Event Category :
World Water Day
Venue :
Government Higher Secondary School, N.Vanlaiphai
Description :
KVK Serchhip District, Mizoram celebrated World Water Day on 22nd March, 2021 at Government Higher Secondary School, N.Vanlaiphai Village,Block E.Lungdar,Serchhip District, Mizoram. The day was celebrated under the guidance of DR T Vanlalngurzauva, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK along with KVK SMSs, Prog.Assistant, Assistant, Teachers and Students. The programme was started at 11:00 AM under the chairmanship of Mr Lalthanmawia Tlau , Assistant KVK. The chairman informed the theme of this year World Water Day is ‘Valuing Water’. Senior scientist & Head, KVK Serchhip give speech on the theme i.e Valuing water.Mr Vanlalhmuaka Ngente SMS(Horticulture) give training on Water use efficiency and emphasized on different water conservation techniques at household level and Mrs Vanlalruali SMS(Agri Extension) give training on Importance of Water harvesting. The programme was ended with Vote of thanks from Mr Lalnunzawma Prog.Assistant.
Contact Person Details
SMS, Agriculture Extension