Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Village - Pratappur (Block-Rudrapur), U.S.Nagar
Description :
Field visit
Date : 6.4.2017
Venue : Village - Pratappur (Block-Rudrapur), U.S.Nagar
Village : Kanakpur
Field visit was organized by KVK, Kashipur (U.S.Nagar) to assess technology adopted by farmers for wheat cultivation practices. Team of scientist visited the site and interacted with famers, Wheat plots were visited by Dr. D.S.PAndey, Dean, College of Agriculture, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Dr. Santosh (Delhi), ATACHI (Representative From Embassy), New Delhi, Dr. Jaiswal, Professor, Department of GBP, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Dr. S.K.Sharma SMS (Fisheries) KVK, Kashipur, Dr. Pratibha Singh, SMS (Home Science), KVK, Kashipur. Discussions were held regarding agriculture practices in the region of wheat (PNW-502) and other varieties at farmers field named Shri Paras Nath, Village-Pratappur. Team also visited at the field of Sri Dilip Singh, Village-Kanakpur and saw wheat crop (Variety PBW-343). Harvesting of wheat crop also initiated at his field using combine machine. Farmers reported yield of t
Contact Person Details
KVK Scientists