Event Category :
Kisan Mela
Venue :
KVK, Parbhani
Description :
On the occasion of World Soil Day Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Parbhani has organized Soil Health Card distribution programme, Rabi Sammelan and Exhibition on Integrated Farming System as well as Dryland Technologies. Programme has been inaugurated with the auspicious hands of Hon. Shri. Sanjay Jadhav, Member of Parliament, Parbhani constituency, Smt. Laxmitai Ashokrao Deshmukh, Chairperson, Jeevan Jyot Charitable Trust, Prof. N. R. Khan, Principal, Rajiv Gandhi College of Agriculture, Parbhani, Dr. V. D. Pawar, Principal, Rajiv Gandhi College of Food Technology, Parbhani. Hon. Shri. Sanjay Jadhav highlighted the importance of soil testing and scientific methods of farming as well as adoption of dry-land technologies for sustainable farming. Then Hon. MP has inaugurated exhibition organized at KVK campus.
Dr. B. S. Ekshinge, Associate Professor, has delivered lecture on Rabi Crop Management, Shri. C. R. Deshmukh elaborated the importance of Soil Testing
Contact Person Details
Dr. Prashant Bhanudasrao Bhosale
Programme Cooordinator