Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
KVK Pune-I (Baramati)
Description :
On 6th July 2021, KVK Baramati organised Scientific Advisory Committee meeting. on Online mode using Zoom Application. Hon. Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, Zone VIII,ICAR-ATARI, Pune, Dr. S.R. Gadakh, Director of Research, MPKV Rahuri, Dr. P. S. Shiragure, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NRC Pomegranate, Dr. D. D. Nangare, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NIASM, Dr. A.K. Upadhyay, Principal Scientist (Soil Science), ICAR-NRC Grapes, Dr. Ravi Kale, Scientist, ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune, Mrs. Punam Khatavkar, Deputy Project Director, ATMA, Pune, Mr. Balaji Tate, SDAO, Baramati, Mr. D.S. Rayate, Press Reporter, Senior Scientist & Head, All SMS, Farm Manager, Programme Asisstants & farmers participated meeting. Initially Dr Jadhav R.S. Welcome the guest & explained the different activities conducted by KVK, Baramati. Later on SMS of each discipline presented the activates done in 2020-21 & action plan for 2021-22. After the presentation all dignitaries has given recommendations & suggestions.
Contact Person Details
Mr. Santosh Godse