Event Category :
Group Meetings
Venue :
Nerhe model council hall
Description :
Group Discussion on Rejuvenation of Citrus orchard was carried out at Nerhe model village on 12th February covering 17 farmers. Inspite of large area cultivation of Mandarin in Nerhe model village it is known that there is very low production due to the problems existing in the area i.e, improper land use and management, heavy soil erosion,no proper half-moon terraces or contour bunding been observed around the tree trunk or in the orchard for soil conservation measures, plantation of seedlings, no use of amendments in acidic soils, widespread zinc deficiency, rainfed cultivation, inadeuate management of insect-pest, nemadotes and diseases, mixed planting, vigorous weed growth, unsuitable site selection, unsuitable inter crops, insufficient use of water, lack of drainage system etc. Therefore, to retrieve the declining orchards, a rejuvenation programme and INM/IPM was suggested by the subject expert to
undertake the programmeat the earliest.
Contact Person Details
Eliseni Tsopoe
SMS Plant Protection