Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
KVK Muktsar organised National Nutrition Week Sept 1-7, 2017.
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sri Muktsar Sahib has organized nutrition week from 1 to 7 September 2017, in which 85 women from different villages have participated. Dr. N.S.Dhaliwal have addressed the women regarding the importance of balanced diet for adults, pregnant and lactating mothers. In this week Mrs. Charanjit Kaur, Demonstrator (Home Science) gave lecture on dietary management of pregnant and lactating mothers , anaemia, importance of sprouted daals and also demonstrated the method of low cost iron rich recipes and cerelac preparation for babies . Dr. K. Sharma prof. of Extension Education has emphasized on diet of mother so that she can feed the baby properly. During this week Mrs. Kulwinder Kaur multipurpose health worker have also highlighted the Government scheme like immunization and supplement related to pregnant , lactating and new born babies. She also encourages the women to take benefit of Government schemes. All the participating women showed kin interest in is event
Contact Person Details
Dr. Nirmaljit Singh Dhaliwal
Assoc. Director(Trg.)