 9/11/2020 To 9/11/2020
1844 FLD pole beans follow up visit 9/10/2020 To 9/10/2020
1845 Honourable PM programme matsya sampada yojana programme 9/10/2020 To 9/10/2020
1846 Field visit to Ragi fields having admixture 9/9/2020 To 9/9/2020
1847 Training programme on Integrated pest management in tomato(Tuta) 9/9/2020 To 9/9/2020
1848 Method Demonstration-To control mango stem borer 9/8/2020 To 9/8/2020
1849 Training programme on Good management practices to be followed in mango from July to October 9/8/2020 To 9/8/2020
1850 Visited to FLD mulberry farmers field 9/7/2020 To 9/7/2020
1851 FLD cluster village field visit under tree mulberry based cropping system 9/7/2020 To 9/7/2020
1852 OFT on assessment of foliar nutritional management in mulberry through eco friendly approach 9/7/2020 To 9/7/2020
1853 Field visit to mango demos under PKVY 9/7/2020 To 9/7/2020
1854 Visited to OFT sericulture farmer field 9/7/2020 To 9/7/2020
1855 Ragi FLD field visit 9/5/2020 To 9/5/2020
1856 FLD tomato field visit 9/5/2020 To 9/5/2020
1857 Method Demonstration on Use of yellow sticky traps 9/3/2020 To 9/3/2020
1858 FLD pole beans follow up visit 9/3/2020 To 9/3/2020
1859 Off campus training program on integrated crop management in sericulture 9/3/2020 To 9/3/2020
1860 Field visit to OFT Ridge gourd 9/3/2020 To 9/3/2020
1861 Online Webinar on Integrated disease management in sericulture 9/2/2020 To 9/2/2020
1862 Training programme on Seed treatment & safe use of pesticides 9/1/2020 To 9/1/2020
1863 PM programme-Inauguration of academic and administrative building of Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agriculture University, Jhansi 8/29/2020 To 8/29/2020
1864 Group meeting on IPM of Thrips & mites in Mulberry 8/27/2020 To 8/27/2020
1865 Diagnostic field visit to mulberry fields 8/27/2020 To 8/27/2020
1866 Method demonstration of tuta trap in tomato FLD 8/26/2020 To 8/26/2020
1867 Mango FLD field visit 8/25/2020 To 8/25/2020
1868 Live phone in programme 8/20/2020 To 8/20/2020
1869 Sadbhavana Diwas-2020 8/20/2020 To 8/20/2020
1870 Scope & Importance of bivoltine sericulture for doubling the farmers income 8/19/2020 To 8/19/2020
1871 Parthenium awareness week at KVK Kolar 8/19/2020 To 8/19/2020
1872 FLD- on Intercropping of field bean under tree mulberry based cropping system. 8/18/2020 To 8/18/2020
1873 Parthenium awareness week 8/18/2020 To 8/18/2020
1874 Parthenium awareness week 8/18/2020 To 8/18/2020
1875 FLD field visit to Tomato fields 8/18/2020 To 8/18/2020
1876 OFT- Sericulture field visit 8/18/2020 To 8/18/2020
1877 Scientific cultivation in ginger 8/17/2020 To 8/17/2020
1878 Essential practices to be followed after harvest in Mango 8/13/2020 To 8/13/2020
1879 Visit to problematic field of mulberry 8/12/2020 To 8/12/2020
1880 FLD field visit to Tomato fields 8/11/2020 To 8/11/2020
1881 FLD pole beans follow up visit 8/10/2020 To 8/10/2020
1882 Visit to Pole beans FLD fields 8/10/2020 To 8/10/2020
1883 Inter-cropping of field bean under tree mulberry cropping system 8/9/2020 To 8/9/2020
1884 OFT-Assessment of different compost cultures on composting of seri farm residue 8/7/2020 To 8/7/2020
1885 Filed visit to tree mulberry garden 8/7/2020 To 8/7/2020
1886 FLD field visit to tomato crops 8/5/2020 To 8/5/2020
1887 Integrated disease management in solanaceous vegetable crops 8/4/2020 To 8/4/2020
1888 Precautionary measures in bivoltine silkworm rearing during COVID-19 crises 7/29/2020 To 7/29/2020
1889 Training cum method demonstration on Management of silkworm uzi fly through sex pheromone traps. 7/28/2020 To 7/28/2020
1890 Field visit to IFS unit 7/28/2020 To 7/28/2020
1891 Webinar on Scientific pomegranate cultivation 7/27/2020 To 7/27/2020
1892 Field visit to Composting of seri farm residue through different compost culture 7/27/2020 To 7/27/2020
1893 Visited mango orchards under PKVY 7/22/2020 To 7/22/2020
1894 To introduce nutri garden to farm families for nutritional security. 7/21/2020 To 7/22/2020
1895 Field visit to initiate and select farmers for various FLD s. 7/20/2020 To 7/20/2020
1896 Filed visit to pole beans & chili crops 7/20/2020 To 7/20/2020
1897 Field visit to Tomato and Ragi FLD plots. 7/20/2020 To 7/20/2020
1898 Method Demonstration on pruning of Mango 7/16/2020 To 7/16/2020
1899 Method demonstration on Proper application of silkworm bed disinfectants 7/15/2020 To 7/15/2020
1900 FLD on Introduction of bivoltine double hybrid Krishnaraja and crop stability 7/15/2020 To 7/15/2020
1901 Group discussion - To initiate & select farmers for FLD's 7/13/2020 To 7/13/2020
1902 Training programme on Post harvest cultivation practices in mango orchards 7/11/2020 To 7/11/2020
1903 Training program on disease management in tomato 7/10/2020 To 7/10/2020
1904 Field visit to Marigoldfields 7/9/2020 To 7/9/2020
1905 Paramparaghat Krushi Vikas Yojane 7/9/2020 To 7/9/2020
1906 Demonstration of Nutrition garden to the Farm families at cluster villages 7/9/2020 To 7/9/2020
1907 Mango FLD field visit 7/9/2020 To 7/9/2020
1908 Okra farm trail 7/9/2020 To 7/9/2020
1909 Installation of sex pheromone traps for uzi fly management in silkworm rearing house 7/8/2020 To 7/8/2020
1910 OFT - Assessment of different compost culture on composting of seri farm residue. 7/8/2020 To 7/8/2020
1911 4th SAC meeting at KVK, Kolar 7/7/2020 To 7/7/2020
1912 Ragi FLD method demonstration 7/3/2020 To 7/3/2020
1913 Diagnostic field visit to single stump mulberry garden 6/26/2020 To 6/26/2020
1914 Method demonstration of Ragi seed treatment with azospirillium 6/26/2020 To 6/26/2020
1915 Field visit to microbial based vermicomposting unit's 6/26/2020 To 6/26/2020
1916 Visit to Dolichos Bean Field & FLD Tomato fields 6/26/2020 To 6/26/2020
1917 OFT - Assessment of different compost culture on composting of seri farm residue. 6/26/2020 To 6/26/2020
1918 Field visit to tree mulberry garden 6/25/2020 To 6/25/2020
1919 Diagnostic field visit to mulberry garden 6/18/2020 To 6/18/2020
1920 Diagnostic Field visit to mulberry garden 6/18/2020 To 6/18/2020
1921 Group discussion on Implementation of SCSP (Scheduled caste sub plan) 6/15/2020 To 6/15/2020
1922 Group meeting to discuss about FLD implementation. 6/11/2020 To 6/11/2020
1923 Diagnostic field visit to visited to Dolichos beans, Pole beans & tomato 6/11/2020 To 6/11/2020
1924 Group meeting to discuss about FLD implementation. 6/10/2020 To 6/10/2020
1925 Diagnostic field visit- Chrysanthemum 6/8/2020 To 6/8/2020
1926 Field visit 6/3/2020 To 6/3/2020
1927 Grasshoppers infested spot visit 5/28/2020 To 5/28/2020
1928 Training on post harvest handling of mango 5/28/2020 To 5/28/2020
1929 Training on organic farming 5/27/2020 To 5/27/2020
1930 Interface meeting with identified sericulture farmers 5/27/2020 To 5/27/2020
1931 Visit to vermicomposting demo unit 5/27/2020 To 5/27/2020
1932 Daignostic field visit 5/27/2020 To 5/27/2020
1933 Diagnostic visit to guava field 5/23/2020 To 5/23/2020
1934 World Honey Bee Day - 2020 5/20/2020 To 5/20/2020
1935 A webinar on Post Harvest Management in Mango 5/16/2020 To 5/16/2020
1936 Field visit 5/15/2020 To 5/15/2020
1937 A web workshop on Market linkage opportunities in Mango during Covid-19 crisis is organized by ICAR KVK Kolar. 5/13/2020 To 5/13/2020
1938 WEBINAR meeting organized by ICAR-IIHR 5/12/2020 To 5/12/2020
1939 Farmers field visit 5/9/2020 To 5/9/2020
1940 FLD 5/7/2020 To 5/7/2020
1941 Farm Activity 5/7/2020 To 5/7/2020
1942 Field Visit 5/6/2020 To 5/6/2020
1943 Visit to Processing unit 5/6/2020 To 5/6/2020
1944 Field visit 5/4/2020 To 5/4/2020
1945 Farm Activity 5/4/2020 To 5/4/2020
1946 Visit to hailstorm affected fields 4/30/2020 To 4/30/2020
1947 Farm Activity 4/17/2020 To 4/21/2020
1948 Farm Activity 4/16/2020 To 4/16/2020
1949 Bi Monthly workshop 3/18/2020 To 3/18/2020
1950 Field Day of Horticulture crops 3/18/2020 To 3/18/2020
1951 EDP-Preparation of milk kova 3/16/2020 To 3/16/2020
1952 FLD Cauliflower field visit 3/14/2020 To 3/14/2020
1953 Prajavani Phone in Programme on Management of Mango Crop under Advesre Climatic Conditions 3/14/2020 To 3/14/2020
1954 Spot inspection visit to polyhouse 3/14/2020 To 3/14/2020
1955 Field visit to Guava plot 3/14/2020 To 3/14/2020
1956 Sustainable cashew cultivation in the District 3/13/2020 To 3/13/2020
1957 Field visit to Jack tree 3/11/2020 To 3/11/2020
1958 International Womens Day 3/8/2020 To 3/8/2020
1959 Animal health campaign 3/7/2020 To 3/7/2020
1960 Workshop on Rainfed Agriculture-Horticulture, Challenges and Solution 3/6/2020 To 3/6/2020
1961 Field visit to Cauliflower FLD fields 3/6/2020 To 3/6/2020
1962 Field Day 2/27/2020 To 2/27/2020
1963 Trimonthly workshop for Dept of Horticulture officers 2/26/2020 To 2/26/2020
1964 Farmers Awareness Program on Meghdoot 2/25/2020 To 2/25/2020
1965 Training & demonstration on organic farming 2/25/2020 To 2/25/2020
1966 Group discussion on Organic farming 2/24/2020 To 2/24/2020
1967 Field visit & Method Demonstration on Installation of sex pheromone traps for uzi fly management in silkworm rearing house 2/24/2020 To 2/24/2020
1968 Training programme on Doubling the farmers income through organic sericulture 2/20/2020 To 2/20/2020
1969 Diagnostic field visit to pomegranate fields 2/20/2020 To 2/20/2020
1970 Soil Health card day 2/19/2020 To 2/19/2020
1971 Training on organic farming 2/19/2020 To 2/19/2020
1972 Field visit to lemon plots 2/18/2020 To 2/18/2020
1973 Field visit to potato demo plots 2/17/2020 To 2/17/2020
1974 Field visit to monitor the effect of Nano N Cu and Zn fertilizers on crop performance 2/17/2020 To 2/17/2020
1975 Farm trail on Potato 2/15/2020 To 2/15/2020
1976 Celebration of World Pulse day - 2020 2/11/2020 To 2/11/2020
1977 Cauliflower FLD field visit 2/11/2020 To 2/11/2020
1978 Importance of pulses and soil health management 2/11/2020 To 2/11/2020
1979 Visit to OFT-Assessment of Anemia among adolescent girls 2/11/2020 To 2/11/2020
1980 Celebration of World Pulse Day- 2020 at KVK, Kolar 2/10/2020 To 2/10/2020
1981 Field visit to potato FLD plots 2/8/2020 To 2/8/2020
1982 Demonstration of sex pheromone traps installation to manage uzi fly in silkworm rearing 2/7/2020 To 2/7/2020
1983 Training program on successful technologies in bivoltine sericulture 2/6/2020 To 2/6/2020
1984 Sericulture Field day 2/1/2020 To 2/1/2020
1985 Training programme on Disease free potato tubers and improved cultivation practices 1/31/2020 To 1/31/2020
1986 Webcasting International Potato Conference 1/28/2020 To 1/28/2020
1987 Diagnostic field visit -To diagnose the problem of bearing in bitter gourd 1/23/2020 To 1/23/2020
1988 Improved production practices in tomato, Chrysanthemum & Rose 1/20/2020 To 1/20/2020
1989 FLD field visit to Horse gram 1/18/2020 To 1/18/2020
1990 Training programme on Byproduct utilization and value addition in sericulture 1/17/2020 To 1/17/2020
1991 Field visit to OFT Ridge guard 1/13/2020 To 1/13/2020
1992 Problematic field visit to Papaya 1/11/2020 To 1/11/2020
1993 Training for Organic Mango farmers under PKVY 1/10/2020 To 1/10/2020
1994 FLD field visit to Marigold, potato plots & Nutritional garden 1/9/2020 To 1/9/2020
1995 Field visit to Tomato (Arka Rakshak) crop 1/9/2020 To 1/9/2020
1996 FLD Mango field visit & Nutritional garden 1/9/2020 To 1/9/2020
1997 Problematic field visit - silk oak tree 1/8/2020 To 1/8/2020
1998 Trial on Kufri Himalini Potato variety 1/2/2020 To 1/2/2020
1999 Field visit to FLD Marigold plots 1/1/2020 To 1/1/2020
2000 Field day -IPM of leaf roller in mulberry 12/31/2019 To 12/31/2019
2001 Importance of organic Nutritional garden in schools- To overcome Mal nutrition in children 12/30/2019 To 12/30/2019
2002 Field visit to potato demonstration plots 12/27/2019 To 12/27/2019
2003 Kisan Divas- 2019 12/23/2019 To 12/23/2019
2004 Sericulture training Programme on Recycling of seri farm residue for compost production 12/21/2019 To 12/21/2019
2005 Marigold FLD field visit 12/20/2019 To 12/20/2019
2006 Field visit to potato FLD plots 12/20/2019 To 12/20/2019
2007 Live Phone in programme in Prajavani 12/19/2019 To 12/19/2019
2008 swachhata pakwada 2019 12/19/2019 To 12/19/2019
2009 Organic farming in mulberry - Recent break trough 12/18/2019 To 12/18/2019
2010 Pledge taken by KVK, staff 12/18/2019 To 12/18/2019
2011 FLD tomato on INM field day 12/16/2019 To 12/16/2019
2012 Field day on INM in mulberry 12/16/2019 To 12/16/2019
2013 Farmers Field school- Session V-IPM practices in mulberry 12/16/2019 To 12/16/2019
2014 Field Day - Tomato & Field visit to FLD Marigold 12/13/2019 To 12/13/2019
2015 Field visit to FLD potato plots 12/13/2019 To 12/13/2019
2016 Field visit to mulberry garden 12/11/2019 To 12/11/2019
2017 Tri monthly workshop for Horticulture department officials 12/11/2019 To 12/11/2019
2018 Training on bivoltine silkworm rearing 12/11/2019 To 12/11/2019
2019 Field visit to OFT farmer field- sericulture 12/11/2019 To 12/11/2019
2020 Pest management in mango through organic means 12/10/2019 To 12/10/2019
2021 Productive bivoltine hybrids for quality cocoon production 12/10/2019 To 12/10/2019
2022 Field visit to NFSM demo 12/9/2019 To 12/9/2019
2023 Increased production of Ragi for distribution under PDS 12/7/2019 To 12/7/2019
2024 FFS - IV session on Installation of solar light traps for management of leaf roller in mulberry. 12/6/2019 To 12/6/2019
2025 Field visit to FLD Marigold & Potato 12/6/2019 To 12/6/2019
2026 Visit to SAP farmers field. 12/6/2019 To 12/6/2019
2027 World soil day-2019 12/5/2019 To 12/5/2019
2028 OFT Ridge guard field visit 12/4/2019 To 12/4/2019
2029 Training programme on Vegetable crops 12/3/2019 To 12/3/2019
2030 Training programme on Potato crop production & protection 12/2/2019 To 12/2/2019
2031 Training on IPM practices in mulberry for crop stability 11/29/2019 To 11/29/2019
2032 OFT field visit on composting of serifarm residue through different compost culture. 11/29/2019 To 11/29/2019
2033 FLD Marigold & Tomato field visit 11/28/2019 To 11/28/2019
2034 Selection of farmers for taluk & district level award under ATMA scheme 11/27/2019 To 11/28/2019
2035 Sericulture training programme 11/26/2019 To 11/26/2019
2036 Visit to Tomato grafting plants 11/25/2019 To 11/25/2019
2037 Awareness programme on Efficient use of electricity in Agriculture & domestic fields. 11/22/2019 To 11/22/2019
2038 Off campus training programme on Pest management in Redgram 11/22/2019 To 11/22/2019
2039 OFT-Assessment of different compost culture on composting of sericulture farm residue 11/21/2019 To 11/21/2019
2040 Awareness programme on Central Seed Act & farmers Scientists interaction. 11/21/2019 To 11/21/2019
2041 Field visit along with ATMA Extension workers 11/21/2019 To 11/22/2019
2042 Diagnostic field visit - brinjal crop 11/19/2019 To 11/19/2019
2043 Ragi field day 11/16/2019 To 11/16/2019
2044 FFS II session on Safe use of pesticide in mulberry ecosystem 11/13/2019 To 11/13/2019
2045 OFT field visit- Assessment of composting of sericulture farm residue through different compost culture. 11/13/2019 To 11/13/2019
2046 Chrysanthemum field visit 11/11/2019 To 11/11/2019
2047 Off campus training on Improved techniques in mulberry cultivation 11/8/2019 To 11/8/2019
2048 Tomato FLD field visit 11/7/2019 To 11/7/2019
2049 FFS Ist Session on Major pests of mulberry during winter season 11/5/2019 To 11/5/2019
2050 OFT on Assessment of composting of sericulture farm residue with different compost culture 11/5/2019 To 11/5/2019
2051 Field visit to OFT Ridge gourd field 11/4/2019 To 11/4/2019
2052 Training on IPM in potato & tomato 11/2/2019 To 11/2/2019
2053 Field visit to tomato FLD plot 10/31/2019 To 10/31/2019
2054 Field visit - Management practices of uzifly in silkworm rearing 10/26/2019 To 10/26/2019
2055 GD on management of uzifly through Eco friendly approach in silkworm rearing 10/26/2019 To 10/26/2019
2056 Diagnostic field visit- affected by stem girdler in mulberry garden. 10/26/2019 To 10/26/2019
2057 Krishi Mela at UAS, Bengaluru 10/24/2019 To 10/27/2019
2058 Field visit to minor millets farmers field 10/23/2019 To 10/23/2019
2059 Training programme on Management of mulberry & bivoltine silkworm during winter season 10/23/2019 To 10/23/2019
2060 Field visit to Redgram FLD demonstration plots 10/23/2019 To 10/23/2019
2061 Field visit to tomato FLD plots 10/22/2019 To 10/22/2019
2062 Awareness programme on Fertilizer application. 10/22/2019 To 10/22/2019
2063 Training programme on Awareness on Tuta absoluta(American pinworm) management in tomato. 10/21/2019 To 10/21/2019
2064 Jal Shakti Abhiyana 10/19/2019 To 10/19/2019
2065 World food day & Raitha Mahila Dinacharane 10/16/2019 To 10/16/2019
2066 Field visit tomato FLD plots 10/14/2019 To 10/14/2019
2067 Field visit to mango FLD plot 10/14/2019 To 10/14/2019
2068 Field visit to tomato FLD plots 10/14/2019 To 10/14/2019
2069 Training program on Enhancing the farmer income through rearing of productive bivoltine silkworm hybrids 10/11/2019 To 10/11/2019
2070 Field visit to tomato FLD plots 10/11/2019 To 10/11/2019
2071 Nutritional garden seed kit distribution 10/10/2019 To 10/10/2019
2072 Ragi FLD field visit 10/10/2019 To 10/10/2019
2073 Field visit to tomato FLD plots 10/5/2019 To 10/5/2019
2074 Jal Shakti Abhiyana 10/2/2019 To 10/2/2019
2075 Diagnostic field visit to mulberry garden 9/24/2019 To 9/24/2019
2076 Demonstration of sex pheromone traps installation to manage uzi fly in silkworm rearing 9/24/2019 To 9/24/2019
2077 Workshop for line department officials 9/23/2019 To 9/23/2019
2078 Training programme on Improved vegetable cultivation 9/21/2019 To 9/21/2019
2079 Training programme on Novel techniques in tomato 9/20/2019 To 9/20/2019
2080 Krishi Abhiyana & Kisan Ghosthi 9/18/2019 To 9/18/2019
2081 Kisan Goshthi 9/18/2019 To 9/18/2019
2082 Sericulture Farmers Meet cum training programme 9/18/2019 To 9/18/2019
2083 Nutritional garden, perennial crops seedling distribution to the farmers DFI village 9/18/2019 To 9/18/2019
2084 Nutritional garden, perennial crops seedling distribution to the farmers DFI village 9/17/2019 To 9/17/2019
2085 Kisan Goshthi - On the occasion of the birthday of Honorable PM Shri Narendra modi 9/17/2019 To 9/17/2019
2086 Method demonstration on Pruning techniques in Guava 9/16/2019 To 9/16/2019
2087 Training on Improved Guava cultivation 9/16/2019 To 9/16/2019
2088 Minor millet field visit 9/14/2019 To 9/14/2019
2089 Field visit to IFS units 9/14/2019 To 9/14/2019
2090 Workshop on under utilized fruit crops 9/13/2019 To 9/13/2019
2091 Tomato FLD field visit 9/12/2019 To 9/12/2019
2092 Field visit to mango FLD plots 9/12/2019 To 9/12/2019
2093 INM in mulberry 9/12/2019 To 9/12/2019
2094 National Animal disease control programme & Live webcast of PM 9/11/2019 To 9/11/2019
2095 Off campus training programme on tomato 9/6/2019 To 9/6/2019
2096 Krishi Abhiyana 8/30/2019 To 8/30/2019
2097 On campus training on Establishment & maintenance of Micro irrigation systems in Mulberry cultivation. 8/30/2019 To 8/30/2019
2098 Field visit 8/29/2019 To 8/29/2019
2099 Field visit to tomato FLD plot 8/29/2019 To 8/29/2019
2100 Bench Mark Survey 8/23/2019 To 8/23/2019
2101 Parthenium Awareness Week 8/23/2019 To 8/23/2019
2102 Parthenium awareness week 2019-20 at COH,kolar 8/20/2019 To 8/20/2019
2103 Parthenium Awareness Week 2019-20 8/20/2019 To 8/20/2019
2104 Method demonstration on Pruning technique in mango 8/20/2019 To 8/20/2019
2105 DFI bench march survey 8/19/2019 To 8/19/2019
2106 Diagnostic field visit to Mango orchard 8/19/2019 To 8/19/2019
2107 IPM management in Horticulture field crops 8/17/2019 To 8/17/2019
2108 Group Discussion & Jal Shakti Abhiyana 8/16/2019 To 8/16/2019
2109 Off campus Training Programme & Jal Shakti Abhiyana 8/16/2019 To 8/16/2019
2110 Group meeting & bench mark survey 8/14/2019 To 8/14/2019
2111 INM in mulberry FLD field visit 8/14/2019 To 8/14/2019
2112 Group Meeting on Implementation of nutrigarden 8/10/2019 To 8/10/2019
2113 Training on Tomato improved cultivation practices & Awareness programme on Jal shakti Abhiyana 8/8/2019 To 8/8/2019
2114 Awarenss programme on Jal Shakti Abhiyana 8/7/2019 To 8/7/2019
2115 Awareness programme on Jal Shakthi Abhiyana 8/6/2019 To 8/6/2019
2116 Krishi Abhiyana-2019 8/5/2019 To 8/5/2019
2117 Tri-Monthly workshop for State Department of Horticulture officers 8/3/2019 To 8/3/2019
2118 Awareness Programme on Jal shakti Abhiyana 8/1/2019 To 8/1/2019
2119 Awareness on Jal Shakthi Abhiyana 7/31/2019 To 7/31/2019
2120 Participation in farmers field school & Awareness programme on Jal shakthi abhiyana. 7/29/2019 To 7/29/2019
2121 Field visit to pest infested tree mulberry garden 7/27/2019 To 7/27/2019
2122 Sericulture farmers field visit 7/27/2019 To 7/27/2019
2123 On campus training program on Water conservation and suitable irrigation techniques for dryland mulberry cultivation & Awareness on Jal Shakthi Abhiyana 7/26/2019 To 7/26/2019
2124 Farmers Field school 7/26/2019 To 7/26/2019
2125 Soil health and fertility management in mulberry through INM practices 7/25/2019 To 7/25/2019
2126 Problematic mulberry field visit 7/24/2019 To 7/24/2019
2127 Jal shakthi abhiyana 2019 7/22/2019 To 7/22/2019
2128 Rain water harvesting & its conservation for mulberry garden-Jal Sakthi Abhiyana 2019 7/19/2019 To 7/19/2019
2129 Production of planting material & supply to the farmers. 7/19/2019 To 7/19/2019
2130 Field visit 7/18/2019 To 7/18/2019
2131 Field visit to select Ragi FLD beneficiaries 7/17/2019 To 7/17/2019
2132 Production of planting material & supply to the farmers. 7/17/2019 To 7/17/2019
2133 Method demonstration of seed treatment in Ragi 7/17/2019 To 7/17/2019
2134 Production of planting material & supply to the farmers. 7/16/2019 To 7/16/2019
2135 Training programme on INM in mulberry 7/15/2019 To 7/15/2019
2136 Field visit to mango plot 7/15/2019 To 7/15/2019
2137 Off campus training on mango cultivation 7/15/2019 To 7/15/2019
2138 Mounting and harvesting technology in bivoltine sericulture 7/12/2019 To 7/12/2019
2139 krishi abhiyana 7/12/2019 To 7/12/2019
2140 Production of planting material & sold to farmers 7/12/2019 To 7/12/2019
2141 Farmer field school 7/11/2019 To 7/11/2019
2142 Graduation day for DAESI II batch 7/10/2019 To 7/10/2019
2143 Krishi abhiyana 7/9/2019 To 7/9/2019
2144 Diagnostic Field visit to tomato field. 7/9/2019 To 7/9/2019
2145 Diagnostic field visit - cauliflower and capsicum diseases. 7/8/2019 To 7/8/2019
2146 Krishi Abiyana 7/5/2019 To 7/5/2019
2147 Drought proofing mechanism for kolar district organized by NRAA & UAS, Bengaluru 6/27/2019 To 6/28/2019
2148 Hands on training in propagation of Horticulture crops 6/25/2019 To 6/25/2019
2149 On campus training programme on Bivoltine sericulture for doubling the farmers income 6/21/2019 To 6/21/2019
2150 Field visit of FLD/OFT 6/20/2019 To 6/20/2019
2151 FLD - Good Horticulture practices in post harvest handling of mango 6/19/2019 To 6/19/2019
2152 Guava & Mango Diagnostic field visit 6/17/2019 To 6/17/2019
2153 Bi-Mionthly meeting with KSDA officials 6/14/2019 To 6/14/2019
2154 Crop seminar on tomato 6/11/2019 To 6/11/2019
2155 Field visit-Implementation of low cost mango ripening chamber 6/10/2019 To 6/10/2019
2156 Awareness cum training programme on Biovoltine silkworm rearing. 6/7/2019 To 6/7/2019
2157 Diagnostic field visit to mulberry garden 6/7/2019 To 6/7/2019
2158 Training on nutritional benefits & processing of minor millets 6/6/2019 To 6/6/2019
2159 Group meetings on implementation of FLD, OFT & EDP programme 6/4/2019 To 6/4/2019
2160 Group Meeting for implementing FLD & OFT's 6/4/2019 To 6/4/2019
2161 Group meetings for groundnut FLD 5/31/2019 To 5/31/2019
2162 Visit to vermicompost units under swachatta action plan 5/30/2019 To 5/30/2019
2163 Group discussion-Redgram(NFSM) Demonstration 5/27/2019 To 5/27/2019
2164 Diagnostic field visit-Root knot nematode in mulberry 5/22/2019 To 5/22/2019
2165 Training programme on Nutrient management in mulberry & cocoon production 5/13/2019 To 5/13/2019
2166 Training programme on Importance of bioviltine sericulture for profit maximization 5/10/2019 To 5/10/2019
2167 Group meetings regarding demonstrations to be conducted in the cluster 5/5/2019 To 5/5/2019
2168 Training programme on tree mulberry cultivation & their management 5/3/2019 To 5/3/2019
2169 Conducting DAESI final examination 4/13/2019 To 4/13/2019
2170 Field visit to mango FLD plots 4/9/2019 To 4/9/2019
2171 Field visit of FPO demonstration 4/9/2019 To 4/9/2019
2172 Capsicum field visit 4/3/2019 To 4/3/2019
2173 Field visit to oversee the vermiscomposting activities 4/1/2019 To 4/1/2019
2174 Diagnostic field visit to Guava fields 4/1/2019 To 4/1/2019
2175 problematic capsicum field visit 3/28/2019 To 3/28/2019
2176 Diagnostic field visit on Guava 3/25/2019 To 3/25/2019
2177 Field visit to Marigold demonstration plot under KAPC 3/19/2019 To 3/19/2019
2178 Field visit to potato demo fields under FPO 3/18/2019 To 3/18/2019
2179 Training on Importance of IPM & PP in important Horticultural crops 3/16/2019 To 3/16/2019
2180 Training on Importance of vermicompost & vermicomposting techniques. 3/16/2019 To 3/16/2019
2181 International womens day-2019 3/8/2019 To 3/8/2019
2182 Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi(PM-KISAN) - KVK, Kolar 2/24/2019 To 2/24/2019
2183 Field visit to potato demonstration plots(FPO) 2/13/2019 To 2/13/2019
2184 Group meetings with farmers for selecting villages for Action plan 2019-20 2/13/2019 To 2/13/2019
2185 Field visit to pole beans demonstration plots(FPO) 2/13/2019 To 2/13/2019
2186 On campus training programme on Scope & Importance of organic farming 2/12/2019 To 2/13/2019
2187 National Productivity week from 12-18 February, 2019. 2/12/2019 To 2/19/2019
2188 Group meeting for selection of villages to implement 2019-20 action plan 2/11/2019 To 2/11/2019
2189 Jal Shakti Abhiyan 2/10/2019 To 2/10/2019
2190 Interface meeting with farmer 2/8/2019 To 2/8/2019
2191 Field day on Integrated silkworm disease management practices for sustainable cocoon yield 2/8/2019 To 2/8/2019
2192 Off campus training programme & method demonstration in potato crop 2/6/2019 To 2/6/2019
2193 Field visit to Demo plot of Marigold 2/5/2019 To 2/5/2019
2194 Field visit 2/4/2019 To 2/4/2019
2195 IFS field visit 2/4/2019 To 2/4/2019
2196 Training program on "Recent advance in bivoltine sericulture for doubling the farmers income 2/2/2019 To 2/2/2019
2197 Farm trail on management of powdery mildew in Chilli. 2/1/2019 To 2/1/2019
2198 Farm trail on management of powdery mildew in Mango 2/1/2019 To 2/1/2019
2199 Farm trail on management of late blight in potato. 2/1/2019 To 2/1/2019
2200 Diagnostic visit to potato fields 1/31/2019 To 1/31/2019
2201 Training cum demonstration on waste decomposer 1/30/2019 To 1/30/2019
2202 Interface meeting with former VC Dr. D.L Maheswar 1/29/2019 To 1/29/2019
2203 Reintroduction and importance of sweet potato in kolar district 1/29/2019 To 1/29/2019
2204 Diagnostic field visit to brinjal field 1/24/2019 To 1/24/2019
2205 Exhibition-National Horticulture Fair 1/23/2019 To 1/23/2019
2206 Inter state study tour for Masti venkatesh ayengar FPO, Rajenahalli farmers 1/22/2019 To 1/26/2019
2207 Farmers exposure visit under FPO KVK linkage programme 1/21/2019 To 1/25/2019
2208 International trade fair on Organics & minor millets 1/18/2019 To 1/20/2019
2209 Training program on "Dehydration of fruits and vegetable"to small entrepreneurs 1/10/2019 To 1/10/2019
2210 Training programme on Importance of bivoltine sericulture doe doubling the farmers income. 1/8/2019 To 1/8/2019
2211 Women empowerment through value addition & marketing of minor millets 1/7/2019 To 1/7/2019
2212 FLD field visit on organic source of nutrient management in mulberry 1/4/2019 To 1/4/2019
2213 Visit to mango field 1/3/2019 To 1/3/2019
2214 Visit to "Botanical in management of late blight in potato Farm trail". 1/3/2019 To 1/3/2019
2215 Cucumber OFT field visit 1/3/2019 To 1/3/2019
2216 Visit to powdery mildew & fruit rot management in Chilli farm trail 1/3/2019 To 1/3/2019
2217 Visit to powdery mildew management in Mango Farm trail 1/3/2019 To 1/3/2019
2218 Field visit to chilli field 1/3/2019 To 1/3/2019
2219 Field visit to Chrysanthemum white rest management farm trial field 1/3/2019 To 1/3/2019
2220 Training programme on Improved production technology for Tomato, Potato, Capsicum & Guava 1/2/2019 To 1/2/2019
2221 Group meeting- Pruning techniques in tree mulberry 12/29/2018 To 12/29/2018
2222 Raitha Dinacharane-2018 12/28/2018 To 12/28/2018
2223 Diagnostic field visit - Tomato fields 12/27/2018 To 12/27/2018
2224 Farmers day celebration 12/23/2018 To 12/23/2018
2225 Thotagarike Mela 2018 12/23/2018 To 12/25/2018
2226 Swacchata pakwada - 2018 12/20/2018 To 12/20/2018
2227 Farmers Field School- Mulberry 12/20/2018 To 12/20/2018
2228 FPO training programme on Improved cultivation of potato 12/19/2018 To 12/19/2018
2229 Field visit of demo potato plot under FPO programme 12/19/2018 To 12/19/2018
2230 Diagnostic field visit - Mulberry garden 12/19/2018 To 12/19/2018
2231 FPO training programme on Improved cultivation of major vegetable crops 12/18/2018 To 12/18/2018
2232 Training programme on IPM of mulberry pest for sustainable leaf production 12/18/2018 To 12/18/2018
2233 On campus training on - sericulture for livelihood security 12/14/2018 To 12/14/2018
2234 Field on IPM of mulberry leaf roller 12/14/2018 To 12/14/2018
2235 Off campus training on Additional gain through inter cropping in tree mulberry cultivation 12/13/2018 To 12/13/2018
2236 FLD Field visit on organic sources of nutrient management in mulberry 12/11/2018 To 12/11/2018
2237 OFT suitable inter crops under tree mulberry 12/10/2018 To 12/10/2018
2238 Diagnostic field visit- stem girdler infested tree mulberry garden 12/10/2018 To 12/10/2018
2239 Visited to IFS demo plots 12/10/2018 To 12/10/2018
2240 FLD field visit-IPM of mulberry leaf roller 12/5/2018 To 12/5/2018
2241 World Soil Day-2018 12/5/2018 To 12/5/2018
2242 Chrysanthemum FLD field visit 12/4/2018 To 12/4/2018
2243 On campus Training on tree mulberry cultivation 12/3/2018 To 12/3/2018
2244 Field visit to cucumber OFT on downy mildew management 12/3/2018 To 12/3/2018
2245 FPO farmers training on Improved cultivation practices in vegetable cultivation. 11/30/2018 To 11/30/2018
2246 FFS on Importance of trenching & mulching in mulberry 11/29/2018 To 11/29/2018
2247 FLD on IPM of mulberrry leaf roller-Demonstration of light traps 11/28/2018 To 11/28/2018
2248 Exposure visit - DAESI trainers 11/27/2018 To 11/27/2018
2249 Off campus training programme -"IPDM in potato, Capsicum, Ridgegourd & pole beans" 11/24/2018 To 11/24/2018
2250 On campus training on Scientific farming of tomato & potato 11/20/2018 To 11/20/2018
2251 FLD field visit- IPM of mulberry leaf roller 11/16/2018 To 11/16/2018
2252 Processing unit established by SHG group Technical guidance by ICAR-KVK,Kolar 11/16/2018 To 11/16/2018
2253 Production of bivoltine cocoons through tree mulberry cultivation under dryland situation for sericulture farmers 11/15/2018 To 11/15/2018
2254 Krishi Mela at UAS, Bengaluru 11/15/2018 To 11/18/2018
2255 FFS on disease management in bivoltine silkworm rearing session 3 11/14/2018 To 11/14/2018
2256 Field visit to OFT on suitable inter crop in tree mulberry 11/13/2018 To 11/13/2018
2257 Field day on organic sources of nutrient management in mulberry for higher yield 11/13/2018 To 11/13/2018
2258 Field visit to Mango FLD 11/9/2018 To 11/9/2018
2259 Field visit to Chilli FLD 11/9/2018 To 11/9/2018
2260 Sanitation & malnutrition problems in rural areas & their solution 11/9/2018 To 11/9/2018
2261 FLD field visit on mulberry leaf roller 11/5/2018 To 11/5/2018
2262 Training on IPM of mulberry leaf roller for FLD farmers 11/5/2018 To 11/5/2018
2263 Role of farm women to increase the farmers income 11/5/2018 To 11/5/2018
2264 Importance of balanced nutrition to overcome hidden hunger 11/3/2018 To 11/3/2018
2265 Farmers field school on disease management in bivoltine silkworm rearing 2 session 10/25/2018 To 10/25/2018
2266 Field visit on SMD(Sterility Moisac Disease) 10/23/2018 To 10/23/2018
2267 Training programme on IPM 10/23/2018 To 10/23/2018
2268 Krishna prabha, Kitchen garden kit distribution to farm women, under NRLM programme 10/23/2018 To 10/23/2018
2269 World Food Day - 2018 10/16/2018 To 10/16/2018
2270 Kisan Mahila Diwas - 2018 10/15/2018 To 10/15/2018
2271 Training programme on Banana, Papaya & Potato cultivation 10/13/2018 To 10/13/2018
2272 Banana Field Visit 10/13/2018 To 10/13/2018
2273 Papaya Field visit 10/13/2018 To 10/13/2018
2274 ICM in Marigold 10/10/2018 To 10/10/2018
2275 Training programme on Flower crop cultivation 10/5/2018 To 10/5/2018
2276 Nutritional Campaign 10/5/2018 To 10/5/2018
2277 Field visit made to diagnose problem in rose 10/5/2018 To 10/5/2018
2278 Guava FLD field visit 10/3/2018 To 10/3/2018
2279 Papaya- Diagnostic field visit 10/3/2018 To 10/3/2018
2280 Diagnostic field visit -Guava 10/3/2018 To 10/3/2018
2281 Organize awareness campaigns around better sanitation practices like using a toilet, handwashing,health and hygiene awareness,etc 10/2/2018 To 10/2/2018
2282 Organize awareness campaigns around better sanitation practices like using a toilet, handwashing,health and hygiene awareness,etc 9/24/2018 To 9/24/2018
2283 Organize awareness campaigns around better sanitation practices like using a toilet, handwashing,health and hygiene awareness,etc 9/22/2018 To 9/22/2018
2284 Organize cleaning of streets,drains and back alleys through awareness drives 9/21/2018 To 9/21/2018
2285 Organize awareness campaigns around better sanitation practices like using a toilet, handwashing,health and hygiene awareness,etc 9/20/2018 To 9/20/2018
2286 FLD on Nutritional Garden 9/20/2018 To 9/20/2018
2287 Training Programme on Tomato, Potato & Marigold 9/19/2018 To 9/19/2018
2288 Undertake village level rallies for generating awareness about Swachhata 9/19/2018 To 9/19/2018
2289 Organize awareness campaigns around better sanitation practices like using a toilet, handwashing,health and hygiene awareness,etc 9/18/2018 To 9/18/2018
2290 National consultation on sustainable and remunerative farming 9/18/2018 To 9/19/2018
2291 Organize cleaning of streets,drains and back alleys through awareness drives 9/17/2018 To 9/17/2018
2292 National Nutritional week campaign 9/17/2018 To 9/17/2018
2293 On campus training programme on "Recent advances in bivoltine sericulture". 9/6/2018 To 9/6/2018
2294 National Nutritional week campaign 9/1/2018 To 9/7/2018
2295 On Campus training programme on Production Technology of tree-mulberry under rainfed farming 8/29/2018 To 8/29/2018
2296 Group meeting on Management of Bronzing in Guava 8/25/2018 To 8/25/2018
2297 On Campus training programme on Prospectus, Scope and Production Technology of tree-mulberry under rainfed farming in Kolar District. 8/25/2018 To 8/25/2018
2298 Visit to tomato field 8/21/2018 To 8/21/2018
2299 Field visit to marigold FLD fields 8/21/2018 To 8/21/2018
2300 Field visit to papaya OFT fields 8/20/2018 To 8/20/2018
2301 Field visit to cauliflower OFT fields 8/18/2018 To 8/18/2018
2302 Field visit to tomato FLD fields 8/18/2018 To 8/18/2018
2303 Field visit to Mango FLD 8/18/2018 To 8/18/2018
2304 Mango & Minor millets value added products exhibition cum sale 8/11/2018 To 8/15/2018
2305 Farm school - Tree mulberry cultivation in dryland condition 8/10/2018 To 8/10/2018
2306 Field visit Mango FLD plots 8/9/2018 To 8/9/2018
2307 On campus training programme on Recent advances in mulberry & Bivoltine cocoon production 8/8/2018 To 8/8/2018
2308 Group Meetings on Mango FLD programme 8/8/2018 To 8/8/2018
2309 Training on Organic matter soil health, pest & disease management in groundnut 8/4/2018 To 8/4/2018
2310 Visit to IPM in cauliflower OFT fields. 8/3/2018 To 8/3/2018
2311 Visit to problematic tomato field. 8/3/2018 To 8/3/2018
2312 Visit to ICM in marigold FLD fields. 8/3/2018 To 8/3/2018
2313 On Campus training on Integrated crop management in mulberry & Biovoltine silkworm rearing 8/2/2018 To 8/2/2018
2314 Group Discussion on Nutritional Garden/Kitchen gardening 8/2/2018 To 8/2/2018
2315 Visit to ICM in Tomato FLD fields 8/1/2018 To 8/1/2018
2316 Off campus training programme on Importance of balanced diet in human nutrition(Vegetable seed kit distribution by department of Horticulture) 7/28/2018 To 7/28/2018
2317 Sericulture On-Campus training programme 7/26/2018 To 7/26/2018
2318 Bio fertilizer method demosntration 7/19/2018 To 7/19/2018
2319 Training programme to farmers and Nurserymen 7/18/2018 To 7/18/2018
2320 Scientific soil sampling in mulberry garden 7/13/2018 To 7/13/2018
2321 Off campus training programme on sericulture 7/13/2018 To 7/13/2018
2322 Honorable Prime Minster Narendra Modi Interaction with SHG groups 7/12/2018 To 7/12/2018
2323 Diagnostic visit to knol-khol field 7/12/2018 To 7/12/2018
2324 Training programme on Nutritional garden 7/12/2018 To 7/12/2018
2325 Diagnostic Field visit-Papaya 7/11/2018 To 7/11/2018
2326 Field visit to pomegranate & high density mango fields 7/11/2018 To 7/11/2018
2327 Visit to sweet corn field 7/11/2018 To 7/11/2018
2328 Off campus training programme on Improved technologies in mulberry cultivation & animal Husbandry 7/10/2018 To 7/10/2018
2329 Diagnostic field visit in Mulberry 7/10/2018 To 7/10/2018
2330 Visit to Button rose field 7/9/2018 To 7/9/2018
2331 Group discussion with farmers-Marigold FLD 7/9/2018 To 7/9/2018
2332 Visit to Mango FLD fields. 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
2333 Group Discussion - ICM in Tomato FLD 6/23/2018 To 6/23/2018
2334 Bi Monthly workshop for Department of Agriculture Officers 6/22/2018 To 6/22/2018
2335 Interaction of Honorable Prime Minister with farmers through webcast 6/20/2018 To 6/20/2018
2336 Trimonthly workshop for Dept of Horticulture officers 6/19/2018 To 6/19/2018
2337 Off campus training programme on "Integrated management of major diseases in field crops". 6/14/2018 To 6/14/2018
2338 Mango & Jack Mela 2018 6/13/2018 To 6/13/2018
2339 Diagnostic Field visit - To Diagnose the problem in Capsicum field 6/12/2018 To 6/12/2018
2340 Jack Fruit processing unit 6/12/2018 To 6/12/2018
2341 Off Campus training-Integrated management of major diseases in crops 6/11/2018 To 6/11/2018
2342 Off campus training programme- Safe Handling of Pesticides 6/7/2018 To 6/7/2018
2343 Jack Fruit Conclave 2018 6/1/2018 To 6/2/2018
2344 World Earth Day 2018 4/23/2018 To 4/23/2018
2345 Farmers field visit - Tree mulberry garden 4/3/2018 To 4/3/2018
2346 Krishi Unnati Mela 2018 at ICAR-IARI 3/17/2018 To 3/17/2018
2347 Kisan Goshthi on Production technology of vegetable crops 3/2/2018 To 3/2/2018
2348 FLD- Demonstration of Hand operated cocoon deflosser machine 2/22/2018 To 2/22/2018
2349 Entrepreneurship development through cocoon biocraft for women SHG group 2/7/2018 To 2/11/2018
2350 Farmers Field School (FFS) on ICM in Potato 2/1/2018 To 2/1/2018
2351 Progressive farmers to farmers training programme(Day 3, IV Batch) 1/31/2018 To 1/31/2018
2352 Progressive farmers to farmers training programme(Day 2, IV Batch) 1/30/2018 To 1/30/2018
2353 Progressive farmers to farmers training programme(Day 1, IV Batch) 1/29/2018 To 1/29/2018
2354 Progressive farmers to farmers training programme(Day 3, III Batch) 1/25/2018 To 1/25/2018
2355 Progressive farmers to farmers training programme(Day 2, III Batch) 1/24/2018 To 1/24/2018
2356 Progressive farmers to farmers training programme(Day 1 III Batch) 1/23/2018 To 1/23/2018
2357 Progressive Farmers to Farmers training programme(Day 2 & 3 II Batch) 1/19/2018 To 1/20/2018
2358 Progressive Farmers to Farmers training programme(Day 1 II Batch) 1/18/2018 To 1/18/2018
2359 Mango FLD Field visit 1/18/2018 To 1/18/2018
2360 Potato field visit 1/17/2018 To 1/17/2018
2361 FLD field visit - ICM in potato 1/17/2018 To 1/17/2018
2362 Farmers field school on ICM in potato 1/17/2018 To 1/17/2018
2363 Field visit - Papaya 1/16/2018 To 1/16/2018
2364 Field visit - Tomato 1/16/2018 To 1/16/2018
2365 Cauliflower OFT field visit 1/13/2018 To 1/13/2018
2366 Progressive Farmers to Farmers Training programme(Day 3 1st Batch) 1/12/2018 To 1/12/2018
2367 Progressive Farmers to Farmers training programme(Day 2 1st Batch) 1/11/2018 To 1/11/2018
2368 Kitchen gardening & Terrace gardening 1/11/2018 To 1/11/2018
2369 Progressive Farmers to Farmers training programme(Day 1 1st Batch) 1/10/2018 To 1/10/2018
2370 Animal Health Camp 1/6/2018 To 1/6/2018
2371 Cauliflower OFT field visit 1/5/2018 To 1/5/2018
2372 Diagnostic Field visit 1/3/2018 To 1/3/2018
2373 Diagnostic field visit 1/3/2018 To 1/3/2018
2374 Off campus training programme on Management of tree mulberry for biovoltine cocoon production 12/20/2017 To 12/20/2017
2375 Off campus training programme on Improved cultivation of vegetable crops 12/19/2017 To 12/19/2017
2376 On campus training programme on Soil fertility management in field crops & Mulberry 12/19/2017 To 12/19/2017
2377 Off campus training programme on Importance of INM in field crops and mulberry for sustainable productivity 12/19/2017 To 1/19/2018
2378 Training programme on Importance of advance techniques in bivoltine cocoon production 12/8/2017 To 12/8/2017
2379 Ragi Field day-Introduction of medium variety ML-365 for drought mitigation and delayed sowing 12/8/2017 To 12/8/2017
2380 World soil health Day 2017 12/5/2017 To 12/5/2017
2381 Training programme on Importance of Disinfection & hygiene maintenance in Biovoltine silkworm rearing 11/30/2017 To 11/30/2017
2382 Off campus training on- Improved practices in vegetable cultivation 11/24/2017 To 11/24/2017
2383 Method Demonstration on soil sampling in mulberry Garden & Effective disinfection of silkworm rearing house 11/24/2017 To 11/24/2017
2384 Off campus training programme - Improved technologies in Biovoltine silkworm rearing 11/24/2017 To 11/24/2017
2385 Field Visit - Visit to root knot nematode infested problematic polyhouse 11/24/2017 To 11/24/2017
2386 Field visit- Use of sticky trap in uzifly management 11/23/2017 To 11/23/2017
2387 Field visit-Muscarding incidence in silkworm 11/23/2017 To 11/23/2017
2388 FLD- Demonstration of Hand operated cocoon deflosser machine 11/23/2017 To 11/23/2017
2389 Diagnostic field visit- Tomato field infected with Late blight disease 11/22/2017 To 11/22/2017
2390 Leaf roller infestation in mulberry 11/17/2017 To 11/17/2017
2391 Method demonstration on Poshan(Micro nutrient formulation) foliar spray 11/17/2017 To 11/17/2017
2392 Suitable intercrops in tree mulberry 11/14/2017 To 11/14/2017
2393 FLD on INM in Mulberry 11/13/2017 To 11/13/2017
2394 FLD training - Fertigation aspects of solanaceous vegetable crops 10/31/2017 To 10/31/2017
2395 Groundnut Field day 10/28/2017 To 10/28/2017
2396 Training programme on Bee keeping 10/23/2017 To 10/23/2017
2397 Celebration of World Food Day 2017 10/16/2017 To 10/16/2017
2398 Celebration of important day- Mahila kissan Diwas 10/15/2017 To 10/15/2017
2399 Scientist visit to farmers field - Demonstration of Pruning techniques in tree mulberry & Problematic field visit 10/13/2017 To 10/13/2017
2400 Scientist visit to farmers field -To observe the crop condition & catch pits 10/12/2017 To 10/12/2017
2401 Scientist visit to farmers field - INM in Mulberry FLD 10/11/2017 To 10/11/2017
2402 Campaign on Pest management in Ragi 9/27/2017 To 9/27/2017
2403 Off Training on vegetable crops 9/27/2017 To 9/27/2017
2404 Pest and disease management campaign in outbreak situation 9/27/2017 To 9/27/2017
2405 Off Campus training programme on Production technology of flowers & vegetables 9/26/2017 To 9/26/2017
2406 Ragi FLD field visit 9/25/2017 To 9/25/2017
2407 On campus training on Kitchen & Terrace gardening 9/25/2017 To 9/25/2017
2408 Diagnostic field visit- Ragi 9/25/2017 To 9/25/2017
2409 DAESI Training Programme 9/24/2017 To 9/24/2017
2410 Ragi FLD field visit 9/21/2017 To 9/21/2017
2411 FLD on Tree Mulberry cultivation 9/20/2017 To 9/20/2017
2412 Diagnostic field visit to Ragi fields 9/18/2017 To 9/18/2017
2413 DAESI Training Progamme 9/17/2017 To 9/17/2017
2414 Swachhata Hi Seva 9/17/2017 To 9/17/2017
2415 Redgram FLD Field visit 9/15/2017 To 9/15/2017
2416 Tri - Monthly Workshop 9/13/2017 To 9/13/2017
2417 Demonstration of Poshan foliar spray (Micro nutrient formulation) 9/12/2017 To 9/12/2017
2418 Visit to Leaf roller infested Mulberry garden 9/12/2017 To 9/12/2017
2419 Problematic Field visit to Ragi & Mulberry crop 9/11/2017 To 9/11/2017
2420 Diagnostic field visit in Marigold crop 9/9/2017 To 9/9/2017
2421 Diagnostic field visit in Ragi crop 9/9/2017 To 9/9/2017
2422 Groundnut Front line demonstration field visit 9/9/2017 To 9/9/2017
2423 Diagnostic field visit - Mulberry crop 9/8/2017 To 9/8/2017
2424 Diagnostic field visit to tree mulberry garden 9/8/2017 To 9/8/2017
2425 Scientist visit to Farmers field - Redgram FLD 9/7/2017 To 9/7/2017
2426 Collection of Soil sample of Cucumber OFT fields 9/7/2017 To 9/7/2017
2427 Integrated nutrient management in Mulberry Frontline Demonstration 9/6/2017 To 9/6/2017
2428 Scientists visit to Ragi FLD fields 9/6/2017 To 9/6/2017
2429 Scientist visit to Farmers field 9/5/2017 To 9/5/2017
2430 Group Meeting of Guava FLD 9/5/2017 To 9/5/2017
2431 Scientist visit to Farmers field 9/4/2017 To 9/4/2017
2432 World coconut day 9/4/2017 To 9/4/2017
2433 National Nutritional Week 9/1/2017 To 9/1/2017
2434 Sankalp Se Siddhi Programme 8/30/2017 To 8/30/2017
2435 DAESI Training Programme 8/27/2017 To 8/27/2017
2436 Field Bean Frontline Demonstration- Field Visit 8/24/2017 To 8/24/2017
2437 Field Visit to problematic Mango field 8/23/2017 To 8/23/2017
2438 Workshop on Enhancing farmers income through improved technologies 8/23/2017 To 8/23/2017
2439 Field visit (Red gram Frontline Demonstration) 8/22/2017 To 8/22/2017
2440 Sericulture Training Programme 8/22/2017 To 8/22/2017
2441 Field visit 8/22/2017 To 8/22/2017
2442 World Honey Bee Day 8/19/2017 To 8/19/2017
2443 Field Visit 8/16/2017 To 8/16/2017
2444 Parthenium Awareness Campaign 8/16/2017 To 8/22/2017
2445 Exposure visit to farmers field 8/10/2017 To 8/10/2017
2446 On Campus Training Programme 8/9/2017 To 8/9/2017
2447 Krishi Abhiyana 8/8/2017 To 8/8/2017
2448 Farmers Health Campaign 8/7/2017 To 8/7/2017
2449 Diagnostic field visit 8/5/2017 To 8/5/2017
2450 Diagnostic Field Visit 8/3/2017 To 8/3/2017
2451 Group Meeting 8/3/2017 To 8/3/2017
2452 Diagnostic Field Visit 8/1/2017 To 8/1/2017
2453 Group meeting to conduct Mango Front line Demonstration 7/29/2017 To 7/29/2017
2454 Off Campus training Programme "Income generated vegetable farming" 7/28/2017 To 7/28/2017
2455 Off Campus Training Programme 7/26/2017 To 7/26/2017
2456 Off Campus Training Programme 7/24/2017 To 7/24/2017
2457 Off campus Training Programme 7/24/2017 To 7/24/2017
2458 On Campus training programme 7/20/2017 To 7/20/2017
2459 Lecture Delivered as a Resource person 7/19/2017 To 7/19/2017
2460 Group meetings 7/17/2017 To 7/17/2017
2461 Method Demonstration 7/6/2017 To 7/6/2017
2462 Off Campus Training Programme 7/5/2017 To 7/5/2017
2463 On Campus Training programme 7/5/2017 To 7/5/2017
2464 Off Campus Training Programme 7/4/2017 To 7/4/2017
2465 Method Demonstration 7/4/2017 To 7/4/2017
2466 Vocational training programme 7/3/2017 To 7/7/2017
2467 Success story of Minor millets processing 7/3/2017 To 7/7/2017
2468 Off campus training 7/1/2017 To 7/1/2017
2469 Method Demonstration 6/29/2017 To 6/29/2017
2470 Off Campus training programme 6/29/2017 To 6/29/2017
2471 Field Day on Low cost plastic ripening chamber for ripening mango 6/28/2017 To 6/28/2017
2472 FLD related training programme 6/27/2017 To 6/27/2017
2473 Group meetings 6/26/2017 To 6/26/2017
2474 National workshop for Enhancing farmers income & welfare 6/24/2017 To 6/25/2017
2475 Agriculture Exhibition 6/23/2017 To 6/25/2017
2476 Diagnostic field visit 6/22/2017 To 6/22/2017
2477 Diagnostic Field Visit 6/21/2017 To 6/21/2017
2478 Pit system of Ragi Cultivation 6/15/2017 To 6/15/2017
2479 Campaign cum Exhibition 6/9/2017 To 6/9/2017
2480 Kharif campaigns 6/9/2017 To 6/9/2017
2481 Group Discussion 6/9/2017 To 6/9/2017
2482 Conducted training for Farmers & Farm women on "soil health management & importance of soil sampling" 6/8/2017 To 6/8/2017
2483 seed treatment in Redgram 6/8/2017 To 6/8/2017
2484 Group meeting on "Nutrient management in Tomato through fertigation" 6/7/2017 To 6/7/2017
2485 Implementation of " Enhancing Farmers Income and Welfare" Programme, 5/29/2017 To 5/29/2017
2486 Visited IFS Demonstration plots 5/23/2017 To 5/23/2017
2487 Improved cultivation of Potato 3/13/2017 To 3/13/2017
2488 Soil health and INM in field crops 3/4/2017 To 3/4/2017
2489 Importance of tree mulberry cultivation and pest management 3/2/2017 To 3/2/2017
2490 Integrated management of major pests and diseases of Mango and tomato 2/16/2017 To 2/16/2017
2491 Water conservation and water management in horticulture 2/10/2017 To 2/10/2017
2492 Management of Tree Mulberry for rainfed sericulture 2/9/2017 To 2/9/2017
2493 Minimal processing, packaging, labelling & branding of Jack fruit 2/6/2017 To 2/8/2017
2494 Balanced diet in Human nutrition 1/30/2017 To 1/30/2017
2495 Management of Tree Mulberry for rainfed sericulture 1/30/2017 To 1/30/2017
2496 Progressive farmers to farmers 1/30/2017 To 2/1/2017
2497 Community participation involvement and contribution 1/28/2017 To 1/28/2017
2498 Progressive farmer to farmer training 1/23/2017 To 1/25/2017
2499 Progressive Farmers to farmers training 1/18/2017 To 1/20/2017
2500 Preparation of Biocraft from Grainage Cut Cocoons 1/17/2017 To 1/21/2017
2501 Pest and disease management in sericulture 12/26/2016 To 12/26/2016
2502 Technology Week 2016 12/21/2016 To 12/25/2016
2503 Dryland sericulture 12/15/2016 To 12/15/2016
2504 Preparation of Value added products, mimimal processing, packaging, labeling and branding of Jackfruit 12/12/2016 To 12/15/2016
2505 World Soil Health Day & Rabi Programme-2016 12/5/2016 To 12/5/2016
2506 Importance of Balanced diet in Human Nutrition 11/28/2016 To 11/28/2016
2507 Importance of Balanced diet in Human Nutrition 11/28/2016 To 11/28/2016
2508 Importance of Balanced diet in Human Nutrition 11/26/2016 To 11/26/2016
2509 Importance of soil sampling and nutrient management in mulberry cultivation 11/23/2016 To 11/23/2016
2510 Importance of Balanced diet in Human Nutrition 11/22/2016 To 11/22/2016
2511 Importance of Tree mulberry cultivation in bivoltine sericulture 11/22/2016 To 11/22/2016
2512 Importance of Balanced diet in Human Nutrition 11/21/2016 To 11/21/2016
2513 Importance of Balanced diet in Human Nutrition 11/19/2016 To 11/19/2016
2514 Ecofriendly management practices for key pests of mulberry and silkworm 11/19/2016 To 11/19/2016
2515 Role of boron and molybdenumin the management of whiptail and brown rot of cauliflower 11/19/2016 To 11/19/2016
2516 Integrated pest & disease management in mulberry 11/16/2016 To 11/16/2016
2517 Pest management in Redgram 10/28/2016 To 10/28/2016
2518 Preparation of compost from silkworm rearing waste 10/28/2016 To 10/28/2016
2519 Lectures delivered as resource person 10/26/2016 To 10/26/2016
2520 Advances in mango cultivation, post harvest handling and prospects of value addition 10/19/2016 To 10/19/2016
2521 Integrated pest management and tree mulberry cultivation 10/19/2016 To 10/19/2016
2522 Field day organized 10/18/2016 To 11/18/2016
2523 Role of disinfection and hygiene maintenance in bivoltine sericulture 10/17/2016 To 11/17/2016
2524 Awareness campaign 10/16/2016 To 10/31/2016
2525 Reduction of post harvest losses and importance of value addition in Tomato 10/13/2016 To 10/13/2016
2526 Health benefits and employment opportunities through value addition of anola 10/8/2016 To 10/8/2016
2527 Improved technologies in vegetable cultivation 10/7/2016 To 10/7/2016
2528 Group meetings on Mulberry 10/7/2016 To 10/7/2016
2529 Recent technologies in bivoltine sericulture 10/5/2016 To 10/5/2016
2530 Production Techniques of value added products of Jackfruit and marketing 9/26/2016 To 9/27/2016
2531 Integrated nutrient and management of tree mulberry system 9/21/2016 To 9/21/2016
2532 National Nutrition Week- Malnutrition problems in rural areas and solutions 9/1/2016 To 9/1/2016
2533 Improved Mango production 8/23/2016 To 8/23/2016
2534 Improved technologies in Groundnut cultivation and soil fertility and water conservation 8/22/2016 To 8/22/2016
2535 Role of Disinfection and hygiene maintaince in silkworm rearing 8/19/2016 To 8/19/2016
2536 Diseases of silkworms and their control measures 8/19/2016 To 8/19/2016
2537 Tree Mulberry cultivation & Bivoltine silkworm rearing techniques 8/5/2016 To 8/5/2016
2538 Capacity building training programme to self help group women on value addition of Tomato 7/21/2016 To 7/21/2016
2539 Improved production technologies in mulberry cultivation 7/20/2016 To 7/20/2016
2540 Fertigation in Tomato 7/20/2016 To 7/20/2016
2541 Improved production technology for better yields in tomato 7/11/2016 To 7/11/2016
2542 Improved production technology for better yields in tomato 7/11/2016 To 7/11/2016
2543 New Technologies in sericulture 7/5/2016 To 7/5/2016
2544 Value added products and Nutraceutical properties of Amla products 6/28/2016 To 6/28/2016
2545 Crop seminar on Improved production Technology for higher benifits in Tomato 6/28/2016 To 6/28/2016
2546 Organized Bi-Monthly Workshop 6/24/2016 To 6/24/2016
2547 Business oppurtunities for entrepreneur in the field of perishables 6/20/2016 To 6/20/2016
2548 Crop seminar on Improved production Technology for higher benifits in Tomato 6/17/2016 To 6/17/2016
2549 Introduction of new variety KMR-204, blast defoliator management in Ragi 6/15/2016 To 6/15/2016
2550 Group Meetings on Introduction of new variety KMR-204, blast defoliator management in Ragi 6/15/2016 To 6/15/2016
2551 Demonstration on Soil health management and importance of micronutrients in Groundnut 6/11/2016 To 6/11/2016
2552 Soil health management and importance of micronutrients in Groundnut 6/11/2016 To 6/11/2016
2553 Preparation of Value added products from Jack Fruit as an income generating activity 5/30/2016 To 5/30/2016
2554 Group meetings on seed treatment (Integrated crop management in Redgram) 5/17/2016 To 5/17/2016
2555 Integrated crop management in Redgram 5/17/2016 To 5/17/2016
2556 Importance of seed treatment for managing soil borne diseases 5/17/2016 To 5/17/2016
2557 Bi-Monthly Workshop 5/5/2016 To 5/5/2016