Event Category :
In-Service Training
Venue :
Hall No. 10 CAO Office Complex Kishtwar
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kishtwar SKUAST Jammu organized one day training programme
on extension techniques for promoting sustainable agriculture development for the
extension personnel of Department of Agriculture and Farmers welfare Kishtwar at
Kishtwar under the guidance of Dr S.K. Gupta Director Extension SKUAST Jammu. 40
officers and extension personnel of the department from the district attended the training
programme. Dr Narinder Paul I/c KVK Kishtwar organized the programme. Ahmjad
Hussain Malik Chief Agriculture Officer Kishtwar, Jamshed Hussain, Dev, Khalid
Zargar, SMSs SDL, Sahil Gandotra SDAO Paddar, Manzoor Ahmad Zargar SDAO
Marwah, Honish Jamwal, Ajay Sharma SMSs SDL and Ampy Singh AEO Bounjwan
also Participated in the programme.
During the programme Dr Narinder Paul deliberated upon different extension
methodologies and proven techniques for field extension and implementation of
agriculture and farmer welfare programmes
Contact Person Details
Dr Narinder Paul
Nodal Officer / Scientist