Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
The National Nutritional Week was celebrated in different villages viz., Gagal, Bhumpal, Bhoranj, Bara, Baldyad, KVK Bara, Baldyad
Description :
The National Nutritional Week was celebrated in different villages of the district. All the scientists along with Home Sci. Scientist and members of CPDO participated with full enthusiasm for the success of the event. the topic covered were Importance of green leafy vegetables in daily diet
importance of weaning foods among the children, importance of Breastfeeding in children,intake of fruits and dry fruits in daily diet,importance of traditional millets in diet,how to reduce anemia through diet,rovide knowledge about importance vegetables and pulses in our diet & how to tackle under nutrition in children. the method demonstrations were also given on how to reduce anaemia through diet,integrated nutrition GardenRecipes for pregnant and lactating women,high nutrition and low calories foodfor young women and children,weaning foods among the children,integrated nutrition diet for women. In the event awareness programme, Group Meetingand exposure visit were also conducted.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Sanjeev Upadhyay
Programme Coordinator