Event Category :
Farmers and Farm Women Training
Venue :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Girwar, Shajapur(M.P.)
Description :
KVK Shajapur organized Online Training Progaramme from 15 to 25 June 2021 for under Crop Diversification of Soybean to aware farmer to Grow Crop other than soybean during the Programme Scientist and expert from other institute Given information about Production Technology of Jowar, Production Technology of Maize, Production Technology of Green Gram, Production Technology of Black Gram. Production Technology of Pigeon pea, Production Technology of Ground nut, Production Technology of Kharif Onion, Important Farm Impalements, Production Technology of Fish, Water recharge technology, farm pond technology, Balance Use of Fertilizer, Integrated Plant and disease Protection, organic farming and Registration Process, Bank Schemes, disease in animal and vaccination, Medicinal crop production and its Marketing and improve drainage technologies etc
Contact Person Details
Dr. G. R. Ambawatia
Senior Scientist & I/C head KVK