Event Category :
Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan
Venue :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Distt. Gorakhpur
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Belipar, Gorakhpur organised three days training on Mushroom Production for 35 migrant labours of nine block of district Gorakhpur. Deupty Director Agriculture Gorakhpur was chief guest of closing ceremony. On this occasion during address to trainies he said that Mushroom Production can play vital role in income generation of land less and small farmers and also help in short out of the problem of mulnutrion.In this training programme several lectures on different type of mushroom production like as Button, Oyester, Millky, fundamental requirements, composting, sponing, casing,insect pest and diseses management, gradding, packaging, storage, markting, mushroom based recepies, goverment schemes etc. delivered by scientist of KVK and resourse persones of line department and also experions shared by a farmer of mushroom grower.Certificates are distributed to all 35 trainies by chief guest.
Contact Person Details
Sri.Shailendra Singh
Subject matter Specialist (Plant Protection)