Event Category :
Other Extension Activities
Venue :
CTRI, Rajahmundry
Description :
Dr.M.Balakrishna, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK, Vonipenta had attended Annual Zonal Workshop conducted at CTRI, Rajahmundry. In this programme discussed about KVK, mandatory activities, livestock production details, marketing aspects of the farm produce, better livelihood management, panel discussions by different NGO, KVK chairmans and vigilance aspects by ATARI, Principal Scientists in KVK systems, Resilient agricultural aspects, Impact of climate change, carbon trading, strategies to improve organic carbon status in the soil, suggestions made by different Director of Extensions, Vice Chancellors of AP, Telangana, Tamilnadu and Puducherry. In this Chief Guests attended were Dr.Udham Singh Gowtham, DDG, ICAR, Extension, Dr.Shaik N.Meera, Director, ATARI, Dr.T.Janakiram garu, Hon’ble VC of Dr.YSRHU, and Dr.Neeraja Prabhakar garu, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of SKLTSHU, IIOPR, Director, Dr. Suresh Kumar and DEs of all the SAUs.
Contact Person Details
M.Bala Krishna
Senior Scientist and Head