Event Category :
Venue :
KVK Aurangabad-I
Description :
ICAR-ATARI Zone VIII Pune and KVK Aurangabad-I jointly going to organize Online Annual Action Plan Workshop of KVK to finalize annual activities of KVK for the year 2021. Hon. Dr. A.K.Singh, DDG (Agril. Extension), ICAR New Delhi will inaugurate this workshop. Hon. Dr. V.P. Chahal, ADG, (Agril. Extension), ICAR New Delhi, Hon. Dr. Randhir Singh, ADG, (Agril. Extension), ICAR New Delhi, Hon. Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ATARI, Pune, Hon. Dr. A.M. Paturkar, Vice Chancellor, MAFSU, Nagpur, Hon. Dr. S.D. Sawant, Vice Chancellor, BSKKV, Dapoli, Hon. Dr. V.M. Bhale, Vice Chancellor, DR. PDKV Akola, Hon. Dr. Ashok Dhawan, Vice Chancellor, VNMKV, Parbhani, Dr. D.B. Deosarkar, DEE, VNMKV, Parbhani, Dr. D.M. Mankar, DEE, Dr. PDKV Akola will be chief guest for this workshop. KVK Buldana-I will present their annual action plan on 09.02.2021.
Contact Person Details
Mr. Vikas Jadhao
Sr. Scientist & Head