Event Category :
Group Meetings
Venue :
Tamulpur H.S. School, Baksa, Assam
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baksa celebrated World Soil Day at Tamulpur on 5th December, 2015. The programme was attended by the eminent personnel Mr. Emmanuel Musahary, MLA (Tamulpur), Mr. K. K. Sharma, SDAO (Civil, Tamulpur), Mr. B. Dutta, DAO, Baksa, Mr. A. Gogoi, EAC, Tamulpur, Mr. M. Swargiary, SDAO, Tamulpur. officers of line department and other stake holders including Agriculture department and NGOs.
Around 300 farmers participated in the programme. The programme was presided by Mr. B. Dutta, District Agricultural Officer, Baksa. In the welcome address, Dr. U. J. Sarmah, Programme Coordinator explained about the objective of the programme. He highlighted on the benefit of Soil Health Card for farmers provided by KVK, Baksa. Mr. E. Musahary, MLA praised the KVK for organizing the programme. He suggested the farmers to come forward for taking advantages of soil health card.In the programme, 250 nos. of soil health cards were distributed among the farmers of Baksa District.
Contact Person Details
Dr. U J Sarma
Programme Coordinator, KVK, Baksa, Assam