Event Category :
Other Extension Activities
Venue :
KVK, Sikar-II
Description :
A meeting of Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Arnia-Srimadhopur, Sikar-II was organized on 21.6.2022 at KVK training hall. Total 33 participants including officials from different line departments and NGO, progressive farmers, farm women, young entrepreneur were present in the meeting. The progress of previous year was shown through power point presentation. Various suggestions were recorded. Dr. Sudesh Kumar, Director Extension Education, SKNAU, Jobner, Dr. S.R. Dhaka, ZDR, Fatehpur & Dr. D.K. Gothwal Dean, COA Peethampur were also present in the meeting.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Mahesh Choudhary
Subject Matter Specialsit-Horticulture