Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Training hall of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Begusarai
Description :
15th SAC meeting of KVK, Begusarai was held on 01.06.17 at Kendra. Action taken report of previous SAC meeting, progress report of one year and six month future plan were discussed in this meeting. This meeting was chaired by respected Director Extension Education, Dr. R.P.C.A.U.,Pusa, Director Research of our esteemed University, DAO, PD ATMA, Assistant Director Horticulture, DDM, NABARD, other govt. officials, representatives from JEEVIKA, NGOs, farmers, farm women of the district were present in this meeting. A detailed discussion was made on to overcome the adverse effect of climate change, doubling the income of farmers, water use efficiency, resource conservation technology, crop diversification, farm mechanization, entrepreneurship development through Mushroom production, Bee keeping, Vermicompost production, Seed & nursery plant production, Goatery, Poultry, Dairy, Fruit preservation, Rural crafts.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Sidh Nath Singh
Programme Coordinator