Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhilwara
Description :
The SAC meeting was conducted on 18th December, 2017 which was presided by Dr. G.S. Tiwari, Director Extension Education, MPUAT Udaipur. Dr. Gopal Lal, Director NRCSS, Ajmer represented the ICAR institutes. Three professors from University Dr. J.L. Choudhary, Dr. S.R. Bhakar & Dr. L.N. Mahawar. The Dean College of Agriculture & Chief Scientist DFRS, Bhilwara also attended the meeting. There was good representation from State Agriculture Department, ATMA, Animal Production, Horticulture, NABARD and farming community. The Senior Scientist & Head presented the proceedings of last SAC meeting which was approved by the house. The action taken report on the last SAC meetings was also presented. The Scientist from different discipline of KVK presented the details of the activities, training programmes, demonstrations, extension activities, OFTs & success stories. There is good liaising with the line department. The extension activities conducted by the KVK was presented by the KVK Incharge.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Manju Upadhyay
Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Bhilwara