Event Category :
Jal Shakti Abhiyan 2022
Venue :
Village Barodiya, Community place
Description :
Tow days training program was organized at village Barrodiya Tehshil Bhinder on Jal Shakti Abhiyan. In thia training program 80 farmers / farm women participated. On this are Dr. R. L. Soni KVK Incharge informed to farmers about water saving Govt schemes like drip irrigation sprinkler irrigation and govt subsidy. Further he briefed the harvesting of rainfall in sittu small dams etc, and judicial manner of stored water use. Dr. M. L. Choudhary has also briefed the water conservation practices and scientific use this stored water in horticultural crops. Sh. M. L. Khatik briefed about sail conservation practices.
Contact Person Details
Dr. R. L. Soni
Senior Scientist and Head