Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Baldana Village, Bavla Taluka, Ahmedabad District
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Arnej organized an animal health camp at Baldana village of Bavala taluka in collaboration with Animal Husbandary Department, Bagodara on 15th October, 2016. Total 196 animals were treated by Dr. J. H. Patel (Scientist, Animal Science, KVK, Arnej) and Dr. Yusuf Mansuri (Veterinary Officer, Bagodara) and found various type of cases like anestrus, repeat breeder, metritis, pregnancy diagnosis, mastitis and skin diseases. Follow up visit of the treated animals were also taken care by the scientist of KVK.
Contact Person Details
Dr. J.K.Patel
Senior Research Scientist