Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Campus Zoom Meeting
Description :
In the inaugural session Dr. G. K. Choudhary, SMS-VET. Science has given the welcome speech the the farmers and the guest speaker from ANDUT, Ayodhya Dr. Bhupendra Singh, ASS. Professor from Gynacology & Obstetrics, CVS&AH, Dr V.K. Paswan, Assistant Professor, FDSFT, IAS, BHU, Dr. P. K. Choudhary, AP, Veterinary Physiology, ANDUAT, AYODHYA has given their educative speech on Animal Infertility, Proper and Balanced Nutrition and Management of different contagious diseases in dairy animal.
At last Dr. Vishwendu Dwivedi, Head of KVK, Bhadohi given the vote of thanks and discussed the importance of milk and milk product in human health in reference the COVID 19.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Govind Kumar Choudhary
SMS (Vety Sci.)