Event Category :
Kisan Mela
Venue :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Judia Farm, Keonjhar
Description :
The kissan mela and exhibition was inguarated by Hon'ble M.P(L.S),Keonjhar Smt.Sakuntala Laguri.She stressed upon the information that should be transmitted to the farmers. MLA, Keonjhar,Chairman, ZP, Keonjhar, vice president, ZP, Dist Collector, farmer representative of ICAR,LDM, DDM,NABARD and all the line deptt. present in this kissan mela. 200 farmers, about 29 extension personnel, good number of bankers, insurance personnel, NGO officials, SHG member also participated in the kissan mela. 10 nos. of stall cum exhibition arranged in this kissan mela. The lady mushroom entrepreneur Mrs. Madhusmita Mahanta was felicitated on this occasion
Contact Person Details
Dr.Sujit Kumar Nath
Senior Scientist & Head