Event Category :
Other Extension Activities
Venue :
KVK, Muzaffarnagar-II
Description :
In Western Uttar Pradesh farmers use of indiscriminate chemical fertilizers in crop production resulted ground water pollution by nitrate toxicity leads to causing carcinogenic disease, susceptibility of insect pest and disease crops, more logging of sugarcane, increase cost of cultivation and increase green house gases emission. I had discuss with farmers in training program about his existing nutrient management practices in kharif crops viz., sugarcane, rice and pulse and aware about indiscriminate use of fertilizers and its harmful effect on soil, water and air quality, detrimental effect on plant, human and animal health and increase cost of cultivation with less farm income. Although I had recommended INM approach of nutrient management in sugarcane, rice and pluses. I was recommended dose of fertilizers and scheduling of fertilizers in crop to improve crop productivity with high nutrient use effeceincy and also improve soil and ecosystem health.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Mohammad Hasanain
SMS (Agronomy)