Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
KVK Barpeta
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta, Assam organized the new India Manthan Sankalp Se Siddhi programme on 27th August, 2017. In this programme, the message of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, India was conveyed to all and all the people present took a pledge to put in efforts which would lead to doubling of farmer’s income in the next five years. Sjt. Rajen Gohain, Hon'ble Minister of state for Railways was the Chief Guest, Gunin Das, MLA Barpeta, Sherman Ali, MLA, Baghbor were also present as guests of honour. Other dignitaries were Director, ATARI, Zone VI, Director, Extension Division, ICAR, Director, Extn. Education, AAU, Jorhat, ADC, Barpeta. The programme was attended by 827 nos. of participants from different parts of the district.
Contact Person Details
Dr Arup Kumar Deka
Programme Coordinator