Event Category :
Farmers and Farm Women Training
Venue :
KVK Langroya
Description :
During this course, the concerned experts from KVK delivered technical lectures and demonstrated nursery raising techniques in horticultural crops. Dr. Arti Verma, Assistant Professor (Horticulture) delivered lectures on benefits of nursery raising, types of nursery, different methods of nursery raising, selection of site and location, land preparation, soil treatment, seed treatment, method of sowing, manuring and fertilization, mulching, plant protection measures, hardening of the plant in the nursery, method of transplanting, and different techniques of grafting, budding and layering in fruit plants was also taught in this training programme. Practicals on nursery bed preparation, seed treatment, seed sowing in nursery bed, method of nursery raising in plug trays, raising fruit plants in black polythene bags etc., were also conducted. An exposure visit of trainees to Fruit plants nursery at Regional Research Station, Ballowal Saunkhri was also conducted.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Arti Verma
Assistant Professor (Vegetable Sc.)