Event Category :
Sankalp Se Siddhi
Venue :
The Programme Sankalp Se Siddhi was held on 31.08.2017 in Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Nuapada premises which is located in the heart of the Nuapada town.Communication facilities by both road and rail are well connected.KVK is only 10Kms distance from neighbouring state Chhatisgarh.
Description :
The event started by lighting the lamp by Sj.A.V.Swamy,Hon'ble Memeber of Parliament(Rajya Sabha) & other dignitaries at 11:00 a.m.In this occasion Sj.Ghasiram Majhi,Representative to MLA,Nuapada,Smt Namita Pradhan,President Zilla Parishad,Nuapada,Dr. Poma Tudu,Collector & DM,Nuapada ,Dr.Manoranjan Mohapatra,JDEE,OUAT,Bhubaneswar,DDA,Nuapada,CDVO,Nuapada,ADH,Nuapada,DFO,Nuapada,DDM NABARD,PD Watershed,Nuapada , other line deptt. officials , more than 400 farmers & Farm women,Extension functionaries alongwith NGO peronnel of the district were participated. Senior Scientist & Head,KVK,Nuapada introduced all the dignitaries and officials and briefed about the event.Then 10mins Video Show on Sankalp se Siddhi by Hon'ble PM of INdia was displayed.The JDEE,OUAT highlighted the seven formulas for doubling the income of farming community by 2022.Collector & DM,Nuapada emphsized on availing the different Govt.Schemes also suggested officials to become farmer friendly.Lastly oath taking ceremon
Contact Person Details
Sri Kshirod Kumar Biswal
Senior Scientist & Head