Event Category :
Venue :
Taluka Mini Veterinary Polyclinic, Vita
Description :
The one-day technical seminar on ‘Entrepreneurship opportunities in meat production and marketing’ was collaboratively organized with Department of Science and Technology (GOI), New Delhi, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Parbhani, Krantisinh Nana Patil College of Veterinary Sciences, Shirwal and by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tadsar at Taluka Mini Veterinary Polyclinic, Vita.
For this programme, Dr. S. H. Taralekar, LDO, Vita was the President and Dr. R. N. Waghmare, Principal Investigator, DSTSSTP Project COVAS, Parbhani was the Chief Guest, along with them Dr. V. D. Lonkar, Assistant Professor of Poultry Science, KNPCVS, Shirwal and Dr. D. T. Sakunde, Assistant Professor of Livestock Product Technology, KNPCVS, Shirwal was present.
Total fourty trainees were present viz., Students, Progressive farmers, Butchers, Poultry farmers, Goat rearers, Businessmen, Servicemenrespectively.The various experts delivered valuable knowledge on various topics i.e.,
1. ‘Importance of egg and
Contact Person Details
Miss Sonali Mahadev Patil
SMS Animal Science