Event Category :
Kisan Mela
Venue :
Krishi vigyan Kendra, Digholamba, Tq. Ambajogai, Dist. Beed
Description :
Farmer's fair was organized by Deendayal Research Institute Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ambajogai concludes with enthusiasm. President of the fair Shri Abhiya Mahajan (Organizing secretary, Deendayal Research Institute, New Delhi) and Dr. AK Singh (Deputy Director General, Agriculture Extension, ICAR, New Delhi) inaugurated the farmers fair, As chief guest Prof. Sangita Thombre (Assembly member, Kaij) were present. Other dignitaries on dais Dr. Lakhan Singh (Director, ATARI, Pune), Dr. P.G. Ingole (Director, Extension, VNMKV, Parbhani), Kamla Shankar Pardesi (President, Ambika Mahila Industrial Cooperative Society, Daund, Dist. Pune), B.M. Gaikwad (Project Director, ATMA, Beed), Kamlakar Ambekar (Project Head, Deendayal Research Institute, Beed), Jaywantrao Etkurkar , Dr. Yogini Thorat (ZP, Member) and Dr. Nitin Dharmarao were present and graced the program by lighting the lamps. The dignitaries published a book 'Achievements of Women Empowerment’ on the auspicious occasion of the mela.
Contact Person Details
Suhas Krishnat Panke
Scientist (Agril. Extension)