Event Category :
Farmers and Farm Women Training
Venue :
KVK Cachar Auditorium
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Cachar organized a day long Workshop on Conservation of Petroleum Products in Agriculture on 13th July, 2016 at KVK Auditorium, Arunachal, with the participation of 25 nos. of progressive farmers of Cachar district. The workshop was started with the welcome speech by Dr. Arup Das, Programme Coordinator (i/c), KVK, Cachar. By describing the objectives of the workshop, he explained the farmers about the importance of conservation of petroleum products. Mr. Lakhan Sarkar, Farm Manager and Mr. Janardan Das, Programme Assistance (Agri), KVK, Cachar, described in details about different aspects for conservation of petroleum products in agriculture with their power point presentation. The farmers were interacted with the KVK scientists on various points for saving petroleum products in agriculture. The workshop ended with the vote of thanks from Mr. Dipen Ch. Nath, SMS, KVK, Cachar.
Contact Person Details
Dr. R. R. Saharia
Subject Matter Specialist