Event Category :
Other Extension Activities
Venue :
KVK Narkatiaganj.
Description :
Organized Farmers Scientist Interaction program on dated 12/06/24 at KVK, Narkatiaganj in the chairmanship of QRT (MGIFRI Motihari)- chairman Dr. A.K. Singh Ex-Honourable Vice Chancellor Rajmata Vijayaraje Sindhiya Agricultural University, Gawalior. Director mgifri Motihari Dr KG Mandal sir, QRT member Dr. AK Srivastava- Ex Dean BAU, Ranchi, Dr. S. Kumar- Ex Head RCR, Ranchi, Dr. SK Purve- Principal Scientist, Dr. Shailesh Kumar Singh-Principal Scientist , Dr AP Singh-Sr. Scientist and Head, KVK Madhopur also participated in the program. The guests present in today's program interacted with the farmers and also solved their problems. Dr A.K. Singh sir visited millets crop cafeteria which are planted at KVK farm. The guests attending today's program also planted mango saplings in the courtyard of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Fourty farmers participated in the program.
Contact Person Details
Dr RP Singh
Senior Scientist and Head