Event Category :
Field Day
Venue :
Kaneveedu, Vastavai Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh
Description :
Organized a field day in Groundnut (K 7 Bold) on 24.10.17 at Kaneveedu village, Vastavai mandal, Krishna District as part of Cluster Front Line Demonstrations under NMOOP. A Field visit was made to show the growth, field condition, pod number and size to the farmers. Dr. K. S. S. Naik, Principal Scientist (Groundnut), ARS, Kadiri, ANGRAU participated in the meeting and discussed about the high yielding varieties, best management practices and value addition. Dr. M. Rajasri, Programme Coordinator discussed how groundnut crop can be remunerative to the farmers and marketing stratergies. The farmer participants of CFLD Groundnut shared their experiences with other farmers. The farmers expressed their happiness with the package of practices and timely agro advisories given by the Scientists of Dr. K. L. Rao Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Garikapadu, Krishna Dt, Andhra Pradesh. Dr. P. Venkata Subbaiah, SMS (Crop Production), Dr. V. Jyothi, SMS (Agril. Extension), Sri. Kalyan Kumar, ADA, Jaggaiahpet,
Contact Person Details
Dr.P.Venkata Subbaiah
SMS (Crop Production)