Event Category :
Other Extension Activities
Venue :
Parish hall of family charch ,Rajapuram
Description :
In collaboration with the Green Chandragiri Agro Farmers Producer Company Limited, ICAR-KVK, CPCRI, Kasaragod held a beneficiary meeting at the parish hall of Holy Family Church, Rajapuram, to distribute agricultural inputs under the Tribal Sub Plan program. The meeting was greeted by Dr. Manojkumar T.S., Head, ICAR-KVK, CPCRI, Kasaragod. On October 15, 2024, the Hon. M.P. of Kasaragod, Shri. Rajmohan Unnithan, gave the ST farmers their coconut and arecanut seeds and officially launched the program. The Kallar Grama Panchayat President, Shri. T. K. Narayanan, presided over the function. The participating farmers engaged with Dr. K.B. Hebbar, Director of ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, about the scientific cultivation of arecanut and coconut crops. A total of 103 participating farmers received 2250 arecanut and 450 coconut seedlings.
Contact Person Details
Dr Dinesh Kumar Yadav
SMS Plant Protection