Event Category :
Farmers and Farm Women Training
Venue :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kalyandurg.
Description :
Dr.N.C. Venkateswarlu, ADR, Nandyal , Dr.E.Chandrayudu, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kalyandurg, Dr.S.Ramadevi, Scientist, GPBR, RARS, Nandyal, Dr.B.Chaitanya, Scientist (Plant Pathology), Dr.Y.Balachandra, SMS (CP), Dr.M.Ramaiah SMS (Plant Protection), Dr.M.Harani, SMS (Veti.), Dr.V.Yugandhar, SMS (Horti.) and Sri.K.Balaji Naik SMS (Agri.Ext) distributed implements and chilli seedlings to SC farmers. Organized training programme on CFLD Bengalgram and distributed seed to beneficiaries under tribal sub plan, along with that UMMB blocks distributed to famers under FLD.
Contact Person Details
Dr.E.Chandrayudu and all SMSs
Programme Coordiantor