Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Ranga Reddy District, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hayathnagar Research Farm, Hayathnagar. Telangana State
Description :
Scientific Advisory Committee meeting of ICAR-CRIDA-KKV Ranga Reddy district was held on 12th May 2017 in the KVK premises, HayathNagar Research Farm (HRF), CRIDA. The meeting was presided over by Dr. G. Ravindra Chary , Director I/c, CRIDA & Chairman, SAC and Project Co-ordinator, AICRPDA. The SAC meeting was represented by the members: Dr. Y.G. Prasad, Director, ATARI, Dr B. Singh, Director, RFSD, Sh. K.N. Jagadish, DAO, RR dist., Sh. Y. Sudhakar Reddy, PD, ATMA, RR Dt., Dr. K. Dattatri, Pr. Scientist, ATARI, Dr. R.R. Chapka, Pr. Scientist, IIMR, Dr. B. Ekambaram, Professor, Dr.PVNTS Vet. Univ., Dr. Sarah Kamala, Pr. Scientist, AICRP (Home Sci.,) PJTSAU, Dr. M. Jaganmohan Reddy, Pr. Scientist , RARS, Palem, Dr. G. Rajendra Reddy, Sr. Scientist, ATARI, Dr. G. Suvarna, ADH, RR dist., Scientists from CRIDA, Representatives from SEED and SAVE NGO and Farmers from KVK Villages. Dr. V. Maruthi, Pr. Scientist and Head, KVK at the outset welcomed the guests and members of SAC.