Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Meeting Hall of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bandipora
Description :
KVK Bandipora conducted 13th SAC meeting on 1st of April-2019 under the Chairmanship of Prof. Mushtaq Ahmad, Director Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir at KVK Campus, Bandipora. He advised that KVK should expand its area of work in entire agriculture sector involving horticulture, livestock, apiculture, sericulture, fisheries etc. for the benefit of farming community.
Dr. Peerzada Shafat Hussain Deewani, Programme Coordinator, KVK Bandipora presented power point presentation of KVK activities for the year 2018-19 and proposed Action Plan of the year 2019-20. The meeting was attended by Mr. M.Y. Mir, Additional DDC, Bandipora who stressed for coordination among all allied departments, Mr. Rouf Iqbal (KAS), Tehsildar Bandipora attended the meeting as special invitee, Mr. Mohd. Qasim Ghani, Chief Agricultural Officer Bandipora, and other officers of the line departments give their inputs regarding extension need in their disciplines. Progressive farmers and farm women also attended the meeting.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Peerzada Shafat Hussain Deewani
Programme Coordinator