Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
At KVK Pipalia,
old TCD Farm,
JAU, Pipalia, Dhoraji
Description :
“Mahila Krushi Divas” was celebrated at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, JAU, Pipalia on 6th august, 2017, in which 155 farm women from different seven villages, covering four talukas of kvk Pipalia Jurisdiction had participated. The programme was held by Dr. N. B. Jadav, Senior Scientist & Head of KVK Pipalia. In his speech he addressed to farm women on their role and importance in agriculture, their contribution in dairy technology. Shri S. V. Undhad, Scientist (Plant Protection) addressed recent problem of plant protection, i.e. Pink Boll Worm in cotton and White Grub in Groundnut. He suggested easy integrated management of both the problem. In Saurashtra Region 90% of animal husbandry done by farm women our scientist Dr. V. S. Prajapati, Scientist (Livestock Prod. & Manag.) lectured on clean milk production and simple way to manage monsoon diseases of animals.
Contact Person Details
Dr N B Jadav
Senior Scientist and Head