Event Category :
Kisan Goshthi
Venue :
KVK, Vaishali training hall
Description :
on 31.05.2022 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hariharpur,Vaishali successfully conducted Gariv Kalyan Sammelan in which total 89 farmers participated which was live telecast from Shimala . The program was inaugurated jointly by honorable State MP ,Sri Vivek Thakur, Plant Protection ,scientist, Prem Prakash Gautam, DAO, Deputy PD ATMA by lighting the lamp. Honorable Prime minister, Sri Narendra Modi focused on the various schemes being run by the government, gave information about the benefits of Farmers and also directly interacted with beneficiaries. On this occasion ,all scientist of KVK was present.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Sunita Kushwah
Senior Scientist and Head