Event Category :
Agriculture Exhibition
Venue :
On Campus Training on Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bawan Road, Tatyora, Hardoi
Description :
To take soil sample what is necessary I want to tell you that every soil sample should collect from a common field where no presence of tree leaves, organic manures, stool / urine of human beings, bones residue. After that with the help of auger between 6 to 9 inch productive soil should collect from 4 to 5 places of a common field. Always keep in your mind soil sample should never collect from the corners of the field. Collected soil samples from the 4 to 5 places of a common field should again and again well mixed up to the requisite 500 gm soil. Collected all soil samples should be dried in shadow and when it is moisture less in a nacket eye it should collect in a inter locked poly bag, than keep it In one kg capacity cloth bag. Write down the farmer name, Fathers Name, Khasra No. , Village, Block, Tehsil and District Name with the help of permanent bench marker and send its to lab for testing of elements.
Contact Person Details
Sri Mukesh Singh
SMS, Extension, KVK, Hardoi