Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Budabahal, Saintala Block, Bolangir
Kaudia, Patnagarh Block, Block, Bolangir
Banabahal, Puintala Block, Block, Bolangir
Saragada , Gudvella Block., Block, Bolangir
Dhuanrdadar, Loisingha Block, Block, Bolangir
KVK, campus, Block, Bolangir
Bolangir Block, Block, Bolangir
Description :
1-Cleanliness drive on identification of activities causing garbage,
2-Treatment of bio-degradable/non bio-degradable wasters
3-Educating School Children on home hygiene, health, positive thinking
4-Cleanliness drive
Involvement of farm women and School children on village and home cleaning on maintenance of cleanliness in school and surroundings
5-Awareness on water conservation in agriculture
6-Housekeeping, cleanliness in office buildings, rooms, labs, campus, residential area, etc.
Contact Person Details
Ashis Kumar Das
Scientist(Plant Protection)