Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
KVK, Karimganj
Description :
A one (1) day long Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) was organised at KVK Karimganj. The main objective of the meeting was to review all the activities taken up by KVK Karimganj in the previous year i.e; 2016-17 and to prepare a need based annual action plan for upcoming session, 2017-18. In the meeting Dr. P. K. Talukdar, Deputy Commissioner, Karimganj, Dr. H.C. Bhattacharyya, Director of Extension Education,AAU Jorhat, Dr. B. Deka, Director ATARI, Zone III, Dr. A. Chakraborty Director of Research (Veterinary) AAU Khanapara, Dr. M. Neog, Associate Director of Extension Education, (AAU) Jorhat, District Officers of Agriculture, veterinary and Fishery Office, Karimganj and Chief Scientist of Regional Agricultural Research Station, Chairman and members of different NGOs and progressive farmers and farm women of Karimganj district participated. The scientists of KVK Karimganj presented their different activities and all the dignitaries gave their valuable suggestion.
Contact Person Details
Dr. A. Hafiz
Senior Scientist and Head